The Virgin Actress: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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The Virgin Actress: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 6

by Virginia Sexton

  “Do you get to keep it?”

  “Uh, probably not. It has to be worth more than he’s paying me, for sure.”

  “Damn, girl. You get the nice clothes and the major bling! I shoulda tried out for this acting gig. Is it hard?”

  “Not really,” I admit. “I mean, I’m intimidated as hell to actually talk to him, one-on-one. But the dinner last night? It was a piece of cake. I just talked to the investors like they were normal people. They’re really down-to-earth, so it was like talking to family, I suppose.”

  “Hunh,” Felicia grunts, still holding the ring up to the light. “What was his place like?”

  “Oh, my God. It was like something out of a movie or magazine. The place is huge and everything was so expensive and nice! It was all sleek and modern and perfect. You wouldn’t believe the paintings he has on his walls. Really nice stuff.”

  I catch my breath as I remember just how nice his apartment was. The place reeked of money and class. I want that for myself, but I have absolutely zero idea how I’m ever going to have even a fraction of what he has. I can’t even imagine being able to afford a Louis Vuitton coin purse, much less anything like what Blake has. It would be so amazing not to have to worry about money, to have someone take care of me. Stop it, Cammie! I chastise myself. It’s not like anything is ever going to happen between Blake and me, aside from this crazy job.

  The little I’ve gotten to know Blake, I like him. Maybe something could be there? I keep running away from him because he’s stirring feelings and emotions in me I’ve never experienced, and it’s scary. I’m sure he’s going to abandon me as soon as this acting job is over, so as much as it hurts, I’m trying not to let him in too much.

  I can’t bear being hurt.


  “Oh, no sexy dress today? Hmm, Cammie?”

  I shudder as my boss comes up behind and grabs me by my shoulders.

  “I really need to go make my rounds,” I say, my voice squeaking as I try to wriggle out of his grasp. His breath smells stale and foul, like he had a smelly lunch hours ago. A breath mint would sure go a long way… Finally escaping his clutches, I can only hope he’s gone when I come back.

  I take my time as I walk through the floors. I let myself fantasize about what it would be like to be the wife of someone like Blake. All the shopping and designer clothes and shoes and accessories I could ever want. Going to posh events. Being in the society pages. But most of all, I wonder about what it would be like to call Blake mine.

  Even the idea of waking up next to him makes me hot with desire. I’ve wanted to have wild sex with him since what happened in the limo, even though it freaked the bejeezus out of me. It’d been so unexpected…and so thrilling! My initial impression of Blake was that he was incredibly arrogant and self-centered, but he’s made me come twice already and has never asked me to do anything for him.

  Walking down the stairs to the next floor, I pause for a moment and press my head against the cool cement of the wall. Just thinking about Blake’s fingers and tongue has me wet and ready to go. I totally want to give up my virginity to him, but I keep remembering that he’s never photographed with the same woman twice. Everything I’ve read says that he’s a confirmed bachelor, with no intentions to every marry.

  There’s certainly no way in hell he’d ever marry an awkward girl like me, but it doesn’t hurt to dream, right?


  I groan as I walk across the lobby and see Slimy Boss behind the security desk. I thought Eddie was supposed to be in tonight. Dealing with Slimy Boss when there’s no one around is difficult at the best of times.

  Not for the first time, I wonder if I should take Felicia’s advice and just quit. This job is so easy and I get time to study, aside from dealing with Slimy Boss, and that’s one of the reasons I like it so much and that I’ve never even minded wearing the heavy polyester-blend shirt and pants the company provides me with. It’s certainly not high fashion, but at least I don’t have to shop for a work wardrobe like other people do. It’s not like I have the extra money for that, anyway.

  “I thought Eddie was working tonight,” I say, pulling a notebook out of my bag. Maybe if I start studying, he’ll leave me alone.

  “Nope. Just you and me, baby,” he says, his voice can’t contain his glee.

  “Look,” I say, working hard to have more courage than I really do. “I… I don’t think how you speak to me is appropriate.”

  “What’s wrong with how I speak to you? You know I’m only joking, right?” He says and laughs. “Come on, can’t you take a joke? I thought you were smarter than that, being a high-falutin’ college student and all.”

  “I’m not comfortable with you touching me all the time,” I say. Just act like Felicia would. She would stand up for herself, regardless of the consequences.

  “What are you trying to say?” Slimy Boss says, moving around the desk so he’s standing in front of me and I have to look up at him.

  I hate myself a little for doing it, but I feel myself start to shrink away when I look up at him. His face is splotchy red and his eyes are narrowed at me. He’s obviously mad.

  “Maybe I should go home,” I say quickly, shoving my notebook in my backpack.

  “You think you control the schedule now?” He says, his voice heavy with anger. Every word he speaks is louder than the last. “You think you can just bail on your shift?”

  There is no way this is going to end well if I stay.

  “Look. Mr. Watson, I’m sorry, but I’m going to go home now,” I say, trying to sound way more confident than I am. I’ve never felt this worried about a job, ever, but Slimy Boss is being spectacularly creepy and I can’t bear to be around him for another three hours. That’d be worse than wearing ugly clothes for a year.

  I grab my bag and coat, and hurry across the lobby. My whole body is shaking from fear and frustration. I’m walking out on my boss!

  “If you walk out that door, don’t think you’ll have a job waiting for you tomorrow,” he calls out after me, his voice vibrating with fury.

  I stop walking for a moment, but will myself not to turn around and go back. Be strong! As soon as I’m out the doors, I step away from the window and burst out into tears. I can’t believe I’ve just walked out of my job!

  “Camellia? Is that you?”

  Oh, hell. I look up and see Blake stepping out of his car and walking towards me. I hurriedly wipe my eyes and nose, hoping I haven’t just smeared makeup all over my face.

  “H-h-hi,” I mumble, trying to push down a fresh wave of tears. Standing in front of Blake, him in expensive jeans and a navy-blue cashmere sweater, and me in my cheap work uniform. We are from such different worlds. Of course, there’s no way I could ever fit in with him. Stupid Cammie!

  “What’s going on? Has something happened?”

  Reluctantly, I tell him about walking out on my job.

  “I’ll be okay. The money from working for you will cover me for a while.”

  “This is outrageous!” Blake says, his voice tight. He’s leaning forward and I can see his fists clenching. He moves so he’s looking in the front window of the building. I hold my breath as I watch him, his eyes cold as he looks in at Slimy Boss. Turning back to me, he asks, “Do you like this job?”

  “Being a security guard? Hardly,” I say, managing a laugh. “It’s an easy job and I need money. That’s about it.”

  Blake’s face softens as he steps to me and pulls me into a hug.

  This is unexpected. For once, I let my guard down a little and let Blake hug me. It feels good to be in his arms, to feel like someone with more life experience and knowledge is looking out for me.

  “First, I’m tripling your pay for working for me. No,” he says, when I try to interrupt him, waving his hand dismissively. “I won’t take no for an answer. You’re already doing a wonderful job.”

  “I… Well, thanks. I really appreciate that.” Felicia is never going to believe this! Seventy-five thousand dollars! �
��Problem is, I need money sooner than what my contract stated.”

  Blake waves his hand as if it’s nothing. “I’ll have my accountant wire you money tomorrow. Is ten-thousand enough for you to get by for now?”

  “Um, yeah. That’s plenty,” I say, trying to keep my mouth from falling to the ground. I’ve never had that much money in my bank account! I’m going to take Felicia out for the best brunch ever!

  “Alright. Consider it done. You go wait in the car. I need to pick up something from my office, then I’m free tonight. Let’s go out to dinner. I know a nice little place that I think you’ll enjoy.”

  “But,” I say, looking down at my terrible uniform, “I’m not dressed for anything fancier than McDonald’s.”

  “We’ll stop by your apartment and you can change clothes.”

  “Well, okay.” I should go home and use this time to study, but seeing Blake? I want to stay with him. He’s making me feel safe and protected. I don’t think I’m ready to be alone just yet.


  Blake walks me over to his limo and I smile as I remember the last time I was in it with him. He closes the door after I’m in and I release a long sigh of relief. At least for now, my money problems are solved.

  I only wish the money and being with Blake could last forever!

  Camellia returns to the car, wearing a simple black skirt and a pink cardigan.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know,” she says, looking up at me shyly.

  I look at her for a moment. She must be really clueless about how pretty and alluring she is. “It’s no problem. This is just you and me. Going out for dinner like friends do. You had a hard day – it’s the least I can do to help.”

  The look in Camellia’s eyes makes it clear she doesn’t fully trust what I’m saying, but I feel a huge wave of relief when she nods and accepts what I say. Her wall is down a little bit and I want to prove to her that she can trust me, that I’m not going to hurt her.

  We’re silent on the way to the restaurant, though the silence isn’t uncomfortable.

  “This is Rossa’s,” I say as Toby pulls up. Rossa’s is the kind of tiny little Italian place that you miss if you blink or don’t know to look for it. Rossa is the matriarch and runs the restaurant with an abundance of tough love.

  Camellia leans toward the window and looks out. “I’ve never seen this place. Is it good?”

  “It’s the best,” I say, smiling at her. “It’s my favorite restaurant. You’ll see.”

  As soon as we walk in, Rossa’s son, Martino, stops what he’s doing and comes over and pulls me into a strong hug.

  “Mr. Westwood! We haven’t seen you in weeks. How have you been?” Martino speaks rapidly, glancing between me and Camellia.

  “I’ve been well, Martino. Busy, but well. Allow me to introduce Camellia.”

  Martino makes a big show of kissing her hand, before going perfectly still.

  “Mamma!” Martino yells, making Camellia jump back a step, even though Martino is still holding her hand.

  “Mio dio! What is the problem? Oh! Mr. Westwood!” Rossa says as she rapidly makes her way across the cozy restaurant, patrons glancing at her and then at Camellia and me. She pulls me into a back-breaking hug and I nearly can’t breathe. “It is too long since you eat here!”

  Like Martino before her, her glance falls to Camellia.

  “Mamma. Look! ”

  I follow his gaze and realize that Camellia has put the engagement ring back on. She wasn’t wearing it earlier when she was working as a security guard. Does she think this dinner is work?

  “Mr. Westwood! This lovely young lady is why we haven’t seen you lately, yes? Come, come,” she says, taking Camellia by the hand and leading her to a corner table.

  I follow them, my eyes now adjusted to the low light. Covered in deep-red, flocked wallpaper, the walls rise up alongside small tables covered in starched white linens. The only light comes from a couple of dimly lit chandeliers and candles on the tables.

  Camellia glances up at me and tilts her head slightly. I shrug in response. I should have noticed she was wearing the ring. Honestly, I hadn’t even thought about the ring. Though, of course, now Rossa is making a big deal over Camellia… and it will be a much bigger deal if I were to come in here again and not bring her with me.

  “It’s about time he settles down, our Mr. Westwood!” Rossa says, stroking Camellia’s hair and looking at her as if she’s memorizing her face. “But he never brings ladies with him and he always says he’s happy alone. But ahh,” she says, her face lighting up, “that’s changed. Isn’t amore the best, Mr. Westwood?”

  Camellia looks at me, the smile on her lips betraying the laugh she’s doing a really good job of suppressing.

  “It is the best,” I say, sliding into my seat and taking Camellia’s hand. Man, if this goes south, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Rossa will put a hit out on me.

  “See! What have I told you? Tonight, I make you special dinner, your favorite,” she insists.

  “As you wish,” I smile at Rossa, who smiles and heads back toward the kitchen with Martino.

  “Wow. She sure is something,” Camellia says, finally laughing a little bit. The pure amusement on her face is incredible to watch. Her smile is bright enough to light a power station. Damn. I have to have her.

  “That she is,” I agree. Taking her hand and stroking her palm, I add, “And you did really well there. I hadn’t even thought about the ring, but you handled that all well. Thank you.”

  “Well, from the moment I laid eyes on her I could tell she is not a woman to mess with.” She pauses looking at me and waving her hand between us, “And explaining this? I don’t know how to explain that to a stranger. Aside from the fact it’s against my contract.”

  “Still, you did the right thing and I’m grateful.”

  Dinner goes by in a contented blur and it feels like we’re really on an honest-to-God date.

  When Toby pulls up in front of Camellia’s building, more than anything, I don’t want to say goodbye to her.

  “I’ve had an incredible time tonight. I really don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “Oh, don’t mention it,” I say, surprised at how I feel a little awkward right now. It dawns on me that, for the first time in years, I feel vulnerable in the presence of someone else. I care what Camellia thinks, not because she’s a business associate or someone who can help me out, but because I genuinely like her and care about what she thinks about me.

  “Still, thank you,” Camellia repeats, leaning over and giving me a kiss on the lips.

  As soon as I feel the whisper of her lips, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me.

  A gasp of surprise escapes Camellia’s mouth as I press my mouth to hers and kiss her deeply. I take my time, exploring her mouth, teasing her tongue, tasting her. I fist her hair in my hand, tilting her head back and trailing a line of kiss along her jaw, to the sweet spot right below her ear, before settling on the base of her neck.

  I’ve never liked giving or receiving hickeys, but I want to mark Camellia. Let the world know she’s mine and that she’s off limits to anyone but me.

  “Oh, my God,” Camellia groans, her body going limp. “Please, don’t stop!”

  I pull away from her, panting. She is so goddamn gorgeous when she’s turned on. I’ve never wanted to please a woman as much as I want to please Camellia. I know I’m good in bed, but this is different. Bringing a woman to orgasm isn’t the same kind of happiness I want to give to Camellia – I want her to experience more, I want to give her more than I’ve ever given another woman.

  “Would you like to come back to my place?” I ask, stroking the inside of her leg, just above her knee.

  Glancing down at my hand and trembling, Camellia blinks slowly. “I… oh, that feels so nice, too… Unfortunately, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Oh?” Disappointment surges through me. Of all the women who wan
t to throw themselves at me and throw themselves in my bed, how is that I’m enthralled with the one who tries her damnedest to resist me? What cruel fate is this?

  Camellia looks up at me, a teasing smile on her lips. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to think I’m the kind of girl that sleeps with her boss.”

  She giggles and I have to laugh along with her. Reaching out, she strokes the sleeve of my sweater. I’m transfixed, thinking about how it would feel to have her small hands stroking my bare skin. Would she touch as me as gently as she’s touching my sweater? Or could I rile her up enough so that her touch was rougher, urgent?

  “That is,” I cough, “an admirable quality.” I pause and look at her. Now, she has the confidence to look me in the eyes without looking away. I want to lose myself in her eyes. “How about this? Let’s go up to the roof of my building, where I have a private garden, and we can lay back and watch the stars? What do you think?”

  A long moment of silence goes by as Camellia watches me, her plump lips pursed together.

  “If you promise to behave,” she teases, her voice filled with mirth, “I’ll say yes.”

  I extract my hand from her knee and place it over my heart. “I will behave, or not behave, according to your wishes.”

  She gives a sweet laugh and nods her head.

  “Toby,” I call out, “home please.”

  “I’m still not sure this is a good idea,” she says, though now she’s cuddled up next to me, one arm lazily curled around my waist. She fits under my arm like she was designed just for me.

  “I can have Toby turn the car around,” I tease, but Camellia increases the pressure of her arm around my waist and I understand she’s just teasing. She does have a point that we shouldn’t sleep together, but damn if I can’t stop thinking about how her skin looks and how delicious it would be to feel her beneath me, on top of me, screaming out my name.

  Stop it, Blake. Don’t get a raging hard-on just yet.

  “I really don’t know anything about the constellations,” Camellia says, tucking her hand into mine as the elevator glides us up to the roof garden.


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