Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 15

by Belle Winters

  Landon laughed. “That’s because the baby is really small Luce. It’s not fully formed yet. It’s not going to look like a baby the way you’re expecting this soon.” He explained.

  The doctor laughed. “Someone’s been reading.”

  Landon shrugged. “I have. I’m curious; I want to know what’s going on and how to make sure the baby is healthy.”

  “Were you planning for this?” she asked.

  I laughed. “No we’ve actually been using protection. How this one managed to break a couple of condoms is beyond me.” I admitted.

  “Well we’ll get into the dos and donts shortly. So you’re about seven weeks along. That would put your due date as November 8. You can go ahead and get dressed now, and then we’ll have a chat.” She told us and walked out of the room.

  When she left I turned to look at Landon. “November 8. We’re actually having a baby.”

  Landon walked over and kissed me. “Yes, we are. Now get dressed so that we can finish this up.”

  We walked over into the doctor’s office and she handed us a bunch of papers. There was information about what to eat and what not to eat, things like that. Landon took all of the papers and started scanning them. She gave me prescriptions for prenatal vitamins and told me about some of the uncomfortable things I may experience like morning sickness, gas, constipation, and bloating. She scheduled for us to come back in a month, and warned me to come in or go to an ER if I have any cramping or pains or if I am excessively sick and have trouble keeping fluids and food down. I need to make sure more than anything I stay hydrated. When we were done we thanked her and headed out. Landon took me back to campus to pick up my car and I followed him home. I had a lot of work to do for school so we decided to order dominos. I ordered three medium pies, and a ton of hot wings. At the last minute I added on cheesy bread and a bunch of the different dips. By the time the food came I was ravenous.

  I went straight for the wings and devoured a few of them. I spotted the blue cheese and I started to drool. I popped it open and grabbed another wing. I dipped it in and made sure I got maximum blue cheese. I was lifting it to my mouth when it was snatched from my fingers. I looked up to see Landon polishing it off. I picked up another and dipped it and he snatched it from me again. I frowned.

  “Landon, if you do that one more time I’m going to kill you.” I threatened.

  He shrugged. “You’re not supposed to be eating blue cheese Lucy.”

  I growled. “Landon… don’t you dare start your shit when I’m hungry. You can scold me later, but right now you let me eat.”

  “I’m not going to let you eat what’s not good for you. You can eat the wings like you were before without the blue cheese. You’ll survive, stop being so dramatic.” He said as he picked up the blue cheese and moved it.

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed the whole box of wings and took it with me to sit. He can have the blue cheese by itself then. I continued my essay which took me well into the night. When I finally finished, it was 3am and I was beat. I didn’t have class the next day so that was fine. I had to work on some more paintings for my portfolio. With my best ones ruined I needed to play catchup. My professor told me not to worry too much about it, since she had already reviewed the work and would still be able to grade it. I couldn’t have my end of year work lacking, it just didn’t feel right. I curled up into Landon and fell asleep.

  When I woke up it was past 10am and everyone was gone. I decided to make breakfast and headed downstairs. I checked the mailbox and there was a cable bill and a letter addressed to me with no return address. I opened it up and it was a wedding invitation from my mother. I rolled my eyes, who is the sucker this time? I wonder if this is the same guy that she cheated on Dean with. Only my mother would get drunk and sleep with her fiancés client while on a romantic cruise. I tossed it over to the side and fed myself. I’m sure Nick and Landon would get a kick out of this. I wonder how she got our address. Had to of been James.

  I brought my painting materials downstairs so that I can paint by the French Doors overlooking the backyard. I opened up the doors and let the scenery soothe me and I began painting. I don’t know how long I was at it, but I had to take a break when my fingers started cramping. I put down the paint brush and just breathed in the fresh air. I was looking into the yard when I saw something move in the back. I narrowed my eyes to get a better look but I couldn’t really see that far out. It was hidden in the trees. I wondered if it were an animal. I haven’t seen any deer or anything out here. Mainly just birds and squirrels, you know the typical small things. I saw the figure move again and that’s when I realized it wasn’t an animal, it was a person. I had a clearer view of their frame. They were directly in front of me, sort of like they were watching me. My phone chimed and I checked it. It was from a blocked number. I opened the text message and paled. It was a photo of my sitting here a few minutes ago while I was painting. Another text came in and I scrolled up. It was me checking my phone. My hands began sweating and I got nervous. I jumped up and closed and locked the doors. I closed the blinds and began moving around the house to make sure all the windows and doors were closed and locked tight. I closed all of the blinds and chugged a glass of water. I was shaking in fear. I grabbed a hold of the cabinet and my phone chimed again. At this point I was trembling so bad that my knees were knocking. I checked my phone, and this time it was words. I can find you anywhere. Your time is running out. Leave and don’t come back.

  I didn’t want to be alone, I was too afraid. I sat on the couch and curled up into a ball. I considered texting Landon but I didn’t want him to skip class or practice just to comfort me. I hugged a pillow to my chest and turned on the TV. Every little noise had me jumping in my skin and the TV would drown out some of the sounds. After sitting around for two hours on pins and needles I caved. I sent a text to Nick and Landon asking for them to come straight home when they were done for the day. They usually did but their reassuring texts provided me with a little comfort. I had to do something to clear my head so I went in the kitchen and started cooking. By the time they got home, I had made some Spanish rice, corn on the cob, steak, chocolate chip cookies, and two cakes.

  “You were busy.” Landon commented when he came in.

  I nodded. “Look I have to show you guys something.” I told them unable to keep it in anymore. I pulled up my phone and opened up the text messages and showed it to them. Landon’s nostrils flared.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I was painting earlier looking out into the backyard like in the picture. I had stopped for a break and noticed someone in the trees. They were watching me and taking pictures obviously. I locked up the house, and then I got the last message to leave. I’m scared.”

  Nick pulled me into a hug. “Lucy no one is going to do anything to you. We’re going to find out who’s sending you this stuff. They had stopped, why did they start back up again?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I have no idea. I speak to a few people at school but it’s all friendly. I don’t have any enemies that I know of. It just doesn’t make sense. This person is stalking me, and I was alone today. Do you think they’re really going to try to hurt me?” I asked.

  Landon picked his head up. “I’m not going to let anyone touch you Lucy. Just stay safe.” He turned to Nick. “Do you think it would be best if we rotate? Pick her up and drop her off. Have her come to practices with us?”

  I shook my head frantically. “You guys can’t do that. Plus with your practices I pick up Max and drop him off most of the time. It’s not going to work.”


  These threats against Lucy are driving me insane. For a minute there I thought things had gone quiet, that whoever it was had forgotten about her. Now that bastard is stalking her at the house scaring the crap out of her. I kept my eyes on her as much as possible. Whatever game this person was playing at was getting under my skin. It’s like they pop up out of the blue to shake the ground, then they disap
pear. As soon as we get comfortable they turn back up. We haven’t heard a thing since the beginning of April, when they sent the pictures of her painting. It was now the beginning of June and the semester is almost over. We were on our way back to the house from one of our prenatal appointments and I was leaving tonight to go to a game. I’ve been having this bad feeling in my gut. Something was telling me that this wasn’t a good idea to leave her. When I fought with her about it she said she would stay with Naiyla on campus where there’s security. That eased my worries a bit but not much. I dropped off Lucy at her old room and kissed her goodbye. I headed out to meet the team, as we boarded the bus I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to turn back around.

  I called Lucy when we arrived, and she told me that Naiyla was going to a party and she decided to join her. I could choke the shit out her right now. Why doesn’t she ever listen? I told her to just stay her ass inside with Naiyla, and do all that girly shit and what does she do? She goes out… to a party at that. I cursed her up and down until she hung up on me. I didn’t bother calling back because I know she won’t answer trying to avoid the argument. I sent her a text telling her that I’m tanning her ass when I get back and she sent me the ‘ok’ emoji. I ordered room service as I stewed about Lucy’s hardheaded ass. I decided to turn in around 11. I was on the verge of sleep when my phone pinged. There was a picture of Lucy asleep. I looked closer and I could see what looked like blood on her forehead. Another message came in next. She says goodbye, this is the last time you will see her. I jumped up out of bed as I dialed Nick. I began tossing on my clothes because I was heading back. He answered and I heard a girl in the background. He’s been sort of a man whore ever since Mel left him but he won’t open up to me or Lucy about it.

  “Nick, we have a problem. Meet me at the house with the nerd guy. He’s going to have to break through and find out who the fuck is threatening Lucy. That son of a bitch has her and sent me a picture.”

  He cursed. “I’m calling Chris now. I’ll be home.”

  I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the hotel and jumped in a taxi. I promised the driver a generous tip if he hurried to get me there. He got me home as quickly as possible, and as promised Nick was there with the guy that has been trying to help us figure out who’s threatening Lucy. He’s been running into some issues. Apparently whoever is doing it is tech savvy and has some firewalls and things up that are making it hard for him to figure out who’s on the other side.

  “Guys, I don’t think I will be able to figure this all out in one night. I’ve already been trying for weeks.” Chris said.

  I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up off the chair. “You’re getting paid well for this. The person who’s been threatening her, well they have her now. We need to find her.” I released him and he dropped into the chair and nodded. His hands started flying across the keys and I watched as these black boxes popped up and down with these cryptic messages on them.

  My phone rang and I checked the screen, it was Naiyla.


  “Landon? Hello? Can you hear me?” she was all but screaming into the phone. I could hear music blaring in the background.

  “I’m here Naiyla.”

  “Have you heard from Lucy? She said she was going outside for air and never came back. I looked for her everywhere outside and in the party and I can’t find her.” She told me.

  I sighed. “The person that’s been threatening her has her. They sent me a message. Where did you last see her?” I asked.

  “Oh my God! Are you kidding me? I had to use the bathroom and she said she was going outside. I’m going out there to see if anyone saw anything.” She told me and hung up.

  I called James next and let him know what happened. He said he was coming up right away and will be here as soon as possible. This is going to be a shit storm having to explain to her father that someone has been threatening her and I failed to protect her. I paced back and forth pulling on my hair. When two hours had passed after I received the texts I began to panic. What do they want from her? Are they seriously planning on hurting her? I called Ted and had him check to make sure Dylan was around. He confirmed that he was in his room planning on getting drunk as hell with the other guys. That was the only lead that I had.

  My phone rang and it was Naiyla. I could still hear music in the background but it sounds like she moved herself away. “Naiyla, please tell me you have something.”

  “It took me some time but there was this group of stoners I found. They were on the side of the house in the trees so that no one would see them getting high. It took forever but they remembered seeing Lucy out there. They said someone came up to her and spoke to her. Lucy’s back was to them but she got in the car with the girl. They said it was a skinny girl with dark wavy hair. It’s dark out and they were high so that’s all they had.” She told me.

  I thought this through. It was a girl? But who. “Who could it be?” I asked out loud.

  She sighed. “I think it was that weird chick. She has dark wavy hair and she’s skinny. I told Lucy that I didn’t think the girl was all right in the head when she told me about her fascination with you. She had waited for me one day after class and approached me trying to be my friend. It was a random and weird kind of. I told her she probably knew who I was and that’s why she was trying to befriend me. I’d never even noticed the girl before that day. I did see her here at the party like twice but she wasn’t drinking or anything.”

  I slammed my fist through the wall. “Are you fucking kidding me? Jasmine did this?” I roared.

  Nick looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. “Jasmine? What the fuck?”

  “Thanks Naiyla, I’ll let you know.” I told her and clicked off.

  I found the guy’s number who my dad uses for security work. This isn’t their normal type of work but I’m sure they could give me what I need. I told them that there was no price limit, I needed everything on Jasmine.

  Nick turned to Chris. “Can you get into the school database and find out where Jasmine is staying and anything else they have on her?” he asked.

  Chris nodded. “Already on it, you have a last name?”

  “Santeeno.” I told him and he kept typing away.

  Chris was able to pull Jasmine’s information. Nick and I headed over to her room and her roommate let us in. She told us that Jasmine moved out a week prior and didn’t leave anything behind but we were welcomed to look. I think it was due to the fact she was busy drooling over us, but hey I’d take what I could get. The room looked completely cleaned out. We tossed over the bed, checked the closets and drawers and there wasn’t a trace that she even lived here. Just as we were walking out Nick spoke up.

  “Hey hold on a second, what’s that?” he asked.

  I turned to look to see what he was talking about. There was a paper on the floor sticking out from behind the dresser. I walked over and picked it up. It was an envelope for photo prints. There weren’t any pictures in there, but there was still the sheet that shows smaller images of all the developments. I pulled it in close to my face and scanned them. They were all pictures of Lucy, and me. There were even some of us coming and leaving the doctor’s office. My anger rose to a level I don’t think it’s ever been. This crazy bitch stalked us and kidnapped Lucy. We went back to the house and there’s still no progress. I was still waiting to hear back from somebody. Time seemed to be flying by and more and more dread filled me as the seconds ticked away. It’s already been almost six hours.


  Several hours earlier…

  I dropped down on the couch next to Naiyla. “Landon treats me like a damn china doll. He’s so overprotective.” I complained.

  She nudged me with her shoulder, “Hey I can’t blame him… but I could see how it can be suffocating. How’s the pregnancy coming along?” she asked.

  “Thankfully I’m out of the first trimester, and I haven’t had morning sickness in a couple of weeks. That was dreadful. But I’m defini
tely full of gas. It’s like you get rid of one thing, and you get something else.”

  “Yes, you make pregnancy sound wonderful. Have you been able to sneak any blue cheese yet?” she asked.

  “No. he’s like a fucking hound. I swear if I tried to have some now, he would know somehow and something will probably shock me until I put it down. I’ve just been stuck inside for so long, it’s like I know I’m pregnant and everything but I shouldn’t be in a protective bubble.”

  Niayla laughed. “So you want to do something aye?”

  “Yes please. I know he had this crazy idea of us spending the next lord knows how many hours inhaling nail polish fumes, but you could totally sneak me out. I don’t even look pregnant in this dress.” I told her.

  She laughed. “Yes your little baby bump is still hidden. You have a little bit of time left before you look like a house. I know of a party today, but I seriously don’t want to risk Landon coming for me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He’s going to come after me first, trust me. I’ll tell him when he calls. But let’s get the hell out of here before he figures it out and comes for me.”

  “Fine. But if he kills me, I’m coming back from the dead to take you with me.”

  I threw a pillow at her, “dramatic much? Now get up and move it woman.”

  Naiyla got dressed and she drove us to the party. Honestly I didn’t want to go to a party especially since I was going to be no fun, but I was going stir crazy. I knew if Landon were here he never would’ve let me out, so I’m going to take this opportunity. The place was pretty packed and there was liquor everywhere. I fixed me a cup of soda and spent the night dancing with Naiyla as she drank. I was exhausted and needed some air. Naiyla said that she needed to use the bathroom so I told her I would go out for a few minutes and meet back up with her here.

  I went out and let the night air cool my overheated skin. I don’t remember the last time I had fun like this. Just dancing and letting go without a care in the world. I walked away from the front door where people were stumbling in and out of the house. I didn’t want to be knocked around accidentally. I walked towards the curb and looked up into the night sky. It was truly a beautiful night out. I am happy that Naiyla agreed to bring me out against the sergeant’s orders. When he called me earlier and I told him, he lost his shit. Of course he also threatened to spank me when he saw me. I just think he likes that kinky crap. I smiled and rolled my eyes.


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