In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 1

by Mia Rose

  Table of Contents

  Book 1


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chasing the Alpha Book 2


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  Full Moon Series

  Mia Rose



  Edited by

  Natasha Lind

  © Copyright 2017 - All rights reserved.

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  Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author or publisher responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to; errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.


  My Gift to you

  Art work


  1. The Towers

  2. Running

  3. Not This Day

  4. Please

  5. Staying Put

  6. Next Door Mystery

  7. Decision Time

  8. Careful Now

  9. Bullets

  10. Mission

  11. Explore

  12. Watch Out

  13. In Charge

  14. Wolf

  15. Declan

  16. Choices

  17. Pull

  18. The Woods

  19. My Voice

  20. Predator

  21. Luck

  22. Justice

  23. Remembering

  24. Not Pleasure-Filled

  Chasing the Alpha Book 2

  About the Author


  Sci-fi Romance


  1. Tulloc

  2. Amelia

  3. Tulloc

  4. Amelia

  5. Tulloc

  6. Amelia

  7. Tulloc

  8. Amelia

  9. Tulloc

  10. Amelia

  11. Tulloc

  12. Amelia

  13. Tulloc

  14. Amelia


  My Gift to you

  Click here or type in the url above into your web browser

  Art work


  “Staying awake is hellish.”

  The asphalt was still glossy from the storm, his sneakers plodded against the pools of rainwater that the potholes in the street had collected. The rain soaked through his waxed, canvas sneakers, but his shivering limbs and blue fingertips kept him caring. A winter in Colorado was a brutal thing to endure on your own.

  He wondered how long it’d been since he passed a neighborhood with the kind of people inside warm homes, that would welcome him into their lives. His mind drifted into the home he imagined, where a mother put her kids to sleep and cozied up next to her husband. And where she would crack open her book to the second-to-last page and read about women that did extraordinary things when no one was watching.

  Declan supposed that these women would get their thrills that way; reading about men and women that lived without caution, without concern over what they would tell their neighbors. Or worse, the story that they would have to conjure up and tell their husbands. In the morning, these wives would shake their children awake and prepare an extravagant breakfast, where the table would be overflowing with their choice of waffles, strawberries, toast, and bacon fresh off of the skillet. Her children would never have to wonder what their next meal was going to be, or scrape mold off of the end cap of a piece of bread. They would never have to tuck water bottles from the convenience store into their waistbands just to guarantee that they would have something to drink later.

  Declan tucked his arms tighter around himself, and took slow steps along the sidewalk. A bus stop was up ahead; the lonely and faded bus station sign flapped in the wind. He cupped his hand over his ear, the skin was bright red from the cold. He approached the bench a few feet behind the bus stop sign faster than he thought. Declan didn’t know whether he chose to sit down or if his chilled knees decided for him. He collapsed onto the bench, and the metal underneath him rested against his bony bottom the same way a pair of silver handcuffs rested against a crook’s wrists.

  He forced his eyes open, each time that they preferred to rest against his tired eyes, he shook himself awake. It was better to sleep during the day, most people preferred to leave you alone, to step around you, and pretend that you weren’t a part of their narrative. At night, people seemed to be interested in why you were alone for all the wrong reasons.

  Declan slipped his fingers into the holes on the bench, and rolled his shoulders back. Only six more hours until sunrise… only five more hours until sunrise… only four more hours until sunrise. Only three now, it would be idiotic to doze off now and risk it.

  Declan’s body slumped against the bench, and his chest tilted forward, forcing his head toward his knees. In the last hour, Declan’s eyes snapped open and his blood had been set ablaze. Between rugged breaths, he lifted his watery eyes to the blurry form in front of him.

  “Staying awake is hellish.”

  Chapter 1

  The Towers

  “What’s happening?!”

  Declan moved down the front steps of Clifton Towers and pu
shed open the doors that gave way outside. His skin was abused from the harsh rays of the sun. A leathery tan wrapped over his biceps which were always exposed when he wore his uniform shirt. Declan was the building superintendent for Deaver Towers; his days consisted of sliding underneath a blown sink faucet while the screams of a baby rang in his ears. There wasn’t an opportunity to run out of work because his tenants always found a way to wreck their shower head, or rip the handle off of their refrigerator door.

  Declan smiled to himself as he focused on his daily reward for dealing with the human world. With a dark chocolate mocha from the Arden Cafe, a quaint, family owned cafe that had been a spot for college kids and high school students. They could pile into on weeknights after they told their parents that they were in for a night of comparing notes, or receiving tutoring from their friends.

  He pushed open the glass doors, and the bell above his head sang, snagging the attention of a group of kids nearby and the barista behind the counter. Her name was Emily, she’d started at the cafe recently and had taken a small interest in Declan’s routines. She wore a warm smile, and waved him over as he headed toward the counter.

  “Good Afternoon, Declan! Are we doing the usual today? Or can I finally convince you to try something else?” she laughed.

  Declan shook his head and replied, “The usual is fine.”

  He reached into his wallet and spread it open; a thick layer of bills uncaringly crammed in between the pieces of cracked leather. Declan handed her a bill and she smiled, she hesitated before opening the register.

  “Hey, it’s on me today!”

  “Are you sure?”

  Emily nodded, her eyes flirtatiously running over Declan’s body.

  “Yeah. It’s on the house.” She held the bill out to him and he plucked it from between her fingers; he slipped it in the back pocket of his jeans.

  Emily disappeared behind the massive contraption of an espresso machine and Declan leant against the coffee bar.

  He was used to this, and the newer girls that started at the cafe always let him off with freebies and coy smiles on the first few occasions that they served him. Declan would come in with his mate, Cassidy, and soon after the winks and free treats would cease.

  Cassidy was striking, her beauty was intimidating to regular human women. It was enough to derail the attention of an entire room, with her long, blonde hair that reached the small of her back, and her tall and lean form. The delicate slope of her nose and her heart shaped face could easily convince someone that her face had been hand sculpted, or even created by a renowned plastic surgeon. Cassidy was one of the few werewolves that Declan encountered that had the good fortune to already be attractive. He’d found her on the outskirts of town, it was a night that he decided to switch up his hunting grounds.

  She was a camper, and she’d been separated from her group. Declan didn’t arrive until a larger wolf was already standing over her, her blood splattered on its face. He’d rushed forward to check her, and her body pulsed as the werewolf’s bite erased her human blood. He could still remember how he examined her face, and assumed that she was probably the daughter of someone important from town. Declan had stayed there, until the transformation was complete. Hers had been much faster and far less painful than Declan’s. When she’d opened her eyes, and saw a young man standing over her, she shrieked and slapped him as hard as she could. Declan spent the night and most of the day after explaining her new abilities to her.

  Feeling desperate and lost, she begged him to stay with her and teach her how to live as a werewolf. They returned to town, and she gathered her things. She left messages for her friends and left. Cassidy and her parents were estranged, so she had no one else to say goodbye to before she followed Declan back to his home in Clifton Towers.

  Declan grabbed his coffee cup out of Emily’s hands and headed toward the door, nodding at a curious college student that whipped her head around fast enough for the muscles in her neck to pop. He smirked, although none of Declan’s priorities included romancing college girls. But a part of him loved to see the effect that he had on human women. Declan always knew, even back in high school, that he was not hard to look at.

  His father hadn’t given him much besides a few bruises and a knee-jerk reaction to authority. But on more than one occasion Declan counted himself lucky because of his lightning fast metabolism. When his father first threw him out as a teen, he survived on gas station noodles and donut shop bagels for weeks until he got his first job. He was charming enough and just handsome enough, to cleverly trick the manager of the run-down Huntington Cafe into hiring him on as a server. After his turning, he watched as women practically fell over themselves at the chance to serve him in restaurants. And they would tuck small slips with their phone numbers scrawled across them in between the folds of his receipt.

  Declan walked down the sidewalk and headed back toward the thick doors of Clifton Towers. A young man and his girlfriend snaked past him as he opened the door. The girl was one of the more recent renters. Gabriel brought the girl to him after he went out on a hunt, and found her shivering on top of a bed of leaves with her mark on the underside of her chin.

  Declan moved into his office, a small, square-shaped room with one table lamp that emitted a warm glow. His desk, with its flaking wood chips and broken drawers, took up about two thirds of the space in the room. He walked behind it and pulled his office chair out, sliding into his desk and turning his attention toward his monitor. He ran his fingers under the hard plastic, and waited as the company logo flashed across the screen.

  Let’s see what everyone’s up to today. Declan narrowed his eyes and focused on the messages that had been waiting for him in his email. Email had been one of the most efficient ways for Declan to communicate with the pack without arousing suspicion from human tenants. Declan inherited his responsibilities as the building super from Max. He was an older man that took a chance on Declan and offered him an apprenticeship as a service person. This was once he saw that Declan had ripped off the metal guard on the dishwasher at Huntington Café, and tinkered inside of it before the manager finally called Max to give it a real tune up. For years, Declan managed to hide the truth about his abilities from Max, just long enough to inherit the rights to the building. He then began living a life that wasn’t mostly in the shadows. Once he was the building super, Declan went out of his way to rent the apartments to freshly turned werewolves, a way to keep them safe from terrified humans, or from themselves.

  As the years went on, Declan formed a solid pack. This included his mate, Cassie, who helped calm the brand-new werewolves, holding their hands through their cravings and involuntary transformations. Declan’s fingers pecked across the worn-out letters on his keyboard, typing out a response to a newer werewolf that was requesting one on one training time with him instead of Gabriel or Cassie. While Gabriel and Cassie were skilled hunters, everyone in the pack longed for a chance to train directly under their alpha.

  The door opened, catching on the raised blue and purple carpet underneath the floor, before popping open and rattling against the wall. Declan leaned back against his chair and looked toward the door.

  “Do you have to make a mess of everything before you enter a room?” he asked.

  Gabriel shrugged, and for a beta, Gabriel always carried an aloof disposition when it came to Declan. Declan concluded that it was probably from his need to show the pack that he was just as big and bad as Declan. However, Gabriel’s complete lack of leadership skills and his true wolf form served as a constant reminder that he would never be quite as big as Declan.

  “What is it?” Declan asked, running his hands over a scatter of papers on his desk.

  Loose work orders and thirty day notices decorated his desk.

  “We’ve got a bit of a problem,” Gabriel announced as he walked around the desk; his thick work shoes sent a smacking sound bouncing off of the walls.

  Declan sighed and said, “A new resident not wanting to be tra
ined by you doesn’t constitute a problem. I’m swamped, what do you need?”

  Gabriel scoffed and leaned against Declan’s desk, his jean-clad legs just barely touched the wall that Declan’s chair rested against. Declan frowned, and moved his chair towards the left, fighting back his irritation at the small slice of room left between his legs and the desk.

  Gabriel fished his cell phone out of one of the pocket in his jeans and scrolled down on the screen before flashing it in front of Declan. The basketball team captain photo of a recently turned werewolf smiled back at him.

  Gabriel cleared his throat before saying, “I’m hearing rumors around town that this idiot,” he paused and jostled his phone up and down, “got into a fight with a couple of goons from the football team at the high school. And that he sent him limping away with claw marks down his back.”

  Declan clenched his fists and took a deep inhale before replying, “And… where is he? What’s his name again? Aster?”

  Gabriel nodded, “Something like that. I thought that I saw him in the halls this morning before I found out but I don’t know if he’s still there.”


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