Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4) Page 14

by Glenna Maynard

  I rush down the hallway looking for Romeo’s door. When I reach it, I hear the sound of Baby moaning. Oh, fuck no! I will kill them both.

  I kick the door open and I see red. I jerk Baby backwards by her shoulder, it all happens so fast I can’t even process it as it occurs. I punch Romeo’s face repeatedly; his blood is covering my knuckles. Baby is standing behind me watching it all screaming for me to stop, but I can’t even register what she is saying.

  I don’t stop throwing punches until I am dragged into the hallway by Grim. I steady my hands against the wall and try to catch my breath.

  "I didn't raise you to be no man's whore, especially not his." Grim is pulling Baby from the room by her hair, dragging her down the hall.

  "That's because you didn't raise me." She is kicking and pushing trying to get free from his hold.

  He shoves her inside of his room, locking the door from the outside with his key. I have Romeo pushed up against the door; I would love nothing more than to pummel his face again, to beat him within an inch of his life. Is he why Baby wants nothing to do with me? Fuck, is Colt his? Is that why she keeps pushing me away, to protect Romeo? My hands are shaking. Romeo hasn't said a word. Grim is watching us waiting to see what I will do maybe. I look to him and he has this expression on his face that possibly only a father could understand. His brow is furrowed into a tight line. His mouth is cast downward.

  "Do whatever you want with the piece of shit. I cannot look at him right now. Because if I do I am going to kill the motherfucker." Grim punches the wall, slings the key to the room holding Baby at me, and walks down the stairs. The front door slams shut so hard, I think it may have broken the frame.

  I look at Romeo’s bloodied face and see no remorse. “I won’t say I’m sorry. Maybe you should have taken a lesson from your old man while he was here. Appreciate what you got while you still have it. She loves you, don’t fuck it up.”

  “Get the fuck out of here." I shove him hard towards the stairs.

  Licking his split lip, Romeo spits the blood to the floor. He walks back into the room he was just in. I am watching him from the doorway. The images of what I walked in on are playing out in my mind. Baby naked, except for the sheet hugging her perfect heart-shaped derrière. She was riding another man's dick; the thought makes me want to hurl. The look on her face when I stormed in here shoved her back from him—we were both in shock when I seen that it was Romeo. I punched him without a second thought. I wouldn't have stopped beating his face in if Grim hadn't forced me to stop.

  I unlock the door to Grim’s room. Baby is staring at me and even after what I just seen I still love her and want nothing more than to have her.

  I pull her flush against me, her bottom lip is quivering, and her body is trembling, radiating lust, desire, and raw — primal need. Heat is searing between us. Sweat is glistening on her chest, I run my fingers between her naked breasts, as they heave, and her nipples are taut, ready to be caressed by my eager tongue. "You have been a very bad girl."

  "Yes," she whispers. "So, so bad."

  "Too bad, you were just fucking Romeo." His name snaps her from whatever she thought was going to happen between us. "You smell like him, do know how much that hurts? Do you?"

  Her eyes have grown wide. "Striker," she starts to say something but stops.

  "Go on I am listening, give me your excuses."

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t…this wasn’t about hurting you. It was about forgetting you. It kills me that you will be there for Diamond in ways you have never been for me. That should have been us going to appointments together. Fuck, we should be together right now you prick.” Her eyes narrow in on me, challenging me to take her.

  “I begged you, motherfucking begged you to forgive me. Begged you just to fucking talk to me.”

  “You’re right, but look at us. Look what we do to each other. Is this what you want?” She has tears streaming down her face and I can’t stand to see her cry.

  “Of course not, but I fucking want you. Everything about you is so fucking addictive, your laugh, your smile, the way you smell, the way you feel when I am buried deep inside of you.” I can’t stop myself from taking her in my arms and shoving her against the wall. The urge to rid her of him consumes me. As I unzip my pants, and slam my cock into her. “This pussy belongs to me.” Pound. Slam. Pump. I press her into the wall harder. She doesn’t stop me she takes it, every relentless hard thrust.

  “Fuck me harder, own this pussy. Because it’s the only pussy you are ever going to have,” she demands. Her palms are braced against the wood panel wall, as I grip her hips, sinking deeper between her walls. My balls smack against her ass. We fuck until neither of us can hardly breathe and it still isn’t enough.

  Her hips bear my handprints and her neck is spotted with my love marks. Shame washes over me for using her just now. “I’m sorry Baby, I…Fuck I gotta’ get out of here.” She is looking at me with tears in her eyes as I pull my pants up and leave her alone. I can’t face her after what I just did in there.


  The next morning


  I am in the basement waiting for Romeo. I called him here to decide what the fuck to do with him. I never thought of all people who would betray me like that it would be him. He was there when I rescued Sarah, he knows how I feel about that shit. Granted Baby is an adult now, but he is supposed to be my motherfucking brother.

  He walks in after I have him searched by one of the potentials. “You can go now Grant, don’t let anyone down here.”

  He nods and takes off to stand guard at the top of the stairs.

  "I fucking want to kill you! I want to smash your skull in. She's my daughter, you piece of shit. You are a sorry bastard." I spit my venomous words in his face. "So, what about your family? You going to take Baby as your old lady? Huh motherfucker, you going to do right by her? Do you love her? Or is she a piece of ass to you like every other woman? LL is a good woman how could you." I keep shouting at him. Shoving him with every word.


  I cut him off with a fist to the jaw. "You are no brother of mine, you feel me? We are going to get through this transition with Gary, getting us straight then I want you gone. You took advantage of my trust in you... Killing you would be giving you the easy way out. Now get the fuck out of my face."

  Romeo doesn't back down from me, he gives as good as he gets, shoving me back into the table. "I'd never hurt her, you know I would be good to her. Wouldn't you rather it be me than some dumbass that would never be able to give her and Colt the life they deserve. LL is gone; she left me brother, me and the kids."

  “Why in the fuck didn’t you say something? Motherfucking new something was up with you.”

  I know the fucker doesn't deserve it but I hand him a joint and pull out two chairs. "We've been friends a long motherfuckin' time man, don't make me regret this."

  "Look I never meant to get caught up with Baby, I don't think she wants to be with me, hell I know she doesn't love me. The girl is hurting and so am I. We found comfort in each other. I'd take her, I'd be proud to make Baby mine. The kids love her...we all need her. I know she'd say yes if I asked but I know her heart wouldn't be mine. I know she loves Striker and I hope to God he doesn't fuck it up with her...because I care enough about her to walk away. I-I am sorry brother, can you forgive me. Can we work past this shit? You and the's all I got." He hangs his head in shame.

  “Man, you are my oldest friend. But you messing with Baby, shit ain’t right.”

  “You’re right, and I haven’t been completely honest with you. LL didn’t just leave she turned on me ratted me to the FEDS on the shit with Rush. Bitch gave them my gun. They offered me a deal my freedom, my family for handing them the club. I didn’t take it. I have two weeks to turn myself in or cut a deal. There is no deal with Gary. Gary is Tony’s partner, the FED LL sold the club out to. I’m going to take the fall on all this but I need you to take the kids. LL isn’t getting
them. She’s not able. Bitch is already gone, made sure she didn’t wake up. Nothing left but dust and ash. Promise me man, my kids you’ll take them.”

  “Fuck brother, she’s dead?” I look him dead in the eyes and the man I have always known is changed. I should have been there for him. He has that dead look in his eyes. That look I seen staring back at me so many times in the mirror. I felt so lost and dead inside; nothing drove me except for fulfilling Red’s only wish. Then I found Sunshine. Is that what Baby is to Romeo, his only light in a sea of darkness? Can I condemn him for that? Can I stand in their way, if she is the only thing that can save him?

  “How, I don’t understand why in the fuck you didn’t come to me.”

  “I didn’t want the club involved. The FEDS are squeezing me hard. Not giving them nothing to use on you. Ya feel me; I’m your brother until the end.”

  “Yeah man, you are. But you aren’t going down man. We will work this shit out. We will find a way.”

  “It’s over. Turning myself in a few days from now. Going to spend some time with the kids. Already got my lawyer working on the papers to give the kids to you and Sunshine. All I want is for you to take care of them. I know you’ll protect them and raise them right while I can’t.”

  “Brother if that’s what you want. But what about Baby? Is that shit finished?”

  He nods taking another drag off the blunt I rolled. We spend a few more hours talking club business. Shit is going to be fucked for a while. Romeo wants me to let him hand his patch to Striker. Says it is what will be best for the club. We are going to have to stop the shine business for a while. Guess it’s time to give Striker the expansion he has been asking for with the garage.

  Romeo has him some strange on the side, some whore named Smoky. Says she came here to get away from the Untamed Angels, hope that shit don’t travel down and spread around here, we have enough shit on our plate without having to worry about those ruthless bastards.

  I have been sitting at the head of this table for a few years now and shit is tired. I’m getting older. Rebel and Striker were raised to lead one day. A few years from now, I know I’ll be handing things over to them permanently but not before I make sure they have a future. My girls and grandkid depend on it.

  I go home to my wife and sit her down and tell her what is to come. Baby isn’t around to hear. She is staying at Rebel and Rumor’s until they get back from their honeymoon, though I suspect Baby and Colt will be back at Striker’s soon enough. Hope they figure it out, going to need the room around here for Romeo’s kids. Don’t even know what is going on there but know it must have been pretty fucking serious for Baby to turn to Romeo.

  Sunshine is excited to get the kids; she wants to be a mom so bad. I know she loves helping Baby with Colt and she will be good to these kids, but I know it is hard for her not having her own.

  Later that night I call Romeo and tell him to be ready for one hell of a sendoff. Going to throw him one hell of a party.



  Life is one fucked up dirty little bastard. One minute you have everything you have ever wanted and the next it’s ripped from you. The ones you love make piss poor choices, they hurt you, they cut you deep, shredding your insides and yet you love them no matter what until the very end. That’s the love I have for Baby. We share that ride or die love. I said it before and I will say it again, I will fight for her, for us. We are both stubborn and have our problems but she owns every piece of me. I want it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, the devastation, as long as I have it with her nothing else matters.

  I just don’t know how to get us back to where we started—two crazy kids who loved each other.

  I am at the garage working on my next build with Grant when Tread comes in with Liberty on his heels. “Hey man,” I lift my chin to them.

  “Give us a minute.” Tread motions for Grant to leave.

  After Grant leaves the garage, Tread shoves Liberty forward. “Tell him.”

  Liberty looks scared; she looks from Tread back to me. He nudges her shoulder. Her face pales. I am getting annoyed, I don’t know what the fuck she could say that I need to hear. “I need to tell you something. It’s about Diamond.”

  “What the fuck about her?” I demand.

  “I need you to promise me you won’t hurt her, she’s my friend.”

  “Sure.” I lie, if this bitch is messing with me, she will have hell to pay.

  “I was at her place the other day and she was bragging about how she split you and Baby up. Said it would only be a matter of time before you claimed her.” She hesitates before continuing. “She lied to you. She isn’t even pregnant. She has been getting some doctor who comes to the Fox’s Den to give her ultrasound pictures. She has been blackmailing him, threatening to show the videos of him and her to his wife. You didn’t even fuck her. She said you were too drunk, she staged shit to make you think you did. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drugged you, to be honest.”

  “You’re sure about this.” I sling my wrench it clatters against the floor.

  “Easy brother, there’s more.” Tread places his hand on my chest.

  I breathe in through my nostrils and let out a deep breath.

  Liberty speaks louder now finding her courage. “She is planning to provoke Baby, get her to hit her or something so she can fake a miscarriage. She wants to put it on Baby.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with that crazy whore? I’m going to fucking kill that cunt. She has cost me everything. She’s dead, and if you warn her I’ll come for you next.” I warn Liberty.

  “Don’t threaten my woman. I’m warning you.” Tread takes a step back. “Hey man, she did the right thing; it wasn’t easy for her to come here today. But she did. Be smart about this shit man. Let her think she is getting her way. Then you expose her ass and get your family back.”

  I have to admit he’s right. “Why did you tell me?” I look to Liberty.

  “I don’t agree with what she is doing, it’s not right. She wants to be a top bitch bad; she said she tried to get your brother and failed. She knows one of you will be prez one day, guess she cares about status. I don’t know, but I couldn’t keep the secret. I know if it were me in Baby’s shoes I’d want someone to step forward for me.”

  “Do something for me. I’ll make sure Diamond shows for the party tonight. You just make sure Baby is there. I don’t care how you do it. Tell her you think Tread is going to claim you tonight and you want her there.”

  “Okay.” She looks nervous.

  “Go now, the party is in about an hour.” She kisses Tread on the mouth and leaves.

  “What are you going to do?’ Tread asks.

  I hold my finger up to him, pulling out my cell phone. “Hello,” Diamond picks up on the first ring.

  “Hey, it’s Striker. Big party tonight. I want you to stop by we need to talk. I know I haven’t been very nice to you. I want us to see what we can work out for the sake of the baby.” I lie grinding my teeth together. I’d love to reach through the phone and rip the whore’s head completely off.


  I am at Sunshine’s having dinner with her and Grim before tonight’s big party. Sunshine has offered to keep Colt for me but I don’t feel up to it. Therefore, I am going to hang back with her tonight. She is not big on the parties.

  Colt is hanging onto the coffee table trying to stand. He makes me so nervous. I am afraid he is going to hit his chin on it. He keeps flopping on to his butt and laughing.

  I am going to have to face Striker soon. I am running out of clothes and Colt has been sleeping in my bed with me. I haven’t been back to his place to get our stuff. I don’t know what to say to him after what we did to each other the other night.

  Colt continues on his mission to stand while my dad is laughing at him.

  “Have you talked to Rumor?” Sunshine asks.

  “Ha, she is at the beach, probably getting sex lots of sex, I am the last thing on her mind.” I snort. Sunshine s
hakes her head at me.

  There is a knock on the door. Grim answers letting Liberty in. Not sure what she is doing here, we haven’t talked much since I noticed her hanging with the whore who shall not be named.

  “Alright little man that’s enough let me get you fed.” Sunshine takes Colt to the kitchen and gets him strapped into his highchair.

  “Hey girl, can we talk?” Liberty motions for me to come out onto the porch. I tell Sunshine I’ll be back and she waves me off.

  “What’s up?’ I take a seat by her on the porch swing.

  “Are you coming to the party tonight?”

  “No, not in the mood.” I shrug with indifference.

  “Shit, I was hoping you’d be there for support. I think tonight is the night Tread is going to claim me.”

  “Oh shit, that’s awesome. I am really happy for you. He’s an okay guy.”

  “So will you come? Please!” She tugs on my arm.

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea, things are really weird with Striker and me…”

  “Well come on, you have to go then. See him there in the crowd and if you feel awkward you can leave as soon as Tread claims me.”

  “Fine. I’ll come but only for a little while.” I concede.

  “Thank you,” she exclaims and hugs me a little too tightly.

  I am happy for her but I don’t get why it is so important that I be there. I walk back inside with Liberty following me. I tell Sunshine I am going to go over to the Roadhouse for just a bit and she says she doesn’t mind. I know she loves getting her one on one time with Colt.

  I pull Liberty into my room and have her help me find something to wear. I could use some girl time to be honest.

  “This is perfect.” She hold out a tight fitting black corset. “You have to wear it, with those ripped jeans. You will looks so hot.” We are running short on time so Liberty borrows a dress form me. She jokes, “Tread likes me to wear something with easy access.”


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