Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 12

by T. L Hodel


  With my mouth hung open, I looked up at Parker, hoping he’d offer some comforting words. This was what he said he would do. That I was his to protect. Well, he needed to protect me. Like, right now.


  His face was all lit up with a gigantic smile. “It’s twins, baby.”

  Yeah, I know, I can see that. Fix it!

  “Congratulations,” Doctor Creswell said.

  Congratulations? Really? That’s all he had to say? I couldn’t breathe. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I couldn’t make my lungs work. Two babies. Two! How was I supposed to take care of two babies, when I was terrified of raising one. I couldn’t do this.

  That’s it, I quit. Where’s the tap out button? I need a redo.

  Mr. Creswell looked back at the screen and asked, “Would you like to know the sexes?”

  I didn’t get a chance to answer, because the black that started to bleed into my vision, won.

  Chapter 14


  I was too excited to sleep last night. Today my family is set to move in. I spent all day yesterday setting up the house. Got the furniture moved in, (blue, Lana’s favorite color,) and set our bedroom up. The nurseries would have to wait. Or, should I say, I was informed they would have to wait by my sister. I think Ava was happier than I was when I told her my angel was having twins. A boy and a girl. One of each.

  Logan called me an overachiever, what could I say? I knew how to get shit done. First try and I got one of each. While Preston couldn’t care less, my dad was ecstatic. Like Ava, he was currently out shopping. He wanted to find something to welcome Lana to the family. As far as he was concerned, that’s what she was now. What did my mother think? Didn’t really care. I hadn’t even told her about the twins, because fuck her. Today I was getting everything I’d ever wanted. Not even Lilliana Whitley could ruin my mood.

  The only thing I was worried about was my girl. Lana passed out yesterday. Went limp, right there in the doctor’s office. As I watched her eyes roll to the back of her head, I felt my heart stop. I’d never been so scared in my life. Silas’s dad assured me that she was fine. She simply fainted from the shock. Didn’t stop me from babying her like some pussy whipped motherfucker for hours after. I took her out for her favorite burger at Mae’s, and refused to leave her side until she was tucked safely in her bed.

  If my friends had seen that shit, I’d never live it down. The weird part was, I’d do it again. I’d pamper my perfect little angel in front of the whole world. Rub her shoulders, stroke her hair, or wash her feet. Whatever the fuck she wanted, and everyone else could suck a dick. I loved taking care of her.

  I steered my truck down the bumpy road that led to my angel’s house. Tonight I’d get to take care of some of her other needs. I couldn’t wait to feel her pussy again. Walls tightly squeezing my shaft. Grunting, I shifted my hard on. My dick had been in a permanent rock like state for weeks now.

  I hadn’t fucked anyone since the night I’d fucked her. Didn’t see a point in it. No one could live up to her, so why bother with the disappointment? Well, I hadn’t fucked any girls. Bent a couple guys over, but those pricks were asking for it.

  “Here we are,” I said, parking my truck in front of the little yellow house.

  They didn’t have much in the way of money, but I had to hand it to Lana’s Nan. She took great care of the place. The yard was neatly cut, with a small vegetable garden on the side, and red flowers planted around the deck. Simple, but pretty.

  I stepped out and stared at a tire swing hanging off a nearby tree. I used to hide in the bushes and watch Lana sway back and forth through the air. Hair trailing in a black wave behind her. Now we could watch our little girl swing on it.

  Her grandpa caught me once. It was just after she’d gotten my dick hard for the first time. I was about eleven. Thought the old fucker was going to tan my ass. Instead, he took me for a walk and explained how he carefully tended his garden. How important it was to pluck out the weeds and make sure the flowers had enough nutrients to grow. Though I didn’t get his meaning at the time, that conversation always stuck with me.

  Time to get my flower.

  One step was all I made before an old goat came running around the corner, and bashed his head into my nuts. My insides twisted as I clutched my aching ball sac and dropped to my knees.


  “Bah!” the goat spat back at me.

  Holy fuck, that goat could hit! Pretty sure if I coughed too hard, I’d taste my own spunk. Mental note, goat head beats knee.

  The goat’s ears twitched as a brown hoof scratched the ground.

  “Don’t even think about it,” my hand shot up, “Or I’ll be having goat meat tonight.”

  I swear the snarky son of a bitch curled his lip at me, before barking out another bah and taking off around the house. After taking a minute to pry my nuts out of my throat, I rose to my feet. Much more aware of my surroundings this time as I made my way to the front door. I couldn’t see where the fucker went, but I knew he was out there.

  Leaning over, I checked the sides of the house, and then knocked on the door. Greta answered almost immediately. I stared down at the older woman. Even a stranger could tell this was Lana’s grandma. She wore the same hard expression Lana did when she ran her mouth. Greta was much shorter though, with greying hair and fierce brown eyes.

  “Well, are you just going to stand there and stare, or can you speak?”

  Same sharp tongue as her granddaughter, too.

  “You know why I’m here.”

  “Don’t think I’m not watching you, boy.” Her eyes narrowed. “Just because you got my Lana pregnant, doesn’t mean I trust you.”

  Well, she wasn’t stupid.

  “And you still signed on the dotted line.” I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms. “If you ask me, I’d say you’re the one that shouldn’t be trusted.”

  “You didn’t give my Lana a choice.”

  “Neither did you,” I argued back. Although I was curious as to exactly how much Lana told her grandmother, or if Greta had come to this conclusion on her own.

  “I had my reasons.”

  “My point exactly.” I shouldered past her and waltzed into the house. “What are you hiding, Greta?”

  She moved quick for someone her age. Her hand shot up and whacked me in the back of the head before I could spin around and look at her.

  “Don’t talk back to me, boy.”

  “Jesus Christ,” I grumbled, rubbing my head, “What the…”

  I was cut off by another quick slap. “Do not use the Lord’s name in vain.”

  “Shit lady…”

  Another slap.

  “There’s no cussing in this house.”

  “Fuck sakes…”

  Once again her arm flew through the air. “I said no cussing.”

  “Jesus Christ…”

  That one got me hit harder.

  “Will you stop doing that!” I barked out, quickly shutting my mouth before I said what I really wanted to. At this rate, I’d be braindead before I got Lana out the door.

  Lana’s grandma didn’t seem to care. Her little hands flew through the air, striking me on the back of the arm and leg. I suddenly understood how my old dog must’ve felt when my mom went after him with a newspaper.

  “You get my girl pregnant,” she hit me in the stomach and then swung up to get my head again, “And then take her away…”

  “Shit,” I growled, ducking under my arms, “You fucking gave her to me.”

  The assault stopped and everything got suddenly quiet. Which kind of made me more scared. When I dared to come out from the protection of my arms and take a peek, the old woman was staring at me with wide eyes.

  “You can protect her, can’t you?”

  “Of course I can,” I snarled, still pissed from the assault. Wait… “What do I need to protect her from?”


  My brow rose. “But you just said–”

  “I know what I said.” She placed her hands on her hips and tipped her chin. “Do you think I don’t know what I said? Oh look, it’s the crazy old lady that remembers her own thoughts. I’m not senile.”

  I huffed out a sigh as she continued her rant. This was getting me nowhere. “Is Lana ready or not?”

  She slapped me in the face. “It’s rude to interrupt people.”


  I rubbed my cheek and watched her calmly walk into the kitchen.

  “Lana, sweetheart,” she sang, “Can you come here?”

  My angel’s sweet voice echoed down the hall. “Jesus, what do you want now? I’m trying to get ready.”

  Her Nan cocked her head down the hall and smacked her lips together, while picking up a wooden spoon.

  Oh shit. This can’t be good.

  Didn’t really think a wooden spoon could be threatening. I was wrong.

  Lana sauntered around the corner, and I’d never seen the color drain so fast from someone’s face. She froze and stared at me like a deer caught in headlights. Kind of made me smirk a bit. Especially when her grandma snuck behind her and raised the wooden spoon.

  “Talk back to me!” The spoon came down, smacking off Lana’s ass with a thwack that made me cringe internally.



  Oh shit!

  That time I visibly grimaced.

  “Stop it!” Lana loudly cried out.


  Goddamn, the old woman was vicious with that thing.

  “You’re still in my house, little girl.” A snicker escaped my lips until she pointed the spoon at me, “Don’t you smile, boy.”

  The smirk dropped off my face and I shook my head.

  “You will be respectful in my house.”

  I nodded. “Yes ma’am. I never–”

  “Don’t talk back to me.”

  “No ma’am.”

  Wasn’t stupid enough to head down that road. Not after the whipping Lana just got. Besides, I doubted killing her Nan would win me any favors.

  Lana’s lips twisted as she mockingly shook her head and grumbled, “No ma’am.”


  Damn, I felt that one.

  Should I help her?

  “You don’t get to be selfish anymore.” This time she smacked Lana so hard the force of her hit propelled her forward.

  Fuck that. She made her bed, let her lie in it.

  I couldn’t help but snicker as Lana grumbled and rubbed her ass.

  “You ready to go, Angel?”

  Her lip curled. “No.”

  “Well, you better hurry up. The boys will be here in ten minutes.”

  Her pretty pink lips twisted in a frown. “The boys?”

  “That’s right,” I nodded, “Logan and Preston are going to help.”

  I couldn’t think of two better people to remind Lana of what was at stake, should she decide to change her mind last minute. And judging by the look on her face, my assumption was one hundred percent accurate.

  There’s no backing out now, baby.

  Chapter 15


  I managed to convince Parker that his friends didn’t need to come and help. Nothing I had was heavy, and most of the boxes were already in my car. Knowing Nan wouldn’t have to meet Preston allowed me to breathe. Until Parker announced they’d meet us at the house. The same house Nan insisted on coming to.

  She wanted to make sure it was up to her standards, or so she said. Considering the Whitley’s weren’t lacking in financial means, I doubted she’d find anything wrong with the place. Though I don’t think that was why she was currently sitting in the passenger seat of my car. She was coming to suss out how well the Whitley’s would treat me, plain and simple. Exactly why I didn’t want her to come. If Nan got one whiff that something sketchy was going on, she’d be on the war path. I had enough trouble with Sean poking the sharks in the water. I didn’t need to add her to that list.

  “My baby,” Nan said as we drove through security at Meadow Springs.

  Meadow Springs was neatly tucked into one of the forests at the top of the bluffs. It was the kind of place where you couldn’t see your neighbor and everyone had staff, bodyguards, or both. Out of the two gated communities in Ashen Springs, I knew this one best. Harper lived here, as did Silas. It was the place the rich set up residence, and where the Whitley family should’ve lived. Parker’s dad, Dean, was the only powerful man I knew that didn’t flaunt his money. I liked that about him.

  Following Parker’s truck, I turned down a long driveway. Apparently he didn’t follow the same philosophy as his dad. The white house I was staring at was so massive I began to wonder if house was the proper term. Large marble pillars stood proud on the deck, wrapping around the side, holding up a balcony on the second floor. My eyes skimmed over the largest windows I’d ever seen, to the pretty little flowers in black pots by the dark blue double doors. The big red bow both warmed my heart and terrified me. It was marking this grand place as if it were a present. A much too big and way too extravagant present.

  “You’re moving up in the world, baby girl.”

  The look on Nan’s face wasn’t helping any. I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic, or serious. I guess most parents would be happy to see their child taken care of like this, but Nan wasn’t most parents. We lived by the philosophy of love, because that was all someone needed to make a place a home. That warm environment was what I wanted for my children. I placed my hand on my stomach, wondering if that was possible. Would my babies have a place they could feel safe and loved, or would this be one of those horrible mistakes that would mess them up for life?

  Ever since I’d felt them kick, that was all I could think about. What would be best for my children? Last night I kept rolling over everything I’d done. How hard I tried to deny that they were there. Would they know that? Could they sense my hesitation to bond with them? I didn’t even start taking maternity vitamins until I went to the free clinic. What if that caused problems? Would they come out malnourished and broken?

  Nan said these were normal concerns for a new mother, but their father didn’t have that problem. He loved them from the start. I was their mother, and I couldn’t bring myself to touch them. Guilt clawed away at my insides as I watched Parker get out of his truck to greet Logan and Preston. I didn’t deserve these babies.

  “Come on, Angel,” Parker called over to me. “Come see your house.”

  My house. My babies. My family. All truly terrifying thoughts.

  “I know you’re scared, my sweet girl,” Nan grabbed my hand and gazed deep into my eyes, “But you got this. This is your life, and you need to take those reigns and steer that horse.”

  Tears dripped down my cheek, splashing in tiny wet dots on my jeans. “I can’t, Nan.”

  “Yes you can, child.”

  I shook my head. No, I couldn’t.

  “My sweet girl, you have no idea how strong you are.” Nan placed her hands on the sides of my face and rested her forehead on mine. “Your mother would be so proud of you.”

  “Would she?”

  I didn’t remember much of my parents, but the memories I did have were of a strong, confident, beautiful woman. My mother grew up in the same house I did and she became the first woman of color to earn a spot on the hospital board. Dr. Marian Crawford was one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in the country. How could I ever live up to that?

  “She would be so proud,” Nan assured me, while wiping the wet streaks off my face. “Now,” she nodded towards Parker, Logan, and Preston, “Let’s go show those boys how much power us women have.”

  I let out a sigh, feeding off Nan’s strength and stepped out of the car. I could do this. Logan’s face immediately lit up.

  “Look at you, Lana Banana, getting all fat and shit.”

  “I am not fat!” I shrieked, glancing down at my belly. Was I?

nbsp; “Fuck yeah you are.” He sauntered over, threw his arm around me and added, “You should see Ma. It looks like she swallowed a fucking beach ball.”

  I’d have hit him, but Nan beat me to it.

  “Young man, watch your mouth around my granddaughter.”

  Cocky bastard didn’t seem at all phased by the smack to the back of his head. He tipped his brow at my Nan and smirked.

  “Now how am I supposed to do that?” he asked.” Have you ever tried to watch your own mouth? Your nose and shit is in the way. I guess I could make a duck face, but the fuck wants to talk to someone when they’re doing stupid shit like that?”

  I’ll admit it, I rolled my eyes down to my mouth, testing his theory.

  Nan’s hand flew through the air again. “No cussing.”

  “Okay old lady, I’m sensing we got off on the wrong foot.” The wrath in Nan’s eyes when he said ‘old lady’ was strong enough to make me take a step back. “No cussing you say, but where do you draw the line. Fuck?”









  This time Nan didn’t hit him, though I’m not sure if she was giving up, or trying to think of a harsher punishment. My answer came with the next words she spoke.

  “I’m getting the wooden spoon.”

  “You don’t want to use that. The handle is skinny and fragile. A few good swipes and that shit will break. What you want to use is a flipper.” He took his arm off me and made a whipping motion in the air. “It has a nice wide surface to displace the force.”

  Nan and I both stared at him for a second before Nan pointed and said, “There’s something wrong with you, boy.”

  “So I’ve been told,” Logan shrugged, while strutting away.

  We stood there watching the boys gather in front of the house. Nan had this look on her face, eyes scrunched together and mouth pursed. I’d seen it before when she played bridge with Mrs. Granger and she thought she was cheating. It wasn’t the worst face she could’ve made. She did just meet Logan Hudson after.


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