Wanton Desire

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Wanton Desire Page 18

by Ruth D. Kerce

  “Slim’s not going to take orders from a woman.”

  “Well, apparently he is.”

  Emma couldn’t see them but she could hear them. She noticed that Willie hadn’t mentioned Montana and decided maybe it was best that she didn’t say anything further either. Though Montana had helped them, he’d also been in on the plan and Joe probably wouldn’t take kindly to that. She hoped the young man had made it out of the gunfire all right and was halfway across the territory by now. Maybe he’d be able to make a better life for himself now that he was away from Slim.

  “Where’d they have you? Where are they now?”

  “They kept us in the cellar at the whorehouse. After we broke out, they followed us. We heard gunfire and raced here as fast as we could. They must have been too far away to hit us.”

  “How’d you get away from them at the whorehouse?”

  Emma heard Joe rattle Wade’s gun rack. He was going after them. Fear gripped her. “Joe!” she called out.

  A moment later he rushed into the room. “I’m here. Are you all right?”

  “I’m all right. Just shaky and sore. Don’t go after them. It’s over. We’re safe.”

  “The hell it’s over. They’re going to pay for this.”

  “They’re long gone, I’m sure. And they won’t be back. They’d have to be touched in the head to even come into the territory again after this. I want you with me, not chasing them for who knows how long.”

  The hesitant look in Joe’s eyes told her that he was struggling with what to do.

  Willie came up beside him. “She’s right. If you go, there’s no telling how long you’ll be out there looking for them. We need you here.”

  Myrah was suddenly at her side with a bowl of water and a cloth. The woman chattered to Joe and Willie but Emma didn’t understand her words. She was too exhausted. Her eyelids grew heavy and their voices faded even more. Though she struggled to stay awake, she was sore and completely spent. She lost the battle and fell hard into a deep sleep.

  * * * * *

  Slim sat huddled in the brush with Cora. “This is a hell of a mess.”

  “We’re still alive, aren’t we? At least you got Montana. We’re better off without having to worry about him.”

  “I suppose. I feel bad about just leaving him out there for the buzzards.”

  “Don’t feel bad about nothin’. You did what you had to do to survive and for us to get what’s coming to you and me both.”

  Slim hung his head. Rarely had he felt regret at killing but today he felt regret. Why that boy had sacrificed himself for two women he didn’t even know was beyond his reasoning. “The sun will be up soon. We better head south.”

  “Without any money?”

  He looked over at her. “What do you want me to do about getting money? Your plan blew up in our faces.”

  “We need to go to the ranch. They’ll have money there. I know there has to be a safe. All rich folk have safes.”

  Slim pushed himself to his feet. “You’re plum loco, Cora. That place will be more guarded than the chastity of a preacher’s daughter. Even if we got the money somehow, what good is it, if’n we’re dead? We’d never make it out of New Mexico with the loot. They probably got a full crew of men out there just itching to skin us alive. Now come on. The horses have rested enough. We’re heading south. We’ll ditch these nags for some better mounts as soon as we can. I want some distance between me and Joe in case he decides to go on a rampage. He ain’t gonna be happy about either of us being in on this kidnapping.”

  He headed for his horse. Damn women. They all were nothing but trouble. If he didn’t need them for fucking, he’d never even give another one the time of day.

  Pain suddenly exploded inside his head. “Wh—?” He turned halfway and fell to the ground. Blackness surrounded him and then nothing.

  Cora dropped the large rock in her hands. “I’m not going anywhere without the money and revenge I’m due.”

  She thought about shooting Slim but he had served a purpose, however short-lived, and she’d only really hit him because she didn’t want him getting in her way. She intended to head out to that ranch, get the money, and make everyone out there show her some respect before she continued East.

  A small laugh escaped her. It sounded eerie in the night air. Crazed almost. She shook off the thought.

  “I’m far from loco. No matter what anyone says. I’m entitled to a life of privilege and I intend to get it. Anyone who thinks to stop me can eat a bullet.” She grabbed Slim’s gun and then took some extra bullets that he’d stuffed in his saddlebag.

  As she stared down at him, resentment filled her at his earlier words. He had no respect for her. Just as every other man she’d ever known. He was just lucky that she was such a forgiving person. Otherwise she’d carve her name right into his cock and slice off one of his balls as a souvenir.

  She turned and mounted her horse. She’d leave the other horse there. If Slim woke up, then it was meant to be and he could ride out. If not, well, too bad. She wouldn’t shed a tear.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emma stirred, waking gradually. She was still worn out and her eyelids felt heavy, so heavy that she had to will herself to force them open. Her vision blurred in front of her and she blinked several times. Where am I? Panic set in and her heart began to pound. As her eyesight cleared, she realized that she was in a bed at Wade’s ranch. In her old room. Safe.

  She felt a warm body next to her and looked to her side. Her heart softened and its beating slowed to a steady rhythm. Joe. He was lying on top of the covers on his stomach, fully dressed, with his hand splayed atop her abdomen.

  Now that she was awake, she felt pain radiating throughout her body, as if someone had beat her up. Quietly she assessed herself and didn’t feel anything life-threatening was wrong. She just needed time for the soreness to fade. And for the memories to fade too.

  She glanced toward the window. Daylight. She heard activity outside—talking and the movement of horses and men. Normal sounds for the ranch.

  Joe stirred, and she looked over at him as he opened his eyes. “Good morning,” she greeted with a soft smile. “Or maybe it’s afternoon?”

  He lifted his head and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Afternoon, I think.” He turned over onto his back, then scooted into a sitting position. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like a horse ran me down. Did you spend the night with me?”

  He nodded. “Do you mind?”

  She pushed herself up, so she was sitting next to him. “No.” She glanced under the covers. “Who undressed me?” She wore a conservative white nightgown. She looked around the room until she spotted her clothing folded in a stack on the side of the dresser.

  A grin crossed his face. “Don’t worry. It wasn’t me. I’d have left you naked.” He chuckled. “Myrah and Willie did it. How are your hand and shoulder?”

  “Sore. I’ll be all right in a couple of days or so, I’m sure. Are you all right?”

  “Me? Yeah. Now that you and Willie are safe. I still think I should have gone after Slim and Cora. I don’t want all of us looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives, worried that they might come back.”

  “Why would they come back?” When his brow furrowed, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry so.” After everything that had happened, she felt closer to him than ever and didn’t want him away from her, tracking those two worthless twits, especially when she didn’t believe they presented a danger to them anymore. She took his hand in hers and laced their fingers.

  “I never should have left you two alone in town,” he said softly, the remorse in his voice apparent.

  “That’s silly. You had no idea Cora and Slim would do this.” As she said the words, something kept niggling at the back of her mind. It had been for quite a while now, so after a few moments of silence, she finally decided to ask. “Joe?”


  “Um, how could you be with someon
e like Cora?” When she felt him stiffen and he didn’t say anything, she thought he was angry. Maybe he figured his relationships with other women weren’t her business. And he might be right but she wanted to hear what he would say about it anyway. Finally he let out a heavy breath and he seemed to relax.

  “I just needed to be with someone physically—someone who wouldn’t expect anything from me. I had no idea she was so crazy. My heart though has always belonged to you, Emma.” He squeezed her hand. “Always. Are you hungry?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

  She thought about his explanation for a moment before answering him. One part of her understood, another part of her probably never would. But maybe it was best to move on and not dwell on something that couldn’t be changed. “A little.”

  “I’ll bring you up something. I think you should stay in bed for the rest of the day.”

  “I’m not that badly hurt. I can get up and move around.” She’d go crazy staying in bed all day long and doing nothing.

  He turned toward her and stroked her cheek with his free hand. “I know. But I want you in bed. And I intend to be right here with you.” Their gazes locked.

  The prospect intrigued her. But… “I don’t think others would view that as very proper.”

  A small smile tugged at his lips. “Hell, we bypassed proper a long time ago.”

  Yes. She supposed he was right. He’d already spent the night with her and the whole ranch probably knew it. How could something that felt so good be wrong in people’s minds? She loved Joe and she knew he loved her. They should be able to express that love however and whenever they wanted.

  Joe released her hand and eased off the bed. With a promise to return soon, he left to get them both some food.

  She sighed and relaxed against the pillows propped along the headboard. Her life had turned more complicated than the most difficult of medical classes. “What am I supposed to do now?” she whispered. The future was a jumble of uncertainties in her mind.

  It was probably best just to take one day at a time. Wherever fate led her, she’d follow. Worrying about tomorrow simply took the joy out of today. She flipped the covers back and carefully got out of bed. Oh goodness, she was stiff. Still, she pushed herself to stretch and walk. She wanted to fix herself up some before Joe got back. She must look a sight.

  At the sound of Willie’s voice, she looked out the window. The young woman was brushing down a horse out front while talking to a couple of the hands. Emma was relieved that Willie had come out of this all right. The girl had handled things much better than she had in her opinion. She turned and walked over to the dresser and grabbed a hairbrush.

  When she caught sight of her reflection, she cringed. Her hair looked like a bird’s nest. A large ugly bruise covered her shoulder and ran halfway down her arm. And she was certain she had other bruises that she couldn’t see.

  The nightgown she was dressed in, though sleeveless, was conservative and all pristine white. She missed the green filmy thing she’d worn before all this had happened. She turned and searched for a robe but she couldn’t see one. The nightgown was thick enough not to worry about additional covering, so she turned back to the mirror. Using her good arm, she brushed out her hair until it hung smooth and shiny. “Much better.”

  A knock on the door caused her to turn. “That didn’t take long,” she murmured. She set down the hairbrush. “Joe?”

  The door creaked open. “Yep, it’s me. Myrah had a tray all ready to go. Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” She walked over and opened the door the rest of the way. With the tray of food in his hands, he strolled over to the dresser, and after she cleared off the far end, he set the tray down. Everything looked and smelled delicious. Flapjacks with syrup, eggs, biscuits with butter, bacon and a pitcher of milk. “You’re joining me, I hope. I can’t eat all this myself.”

  “Definitely. I’m starved.” He pulled two straight-backed chairs from the other side of the room over to the dresser and angled them at the end where he’d set the food. “Here. Sit down. It’s a little inconvenient but without a table in the room it’ll have to do. I’m afraid if we try to eat all this on the bed, we’ll spill it all over the place.”

  “It’ll be fine. I’d rather stay out of bed and sit up in a chair for a while anyhow.” She sat down and grabbed a biscuit. For several minutes, they simply ate in silence. “I saw Willie down in the yard,” she finally said.

  Joe nodded. “She seems good as new. Well, almost.” He crunched down on a piece of bacon.


  “Myrah found a bottle of whiskey in her bedroom.”

  Emma stopped eating. “Oh no.” Disappointment filled her. She didn’t know what all that girl had been through in her lifetime but it must have been pretty bad for her to resort to alcohol to numb herself. She had really hoped that Willie would keep her promise and stop drinking. Although after what had happened to them, she had a hard time blaming the girl.

  “The bottle wasn’t empty,” Joe added as he poured them both some milk. “It was almost as if she took it, then decided against drinking it.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” Hope renewed itself inside her.

  “I hope so.”

  “Did you say anything to her about it?”

  “No. I figure she’s been traumatized enough for now. Did she ever talk to you about her drinking?”

  Emma poured some syrup over a flapjack. “Not really.”

  “She took a lot of abuse in her life.” With a distant look in his eyes, Joe stared down at his plate. “It makes me crazy that I didn’t know about her. I would have protected her.”

  Emma reached over and touched his hand. She could see how much this bothered him. When he didn’t offer up any further details, she didn’t push and simply said, “You two are together now. We’re not ever going to let anything or anyone hurt her again.”

  Joe looked up and their gazes locked. “We?”

  She pulled her hand back and turned her concentration to her flapjacks. She pushed some pieces she’d cut earlier around on the plate. “Well, as much as I’m able. I’d like to help.” She waited for Joe to say more but he didn’t, for which she was grateful.

  They spent the rest of the meal reminiscing, laughing, and talking about everything. Well, everything except Boston. Before she knew it, they’d finished eating.

  “I’ll put these dishes out,” he said, rising to his feet.

  “I know you said you’d stay here with me today, but you’ll need to get back to town, won’t you?”

  He shook his head. “I had a man ride out to let the town council know that I’d be at the ranch for a few days. They can send someone for me if there’s trouble.”

  “Do you think they’ll be agreeable to that?” She didn’t want to jeopardize his work when she wasn’t that badly injured. Besides, the council members could be unyielding at times from what she remembered. It was made up of the same older residents as when she’d lived here before, according to Myrah. She’d questioned the woman about the town and the current goings-on when helping her in the kitchen one morning.

  “I don’t think they’ll make a fuss. It’s been too hard to keep a sheriff in Elk Valley. Regardless, I’m not leaving you alone yet.”

  “I’m hardly alone out here.”

  “Just let me take care of you, all right?” He picked up the tray. “I’ll just set this outside the door. Myrah will pick it up when she sees it. If you need anything, I’ll be right here. I’m sure we can find some way to pass the time.” He grinned.

  She smiled back. Even though he pretended otherwise, she knew he loved being the sheriff and she felt guilty about monopolizing him. At the same time, she wanted to spend every second she could with him, while she was still here. Every second was definitely a problem though…or could prove to be a problem.

  She stood up and started to voice her concerns but then hesitated. Joe looked at her expectantly and she knew he was waiting to hear her
thoughts. She started slowly. “The problem is…um—”

  “What? There’s a problem?”

  “I know we passed acting proper ages ago but actually flaunting a physical relationship in people’s face is something else entirely. I feel like that’s what we’d be doing if you continue to stay in the room with me. I don’t necessarily want to leave here with that sort of reputation hanging over my head.”

  Joe’s mouth tightened. He bent his knees and opened the door with his fingers, while still holding the tray. Then he set it out in the hall. He closed the door and turned back toward her.

  A look she hadn’t seen before crossed his face as he dragged the chairs back to their proper places. She tentatively sat on the bed, not knowing what else to do. She hoped he wasn’t mad. He’d turned so quiet. He walked over and sat beside her on the mattress. She could feel his tension and she couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “What’s wrong? Go ahead and say what you’re thinking.”

  He took her hand in his. “I’m thinking a lot of things.”

  Somehow that didn’t sound good. “What things?”

  “Mostly about us. Our lives.” He curled his fingers around hers. “I know you need to leave soon and get back to your studies. But I really don’t want you to go.”

  Her heart lurched. He didn’t want her to go.

  When she started to respond, he said, “Wait. Just let me talk. I know you need to go. I know being a doctor is something you’ve dreamed about your whole life. I can’t—won’t—ask you to give up on that dream. But is there any room in that dream for me? I love you, Emma.”

  Her heart pounded. He’d said it. He’d actually said it aloud. She looked into his emotion-filled eyes. “Oh, Joe. I love you too. So much.” She yearned to hug him to her, to kiss him until they both were out of breath, to fall into bed with him and invite him into her body to experience the pure joy she always felt whenever they were together. But she didn’t move. And neither did he, other than to squeeze her hand.

  She thought about her choices and wasn’t sure what to say. How could this work with him here and her in Boston? Even if she returned to Elk Valley after her schooling was complete, would they both still feel the same? Time and distance did terrible things to a relationship. When he still didn’t say anything, she decided to break the silence. “If you’re not asking me to give up my dream, what exactly are you asking?” As she waited for his answer, her pulse raced and her heart pounded.


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