Shark & The Wolf: Predators and Prey

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Shark & The Wolf: Predators and Prey Page 17

by Daniel D. Shields

  Old Jack looked at Shaw. “I must agree, I think this is a great plan. But why would you want to kill Shark on opening night?”

  Shaw sat back down at his massive desk, put his feet up, and lit a cigar. He took a few puffs of the stogy and looked at Old Jack. “The publicity that killing the only living, breathing, great white shark in existence will be worth ten times the amount of money of having Shark appear in multiple shows. As you know, it’s all about the almighty dollar, Old Jack.”

  Old Jack thought about it for a second, and as the entire picture played itself out inside his head it all became clear. It was actually brilliant. The media would pick up the story worldwide; there would be outrage and possibly riots. All the while, the Serengeti Casino would receive billions of dollars in free publicity and spectators would flock from around the globe for the chance to see the world’s greatest show. Shaw is the best show promoter the world has ever seen, he thought. Shaw is a true genius.

  Old Jack looked directly at Shaw with a big smile on his face. “If that is your plan, then I will implement it. There is just one request I would like to make.”

  “And what might that be?” Shaw asked slowly.

  “I would like access to the golden saber I recovered for you in Fiji. I would like Shark to know that he is being killed by the same sword, the same piece of treasure that he helped recover.”

  “That’s pure evil,” Shaw said with a wide smirk on his face. “I like it.”

  Shaw approached a side wall and put his hand up against a small pad. A small opening in the wall appeared. He reached in and extracted a beautiful golden saber that was adorned with jewels that glistened and sparkled under the office lights. He held it and caressed it as if it was a beautiful woman, then delicately handed it to Old Jack.

  “It is simply beautiful,” Old Jack said as he caressed the sword.

  Old Jack glanced at Shaw and noticed that he was looking at him like a proud parent watching someone holding their newborn child.

  “It has been appraised at over two million dollars,” Shaw said. “Use it to kill Shark, and it should double in value.”

  Old Jack returned the sword to Shaw. “The crowd will see a great show, Mr. Shaw. That much I can promise. And yes, I will make sure that the sword doubles in value.”

  Shaw placed the sword back in its secure safe and turned to face Old Jack. “It will be waiting for you backstage the night of the show.”

  “Thank you, sir, it will be an honor.” The two shook hands.

  Shaw then turned and faced the large wall and again focused on the Vegas skyline. He reached down and pressed a button on his desk that opened the large doors at the rear of the office. “Good day, Old Jack,” he said without turning to face him.

  Old Jack turned and walked out of the office, past the beautiful secretary Sienna, toward the steel elevator doors. As he waited, he looked back and watched as Shaw reached behind his back and pressed a buzzer on his desk.

  “How can I help you, Mr. Shaw?” the beautiful young secretary Sienna answered in a sexy tone.

  Shaw pressed the buzzer for a second time.

  “I’ll be right in,” she said.

  Old Jack watched as Shaw looked at his beautiful secretary enter through the mahogany doors. As the doors were closing behind her, she stopped and stared directly at him with a sexy pout. Shaw is a rich and powerful man, Old Jack thought, and power is indeed an intoxicating aphrodisiac.


  The Meeting at the Sky Tower Restaurant

  Shark looked at Frenchie. She looked exquisite, belly bump and all, in a beautiful red dress that complemented her pristine white fur. He looked at Cahira, who was decked out in a sexy black cocktail dress that was guaranteed to make heads turn. Wolf also looked sharp in his tuxedo. Shark thought the entire group looked like they could be models on the way to a fashion shoot.

  As they exited the elevator from the penthouse suite, the group was immediately swamped by photographers. The paparazzi were in a frenzy and began chanting his name, “Shark! Shark!” as they tried to get a picture of him.

  “He’s over here!” a photographer yelled as his camera snapped pictures with the speed of a machine gun.

  “It’s the great white shark!” another bellowed.

  “Shark, look over here!” another screamed, which made Shark turn in his direction as a picture was snapped.

  Shark felt confused and had no idea why he was suddenly so popular. His eyes squinted as they were momentarily blinded by bright flashes of light.

  Shark felt Wolf grab him by the arm. “I’ve got this, Shark. I am an expert in providing security in just this type of environment. I can handle this. I’ve been through this a million times protecting rock stars. We need to get you to the limo as quickly as possible.”

  This was not Shark’s scene, so if Wolf could help, he was all for it.

  “Stand back!” Wolf yelled as he raised his hand in the air and pushed through the crowd. He reached up and swatted at the cameras. “Stand clear!” he screamed as he reached back and again grabbed Shark’s arm. “Come on, we have to move quickly. Don’t look at them.”

  Serengeti security guards, authentic Masai warriors, appeared quickly with their long, sharp spears and helped Wolf push back the hordes of photographers. They created a clear path to the hotel entrance and the waiting stretch limo. Shark continued to be blinded by flashing lights.

  The limo driver held the door open. Cahira and Frenchie jumped quickly in the back. Shark looked back at the hordes of paparazzi and entered the car, still confused.

  Wolf climbed in and pulled the door shut behind him.

  Shark watched as the photographers banged on the doors and windows, all looking for that tabloid money shot. But why? Shark thought.

  The limo pulled forward and made its way out of the parking lot and headed north up Las Vegas Boulevard toward the Paris Casino. They were all a little shocked and confused at the situation they had just been through.

  “T wonder what that was all about?” Shark asked.

  “You’re famous,” Frenchie said, smiling.

  “Maybe it’s that tuxedo you are wearing,” beautiful Cahira chimed in. “Maybe the photographers thought you were a movie star.”

  Shark noticed Wolf looking out the back window of the limo. “Or maybe you’re the main star of the newest show in Las Vegas,” Wolf said, pointing back toward the Serengeti.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Take a look.”

  Shark looked out the back window and saw the large advertisement that covered the entire massive north wall of the Serengeti Casino. It contained the same picture of Shark that had hung at the show in South America. However, this one appeared a thousand times bigger and held a different tagline:


  Predators and Prey

  The Greatest Show in the Universe

  Opening this Friday at the Serengeti Casino

  Special Appearance by the One and Only

  Great White Shark

  As he read the billboard, Shark asked, “What is Predators and Prey?”

  Wolf looked at Shark. “I’m not sure, but it doesn’t sound good.”

  “I know Old Jack had something to do with this,” Shark said.

  “Old Jack and Shaw, I’ll bet,” Wolf replied. “From the title of the show it sounds like it might be the same type of performance they had us do in South America, but from the size of that amphitheater, this one will be on a much grander scale.”

  Shark gave Wolf a nod of agreement. He had come to the same conclusion. It was the only one that made sense. Those shows in South America must have all been dress rehearsals for the Las Vegas extravaganza. It was beginning to become clear why Old Jack wanted him in Vegas.

  The paparazzi followed the limo on small mobile scooters, weaving in and out of the heavy early evening traffic on the strip. From time to time one would pass by, and the lights of the camera would try to penetrate the black-tinted windows of the l

  “These guys are crazy,” Shark said.

  As the limo approached the entrance to the Sky Tower Restaurant the photographers were already lined up.

  “I wonder how they knew we were coming here?” Shark asked sarcastically.

  “Old Jack and Shaw are both publicity hounds,” Wolf responded. “I’m sure they tipped them off.”

  Wolf looked at everyone in the back of the car. “Just stay close to me. We are going to push through the crowd and head straight for the elevator that goes straight to the restaurant. Just give me a moment to set things up.”

  Shark watched as Wolf exited the car and looked around. He waved over a few security guards while he pushed photographers away from the car.

  “What can we do for you, sir?” Shark heard a security guard ask.

  “As you can see, these photographers are making it a little difficult for me and my friends to get upstairs to the Sky Tower Restaurant.”

  “We can help out,” the guard said. He spoke into his radio. Within a minute there were twenty security guards all holding back the crazed crowd. Wolf opened the limo door. “It’s time, let’s move.”

  He helped the ladies out of the car first, then stood guard as Shark exited. The entire crowd again went into a frenzy. Wolf and the security guards led him inside and held back the crowd as they all waited for the elevator. The photographers were still snapping pictures as the doors opened and Shark and the others stepped inside.

  “This is just pure insanity,” Shark said as the doors closed.

  “Imagine if this was your everyday life,” Wolf chimed in. “I’ve had clients with so much money they could do anything they ever wanted, but they were prisoners in their own homes because they never wanted to leave due to the constant harassment by the paparazzi. Fame is not as cool as people think.”

  The elevator doors opened and Shark felt as if he had stepped into a totally different world. The loud screams of the mob were now replaced with the soothing sound of piano music. “Finally, a little peace and quiet,” he whispered to himself, his nerves about shot.

  The maitre d’ approached and led the group to a private dining room with windows that provided full views of the stunning Las Vegas Strip. Shark watched as the famous fountains of the Bellagio performed their water dance directly across the street, and he admired the soaring, elegant buildings of Caesar’s Palace.

  Shark felt on edge and a bit nervous. All he wanted was to see Vixen and hold her in his arms. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be all right and that she would be going home to her dad. Then, he thought, there was Old Jack. Shark hated the creature with a passion and was not sure how he would react when seeing him. He did know that if he wanted Vixen and his friends to live, he would have to keep his cool.

  A man dressed in a sharp suit who looked like a lawyer entered the room. He carried what looked like a thin motorcycle helmet in his hand. He walked over and extended his hand to Shark. “Hello, my name is Mr. Jones, personal assistant to Mr. Shaw. We have someone we are sure you are anxious to see.”

  Shark was getting tired of games, and his nerves were starting to unravel. He pushed the man’s hand aside. “Where is Vixen?” Shark demanded as he pushed his sharp teeth into the assistant’s face and lifted him by his jacket collar.

  The man squirmed out of Shark’s powerful grip and patted out the wrinkles in his jacket. “Relax there, Shark. Your precious Vixen is fine. I can prove it to you. That’s why I’ve brought a pair of the Serengeti Amphitheater’s binocular headsets.” The lawyer handed the thin helmet to Shark. “Here, put this on.”

  Shark looked at the man a little confused, but he took the helmet and put it on his head. Everything in the room immediately zoomed in, making him dizzy. Shark stumbled as he lost his balance.

  “They are not for up-close viewing,” the man said, agitated. He quickly turned Shark toward the window.

  Shark looked up and down the Las Vegas Strip, and the binoculars zoomed in wherever his eyes focused. He looked down at a couple on the sidewalk and felt as if he was standing right next to them. Pretty cool, he thought.

  The man reached up and cautiously steadied Shark’s head. “I want you to look across the street at the Bellagio. I want you to follow the middle fountain south to the base of the new condo building, then follow the wall straight up toward the roof.”

  Shark focused on the fountains; it seemed as if he was standing right in them. He moved his eyes south to the wall of the condo building and followed it to the roof. As the binoculars focused, it was as if she was standing right in front of him—it was Vixen, and she also was wearing a headset and was looking directly at him. He watched as she raised her hand. He followed and raised his. He bent his fingers slightly and watched as she bent hers. A tear formed in the corner of his eye. How he missed her; she appeared more beautiful than ever. As quickly as it began it was ending. Shark watched as Vixen removed her headset but continued to look right at him. He focused on her lips and watched as she mouthed the words, I love you. His heart skipped a beat as adrenaline rushed through his body. He loved her more than ever, more than anything in the world.

  Shark began to slightly panic as he watched the outline of a familiar fedora hat approach Vixen from behind. He watched as Vixen turned, handed the headset to Old Jack, and slowly walked across the roof and out of his view.

  Old Jack stood there, looking in his direction. Shark felt as if he was standing right next to him. He looked him over and noticed the bruises and bandages on his body. “Someone’s given you a well-deserved beating, Old Jack,” he whispered to himself.

  Old Jack let out a devilish grin directly in Shark’s direction, as if he knew Shark was watching him. He turned, walked across the roof, and disappeared from view.

  Shark took off his headset and placed it on a table. He turned and looked at Jones.

  “Now what?” Shark asked.

  A voice boomed from behind the assistant. ”You agree to be the star of my show.”

  The assistant stepped aside, giving Shark a full view of Shaw. He was dressed in a sharp black suit with matching open-collar, black shirt. His white hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and he maintained his manicured five o’clock white shadow. He was surrounded by a large security detail that Shark figured were loaded to the brink with firepower.

  “And why would I decide to do that?” Shark asked, already knowing the answer.

  Shaw approached, leaving his security detail in the background. “Here is the deal, Shark. Here in the States my ownership over you does not exist. For any animal on the endangered species list, such as yourself, ownership is simply not recognized. But since your friends are not on the endangered species list, and the fact that you were all captured in an international proslavery zone, in the eyes of the World Court you and your friends are still my property. I can’t make you perform. You have to be willing to do so on your own. What I am offering is this . . .”

  Jones handed Shaw an envelope, who in turn handed it to Shark.

  “All you need to do is sign this contract to star in my show, and in return I will sign over the ownership papers for you and all of your friends, including one known as Vixen.”

  Shark looked at Shaw with a look of concern on his face. “How do I know you will honor this agreement?”

  “I’m a showman, Shark, not the natural-born killer that Old Jack is. I’m also a successful businessman, and that means contracts are a way of life. The only way contracts mean anything is if you make sure to honor each and every one you are involved with. Reputation and a man’s word in the business world can be more valuable than a chest full of treasure.”

  Shark looked at Shaw, still not sure what he should do.

  “The best part of the deal, Shark, is that it is only for one show, one performance. As long as you live, you will be set free.”

  “And if I don’t sign the papers?” Shark asked.

  Shark could tell from the expression on Shaw’s face that h
is question annoyed him. “Then, I simply take my property, put it back on a plane and fly it back to South America, where T own it, all nice and legal. And don’t forget, Shark, that property also includes you.”

  Shark could feel the hatred for Shaw starting to build in his gut.

  Shaw continued, “But I have saved a little piece of information about your performance that I think you might actually like hearing about.”

  “What could that possibly be?” Shark asked.

  “The species you will fight will be hyena,” Shaw answered.

  Shark’s eyes grew wide as the meaning of Shaw’s words started to sink in. “Will this hyena be wearing a fedora hat?”

  “Well, we need a show, of course, and since you are the main attraction, we need to make sure our customers get their money’s worth. So, at first you will face off against some hyena drunks we found at a local bar in Tanzania. But they should not present a problem to a strong specimen such as yourself. After you are done with them, your fedora-cap hyena will present himself to you.”

  Shark started to get excited but knew he had to hide it. He still needed to get Vixen and his friends out of Vegas. He needed his own assurances that they would be safe.

  “I want my friends all put on a plane,” he demanded. “I want them flown to Florida.” Shark thought about his demands and decided to go for Shaw’s jugular. “I also want five hundred thousand dollars wired into the account of Gill’s Bar and Grill.”

  “Those are some ballsy demands,” Shaw said with a sarcastic laugh.

  “As soon as I know the money is wired into the account and that my friends are safe, I will sign your papers. I will give your spectators a performance that they will remember for the rest of their miserable lives.”

  Shark could see that Shaw was thinking about his proposal. Shark thought that Shaw would like the idea of having him on his side, especially for the benefit of the performance.


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