Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 10

by T. L Hodel

  The gasp Lana sucked in made me smirk. My amusement was short lived though, because Lana’s Nan’s hand flew through the air, smacking me in the back of the head.

  “Don’t talk to your mother that way.”


  Deep dark crimson drops, thickly sliding across my hands.

  That’s all I could see. Greta’s dead eyes staring up at me as I dug through her corpse. Luckily, my mother spoke up, distracting me before I could act out my murderous fantasies.

  “Did you just hit my son?”

  “Yes, I did.” Greta’s little chest puffed out. “You should teach your son more respect.”

  “Alright, that’s enough,” my dad interrupted. “We have more important things to discuss.”

  Yes we did.

  I couldn’t wait to make things official. I wanted Lana to be mine as soon as possible.

  Mr. Weinstein threw a briefcase up on the table and popped it open. “We’re here for the custody matter of the unborn Whitley baby…”

  “Actually,” I glanced down at Lana, “Miss Crawford and I have come to an agreement.” She sneered back at me, which made me smile and add in, “Isn’t that right, Angel?”

  Lana’s lips thinned as she clamped her mouth shut. She wanted to say something smart, I could see it. Tell me off, or storm out, but she couldn’t. Not without raising Grandma’s suspicions. Kind of hard to get someone to agree to something if they think you don’t want to do it.

  “Did she forget how to speak?”

  Fucking Preston.

  My eyes rolled over to my brother. “Why are you talking?”

  “Why aren’t you?” he challenged back.

  “No one asked for your opinion.”

  “It wasn’t an opinion,” he leaned back and eyed me, “It was a statement.”

  Smug prick.

  “You know what…”

  “That’s right,” I called out, interrupting our brotherly argument, “We came to an agreement.”

  I cocked a brow down at her and resisted the urge to smile. Look at my Angel, stopping us before it got to the fist rounds, which it usually did. Preston and I had kicked the crap out of each other more times then I could count. She was going to be such a good mom.

  “What kind of agreement?”

  Like my mother, Lana’s Nan’s brow was raised. Except hers was out of impatient confusion. It was an interesting expression, and not one I’d seen very often. I tipped my head and studied the lines in her face. Crinkles in the forehead, with the mouth tipped down at the corner. Could I mimic that? Would I ever have to?

  “So, she’s agreed to move in with you.”

  Her eyes morphed to shock, deepening the lines etched across her face, while smoothing out others. Interesting.

  I tore my gaze away from Greta, glanced over at my dad, and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Fantastic,” he clapped his hands. “We’ll be needing contract B then, Richard.”

  I thought that was it. We’d sign the contract and it would be done. Greta had other plans.

  “My granddaughter is not living here,” she barked out. “That woman you call a wife…”

  “Won’t be a problem,” my dad stepped in, stopping the impending disagreement, and quite possibly Greta Crawford’s early demise. “Besides, they’ll only be here for a couple of weeks, before they can move into the house Parker bought.”

  This time it was Lana who looked at me with big round eyes. Her shocked expression was different from her Nan’s. She didn’t have the same deep lines. Maybe that came with age?

  “That’s very kind of you, sir,” she said to my dad, “But you didn’t have to do that.”

  Getting the hidden meaning behind her words, I chuckled. “He didn’t do anything. I bought the house.”

  I don’t need daddy’s money, Angel.

  She gritted her teeth at me.

  I stared back at her.

  “Yes,” my dad piped in, “Parker was granted early access to his trust, so you will be well provided for, as will the baby. Considering all the advantages that your child will be getting, a trust, first spots in the best schools, and of course, the finest tutors money can buy, it’s only fair you give this relationship a chance, don’t you think?”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  “If it’s a boy, you mean?” Lana pointed out.

  “You seem to have forgotten, Lana, I have a daughter as well. And she has all the same things the boys do.”

  Their voices faded out as my gaze zeroed in on the old woman on the other side of the table. Whatever anger or distaste she had with the situation was gone. The only thing I could see on her face now was fear. Complete, and utter, pale faced terror.

  “A boy, I didn’t think of that.” She spoke so softly, I was probably the only one who heard it. Something sparked across her brown eyes. Guilt, maybe, or worry? “The sooner Lana moves in, the better.”

  My brow rose.

  Well, this is an interesting turn of events.

  “Nan?” Lana cried out. “What the hell?”

  “Lana, honey,” a stern look washed over her face as she placed her hand on Lana’s. “Your child deserves both its parents. You can’t do this on your own.”

  You can’t do this on your own? My gaze narrowed. Something definitely wasn’t right here. I’d watched Lana grow up. I’d seen the way her grandmother supported her. Heard all the times she told her she could do it. This woman, speaking to my angel right now, was not the Greta Crawford I knew. She was hiding something.

  Chapter 12


  “Are you okay?”

  I used my hand to shield my eyes from the sun and gave Harper a small smile. “I’m good.”

  It was incredibly sweet that she was worried. Though if it was up to me, she wouldn’t have a reason to worry about me. Unfortunately, Parker had other ideas. He’d proudly announced that we’d be moving in together the day after Nan and I signed the contract.

  Trying to explain to my friends why I was suddenly shacking up with the guy I’d been bitching about was incredibly exhausting. Riley was utterly convinced something shady was going on, and spent the last two weeks on the warpath. She was right, not that I was going to tell her that. The girl was a force to be reckoned with, but even she was scared of Preston.


  I looked over at where the football team was practicing. The coach was yelling at Sean again, which probably had something to do with Parker picking himself off the ground. Needless to say, Sean was less than impressed when he heard the news. He was never a fan of the Knights. Now, though…

  He’d started three fist fights with Mason, threatened Micha, and openly hit on Shelby in front of Logan. Part of the reason I’d agreed to this whole thing was to protect him, and he was diving head first into the pit. This was the fourth time today the coach was giving him crap for tackling Parker.

  “Your brother is going to get himself hurt.”

  Harper lifted her head and squinted. “He chose to play the stupid game.”

  I wasn’t talking about football.

  “Today’s the day, isn’t it?” Shelby tore open a pastry, I swear she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain a pound. She was a good match for Logan. in that regard. He was always stuffing his face.

  “Tomorrow,” I corrected her.

  The timing of the move was one of the conditions Nan insisted on. She’d refused to sign anything that would make me reside with Parker’s mother. So, I didn’t have to move in with Parker until he took possession of the house, which he did today. Nan was always looking out for me, but I wasn’t sure if being alone in a house with Parker was any better. There was safety in numbers, even if one of those numbers was Lillianna Whitley.

  Not that I was worried Parker would hurt me. If anything, he was kinda sweet. It was other things I was worried about. Like how good he looked all sweaty in his football uniform. Parker ripped his helmet off and pushed his fingers through his sandy hair. My gaze fell
on his parted lips. Soft, moist, and plump.

  What would he taste like right now?

  “Aww,” Shelby sang, nudging me with her elbow, “Look at you all thirsty for your man.”

  “What? I am not.” I wouldn’t mind running my hands across his chest though. All firm and chiselled. I could run my finger over each dip and curve.

  Snap out of it, Lana!

  “Girl, it’s okay. Football players are hot.”

  Riley grumbled and rolled her eyes. “Stop gawking at the football players.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with looking.”

  “Tell that to your barbarian boyfriend.”

  I couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “Riley has a point.”

  As far as Logan was concerned, looking was as bad as touching. And it wasn’t Shelby’s fault, it was the guy’s fault for getting her attention.

  “Ugh, you guys are no fun.” Shelby flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Since when do you care if I look at other guys?”

  “Since I don’t feel like consoling a crazy pregnant woman when her son goes to jail for murder. No offense,” Riley added, shooting me a look.

  I shrugged. “None taken.”

  Crazy was a nice way of putting it. So far this week, I’d cried because I couldn’t find my shoe, stared at the wall trying to remember the word bush, and gotten in a fight with Henry our goat over a carrot. I didn’t even like carrots. At least I wasn’t as bad as Paisley. Riley spent an hour comforting her last night, because she’d broken a nail.

  The whole Sean thing, well, that was different. I was still having nightmares, and even though I knew he didn’t do anything, a chill ran up my back every time I looked into his or Harper’s eyes. It was messed up. No matter what I did, I couldn’t shake it. Even went back to see Mr. Kessler. I didn’t give any specific information, but I did tell him I was the one remembering crap that didn’t happen.

  He said that pregnancy psychosis was incredibly rare, but could occur, and set up monthly appointments so he could keep track of my mental well being. I tried to tell him I didn’t need to keep seeing him. Ever try to tell a Kessler no? It doesn’t work out so well. I ended up walking out with biweekly appointments instead.

  “Speaking of you and Parker,” Shelby’s big cinnamon eyes glimmered with excitement, “Tell me everything.”

  “Not much to tell.” I liked gossip as much as the next girl–okay, maybe more than the next girl– but this topic wasn’t one I wanted to talk about.

  Shelby grumbled out a sigh. “Does no one respect the girl code anymore? Friend’s are supposed to share the dirty details. I tell Riley everything.”

  “I know,” Riley frowned. “Please stop.”

  “Sorry,” Shelby shook her head and took a bite out of her pastry, “It’s part of the best friend package.”

  “If graphic details of anal are part of the best friend package, I’d like to apply for a new position.”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” Shelby sat up a little straighter, “Logan had me tied up the other day, and do you know what that bastard did? He came out with a unicorn costume on, and not one of those full coverage deals either. I’m talking white furry buttless chaps, and matching vest, with a horn strapped to his head, which he promptly stroked and asked if I’d like to suck his horn.”


  “That’s an image I didn’t need.”

  “Me either,” Harper grumbled in agreement.

  “At least you only have the image.” Shelby’s eyes shifted my way. “I had to see it. I think he’s taking this unicorn thing too far.”

  “Don’t you like unicorns?” I thought she did. Almost everything Logan gave her was a unicorn. It was kind of disturbing how much unicorn stuff there was.

  “I used to,” Shelby muttered.

  Harper let out a huff of air and quietly said, “I used to like a lot of things.”

  I swallowed my pang of guilt at Harper’s words. It wasn’t me that tormented her, or made her too scared to do the things she loved, like dancing. But I should’ve been able to protect her. I’d always believed in the Order and should’ve known that under that sweet little boy, Mason Kessler was just another asshole.

  Harper’s big doe eyes stared at the half eaten sandwich in her hand. She used to smile all the time, before Mason decided to show his true colors. I still remember seeing her that day in the hospital, beaten black and blue. We were only ten. Just children. I shouldn’t have had to visit my friend in that place. Harper’s dad insisted that Mason be arrested.

  He wasn’t, of course. The sheriff said there wasn’t enough evidence. Funny thing is, the day before, Sean, Mason, Harper and I had spent the afternoon playing and having fun. I remember thinking how nice it was to see Sean and her smile. Their mother had left two weeks before, and I thought Mason wanted to cheer them up like I did. Guess I was wrong.

  Things got better when Riley showed up at school. No one at Ashworth wanted to mess with her, or her boyfriend. Therefore, most people left Harper alone. And now I’d put her back in the Knight’s path. Well, Preston’s path anyway. Which was pretty much the same as putting a gun to her head. The only thing I could do was make sure said gun was never loaded.

  “Don’t worry about your project,” I said, brushing a strand of Harper’s hair behind her ear, “I’ll be there.”

  Harper was terrified that Mason would show up at her house with Silas tomorrow. Not that I blamed her. Since he came back, the youngest Kessler wouldn’t leave her alone. It was like the asshole was making up for lost time. Right now, he was standing by the school, talking to one of the cheerleaders. There was no reason for him to be out here. Parker, Micha and Logan all had practice. He should be in the cafeteria with Silas.

  My eyes narrowed in on him. He was up to something. My suspicions were confirmed when Mason noticed me glaring at him. He looked at Harper, and them back at me, and smiled. Naturally, I flipped him off. That didn’t do much other than make his green eyes sparkle as he shot me a wink.

  Bring it on, Kessler.

  As if Mason could hear my thoughts, his lips rounded in a mischievous O. I could practically hear him saying, ‘Oo, I’m game. Let’s play.’ For half a second I thought he was going to come over, until the expression on his face fell away and his eyes shifted to something else.

  “I see you girls out here so much, I’m starting to question the cafeteria food.”

  “Hi, Mr. Lannister,” Shelby sang at the same time I turned to see her assistant coach’s big smile.

  “Now Shelby,” Mr. Lannister said, dropping down on the ground beside me, “I told you to call me Luke.”

  Out of all the staff at Ashworth, Mr. Lannister was the only one that seemed real. He didn’t go to the stuffy colleges the rest did, and didn’t have a rich background. If he did, he didn’t show it off. The car he drove was as beat up as mine was, and every day I saw him eating a bagged lunch. I enjoyed talking to him. He was funny and nice. Who else could I debate jam versus honey debate with?

  “How are you doing, Lana? I hope you haven’t had any problems?”

  He was referring to Ashworth using my situation to relocate me. Which he was very adamant I didn’t let them get away with. So far, no one had said anything. Mind you, I wasn’t sure the staff even knew I was pregnant.

  “I’m good,” I whispered, and turned my face away before he could see the heat I felt filling my cheeks.

  Did I mention he was also really cute? The attention he gave me was kind of flattering, considering half the girls in school gossiped about him. He didn’t talk to them though, he talked to me. We did have more in common. Mr. Lannister grew up in foster care. Meaning he didn’t have any parental memories either.

  He flashed his perfect white teeth and shoulder bumped me.

  God, he smelled good, and those lips…

  I tipped my head, eyeing the contours of his mouth, before shaking myself out of it. What was wrong with me lately? Every guy I saw had some hot feature. Even Mason
’s damn green eyes mesmerized me. He did have really big forearms though.

  I bet he could toss me around like a rag doll. Throw me on the bed and…

  No Lana! Stop it.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep, relaxing breath. When I started fantasizing about Mason Kessler, something was seriously wrong. How low have I sunk?

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Lannister,” Shelby said, pulling my attention back to reality. “We got Lana’s back.”

  “Yes you do,” I nodded.

  Their blind loyalty both warmed my hear, and terrified me. It’d been Harper and I for so long, it was hard to let anyone else in. Or even trust them, for that matter.

  “I keep telling Harper she should try out for the team.” Shelby’s eyes fell on my best friend. “What do you think?”

  “Absolutely.” Mr. Lannister smiled at Harper.

  It was cute how quickly she ducked her head and shuffled my way. I saw the flush in her cheeks. Harper thought he was cute too.

  “We’re always looking for good runners.”

  “Harper’s a good runner.” Side effect from spending years hiding from Mason, “But she’s not really a crowd person.”

  “She’ll be fine,” Shelby reached over and swept Harper’s red hair off her shoulder. “It’s not that–”

  “What the fuck is that!”

  We all froze and eyed Riley. Except for Shelby, who didn’t seem phased at all by Riley’s scowl. Her dark blue eyes were locked solely on Harper.

  “Ugh,” Shelby groaned, “What’s up your ass now?”

  “That,” Riley snarled, throwing her finger up at Harper.

  Shelby gave her an ‘are you stupid’ look, complete with lip curl. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  I hadn’t seen Harper shake this bad in… well, ever. It looked like she was going to pass out. I would’ve pulled her into my protective arms, but Riley beat me to it. She sprang over to Harper, and scooped her hair up on the top of her head.

  “That,” she growled, pointing at the back of Harper’s neck.

  Call me curious, but I had to look. Riley was fiercely protective of Harper. She didn’t get mad at her. Along with Shelby and Mr. Lannister, who was also apparently curious, I leaned over and studied the three stars on the back of my best friend’s neck.


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