King’s Castle

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King’s Castle Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  “What is this place? My sister said she was coming here to lay low. To lend a hand.” There is more to this place than I’m putting together.

  “I’m kind of hoping your sister stays. Cyn made up our nicest cabin just for her.” My stomach knots. Not only because I want my sister to come home with me but jealousy curls its ugly head and I get a taste of my own medicine.

  “Sorry to break it to you but she’s going where I’m going. Home.” I watch as a small spark of irritation crosses his face before it turns into a smirk.

  “I guess she’s staying then because your home is where I am and I’m here.”

  Chapter Seven


  She opens her mouth and I know something smart was coming out but at the last moment she decides against it. I’m disappointed. I like sparring with her. It shows she’s not afraid of me.

  I crouch down close to her. She needs to get used to feeling me by her side at all times--so used to it that when I’m not there, she doesn’t feel right.

  “What is it that you do when you’re not trying to rescue your sister?”

  Slick snaps her fingers in my face. “Ah ha,” she crows. “So you admit my sister needs rescuing.”

  “Nah. I’m just repeating what you said earlier. Your sister’s fine. She’ll like it here and when she’s ready she can leave if she wants. No one is keeping her any place she doesn’t want to be. Are you avoiding my question because you’re embarrassed about your job? You shouldn’t be. All jobs are valid.”

  “I’m a vet tech and if she can leave whenever she wants, then as soon as your Jake brings her, we’ll be gone.”

  I opt not to respond because it’ll only be repetitive. I’m keeping Slick and nothing will change my mind. “What’s a vet tech do?”

  “Everything a vet does but surgery.”

  “Hmm. That’s good. I’ve always wanted more animals here, but don’t have much experience with taking care of them.” I dig my hands into Blue’s ruff and give it a good scratch. The old boy rubs his chin against my knee. “Having a vet tech on staff will make a big difference. Guess we’ll have to build a barn. Think it should be heated?”

  “Heated barns are nice but really expensive. I’ve heard if you use radiant floor heating it’s better--” Slick stops petting Lucy and shoots me an annoyed look. “There’s no we here so if you build a barn, it’s because you want to and no other reason.”

  She’s really set on keeping her distance. I’m starting to wonder if it’s going to take more than a day to get her into my bed. My dick howls its metaphorical head off in dismay.

  “Heated barn with a radiant floor it is. I’ll fly an architect up here tomorrow. Jake and Cyn can go fetch him.”

  “Didn’t you hear what I said?”

  “I did.” I give Blue one last firm pat before standing. “But your words don’t track with my plans so I’m ignoring them.” I hold out a hand. “Want to take a tour of the cabins? I’ve got two empties waiting for their visitors if you want to see.” I know she’s curious. Every time I’ve mentioned the cabins, a questioning light pops into her eyes.

  “If you’re ignoring my words, I’m ignoring yours.” She disregards my hand and rises on her own, dusting her hands against her jacket. “You may show me a cabin.” She jerks her chin like she’s the Queen of England. I love it.

  “Come on then, Slick.” I head in the direction of cabin number five. The walk is cleared but there’s quite a bit of snow to cover before we hit pavement. I’d have taken her hand in mine, but she might’ve slapped me and in the cold, that sort of blow can sting like a mothereffer. As we walk side by side, I keep an eye out for Slick, who is struggling a bit with the long coat. After watching her wobble a third time, I sweep her into my arms.

  “I can walk,” she declares, batting her hands against the steel cage of my arms.

  “Yeah, I know. You can talk, shower, and eat by yourself, too, but someday I’m going to kiss you until you’re breathless, eat you out while the water rains down on your head, and feed you from my own hand so you might as well get used to me doing things for you now. Besides, I think Blue and Lucy were getting worried they were going to have to drag you out by your collar if you fell down.” The two dogs hop excitedly through the snow beside us.

  The small pats turn to punches from her newly formed fists. “You are delusional!” she shouts. “Even if I wasn’t here for my sister, I wouldn’t climb into bed with a man who has clearly lost it.”

  I set her down on the front stoop. “If you say so.” I open the door to cabin five and step aside. Cabin five is minimalist with heated cement floors, black custom cabinetry and a bank of windows that make you feel like you’re living outside. A cast iron stove hangs from the ceiling in the middle of the room to provide additional heat.

  “This isn’t going to be my sister’s place. She’d hate it here,” Slick announces, but I notice that she seems interested. She trails her hands over the marble counter before checking out the fireplace. “You never told me what you do for a living or what this place is.”

  “I don’t do anything but live here at the retreat.” At least, that’s what Cyn says. I do the books, invest my money, help build the cabins, fix any maintenance issues, and make sure the boogie man stays away from the gate.

  She swings away from the fireplace and pins a narrow-eyed gaze on me. “How do you afford this? Is it drugs?”

  “Not drugs. My old man had a lot of money and when he died, it came to me.” The old man meant to change his will but was too busy beating on my mom and sticking his dick into every passing vagina that he never got around to it. Medical reports say he died of a heart attack but I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his bedmates got tired of him and slipped something into his drink. “And this place”—I hold out my arms—“is for women and girls who need a place to stay while their shit gets sorted. My mom needed one of these but didn’t have it so she passed away from one fist to the gut too many.” The doc who treated her told me she didn’t have to die, that the injuries weren’t internal but her heart gave out anyway. I understood. I didn’t want to stay living around my old man either.

  “Are you saying that my sister’s stalker…” She trails off, not wanting to finish the sentence, not wanting to be in a situation where someone she cares about was being abused and she didn’t know.

  “I’m not saying anything like that.” The two sisters are going to have to talk this issue out on their own. “But your sister needed a refuge and cabin number two was empty.”

  Slick doesn’t look convinced. In fact, she looks downright miserable. It’s time for hot cocoa, some peppermint schnapps, and a fire, I decide. “The dogs are cold,” I lie. “I need to get them inside. Ready to go back to the house?”

  Slick nods. The lure of the animals is too much for her to deny, even though she’s feeling glum. I pick her up again and this time her protests are feeble. She’s preoccupied with the information about her sister. If the dogs and the booze and the fire don’t distract her, I guess I’ll have to use something else.

  Chapter Eight


  “Isn’t this the best croissant you’ve ever eaten?” Cyn says as she pushes another plateful toward me on the coffee table. She covers them in a warm honey butter that is like heaven when it hits my tongue. I’m sitting in the living room on the floor surrounded by the dogs with a fire blazing away. I am warm and full. I can understand why a woman would want to come here. It feels safe and accepting. Almost as though you’re home. My mind is still whirling with everything King told me about this place and it gives me a better understanding of why my sister would want to be here.

  “Why are you being so nice to me now?” I lick my fingers. “What are you after? I’m better when people shoot it straight with me.” I grab another warm croissant as I pet Winter’s head. She’s quickly becoming my favorite. I’m pretty sure at one time she was the runt of her litter. She’s smaller than the other dogs and seems a bit clingier.
r />   “As much as King and I tend to bicker I don’t think I’d like the idea of him not living close to me. We’re cousins but it often feels more like we’re brother and sister.” I already have an idea of where she’s going with this. “He traveled a lot when he was in the Army. He’s back here now and it would hurt if he left again.” I can understand that. It’s the same way that I feel about Danny.

  “So you should get it. I want my sister to come back home.”

  “I do. But I think you’re forgetting that your sister is the one that wanted to come here. She needs a place to lay low and well—" Cyn lets out a long sigh— “we kinda need her too. Your sister is a doctor. A top notch one at that. Ours is getting older. She wants to retire. We don’t just need one but the town could use one too.”

  “I need to talk to her,” I admit. There is so much more happening here than I know. This isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. To top it off, King isn’t helping me keep my head on straight. With every promise, or better yet, demand, he makes to me, I soften a little more toward him. He both frustrates and excites me at the same time.

  “I think we might need you, too.”

  “I’m just a vet tech.” I rub Snowflake’s head. She rolls over, showing me her belly. I give it a little rub.

  “I’m talking about King.”

  I peek over at her. “What about him?” I try and play it cool. He left me in the living room to do some work. Told me that my sister would be here soon.

  “I don’t know. You did something to him. He’s acting all weird.” She reaches over and grabs my hand. “Don’t take him with you. We need him here, too. He keeps everyone safe.”

  I can see the worry in her eyes. Our conversation from a little while ago makes a little more sense now. She’s afraid of losing him so I need to reassure her that I’m only here for one reason and it’s not King.

  “I only came for my sister.” Something funny settles in my stomach as the words leave my mouth. I put the half-eaten croissant back on the plate, suddenly losing my appetite. Why does talking about leaving here upset me? I think King is doing something to me, too. I oddly enjoy all of his manhandling ways and straightforward comments. Sure, I pretend they irritate me but it makes me feel girly. Sexy even. For once, I’m not just one of the boys. He sees me in a different light and I’m eating it up. Not only that, he is making all these plans as though we are some done deal. Plans that are all too enticing, but they should send me running for the hills.

  “That might be why you came to begin with but things tend to change rather quickly. Kind of like the weather around here. One minute it’s calm and then the next thing you know, it’s a full-blown blizzard.” I keep quiet because I know she’s right. King already has me feeling unsettled. “Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.”

  “You and Jake? Is that a matter of the heart?” Every time his name comes up her eyes light up but then she hides it.

  “There is no Jake and me.” I can see the sadness in her eyes. “He’s a good man but I’m not sure I have a full heart to give him.” Oh shit. If I was on the fence about Cyn before now she just pushed me right on over to liking her. I realize that I haven’t really had any girl time since Danny moved away. It's nice to have someone to talk to about things. Even if neither one of us is willing to admit to our feelings.

  “But you spend your life healing other’s hearts. Making them feel safe.”

  She thinks about this for a moment. “Those who can’t do, teach?” She cocks a half smile but it doesn't meet her eyes. I want to tell her that the only person she’s fooling is herself but I keep it to myself. She’s not ready, and I not only respect that, but I can also relate to it. I’m the last person that should be giving out advice about relationships since I’ve never been in one.

  Unless you ask King. Apparently, he and I are in a committed relationship that he is already making all kinds of plans for.

  I don’t only need to talk to my sister, but I need to clear my own head. Maybe a small taste of what King is trying to offer might help me with that. What’s the worst that could happen?

  Chapter Nine


  After Cyn left I moved into the living room with my laptop, wanting to be close to Slick. I’m doing the books when I hear, “So I heard sex is good for getting rid of tension.”

  My head whips up so fast, I have to double-check to see if I broke my neck. Slick is bringing up sex? I run my fingers along my vertebrae and try to work out what she’s saying. Is it just an innocent question or is it an invitation?

  “That’s what I’ve heard,” I respond, trying to feel her out. “You tense?”

  She shrugs, stretching out her legs in front of the fireplace. “I’m worried about Danny, I guess.”

  “She should be here soon. Sounds like you need a distraction.”

  She peeks at me under a veil of lashes. “Maybe I do.”

  “Can’t have any guest of mine suffering from a spot of anxiety.” I set my laptop aside and pat my lap. If she climbs on top of me, I’ll know exactly what she wants.

  She stands immediately and all the blood in my head drops to my dick.

  “Should I take off my clothes?” she asks. Her voice is small now; her bravado not as loud.

  “Nope.” I can tell she’s not quite there yet. Whether it’s because she’s shy about her body or she’s nervous about letting me get her off, it’s not clear, which is why I’m not going to have her remove even her shirt.

  I pat the top of my thigh. “Hop on over.”

  She takes a step toward me. “How is this going to work?” Her eyes have a suspicious light in them. I crack my knuckles in anticipation. She’s not convinced I can make her come without her clothes off and my dick inside of her and while that day will come soon, I suspect it won’t be tonight. I’m still going to thoroughly enjoy this moment.

  “I’m going to touch you. You’re going to tell me what you like and what you don’t like and then I’m going to make you come.”

  “I don’t think you can.”

  Yup, she has doubts, which is fine by me.

  “If I don’t make you come, I’ll tell Jake to fly you and your sister anywhere you want tomorrow.”

  She lowers herself to my thigh and throws out her arms. “Do your worst.”

  I rearrange her so her ass is snug against my thickening cock and her legs are draped over my thighs. She squeaks as I position her.


  “N-no problem,” she says but it’s obvious this kind of thing is new for her. The fact that she’s a virgin fills me with a bad sort of bestial pleasure. I’ll be the first to touch her cunt. The first to pierce her sex. The first to claim her. It’s the thinking of a caveman, a Neanderthal, but I can’t stop it. My cock throbs in anticipation. Sinking in to her hot cunt will be the end of me. I’ll be ready to stop my life right then. What could possibly be better?

  Desire thrums in my veins. I stroke my hand down her arm and try to calm myself, but touching her only makes me harder, fills me with more want. I draw a hand over her back and feel her tremble under my touch. It’s a good thing my jeans are zipped and there are two layers of clothing between my cock and her bare pussy or I’d be inside of her right now. I clear my throat and try to rein in the desire to flip her over onto her knees and take her.

  “You touch yourself?” I ask. My voice is hoarse with lust.

  “Of course,” she retorts over her shoulder.

  I slide my hand over her hand and rest it on her upper thigh. “Under your clothes or over your panties? You slide your fingers into your warm cunt or you put a shower head to your little clit?”

  She squirms her fine ass against my cock, sending bolts of arousal through my already molten blood. I bite down on my inner cheek so I don’t come like a schoolboy.

  “You seem to know a lot about a girl’s masturbation,” she says when she finds her voice.

  “I’m a literate man, Slick. I can read. Now lean your h
ead back against my shoulder.” I stroke her inner thigh and press her legs even farther apart until the spandex stretches thin against her pussy. I touch her lightly over her clothes. Her lips are plump and her sex is hot. “You feel the rod against your ass, Slick? One of these days, we’re taking your pants off and you’re going to sit on my cock. Every time you wriggle your ass, you’re going to feel my hard shaft in different places and it’s going to make you come hard.”

  “You’ve been saying all day you’re going to take me but all I feel is your hand between my legs,” she snaps.

  “Oh, so you want to be a brat, do you?” I smile. This is even better than I thought it would be. “Tell me if this hurts.” I smack her pussy.

  She yelps. “What did you just do?”

  I smack her again. “Did it hurt?”

  “Of course it hurts.”

  What a pretty little liar. She nearly came on that second hit. I take my hand away and place it on her thigh, stroking my fingers up and down that firm surface, coming close to her cunt but never touching it.

  She coughs lightly and wriggles again, trying for that contact.

  “You want something, Slick?”

  “I thought you were going to make me”--wriggle wriggle—“come.”

  “You gotta be honest then. That’s how this works. You tell me if you like it when I’m caging your pussy lips between my fingers or rubbing circles around your clit. When I slap you, you tell me if you want it harder.” I slide my hand up and press the side of it firmly against her sex. I can feel her muscles contract. “Tell me,” I order.

  Her mouth remains stubbornly closed. I move my hand away. She grabs it, digging her nails into my palm. “Do what you said you were going to do.”


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