There Were Giants Upon the Earth

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by Zechariah Sitchin

  The answer was given in the very tale of the Celestial Battle, when (in the second round) Nibiru/Marduk "trod upon"—came into actual contact with—Tiamat, severing her 'veins' and thrusting away her 'skull'—the future Earth. It was then that the "SEED OF LIFE"—the DNA of life on Nibiru—was transferred to Planet Earth.

  Science's 'Primordial Soup' theory—whether or not valid in respect to any planetary environment elsewhere—runs into acknowledged additional problems when it comes to Earth. Abandoning the notion that the Solar System has not changed a bit since it began to take shape some 4.5 billion years ago, modern science now acknowledges that something extraordinary happened about 3.9 billion years ago. In the words of The New York Times ('Science Times' of June 16, 2009),

  Some 3.9 billion years ago, a shift in the orbit of the Sun's outer planets sent a surge of large comets and asteroids careening into the inner solar system. Their violent impacts gouged out the large craters still visible on the Moon's face, heated Earth's surface into molten rock and boiled off its oceans into an incandescent mist.

  Yet rocks that formed on Earth 3.8 billion years ago, almost as soon as the bombardment had stopped, contain possible evidence of biological processes.

  The impossibility of life starting here in such circumstances, the New York Times stated, has frustrated researches so much that

  Some scientists, as eminent as Francis Crick, chief theorist of molecular biology, have quietly suggested that life may have formed elsewhere before seeding the planet.

  The theory that life on Earth was "seededfrom elsewhere," known as the Panspermia Theory, was fully discussed in my 1990 book Genesis Revisited, where it was of course pointed out that the 'inexplicable catastrophic event' 3.9 billion years ago was the tale of Nibiru and the Celestial Battle. The 'Panspermia' solution is neither "quietly held" (though not adopted by the scientific establishment, its proponents include many prominent scientists) nor is it new—it was put forth in cuneiform clay tablets millennia ago . . . Life on Earth and life on « Nibiru—DNA on Earth and DNA on Nibiru—is the same because the Seed of Life was imparted by Nibiru to Earth during the Celestial • Battle. The obtainment of such a ready-made Seed of Life explains how life could begin on Earth in the relatively immediate aftermath of the cataclysm.

  Since Nibiru, at the time of the collision, already possessed formed DNA, evolution began there much earlier than on Earth. One cannot say how much earlier; but in terms of 4.5 billion years, just 1 percent earlier would mean a head start of 45,000,000 Earth-years—more than enough evolutionary time for Nibiru's astronauts to meet a Homo erec- tus on Earth.

  * * *

  The ancient notion that Life on Earth began when it was 'seeded' from/ by Nibiru was further expressed in the concept of an actual Seed of Life—Numun in Sumerian, Zeru in Akkadian, Zera in Hebrew. That basic scientific idea not only explained how Life on Earth originated—it also pointed to where on Earth life began.

  It is noteworthy that in Genesis (1:20-25) the Bible describes the evolution of "Living Things" (on the Fifth Day of Creation) as proceeding from the waters to dry land, progressing from "all that creeps in the waters" through amphibians to the "great lizards" (dinosaurs), followed by birds, and then to "all other living creatures after their kind"—a veritable ancient Theory of Evolution whose sequence is in impressive accord with modern theories of Evolution (including the most recent findings that birds evolved from dinosaurs).

  But when it concerns where Life on Earth started, the Bible precedes marine life with an earlier phase: On Day Three, according to the Bible, Life began with the appearance of seed-bearing grasses on dry land. It was after the formation of raised continents and water-filled seas that God said (verses 1:11-13):

  Let the Earth bring forth grass

  —the herb yielding seeds—

  and the fruit tree that yields fruit after its kind,

  whose seed is in itself;

  and it was so upon the Earth.

  And the Earth brought forth grass,

  and herb yielding seed,

  and the fruit tree yielding fruit

  whose seed was in itself, after its kind.

  And God saw that it was good;

  And the evening and the morning

  were the Third Day.

  So, while in other verses the Bible describes Evolution as we know it, from primitive marine to fishes to amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals—the Bible also asserts that before "all that creepeth" began to stir in the waters, herbage bearing and stemming from seeds was the first phase of Life on Earth.

  Such a distinction between the evolution of Life and the start of Life on Earth has long been held as contradicting modern science— until the publication, in July 2009 (.Nature No. 460), of a revolutionary study according to which "a thick, green carpet ofphotosynthetic life exploded across the Earth " hundreds of millions of years before life with "oxygen hungry cells" appeared in the waters. Earth, the scientific journal announced, was "greened over" with a "thick carpet of plant life" whose sediments, when washed into the oceans, may have nourished watery life.

  These new revolutionary findings restate what was stated in the Bible millennia earlier.

  This sequence, the Bible makes clear, was made possible by the "seed" aspect of the grasses. The words 'seed,' 'seeds,' 'bearing seeds' are repeated six times in the two quoted verses, making sure that the reader does not miss the point: Life on Earth began with/from a seed of ready-made DNA.

  Though a parallel specific Mesopotamian text has not been found thus far, other clues indicate that such a sequence of life's beginnings from herbal seeds had been noted by the Sumerians. We find the evidence in the words and terminology of the Fifty Divine Names that wer< granted to Marduk when he assumed supremacy. Retained in their original Sumerian form even in the Babylonian text, each name was followed by text-lines elaborating its meaning. Of immediate relevance to our subject are the following seven epithet-names; we list them as they appear in the tablet, together with their textual elucidations:

  Maru'ukka, Verily the god Creator of All.

  Namtillaku, The god who sustains life.

  Asaru, Bestower of cultivation,

  creator of herbs and grains

  who causes vegetation to sprout.

  Epadun, Lord who sprinkles the field .. .

  who establishes seed rows.

  Sirsir, Who heaped up a mountain over Tiamat. ..

  whose 'hair' is a grain field.

  Gil, Who heaps grain in massive mounds,

  who brings forth barley and millet,

  who furnishes the Seed of Earth.

  Gishnumunab, Creator of the Primeval Seed,

  the seed of all people.

  The above sequence of attributes conforms to the Anunnaki's theory of both the origin of Life on Earth and its evolutionary stages. According to it, the celestial Marduk (alias Nibiru) is (a) the "Creator of the Primeval Seed," (b) who "furnished the Seed of Earth," beginning with herbs and vegetation that sprouts, and (c) culminating with providing "the Seed of All People." It is a notion of all life stemming from the same 'seed'—the same DNA—in a chain leading from Nibiru's "Primeval Seed" to the "Seed of All People."

  In this concept—a scientific conclusion of the Anunnaki—lies the centrality of their preoccupation with "seed" as the essence of life. When Enlil wished to have Mankind perish in the Deluge, it was the "seed of Mankind" that Enlil wished to destroy. When Enki revealed the secret of the Flood to Ziusudra, he told him that "A Deluge will be sent to destroy the seed of Mankind." And it was not actual pairs of all animals that Noah/Utnapushtim took on board the Ark; in addition to some sheep and birds it was the "seed of living things' (provided by Enki) that was taken aboard. As stated in the Epic of Gilgamesh, those were the instructions to Utnapishtim:

  Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar-Tutu,

  Tear down the house, build a ship!

  Give up possessions, seek thou life!

  Forswear belongings, keep soul

  Aboard ship take thou the seed of all living things.

  In the list of Fifty Names, Marduk's epithets with the term "seed" in them ranged from "He who establishes seed rows" to he "who furnishes the Seed of Earth," "Creator of the Primeval Seed," and of "the seed of all people." We can still hear the reverberating outcry of Ea/ Enki—"I am the leader of the Anunnaki, engendered by fecund seed, the firstborn son of divine An!" And we must recall Enlil's superseding claim to the Right of Succession: The fact that because his mother, Antu, was a half-sister of Anu, Enlil's "seed" was doubly fecunded.

  So, of whose 'seed' is Man?

  The issue of our genetic origins is no longer a subsubject of biblical studies. It has moved from the realms of faith and philosophy to the arena of sophisticated science, for the latest research is zeroing in on the seemingly immortal cancer cells and the obviously fundamental stem cells (the embryonic cells from which all other body cells evolve).

  In the biblical narrative, humanity stems in direct lineage from Adam (and Eve) and their son Seth through the sole surviving family of Noah and his three married sons; but even the Bible acknowledges the existence of another human lineage, the Line of Cain, that flourished in some faraway Land of Nod. Judging from the Sumerian and Akkadian sources, the actual story is considerably more complex—and it touches upon the issue of Life, Longevity, and Mortality. Above all, it involves the demigods—offspring of the taking by the gods of the Daughters * of Man as wives.


  In a historic breakthrough, two scientific teams announced in February 2001 the sequencing of the complete human genome. The principal finding was that our genome contains not the anticipated 100,000- 140,000 genes (the stretches of DNA that direct the production of amino-acids and proteins) but less than 30,000—only about double the 13,601 genes of a fruit fly and barely 50 percent more than the roundworm's 19,098. Moreover, there was hardly any uniqueness to the human genes. They were found comparative to almost 99 percent of the chimpanzees, and to 70 percent of the mouse. Human genes, with the same functions, were found to be identical to genes of other vertebrates, as well as invertebrates, plants, fungi, even yeast.

  The findings not only confirmed that there was one source of DNA for all life on Earth, but also enabled the scientists to trace the evolutionary process—how more complex organisms evolved, genetically, from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life form to create a more complex higher life-form—culminating with Homo sapiens.

  It was here, in tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the human and other analyzed genomes, that the scientists ran into an enigma. The "head-scratching discovery," as the journal Science (issue No. 291) termed it, was that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have any predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree. In fact, these 223 genes were found to be completely missing in the whole range of the vertebrate phase of evolution. An analysis of the functions of these genes, published in the journal Nature (issue No. 409), showed that they involve important physiological and cerebral functions peculiar to humans. Since the difference between Man and Chimpanzee is just about 300 genes, those 223 genes make a huge difference.

  How did Man acquire such a bunch of enigmatic genes? The scientists could only explain the presence of these alien genes by a "rather recent" (in evolutionary time scales) "probable horizontal transfer from bacteria," suggesting that these are not genes acquired through evolution, but genes acquired through recent infection from bacteria.

  If one accepts the "horizontal bacterial insertion" explanation, I wrote in my website, then it was a group of bacteria that said, "Let us fashion The Adam in our image" . . .

  I still prefer the Sumerian and biblical Anunnaki/Elohim version.


  Gods and Other Ancestors

  We shall never know the name—if he ever had one—of the hominid whose was used by Ninmah in the genetic mixture for creating the gods' Workman; with the repeated trial and error, more than one hominid were involved. But we do know—due to additional cuneiform tablet discoveries—whose godly 'essence' or bloodline was used in the process.

  Does it matter? Perhaps not much, in view of the varied other genealogical and genetic ancestors that Man on Earth had in the course of time. But if some genes never die, then the issue is of interest—at least from a What If aspect—since Mankind's record, from the very biblical beginnings, is not a happy odyssey. It is a tale more heartbreaking than ever conceived by a Shakespeare or a Homer: A wondrous creation, '..The Adam' is really fashioned to be a serf; placed in a bountiful Eden, his stay is cut short by disobeying God. Enabled to procreate, Adam is doomed to eke out a living from parched soil and Eve is condemned to give birth in agony. They bear two sons, and there are four humans on Earth; then Cain (a tiller of the land), jealous of Abel (a shepherd), slays his brother, reducing Mankind to three . . .

  Serfdom, disobeyance, fratricide—are they part of our genetic makeup because we are mostly heirs to the DNA of Earth's animal kingdom—or because the bloodline selected by the Anunnaki—the 'Alien Genes'—was that of a young rebel who incited his crewmates to kill Enlil?

  While in some texts—including references to the Creation of Man in the Epic of Creation—the god whose blood was used is executed for being the rebels' leader, other Atra-Hasis versions explain the choice as due to that god having the right Te'ema, translated 'Life's Essence' or 'Personality' (genetically speaking). Where not entirely missing, the cuneiform signs giving his name used to be read (in Akkadian) Weila; new tablet discoveries in the 1990s in Sippar by Iraqi archaeologists clearly name him Alia in Akkadian and Nagar in Sumerian—an epithet-name meaning 'Metal-craftsman', specifically in copper. This could suggest a deliberate choice (rather than mere punishment) in view of the fact that the Nachash Serpent/Knower of Secrets in the Bible's Garden of Eden tale also stems from the same verb-root as Nechoshet, which means copper in Hebrew. The fact that Nagar (and his spouse Allatum) are listed among the Enki gods in the various God Lists, reinforces his role as leader of the insurrection against Enlil.

  Biblical scholars agree that the context for the Cain-Abel incident is the unending and universal conflict between farmers and herdsmen over land and water. Such conflicts are described in Sumerian texts as part of Mankind's early history—a theme expounded upon in a text scholars call The Myth of Cattle and Grain, where Enlil is the deity of Anshan (grains and farming) and Enki of Lahar ('woolly cattle' and sheepherding)—roles that were continued by Enlil's son Ninurta who (as depicted on cylinder seal VA-243, Fig. 51) gave Mankind the plow, and Enki's son Dumuzi, who was a Shepherd. As in other instances, the Bible combined the two deities (Enlil and Enki) into a sole 'Yahweh' who accepts the shepherd's (Abel's) offering from his flocks but ignores the farmer's (Cain's) offering of "fruit of the soil."

  Following the Cain-Abel tale, the Bible devotes the remainder of Genesis chapter 4 to Cain and his descendants. Fearful of getting killed for his sin, Cain is granted by God a visible protective 'mark' (the favorite "Mark of Cain" of Sunday preachers) that will last for "seventyfold" generations. (If transmittable through the generations, it had to be a genetic marker.) As in the tale of the Deluge, the same Yahweh who has had it with Mankind and seeks its elimination but then proceeds to save it through Noah, so does 'Yahweh' who ignored, condemned, and punished Cain now grants him safety and protection. Once again, we see, the Bible combined actions of Enki with actions of Enlil into one divine entity called "Yahweh." As explained to a questioning Moses (Exodus 3:14), the name meant "I will be whoever I will be"—a universal God once acting through/as Enlil, another time through/as Enki, or in time through other entities ('gods') as His emissaries.

  Protected by a sympathetic deity, the wandering Cain reached "the Land of Nod, eastward of Eden." There Cain "knew his wife" and had a son, Enoch (= 'Founding' or 'Foundation'); and he built a city, and named it 'Enoch' in honor of his son. Then "unto Enoch Yared was born, and Yared beg
ot Mehuyahel; and Mehuyahel begot Metusha'el, and Metusha'el begot Lamech."

  On reaching the seventh generation (Adam-Cain-Enoch-Yared- Mehuyahel-Metusha'el-Lamech), the Bible gets generous—even praiseful— with its information on the Cain line and its achievements:

  And Lamech took unto himself two wives,

  the name of one Addah and of the other Zillah.

  And Addah bore Jabal; he was the father of such

  that dwell in tents and have flocks;

  and his brother's name was Jubal—he was the

  father of all who play the harp and pipe.

  And Zillah too gave birth, to Tubal-Kain—

  an artificer of every article of copper and iron.

  And the sister of Tubal-Kain was Na'amah.

  These accomplishments of seven generations in the Cain lineage were celebrated by Lamech with a song; quoted by the Bible, it combined Cain's "seventyfold" with an invoking of an enigmatic "seventy- seven" by Lamech, to form a symbolic Triple Seven (7-7-7).

  In spite of its brevity, the Cain Line tale in the Bible depicts a high civilization that started with a toiler of the land, passed through a Bedouin-like stage of nomadic tent dwellers who tend flocks, and mastered a transition from peasantry to city dwelling, boasting musicians and including metallurgists. If not in the pre-Diluvial Edin or in the future Sumer, where did such a civilization arise?


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