Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 25

by T. L Hodel

  “I am not getting in that thing.”

  Guess Sis didn’t agree.

  “Hang on, Mouse.” Micha’s hand rubbed his chin as he eyed the swing hanging beside me. “It could be fun.”

  Fuck yeah, it’s fun. Swinging some helpless bitch on your dick. Was there any better way to spend the day of love?

  Riley slumped back on the couch and crossed her arms. But Micha was on that shit. He crawled over her and leaned down to growl in her ear. “You’re going in that swing, Mouse.”

  “Make me,” she growled back.

  Well, my job here was done.

  As tempting as it was to stay and watch the show, I slapped my hands together and sauntered out of the room. I had my own shit to get ready for. I made it to my bedroom door before I heard the grunts and groans coming from Riley’s room. Micha and my sis were either fighting, or he was sweet talking her into their new toy. And by sweet talking, I meant he had his fingers in her pussy, pumping away her defiance. Either way, it was a win for him. And his neglected dick.

  You’re welcome, fucker.

  I threw open my door, sauntered in, and froze.

  Fuck me sideways.

  Chapter two


  Four hours ago:

  I was standing outside Logan’s house, barely able to contain my giddiness. Not only did I find the perfect Valentine’s present for him, but I got a steal of a deal. Now I just had to wait for him to get out here. Though I’d only texted him a few seconds ago, it felt like hours had passed. I could barely stop myself from jumping up and down excitedly when the front door opened.

  Logan’s green eyes lit up and a cocky smirk tugged at his lips as he sauntered over. Yes, my boyfriend was an asshole and a smartass, but I loved it when he looked at me like that.

  “Hey baby,” he said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in for a kiss.

  I melted the second his lips touched mine, and pressed my body up against his. One touch. That’s all it took for this man to make me forget everything else around me. This time I had the advantage. He had no idea what was coming, and I couldn’t wait to see the smile on his face when I showed him.

  “What are you so excited about?”

  Damnit. Guess I wasn’t hiding it as well as I thought.

  I tore my eyes away from his and ran my hand down his firm chest. “I got you something.”

  “Did you now?” He leaned in to graze his lips along my neck. “Does it involve you being naked?”

  “No,” I giggled and regrettably pulled away from him. “It’s a present.”

  “Presents can involve nakedness.”

  Normally that smouldering look of his would have me striping my clothes off, but today I was far too excited to fall for the charms of Logan Hudson.

  “Come on.” I rolled my eyes and pulled him towards the garage.

  “Oooo, the garage,” the corner of his mouth tipped up, “Kinky.”

  I jumped in front of the open garage door and yelled, “Ta-da!” while throwing my arms up, proudly displaying the Porsche 916 I’d found.

  Logan’s jaw dropped as he slowly sauntered around the car. The car wasn’t in perfect condition by any means, but he didn’t seem to care. His hand smoothed over the metal frame as his gaze slowly took in every inch. That’s when I got nervous.

  “I know it’s not in great condition, and it’s kind of rusty,” my fingers toyed with the edge of my shirt, “But we can fix it up.”

  He didn’t say anything. Of course he didn’t. I mean, this was Logan Hudson. He could afford anything he wanted. Why would he want some rusty bucket Pop Pop found?

  “It’s still your unicorn,” I whispered in defeat.

  Get the man you love a run down piece of crap for Valentine’s Day. Great idea, Shelby.

  The next second, I found myself pinned up against the car with Logan staring down at me.

  “I love it,” he growled in that deep tone that told me he was already thinking of ways to defile me.

  Ignoring the thrum in my core, I beamed up at him and said, “Really?”

  “Uh, huh,” he hummed, and pressed himself harder up against me. “Wait till you see what I got you.”

  Oh no.

  My face dropped. Don’t get me wrong, I loved all the presents he got me, but there were only so many unicorns a girl could take.

  “Baby, I love everything you’ve given me. I really do,” I looked up at him and sighed, “But why does it always have to be unicorns?”

  “Because baby,” he smirked down at me and trailed his fingers down my cheek, “You’re my unicorn.”


  My heart melted. Fell into a big sappy pool right there in my chest that brought tears to my eyes. Friggin Logan Hudson. Smooth talker always did this. I sniffled and ducked down to wipe away my tears. Logan wasn’t having any of that. He tipped my chin up and slowly licked the tears off my cheek. The growl he released after went straight to my clit.

  “What do you say we break this baby in?”

  “Logan, I have to get ready.”

  I was so tempted. Especially when his hand slipped under my skirt, skimming over my lace panties, and he purred, “You feel ready to me.”

  While my pussy clenched in response, my mind went somewhere else. To a night two months ago. A night where I was scared out of my mind…

  Screams rang out around me, causing my thundering pulse to pick up. Stupid corn maze. Every friggin year Trina insisted on doing this crap, and this time she’d disappeared on me. I was starting to think she liked scaring the shit out of me.

  “Trina,” I yelled while rounding the corner. “If you don’t come out right now, I swear to God…”

  Someone popped out from the twist up ahead, but it wasn’t Trina. I stopped and stared back at the skeletal face, lit up by the black lights tucked in the stalks of corn around us.

  Oh great, another maze employee trying to scare me.

  “Look, I get that you’re just doing your job,” I said, “But I’m really not in the mood.”

  What I was in the mood for was to kill Trina. Leaving me alone like this. She was definitely going to get a mouthful.

  He said nothing. Just tipped his head and smirked, while those creepy ass white eyes of his stared straight at me.

  Okay, I don’t like this.

  I licked my lips and swallowed, while taking a step back. Things got worse when his smirk turned into a large smile. I got the feeling that this guy didn’t just want to scare me, which he was succeeding at, he wanted to hurt me.

  Fuck Trina, and fuck this stupid maze.

  I turned and bolted. Running as fast as I could around corners to find a way out. Except I was in a maze, which meant every path I took led me further away from my destination. Not only that, but the creepy ass skeleton bastard knew this place better than me. I’d escape around one corner, only to find him standing at the next. And of course there was no one else around. I passed, maybe three people. Which was really disconcerting, considering the number of screams I heard ringing through the air. Where the hell was everyone?

  I wove my way through a small corridor so skinny I had to walk sideways and froze when I reached the other side. All around me were thick walls of corn. A dead end. I spun around to go back the way I came and screamed. There he was, standing not more than two feet away from me.

  “I like the sound of that.” He stepped forward, forcing me to back up into the stalks behind me. “Scream again.”

  I was helpless, trapped in a dead end with no way out, as his robed arms came up on either side of me and caged me in.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as he leaned in and growled in my ear, “I said, scream again.”

  This was exactly why I hated going out for Halloween. There was always some prick trying to scare you. No matter how much I tried to hype myself up, I was never prepared for it.

  “I’m so not ready for this crap,” I muttered under my breath.

  The man that had me trapped, pressed hi
s hard body up against mine and purred in my ear, “You feel ready to me.”

  “That was you in the corn maze!?” I snarled and shoved at his chest. Of course Logan didn’t budge. Strong bastard.

  Logan smirked down at me. “You looked so fucking hot, all dressed up like an angel. If your friend hadn’t interrupted us, I’d have fucked you right there.”

  He was kidding me, right? I looked hot. I was pretty friggin hot right now. Like, stab him in the eye and gut him alive hot. I still had nightmares about that encounter.

  “Hot?” I snarled up at him. “I was scared out of my mind, asshole.”

  This time when I pushed him, he moved. Maybe my anger strengthened me? Or maybe he let me go, I didn’t really care.

  “See you in a couple hours, Cherry Pie.” Logan called after me. “I’ve got the perfect date planned.”

  Date, my ass. Know what my boyfriend was going to be doing on Valentine’s Day? Jerking off, that’s what. Unless…

  I turned around and smiled at him. “See you soon, baby cakes.”

  In true Logan fashion, the prick smiled back. He knew I was pissed, and he was enjoying it. Let’s see how cool Mr. Calm was when I came back. I still had that angel costume.

  It was time to see Logan Hudson fall to his knees.

  Chapter three


  Did dreams come true on Valentine’s Day? Because I was staring at a dream right fucking now. Shelby all dressed up in her angel costume, kneeling in the middle of my floor. Her warm cinnamon eyes rolled up to mine as those perfect lips twisted in a wicked grin that had my dick jumping to attention.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Sir.”

  Happy fucking Valentine’s Day indeed.

  “Are you ready to play?”

  Fuck yes.

  I kicked the door shut and marched over to her, pulling my shirt over my head on the way.

  “Hold on,” Shelby’s hand shot up when I stepped in front of her, “This is my show.”

  Oh no baby, that’s not how this shit works.

  I was about to tell her that, when she lifted up on her knees and began unbuckling my belt. I liked where this was going. I hadn’t face-fucked her yet. Not sure why I’d waited so fucking long? Especially right now. Her nervousness had me ready to blow.

  The shaky way her fingers worked my jeans, and the startled squeak that escaped her lips when my dick sprung free, knowing that my cock would be the only one those plump pink lips would be around was hot as fuck. And when she fisted the base of my cock, I couldn’t hold myself back.

  I grabbed her hair and hissed, “Open your mouth.”

  Her eyes shot up to me, glimmering with worry, but her lips parted. She slowly slid me into her hot mouth and it took every ounce of strength I had to stop myself from thrusting down her throat. She barely had an inch of me sucked in her mouth and I was losing my damn mind.

  “That’s it, baby,” I pulled her head further down my shaft, “Stroke me.”

  Like a good girl, my Cherry Pie did what she was told and pumped her hand, while her tongue swirled and she sucked me deeper into her mouth. My girl was a quick learner. It didn’t take long for her to fall into a rhythm. I growled and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation tingling up my spine. Fuck me, I knew her mouth would be good, but this shit…

  Fuck this slow shit.

  Shelby cried out when I tightened my grip on her scalp and thrust down her throat, again and again. Fucking her throat like I was going to fuck her pussy. Nothing was more beautiful than the sight of my girl with mascara running down her face while she was choking on my cock. This right here, this was the vision I wanted to see before I was cast down to hell.

  Happy fucking Valentine’s to me.

  Just when I felt my balls pull up and I was getting ready to spill down her throat, Shelby twisted her head and popped my dick out of her mouth.

  What the fuck?

  The smug grin on her face caused me to cock a brow.

  “Still think that crap on Halloween was funny, prick?”

  My lips twisted in a smirk.

  Oh she wants to play, does she.

  “How many times do I have to tell you,” I yanked on her hair, pulling onto her feet, “That’s not how this shit works.”

  The smile dropped off her face.

  Not so fucking cocky now are you.

  “Logan, if you think I’m going to fuck you after…”

  “I don’t think,” I pulled her in and ran my nose up the side of her neck, “I know.”

  That was all the warning she got. I tossed her over my shoulder and marched to the bed before the objection left her lips.

  “Logan, you’re going to be in trouble,” she slapped my back, “If you don’t put me down.”

  “Baby,” I twisted my head and sank my teeth into her thigh, eliciting a squeal that made my dick jump, “You’re about to find out what trouble is.”

  Chapter four


  My body was on fire. I’d never wanted to both kill someone, and fuck them, at the same time. It was incredibly frustrating. But then again, what did I expect? That by some miracle I’d gain the upper hand? Who was I kidding? This was Logan Hudson. Friggin sex god of Ashen Springs. My plan went out the window the second his taste hit my tongue.

  Might I just add, screw all those porn stars that made me think cum was the most delicious thing on the planet. It was salty, and heady, and strangely addictive. Even though I was pissed that Logan was marching me across the room, I couldn’t stop licking my lips. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the prick had to go and bite me. Which, despite the sting, made me clench my thighs together, making Logan snicker.

  “Screw you,” I snarled over my shoulder.

  “That’s the plan,” he said, and tossed me on the bed.

  I didn’t even have time to scramble away. Logan pounced on me before I could so much as flip over, pinning my arms above my head. I could play this game. Sympathy always worked to turn the tides. I gazed up into his bright green eyes and twisted my lips into a pout.

  “I’m sorry,” I sweetly sang while pressing my breasts against his bare chest. “Can’t we forget this and go on our date?”

  Logan’s gaze darkened as a smirk spread across his face. “But it’s time for me to give you your present.”

  Fuck. Time to really turn it on.

  I dug deep down and pulled out everything I had. Puppy dog eyes, popped out bottom lip, and sad tone. I even added a chin quiver for good measure.

  “But, I was looking forward to it.”

  Logan leaned down, pinning me to the bed with his hard body, and brushed his cheek against mine.

  “You think I’m going to fall for that shit, Cherry Pie?” he purred, and clipped something around my wrist.

  What the hell?

  My head slid against the pillow as I looked up in time to see him snap a metal cuff around my other wrist. When I glared at him, he gave me that stupid, charming, Logan Hudson smile and jumped off the bed. Asshole.

  “Logan, let me go right now,” I growled while yanking on my binds. “This is not comfortable.”

  Ever try to lie on fake wings? It sucked. Like, really sucked. No matter which way I wiggled, I had metal poking me in the back. Which Logan didn’t seem to care about. He ignored my objections and continued digging through his dresser drawer. The view was nice, though.

  I cocked my head, pulling my eyes over the hard contours in his back and down to the curve of his ass. The boy was seriously hot. The tattoos on his back came to life with every move he made. Rippling muscle under grisly skulls and wilted flowers.

  Focus, Shelby.

  I shook my head and flipped over onto my stomach. My hands were all twisted and crossed over each other, but my wings weren’t digging into my back anymore. And I didn’t have a Greek god distracting me with his beauty. I could at least think, and try to figure a way out of this situation.

  I struggled my way up onto my knees to inspect the cuffs around
my wrists. Part of me was holding out hope they were one of those play sets with the easy release button. I should’ve known better. There was a small button on the part attached to the bed. If only I could reach it…

  That idea went out the window when Logan crawled back on the bed and smacked my ass.

  “Look at you,” He purred while sliding his hand up my thighs to cup my panty-clad pussy, “Already in position.”

  “Position for what?”

  Not sure why I asked that. The answer was pretty obvious. Logan tore away my panties, and I opened my mouth to object. Opening my mouth was as far as I got. Whatever I was going to say was cut off the second he shoved his fingers inside me. My head fell down as Logan worked that spot deep inside that only he knew how to find. Trust me, I tried to find it myself. Two seconds later, I was screaming my orgasm into the pillow.

  “Fuck,” Logan grunted and replaced his fingers with his cock, “I love how easily you come.”

  He buried himself inside of me in one thrust, sending me off the cliff I was still free falling from. He groaned. I moaned, and suddenly I forgot what I was mad about. All that mattered was the wonderful sensation of being filled up.

  Logan didn’t show his love by making slow, sweet love. No, he unleashed the beast and fucked me hard. Giving me every bit of his animalistic lust. And I loved every second of it. Each powerful thrust told me everything I needed to know.


  You’re mine.


  I’ll never let you go.

  I was so lost in my fourth orgasmic bliss, that I didn’t even care when his thumb pushed in my ass. If anything, I pressed back, seeking more. More of what? Him. This. The raw, unbridled lust. All of it.

  “Do you remember when I told you I was gonna fuck both your holes?”

  I moaned and pushed back on his cock. Who cared what he said?

  “Well, I hope you’re ready baby,” something much bigger than his thumb lined up with my ass, “Because today’s the day.”

  My pussy clenched around his shaft, still buried inside me, and I froze. If his cock is there, then…


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