Wait For Me

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Wait For Me Page 8

by Alexis Noelle

  Dinner is amazing, or, at least, the food is. Jason’s dad mumbles and grumbles through the whole thing, while Carter’s dad is great. He talks to me about school and my family, and seems like he is really interested in getting to know me. Maddy got really lucky with him, while I got Scrooge’s evil twin.

  By the time we get back to Jason’s house, it is after ten and I am completely exhausted. I go into the room to get changed; J tells me he will be there in a minute. I get changed into pajamas and open the door to go brush my teeth.

  “No, Dad, you need to lay off. She doesn’t deserve the way you are treating her!”

  I know I shouldn’t be listening, but I can’t help myself.

  “Son, you need to understand, I am only trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what? Being happy? Not spending every day alone and miserable like you are? Whether you want to believe it or not, not every girl out there is like Mom. It took me a long time to learn that, mainly because you have been filling my head with all of this bullshit since she left. Nicole makes me happy, and if you can’t appreciate that, the least you can do is respect it.”

  I hear his footsteps and scramble back to my bag, pretending I am getting my toothbrush out. When he comes in and closes the door, I look up at him and can tell he is fuming. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, did you, uh…did you hear any of that?”

  I should probably tell him I did, but the look in his eyes is begging me to say I didn’t. “Hear what?”

  He walks over and wraps his arms around me, bending down to place a kiss on my neck. “Nothing. I’ll get changed and see you in a minute, okay?”

  I nod my head and go to the bathroom. What he said to his dad really meant a lot to me. It is validating every fear I have that his dad would influence him to leave me. I wish he was ready for me to tell him I love him, because I want to say it so bad.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As soon as Nicole had gone off to the bedroom, my dad started in on me. Warning me she was going to break my heart, and asking me over and over again why I changed the plan. It pissed me off so bad because he hadn’t even given her the chance she deserves. Granted, it took me about nine months to give her a real chance, but I expect more from him.

  Coming home and seeing how my dad is, when I am actually happy, is an eye opener. I don’t want to end up like him, sad, alone, and mad at the world. Nic comes back in and crawls under the covers with me. For the first time ever, I am content with just being able to hold her without having sex. This is the type of shit that Carter talks about and I tell him he is gay for.

  Everything is so different when it means something, though. My dad is so convinced that this was just something built on sex, and I am determined to prove him wrong.

  * * *

  I have every intention of keeping Nicole out of the house as much as I can today. We are leaving tomorrow for Myrtle Beach, and the less time we spend with my dad, the better. Carter asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and Maddy, but I told them no.

  Nicole and I spend the day walking the trails at the park, seeing a movie, and going out to dinner. My dad has poker night with his friends tonight, so I figure he will be gone by the time we get home.

  When we walk in, all five of them are sitting at the poker table in the living room. “Hey, Dad, I thought you were going out for poker.”

  “We were, but Johnny got sick and cancelled on us, so I said I would do it here. You want to join? There is room for one more.”

  I know what he is trying to do, divide and conquer. He would get me to play with them and they could all talk to me about how nice it is not having a woman around. “No, I’m kind of tired. Nic, do you want to play?”

  Her head snaps up and she shoots me a look, “No, I’m—”

  “Oh, come on, honey! I haven’t won in a few weeks. You will help me out,” Sam, one of my dad’s friends, yells from inside.

  “No, sorry guys, I don’t have any cash on me, anyway.”

  “I can cover you, babe.”

  She shoots me the death glare before turning back to my dad and his friends. “Okay, I guess so.”

  They all make room for her at the table, and I am holding out hope that maybe this will help my dad get more comfortable with her.

  I explain all of the basics of Texas Hold ‘Em to her and tell her to let me know if she has any questions. She folds the first couple of hands, but after that she actually starts to win.

  By the end of the game, it is just Nicole and my dad left. The last card is flipped and Nicole bets a ten-dollar chip. My dad looks up at her, pushes his whole pile of chips in, and says, “I’m all in.”

  I can’t see her cards, so I have no idea what she has in her hand or what she is going to do. She looks back at me, smiles, and pushes her whole pile in too. My dad lays his cards down and looks up at her. “Four aces, sweetheart.” He goes to reach for the pile, but she stops him.

  “If I’m not mistaken…” She puts her cards down on the table face up. “…A royal flush beats four of a kind.”

  Holy shit, she actually won. The shock on my dad’s face is priceless. His friends are jeering him and all seem to be looking at Nicole with approval. My dad’s face is still stone cold. Nicole collects her winnings, and then we head off to my room. Once we are in, I back her against the door and kiss her.

  “How the hell did you do that?”

  “It wasn’t my first time playing.” She gives me one of her smirks and I shake my head in disbelief.

  “So, you hustled everyone?”

  “Yeah, that way everyone else thought I was a beginner and underestimated me. Besides, even if they did know, I have a really good poker face.”

  I kiss her again, this time lifting her up by her ass. She instinctively wraps her legs around me and I carry her over to the bed. We have each other undressed and are back on the bed at lightning speed.

  “J, your dad is right down the hall.”

  I flip her over onto her stomach, grab my pillow and hand it to her. “Bite down on that if you need to, babe.” I lift up her dress and quickly pull down her panties. I run my finger down her pussy, happy to find that she’s wet. I thrust myself into her and start pumping so fast and hard that she is screaming into the pillow. I have never had a girl affect me the way she does. It’s like I can’t wait another minute to have her or I will explode.

  I grab her hair and pull it back, making her back arch, and hearing her moan deeper into the pillow. I know she likes it when I do that, even though the feminist inside her tells her she shouldn’t.

  I know I am getting close, so I reach my hand down and find her clit. I start rubbing it in fast, frenzied circles and soon feel her pussy squeezing my dick. Once that happens, I am gone. I empty myself inside of her and lay down next to her. I have to say that it makes me happy and proud in a way that I am the only man she’s ever been with. I know she was mine in every way.


  We didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to Jason’s dad before we left today. He was already gone. I asked if it had been a bad idea that I beat his dad last night and he said not to worry about it. I am happy to finally be leaving, and so excited for our mini vacation.

  When we get to the hotel, I am surprised at how nice it is. I start laughing hysterically when Carter is talking to the lady at the front desk and telling them that we don’t want rooms next to each other. Jason whispers to me that Carter knows about the wedding and doesn’t want us overshadowing him.

  In Maddy’s eyes, though, I don’t think that would have ever been possible. We all go upstairs and make plans to go to the hotel’s indoor pool for the day because it is too cold to go on the beach and enjoy it. I slip on my bikini and am finishing tying it up as I am walking out of the bathroom. Jason is sitting on the bed waiting for me, but when he sees me, I can’t tell if he is happy or mad.

  “What the heck is that thing?”

  “It’s a bikini, J. What the hel
l? You even said you wanted to get me in one.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to see you in one, not have every guy there going home and whacking off to the image of you in it. You need to change into something more than four little triangles.”

  I slip on my flip flops and pretend I am going toward my suitcase. Then I sprint for the door and run down the hallway to the elevator. I hear him yell my name, but I just kept going. As the elevator door is closing, I see him running and just missing me.

  I go down to the pool, grab a towel, and lay it out on one of the lounge chairs. The pool area is really nice. It has lots of palm trees everywhere and like five different hot tubs. I hear Jason stomping up to me before I see him.

  “That shit was not funny, Nic.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny. I just wanted to go to the pool. Unfortunately, my boyfriend, Tarzan, thought he could club me over the head and tell me what I was allowed to wear, so I had to make a run for it.”

  He sits down on the chair beside me, but I know by his expression that this isn’t over yet. When Mads and Carter come down, we all decide to go in the pool together. It is nice because it is really empty in there. Almost everyone in here seems to just be interested in lying on the chairs. We do chicken fights and other stupid things you do in pools, before we decide to warm up in the hot tubs.

  Since there are so many and most of them are empty, each couple goes to their own. Once I sink into the water, it feels like heaven. I lay my head back against the side and close my eyes. Then I feel Jason’s arms wrap around me and pull me over to him. He sits me on top of him so I am facing him, and that is when I notice he has freed a certain part of himself from the bathing suit.

  My head snaps up to look at him and he smiles. Running his finger down my back, he brings it around and hooks it under my bathing suit bottom, moving it to the side. He puts one finger inside of me and looks me in the eye. “This is mine, Nicole, and it drives me crazy that these perverts have been looking at you. So now I want to remind you why this is mine and only mine.”

  He picks me up a little and brings me down on top of him. I let out a moan and then remember where we are.

  “Let’s see how good your poker face is now.”

  He grabs my hips and starts grinding me on top of him. He has also positioned us right by a jet, so every time I slide back, the stream seems to hit me in just the right spot. I have to bite my lip to keep from making all of the sounds begging to come out. I am so close, that when he leans down to kiss my chest I lose it, burying my head in his neck to help mask the sounds of my orgasm. He finishes inside of me and I can’t bring myself to move off of him.

  When I do move, I look over at him and he seems so pleased with himself. Jason always does these kinds of things to me in the craziest places, and I can’t get enough of it. I love that he has these moments when he can’t wait and has to have me now.

  We go to the boardwalk after that and Carter pulls Jason into some store with him. We tell the boys we will meet up with them in a little bit. I start to tell Mads about this afternoon, when we pass this store that catches my eye.

  It is called Ridemakerz and you are able to build and design your own custom car. Jason and I have talked once about things we want, and of course with him being a guy, he talks about his dream car. I make Maddy come in with me to look around and tell her my idea.

  “What do you think, Mads?”

  “I think it is a great idea, Nic. Thank God I have Carter’s car keys in my purse too! We can hide it in the car.”

  It takes me an hour and both of us a couple of missed calls and fake locations with the guys to get it done. Once we have it in the trunk, we meet them at the sushi restaurant we picked out for dinner. When we see them, they look pissed and I really can’t blame them. We have been leading them on a wild goose chase for the past forty-five minutes.

  We have dinner and walk around a little more after that, and it is really nice. I am not looking forward to going home tomorrow, but at least Jason and I are in a good place.

  Chapter Sixteen


  This past month has been crazy. Nicole has rehearsalat least four times a week. On top of that, I’ve had to spend time with slutty Stacey on our final project for class. The only girl I know who is more of a pest than her is Alyssa. Now that is one crazy bitch. Carter says she shows up everywhere. It is like the girl is a damn hound dog. You would think, after everything, she would realize she didn’t have a chance and give up.

  Stacey just sent me a text and asked if I could meet her at her room, because the library is closed today. I know this is a bad idea, but we only have a couple things left to do and I just want the girl to beat it already. When I get to her building, I sign in and go to her room. I take a deep breath because I know this girl is going to push my buttons in every way possible. When I knock on the door, I hear her yell, “Come in.”

  I walk in and see all the stuff for the project laid out on the desk. She lives in one of the nicer dorms on campus and has her own bathroom. The door is closed, so I assume that’s where she is. When I start looking through all of the papers and everything, I notice that all of the things she said she needed help with are already done. This can’t be good.

  I hear the bathroom door open and when I turn around, Stacey is standing there in nothing but a red lace push up bra, matching boy shorts, and a pair of heels.

  Fuck my life.

  “I thought we could celebrate having this finally done, Jason.” She struts over to me, trying to look seductive, but really, she just looks desperate and pitiful.

  I back away from her and start making my way toward the door. “Stacey, are you fucking serious right now? I don’t know how many times I need to tell you this, I don’t want you. I know you understand English, but if I knew any other fucking languages, I would tell you in those too. I don’t care what you think, this is not I playing hard to get. I. Do. Not. Want. You.”

  I turn and walk out of the room, slamming the door as I leave.

  When I walk out of the dorm, I see Nic walking into the theater building. Maybe I’ll go watch her practice; the show will run the week before Christmas break and I kind of want to see what she has been working on.

  When I walk into the building, I see Nicole standing toward the end of the hallway. I can’t see who she is talking to because they are around the corner. As I get closer, I heard bits and pieces of their conversation.

  “I don’t know how many times I need to say it, Aaron, this is just acting.”

  I hate that asshole. He is so entitled and thinks he is God’s gift to women because he has money.

  “Nicole, you can’t tell me that loser is really good enough for you. Let me show you what you are missing, doll.”

  I am going to fucking kill him.

  “Aaron, I am not going to stand here and listen to your shit. You don’t know me, or Jason, and how dare you—”

  I can’t see her anymore, so I start running. When I turn the corner, that asshole has her pushed up against the wall, kissing her. I grab him and shove him against the opposite wall. I look back at Nicole to make sure she is all right.

  “Sorry you had to see that, Jason. You know sometimes romances start onstage, and then carry on off stage as well.” Is this dickhead serious right now? I pull back my fist.

  “Stop!” I hear Nicole shout at me but I don’t care. This asshole has it coming.

  I slam my fist into his face.

  “Fuck! My nose!”

  I turn back to Nicole, “Are you okay, babe?”

  She just nods her head. “How did you know I was even over here?”

  “I saw you walking in and was going to come watch your rehearsal.”

  “Well, thanks for being my knight in shining armor, Tarzan. Do you still want to come watch?”

  The dirty thoughts running through my mind when she asks me that are endless. “I don’t know if Romeo will be up for rehearsal today.”

  We both look at Aaron still lyi
ng on the floor and laugh. She grabs my hand and starts walking toward the theater. “I don’t have any scenes with him today, so it doesn’t matter.”

  I am sitting in the audience watching Nicole and she is amazing. I have never been the type to go to plays and things like that, but she is such a natural. As far as the story, I can’t understand half of the shit they are saying.

  Everyone is going out to Shattered Glass tonight, mainly because Nicole tortures us every day to go. I know she loves to perform and I really like seeing her up there too. What I didn’t like is the fact that every guy in the club would stare at her the entire night.


  I am so happy everyone agreed to come to the club tonight. We are all hanging out when Jason and Carter run outside. I have been sitting here by myself for a few minutes and am just about to go investigate when everyone comes back in. They all look ready to kill someone and Maddy looks a little shaken up. I go right up to Jason when he sits down. “What happened, babe?”

  He looks at me and I can tell he is trying to calm himself down before answering me. “Maddy saw Shawn walking by outside, and he had a pretty big gash on his face. She was trying to get him to tell her what was going on, when he started flipping out and yelling at her. Carter walked outside and the shit hit the fan. I had to hold them back from getting into a fight. I don’t know what is going on with him, Nic. He is not the same person he used to be.” Jason, Carter, and Shawn are like brothers, and as I look at them now, they seem like they are hurting for him.

  This is a lot to take in. Especially because Shawn is the last person I would expect stuff like this from. “Have you noticed anything weird around the apartment?”

  “No. I even went into his room and looked around a couple of days ago. Nothing was out of place, and everything seemed really normal, for the most part. I’m scared he is into drugs or something, but then I think...wouldn’t I have found something?”


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