In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 16

by Mia Rose

“It’ll be just like before.”

  Chapter 24

  Not Pleasure-Filled

  “When you choose pleasure over pack.”

  Declan parked the car at the entrance to the woods, and turned to Cassidy who sat in the passenger seat beside him. He reached across her and squeezed her hand in between his.

  Cassidy offered him a smile before she said, “Are you alright? You’ve never been this nervous before a hunt before.”

  Declan sighed and looked over his shoulder, the other wolves had already parked their cars and were shuffling into the woods.

  He turned to back to her and said, “I’m just worried. I’m putting my whole pack at risk just to catch a couple of hunters.”

  Cassidy traced small circles along the skin between Declan’s thumb and index finger.

  “It’s not just to catch a couple of hunters, it’s to catch an entire group that has werewolf-deadly silver at their disposal. How could you live with yourself as an alpha if you didn’t take a risk to protect your pack?”

  Declan felt at a sting at Cassidy’s innocent comment.

  I’m so glad that you never had to find out.

  He nodded, and placed a small kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, Cassidy’s eyes were clouded with lust.

  “That’s the first time that you’ve kissed me in weeks.”

  “I know. I was hoping things could finally go back to normal, especially when our lives aren’t being threatened anymore.”

  Cassidy nodded and jerked her thumb at the crow that stood outside of the woods, “We should get going.”

  Declan nodded and got out of the car, he walked around and checked over both shoulders before his paws emerged under the cover of darkness. Then, his luminescent emerald eyes shined bright. Beside him, Cassidy transformed into her wolf, and a paw covered in brilliant white fur pressed into the ground.

  Her wide, dark-gray eyes turned to Declan and he instructed, “Forward!”

  In the heart of the woods, the rest of the wolves gathered under Gabriel’s watch. A group of fifteen wolves sat in wait, and Declan and Cassidy strode past a sea of black, brown, and red coats of fur.

  Declan snapped his jaws together and said, “We’re a family, just like any other time. If you see one of your pack mates go off looking for a hunter, go after him. I want every wolf to make it out of this alive.”

  The wolves howled in agreement, Cassidy nudged her massive head into Declan’s torso before following Gabriel into the woods. The scar on her back was even more prevalent when she was in the form that initially took the hit. The mangled, red skin was Cassidy’s personal battle scar. What Declan told himself was… that he would always use that as a reminder of what happens when you choose pleasure over your pack.

  The wind shifted, and it rustled the loose hairs of each wolf moving into the woods. Declan kept his nostrils open for Noelle’s scent; he knew that others would be with here but he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that he’d like to tear her skin apart first.

  They scouted the woods for over an hour, and agitation spread throughout the pack like wildfire. Just a bit ahead, Cassidy strolled beside Gabriel. Her neck hanging low and her snout close to the ground, hoping to catch the smell of a human.

  She’s exhausted already.

  Declan noted, and brushed past a couple of the other wolves and inserted himself between Gabriel and Cassidy.

  “Cass, we can call this off. We can turn around and try another night. You look exhausted.” Declan kept his eyes from straying to the pulpy mass on her back and said, “It’s okay.”

  Cassidy raised her weary eyes to her mate and replied, “I’m okay, Declan.”

  Each wolf pressed themselves against the dirt as the thick arrow of a crossbow sailed into a tree, just inches above Cassidy’s head. Declan whipped his head in that direction, and ground himself into the dirt as Noelle and her troop became visible. Her father led the group, waving his crossbow in the air like a four-year-old boy that had recently been allowed to hold Daddy’s gun.

  The growl that emanated from Declan’s body vibrated through the dirt, and he ordered, “Gabriel! Cover Cassidy!”

  Shocked gasps rose from Noelle’s party and a red-headed woman that he hadn’t seen before said, “They can talk! Like humans, Garrett, what the hell did you get us into?”

  Garrett smirked and notched another arrow into his bow, “I found some good practice for you.”

  He waved his crossbow and pointed toward the skull of a dark brown wolf in the front of the pack. Before he had an opportunity to let the arrow fly, Declan thrust himself forward and toppled Garrett to the dirt with ease.

  Terrified screams erupted from Noelle’s group, and the wolves surrounding Declan moved forward, brandishing their teeth. The woman that Declan assumed to be Noelle’s mother took out her gun and raised it to Declan.

  Her arms trembled and she said, “If you let him go, I won’t hurt you. We will turn around, and we will leave you to your hunt.”

  A dark laugh fell past Declan’s black lined lips, “That would be great except that we were in the mood for some human hunters.”

  Declan pressed his paw into Garrett’s collarbone and the resounding snap was music to his ears.

  “That’s what you are, right? Werewolf hunters? Gutsy humans that have taken it upon themselves to terrorize us?”

  “Don’t let him intimidate you, Abigail,” Garrett managed, before sucking in a deep breath, trying to capture the little bit of air that he could.

  Declan raised his paw and dragged his heavy claws across Garrett’s torso. A sickening scream pierced the air.

  Abigail wailed, “Garrett!”

  Declan raised his head upon hearing the sound of footsteps desperately pounding against the dirt. Noelle took up the rear, wielding a shotgun. Declan watched her heart fall into her stomach upon seeing Declan standing over her father’s bloody form.

  She turned to her mother and kept her gun pointed towards Declan and his pack, “Is he still alive?”


  “Is he still breathing?!” said Noelle.

  Abigail shrieked, “I think so, oh my God, there’s so much blood.”

  Noelle pressed her lips together and cocked her gun, the sound that it made echoed throughout the woods. It was a warning for every wolf that stood in front of her.

  “You,” she spat, “get off of my father or die!”

  Declan grinned and lowered his lips to Garrett, he tasted his blood, and made a show of licking his lips.

  “I’d be a lot more worried about him if I were you. If you shoot me, I’ll see the bullet coming and I’ll rip out his god-damn jugular. If you don’t shoot me, I might finish my meal in front of you and move over to your mother here. Then, every so-called hunter standing behind you.”

  Noelle narrowed her eyes and quieted her mind, a storm of emotions raged inside of her. The rustling coming from all corners… from the wolves and the hunters. It lit her brain on fire.

  With a ferocious scream, she yelled, “Get off!”

  Declan narrowed his eyes and rolled his tongue along Garrett’s open wound, the man beneath him had finally lost consciousness. He pulled his snout back with a wide grin on his face, and the tip of his tongue became drenched in red.

  “Your call!”

  The sound of a bullet shredding through skin, rang out into the night and throughout the woods, along with the howl of despair that would pierce the ears of any living being present… werewolves and hunters alike.

  The sound of pain reverberated like a nightmare. Who had been taken now?

  “When you choose pleasure over pack.”

  Chasing the Alpha Book 2

  Declan Hall has got everything covered this time around. He is going to make sure that being Alpha is easy; with or without help from anyone.

  No one's going to tell this guy how to handle anything; not Gabriel, or anybody else, for that matter. This time he is in charge. No arguments, ifs or buts. That's

  That is until... he meets a woman werewolf who wants to have her own way. Headstrong about absolutely, positively everything. She's the alpha type and she leads by full coercion. A no-holds-barred kind of feminine... a persuasive, narcissistic force to be reckoned with. Declan definitely did not see her coming.

  So, why isn't Noelle talking to him? Everything was sweet as... before. Relationships should never be this damn hard. Werewolves are pack animals, aren't they? Let's go hunting... it's anyone's game...

  Chasing the Alpha full moon series book 2

  About the Author

  Mia Rose currently resides in Naperville, IL with her husband and daughter. Mia has been writing for over half of her life, and has an extensive catalog of steamy ideas that she has yet to write. She predominately enjoys writing paranormal romance, but she has spent a great deal of her career writing romance. When she’s not writing or dreaming up another racy plot, she likes to spend her free time binge watching old sitcoms and traveling with her family.

  I adore my readers and love connecting with them socially.




  My Blog




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  If you loved it as much as I enjoyed plotting and planning it for you, I would ask that you leave me a wicked-good review here on Amazon, if you don't mind! That would be awesome. I would be ever so grateful! In love with an Alpha

  Additionally, if you have any super-awesome ideas for my other works, or if you want to send me some feedback good or bad, then you can drop me a line at my email here [email protected] all your feedback helps me improve my books for you! the readers :)

  P.S if you haven’t already grabbed your free book “ALPHA” here is the link to do so :) ALPHA

  Thanking you all so very much as always, for reading and helping me with my dreams as an author!

  I'm sending all of my love to you all. Lots of love and gratitude, Mia Rose x

  Sci-fi Romance

  The Perfect Specimen

  As we continue our journey exploring the vastness of space, we hover above the natural Zorg planet, known on the data map, as Zunov. After entering the coordinates into the main computer, the specimens are collected easily. In fact, the scanners have moved effortlessly to lock them in. But unbelievably, one of the specimens was not a geological one!

  Actually, he is every bit alien, and I mean that, in every sense of the word. A large, muscular male was accidentally scanned aboard, and there is no way to send him home… yet! We are a month’s trek from home and the other crew members are getting slightly restless, it seems. The alien Zorg from the planet has been experiencing an all-out war with the Darenoids. The Darenoids will do anything to take hold of our ship, which remains simply in the wrong place at the wrong time!

  I find that he is an extraordinary green male, with eyes that would light up any room. His outset is well-defined and his demeanor is well, very cultural, to say the least. It seems that his attraction to me is a chemically based one, and I find that his advances start to grow on me, over time. But how will we get back to Earth? His impact on me grows more each day, and I don’t know that he’ll be able to protect me from everything, and I can’t imagine falling for him… or can I? Um... oh God!


  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

  On planet Zunov, times are peaceful. The Zorg alien species enables itself through its trade with the other close by planet nations. Their democratic world has five billion Zorgs who live on mostly well farmed landed, and in a natural landscape environment.

  As a species, they have lived through seven thousand years, warring only with a species known as the Darenoids. The Darenoids are humanoid pirates who look very aged, due to a mutated, genetic trait that was passed down to them through the generations. The Darenoids live a few light years away on the large planet called Fargon.

  Spending many years as pirates, the Darenoids steal whatever they can get their hands on: technology, food, other aliens, money and whatever else they can plunder, at the expense of all other species.

  The Zorg species has built a battalion in one closed section of Zunov, with many smaller stations camouflaged in the thick, wooded forests all around. The entire battalion is made up of over nine hundred and fifty space fighters, and at last count the ground soldier crew was nearly two million female warriors.

  At war, the Darenoids employ an array of tactics to fight both in the air, and on the ground. Maintaining a use of a special drone forces to spy and kill targets easily and effectively, with poisonous arrows, and lasers.

  The Darenoids do not see a need for peace with any other species, because a treaty would not allow them to plunder riches or other technologies without payment. They are led by a leader known as The Almighty Engor, who leads without any conscience at all.

  The tactics are not easy to understand, and usually involve trickery and barbaric treatment. They take no hostages, except for females, which they use as slaves. Every other threat is killed immediately when sighted, unless they are only spying for a greater plunder to be taken later on.

  The Zorgs have continued to live peacefully, in their democratic and natural settlements. Recently, the barrier shielding protecting the planet was infiltrated by a stolen technology, and used successfully by the Darenoids. So, now they can attack and plunder easily from the skies above. There are no shields protecting the enormous Zunov planet.

  The Zorgs use male and female fighters to fight in the skies and on the ground. Most of the fighter’s volunteer as they have a great interest in keeping their land safe, for the needs of trade. It is how they make their living.

  The female fighters are fierce and study the tactical necessities, to better understand the trickery used in the war with the Darenoids. The males are genius in the fighter craft, and are very tactical for battles in the skies.

  The Zorg species have natural capabilities that allow them to see, with heat and x-ray vision. Their skin, called a hide is green in color, and made up of healing capabilities. They live healthy, well-maintained lives. Their knowledge of nutrition and the ability to take care of their bodies has been handed down to them, for many generations. They do not wish to fight with any other species, but will stop at nothing to protect their fruitful lands.

  With war always overshadowing and daunting their survival as a species, they leave the crops with skeleton crews, so that they are still sustained for sale. At present, the most important thing is to destroy the Darenoids as fast as possible, so that the crops are not destroyed, and because the survival of the Zorg species is unfortunately very compromised by their constant threats and plunder.

  The Zorg females use tactics and are undergoing fitness training. They are also using their skills to host meetings and gain extra volunteers to help with the cause.

  The male Zorgs congregate in the hangars to man and maintain the fighter craft. The Zorgs are a definite force to be reckoned with, that’s for sure. Their strength and tactical operations are second to no-one.

  The landscape is full of many hilly terrains, and plains. The hangars are located in hidden places throughout the large forests, and cannot be detected easily by the Darenoids who are in space above, waiting to be ordered in.

  The Darenoids have a fleet of all kinds of craft, usually stolen from all different species, that they use when plundering, during their pirating. The skies are full of Darenoid hostile vessels, full of fighters. They ready themselves, and the swarm is growing larger, now that the shield defences have broken down.

  One major attack by the Darenoids was employed less than a week ago, where a thousand Darenoid hostiles were destroyed by the tactical Zorgs, with their super high technological spacecraft, and with their laser arrays, located in
hot spots over the natural planet.

  The Zorgs know the Darenoids are biding their time, and that they wait patiently for reinforcements to arrive. This will be one of the most mammoth wars in over a century, with the Zorgs at a definite weakness, as the attack comes from the skies.

  As the Zorg engineering bots continually try to place the planet’s shields back online, the Zorgs must be ready for war at any time. The general feeling is of anger and anticipation as the Darenoids continually wait for more spacecraft reinforcements.

  They could attack without warning, and the Zorgs ready their fighters in every hotspot around the enormous planet. If the Darenoids succeed, they will wipe out the entire Zorg species, and take planet Zunov for themselves.

  The Zorgs are great fighters and understand the necessity to fight, if pushed. They maintain barbarism in war, only to succeed for their future generations. It is with great sadness that they continue the fight, as they are a peace-loving species that allows everyone their rights, which are maintained in their much-loved democratic society.

  Without the Darenoid threat, the Zorgs thrive and intermingle with many other peaceful species, through their continuous trade. The war must be won, for the survival of the green, alien species. As the Darenoids continue their threat, the mammoth war will effectively take hold as soon as the reinforcements in space arrive. Never before has a battle been so important to the survival of a species, than now…

  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

  Chapter 1



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