Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4) Page 4

by Glenna Maynard

  “You wanted to talk to me.” She presses, licking those plump lips. I feel like a dirty old man. Fuck who am I kidding I am a dirty old man. What man wouldn’t get hard at the sight of her? She’s young, beautiful and fiery.

  “LL and I are going through some shit, she’s gotta’ go away for…” fuck, I pause scratching my beard to think for a moment, I‘m not sure I want to tell Baby exactly what is going on. “I don’t know how long. I have no right to ask but think you might be able to help me with the kids this week until I can find someone on a more permanent basis?”

  “Is everything okay?” She touches my arm lightly setting my skin ablaze. Now is not the time to let my longing get in the way of taking care of my family.

  “I don’t know,” I admit honestly. “So can you help a guy out?” Before she can answer, some senseless cunt comes from Striker’s place over the garage shrieking, hurling out insults.

  Striker isn’t far behind her telling her where to go and how to get there. I can see the pain etched on Baby’s face. Interesting, wonder what’s going on between them?

  Baby shakes her head at Striker before turning to me. “Yeah, I’ll either watch them here or at your place whatever is easiest for the kids.” I can see the tears she is trying to hold back.

  “Thanks, Baby, it means a lot to me. I would ask someone else but the kids adore you and I trust you. Let’s keep this between us for now, yeah?”

  “Yeah, sure no problem.” I can tell I have already lost her, and her mind is now focused on Striker. I watch her as I go inside to get the kids to take them home with me.

  There is a pain behind her eyes, the pain of a wounded heart. She reaches me Miracle’s diaper bag, and I look over at Colt as he dozes off to sleep, and it hits me. He looks just like Striker as a babe, but with red hair. Well fuck, how did I not see it before? I guess I always just assumed he was Trouble’s kid. Never crossed my mind until now that he wasn’t.

  Another realization falls on me, they still have a chance to have what I had hoped to have with LL and Striker is throwing it all away on easy pussy. Not on my watch. If I were a gambling man, I would bet Striker knows Colt is his and look at him not doing a damn thing about it. If he won’t I sure as fuck, will. Baby deserves to be treated right.

  I get the kids loaded in my pick up and head to the house to handle my own business before I go getting mixed up in anyone else’s. When I pull into the driveway, LL’s car is gone. She wouldn’t have just left without saying goodbye would she? I know she would, she did the last time. To leave me without a word is one thing, but not the kids.

  I get the kids out and take them inside trying to pretend I’m not dying on the inside. I tell the kids that mommy is working; I don’t know what else to say to them right now. I walk into our bedroom; her clothes are torn from the closet. Empty hangers lie across my riding boots that line the bottom of the closet floor.

  Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I hang my head down in my hands and cry like a fucking baby for all the things I did wrong in my marriage. My wife, my lover, and my friend are gone. Dawn comes into the room carrying an envelope, she has a sad look on her face and I can see the anguish in her eyes, she knows her momma has left us.

  She kisses me on the cheek and wipes at my tears, “we don’t need her no how daddy.” She hands me the envelope and leaves me alone shutting the door. Damn, LL and I did one thing dead-on our kids are amazing.


  I know it appears like I am being a coward and maybe I am, but this was the easiest way. I’m not sure come Monday if I would have the strength to leave my children if I saw their sweet faces again. I’m not sure, when I am coming back just know that this is what’s best. Saying I am sorry just seems so insignificant. Give my babies my love; tell them mommy will be home soon.

  All my love,


  That’s just fucking great; I crumple the letter up and throw it not caring where it lands. My first instinct is to go after her, but fuck that. If she wants to run off so be it. I walk over to my dresser and take out my rolling papers. A joint will help calm my nerves. I have three kids in there waiting for me. Not their fault their mom is a stupid cunt.

  I pull my shit together and face my children. They are depending on me; I just don’t know how I can do this on my own. Thank the fuck for Baby. The kids adore her and she is a good woman. Just maybe… Nah Grim would put me in the ground before I ever got close enough. Doesn’t mean I can’t think about her though.

  Sending Baby a text I thank her for helping me out and ask if she wouldn’t mind watching the kids here, I don’t want anyone to know LL has left me just yet.

  Romeo: You are a lifesaver; still need this on the DL can you be here about four tomorrow?

  Baby: No problem. You know I’d do anything for those kids.

  I know she would, that’s the problem. I am too selfish to stop it too.

  I spend the day playing games, singing stupid songs with my kids. Doing dad shit. Wouldn’t Grim laugh if he seen me sitting in the middle of the living room floor, letting Dawn paint my nails black. Miracle is crawling around the floor trying to find trouble. Kid is rotten. Jamie is driving his cars across the coffee table.

  “Can we go to the park today?” Dawn asks finishing her paint job.

  “If there is time after we go berry picking.”

  “Berry picking again, dude that’s lame.” Jamie rolls his eyes at me.


  One month later


  “Where’s everyone at this morning?” I ask Striker, not because I want to but because he is the only one here.

  “Shops closed today, we got inventory. I told the guys to take the next few days off. Figured it isn’t anything you and I can’t handle on our own.” He winks at me and gives me a sly grin, trying to work his charm on me. Not happening. Sleaze ball. As if I want anything to do with him after I seen him with that skank ho Diamond. Bitch has been pecked more than the trees in a forest full of woodpeckers.

  “Whatever, let’s get to it. I have to be out of here by three thirty today.” I say flippantly. Taking my coffee, I breeze past him and into the office. Damn him and his smile. The nerve of him, thinking he can flirt with me after that shit yesterday and every other day before. He had the nerve to pinch my ass yesterday. What is worse is that I enjoyed it.

  Striker joins me in the office and he smells so good, he looks so damn sexy in ripped jeans and a faded Harley t-shirt. I pull my chair out with more force than necessary trying not to let him see how he is making me feel. It would be so easy just to tear his clothes off and fuck him on the desk. No, that would lead to me actually liking him, not going to happen. I can feel him close behind me, I try to hold my breath, I don‘t want to get aroused by his scent.

  He cages me in his arms placing his palms down flat on the desk. His breath tickles my ear sending fire burning through my soul. Sweeping my hair back from my neck, he whispers, “I’m going to kiss you right now, and you are going to let me.”

  I am trapped unable to escape him or the chair. I can’t say anything; I can’t even breathe in this moment, because I do want him to kiss me. I am afraid that if I move, I will stop him and I do not want him to stop. A hunger deep inside of me craves every piece of him, the good, the bad, and the nitty gritty ugly.

  Goose pimples dance across my skin. Fuck, this is bad. I try to fight the urge to say fuck it and let him have his way. There is only so much my vibrator can do. My pussy clenches feeling his breath hit my neck. Oh god, kiss me, please kiss me. No. Don’t kiss me. You are a jerk. All of these thoughts run rampantly through my mind. His hand is still touching me; my panties are getting wetter by the minute. It has been so long since I have felt the touch of a man. And fuck me, what a man Striker is…


  I gave the guys the next few days off. Figured having Baby all to myself in the garage could be a good thing. She needs to see that we can be good together. And I need her to know I acknowledge
that I am a fuck up but no one will ever love her like I do. She cocks her brow at me when I tell her it will be just the two of us the next few days; yeah she is on to me.

  I follow her into the office and she slams down into her chair harshly. Boxing her in with my arms, I lean down over her. “I’m going to kiss you right now, and you are going to let me.” Her breath hitches in her throat. I have the perfect view looking down the v of her shirt, I watch as her chest heaves. She turns slightly at an angle, staring up at me with those damn wild eyes I have gotten lost in so many times. She bites her bottom lip giving me the invitation I wasn’t asking for. Fuck, this woman is incredible and I am going to make her mine. All mine.

  I seize her mouth, she plays like she don’t want me to kiss her but she isn’t exactly trying to break free. Parting her sweet lips for me, I delve my tongue inside and our tongues meld into one another. The kiss quickens, intensifying as we stay fused together. I suck on her tongue; she pulls back, and comes back for more after catching her bated breath.

  Baby bites down on my lip, her teeth graze over my lip ring and she tugs on it, sending all of my blood straight to the head of my dick. I want to be buried between her thighs. She has my dick stretching, aching to feel her to, be loved by her.

  She’s got the hem of my shirt fisted in her hand and all I want to do is make love to her right now, but I don’t want to push her too far too fast. I don’t want to fuck things up with her this time. I’m ready; I’m strong enough to be her man. I can handle her.

  Her other hand roams my body freely until she reaches the waistband of my jeans, her slender fingers find the smooth skin of my ass, and she squeezes me tight, pinching harshly with her nails.

  I rub her pebbled peak between my thumb and my finger through the thin fabric of her shirt. “Baby, you are gonna’ make me nut right here.” It is as though hearing my voice snaps her back into her bitch mode.

  “Yeah, well we’ve got lots of paperwork to get to. Either you can help me in here with the spreadsheets or you can go do a count on the spare parts in the stockroom.” She is back to being cold and all business. What the fuck just happened? I was so close; maybe I should have been an asshole and fucked her on the desk.

  “I’ll be in the stockroom if you need me.” And I’ll be jacking off, I mumble leaving her to crunch numbers. I punch the door to the storage room. Fuck she drives me wild. She always has, since we were kids. Baby has always gotten her way where my opinion has counted. She is all I think about morning, noon and night. All of the things I did wrong, the things I never said to her. I’d give anything to make it all right with her. I won’t give up though. She will submit to me.


  After spending hours combing the shelves in the storage room my stomach begins to grumble signaling that it’s time to grab a bite to eat and take a piss and smoke break as well. When I come out of the pisser Baby is waiting on me with a bottle of bud and a slice of Pizza from the Roadhouse.

  “Figured you could use this.” Shit, is she being nice, or did she poison me for kissing her? I take my chances and scarf down that slice of heaven covered in extra cheese.

  Baby watches me with an amused smile. “What?” I ask afraid of what she did to my food. It wouldn’t be the first time. She was a sneaky little shit when we were kids. She was always doing something to Rebel’s food and mine. One time she snuck and put salt in the sugar shaker. Talk about getting sick trying to eat frosted flakes covered in salt. Not been able to stomach cornflakes since then. The thought makes me want puke now.

  “Some things never change.” She laughs again and wipes my chin with a napkin. I can’t help it; I’ve always been a messy eater. I grin at her. She is being agreeable. Maybe I should have kissed her sooner.

  “Did you get it all?” I dab at the stubble on my chin getting some sauce on my finger. I take my now sauce tipped finger and smear it on Baby’s cheek.

  “Oh now you are going to get it.” She vows to seek revenge on me. Baby dips her fingers in the orange degreaser I keep handy to clean my hands with and smears it across my shirt.

  “If you wanted my shirt off all you had to do was ask babycakes.” I stalk towards her pulling my shirt off. She is playing straight into my hands.

  “I…I,” she stammers.

  “You what?” I grab her wrists with my rough hands, pinning them behind her back, pushing her against the wall. Freeing one hand and keeping her in place with my knee, I tug my belt off. Her eyes go wide, not knowing what it is that I have planned for her.

  “Striker…” She tries to cut me off, but I’m not having it. I’m in control.

  “How about you shut that mouth of yours and put it to use doing something besides pissing me off.” My words stun her into silence. A little authority is exactly what a woman like Baby requires. She brushes her lips across my neck, about time she listens. I lead her over to the bike I have been working on and order her to strip for me.

  “Take it off, all of it.”

  “What?” She looks at me unsure of herself.

  “I didn’t utter mutter or stutter; I said take your clothes off, panties too.” I give her a light tap on the ass with the leather of my belt, being sure to keep the buckle inside my fist. I don’t want to hurt her, but she needs this as much as I do. Maybe more.

  She yelps but undresses quickly. My cock is twitching with anticipation looking at the faint red line forming on the cheeks of her impeccable little ass. Baby gazes back over her shoulder at me, goose bumps have pimpled across her skin, from the cool air and cement floor. I instruct her on how I want her to bend over the frame of the bike.

  We just put the seat on, so it should provide enough cushion for her. I wanted to go slow, but I have changed my mind. Baby says that she hates me, so I am going to fuck every bit of that hate she thinks she carries for me right outta her system.

  Baby is naked and bent over on display for me, feels like a fucking dream but I’m not going to ruin the moment with doubt, hesitation, and questions. I approach her and trail my tongue slowly down her spine. She shivers and shakes; I hold her still gripping her hips. I still have my belt.

  Running the leather strap of my belt across her flesh, she moans. Now that she is cooperating fully by staying still, I rub soothing circles on her bare-naked creamy skin. Without warning, I strike her with the belt.

  “Fuck,” she winces biting her lip as she peers over her shoulder. So god damned sexy. “Do it again,” she whispers. That’s my dirty girl.

  Caressing her pink skin I repeat the process, “harder,” she presses, sticking her glowing red ass out further.

  Because she wants me to continue, I stop. “No,” I grit through my clenched teeth, cupping her delicate curved bottom roughly. I spread her cheeks and run my tongue down her crease. She is already so fucking hot for me. The motorcycle is no longer working for what I want to do to her. Leading her into the office, I sling all of the papers from the desk into the floor. Next is the computer, I hope we have a backup of our files as I hear it crash against the cement floor.

  “Now it’s time for my desert.” I order her to climb onto the desk. Baby is lying flat on her back with her knees bent. Pulling her to the edge, I go to work tasting that sweet pussy. “This is mine.” I smack her clit and pinch it forcefully. “Tell me it’s mine.” Lick. She pinches and squeezes her breasts, moaning in ecstasy. “Tell me you’re mine,” I bark.

  “No,” she pants trying to resist me. Taking two fingers, I insert them in her slick channel and hold them there and when she tries to wiggle, I still her by pressing firmly on her stomach with my free hand. “Please.” she grabs me by the hair tugging hard.

  Pressing my weight on her, I lean down to her mouth. “You have been and always will be mine, the sooner you admit it, the quicker I can fuck you. This pussy belongs to me.” I grab her between the legs feeling her heat against my hand.

  “It’s yours for now.” She bites down on my ear, slithering her tongue around the shell. “Fuck this pussy, r
ough and hard.” She growls at me.

  Fuck it. I‘m pissed off and horny. I don’t even bother pulling my pants down all the way. If she wants me to treat her like a whore, I will. My dicks moving in and out of her tight little cunt like it’s on a slip and slide. I hit her walls pumping her side to side.

  “Oh, fuck, yes!” She digs her nails into my back, I am pretty sure she is going to leave a scar. I pull out and slam into her. I am on the brim of cumming and filling her with my liquid fire. The side door to the garage flies open hitting the wall with a loud thud, just as I get off.



  Oh my God, what did I just do…? Striker just fucked the hell outta me, and without a condom too. I hope he had enough sense to wear one while he fucked that skank ho, Pocahontas wanna’be. I think I am going to be sick, he better not have gave me the gift that keeps on giving—the clap or something worse. Foxie said one of the girls got crabs from some out-of-towner at the Fox’s Den. It took them nearly three weeks to get that shit out of there. Diamond works there, she was probably the one spreading that shit around. God I hate her. The bitch is thirsty, looking to sink her claws into any man with a patch on his cut. She is disgusting. No self-respect. None. The things I have seen her do, if she only knew no man would make her a top bitch.

  Thank God, it was only Rebel who came in a moment ago. I don’t need anyone knowing I made the same mistake twice. Striker was able to get rid of his brother before he was able to see me naked but I am sure he probably told him we just fucked. Not as if Rebel would say anything to anyone he is good at keeping shit to himself. And I am sure he is on the same page as my sister, thinking I should give Striker a real shot.

  My heart and my mind are in a tug of war, one conflicted with the other. My heart says to let go of the past and let Striker in, but my mind is screaming no. Looking at the time, I have just enough time to grab Colt from my dad. He’s such a great grandpa. Watching Grim with Colt has me seeing my father in a new light. Sure, he pisses salt and vinegar and killed many, but he loves his grandson and he is damn good with him.


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