Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 20

by Belle Winters

  I dropped my forehead to his chest. “And that night? Why did you smell like perfume?”

  He released me and stepped back and started pacing. “When I came home and saw you in the kitchen I freaked out. You don’t understand how scared and nervous I am all the time for both you and our son. To see you standing in the kitchen cooking my heart leapt into my throat. I overreacted but I was panicking out on the inside. When I saw the hurt expression on your face when you said you didn’t want anything and went upstairs I felt like such a dick and I couldn’t face you. I called Ted to see where the guys were and he told me. I went to meet them but I didn’t know that it was a strip club. I was already there so I said fuck it and I just got wasted. I didn’t talk or do anything with any of the girls. One girl tried to sit on my lap and I sent her flying across the room. None of them approached me after that. The more I drank the more I became pissed at myself over what happened.”

  I shook my head. “You did hurt me. I just wanted things to be like they were. You are all treating me so different that sometimes I feel lonely or just plain invalid. I wanted some normalcy so I decided to cook. I was barely on my feet I promise. I just thought that, maybe if I did something that was familiar that you guys would too. I didn’t do it being reckless I thought it through and everything. I made sure that there was minimal effort and risk involved. Then you just shot it all to hell, I was really hurt. Then when you come home you smelled like you were with another woman. I had been feeling insecure since you changed and I was afraid of knowing. What if you truly didn’t want me anymore or something, I thought it was better not knowing.”

  He grabbed me and pulled me as close as my stomach would allow. “Baby, you should know by now you’re it for me. I find you sexy even with a huge baby belly. I actually find it sexier because I know I did that to you. Then I can’t touch you the way I’ve been dying to and its driving me crazy.”

  “Landon, why does this keep happening?” I asked.

  He put his finger under my chin to tilt my head up. “Communication Lucy… that’s all it takes babe. You talk to me I’ll tell you. But you never need to question my faithfulness or love for you. Understand me?” he asked. I nodded and he shook his head. “I need to hear it girl. Answer me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes sir.” I replied with a salute.

  He laughed. “Get your ass to bed so I can rub those huge swollen feet of yours.” He demanded. He wasn’t going to get an argument there because that sounded like heaven.

  After he rubbed my feet he turned on the TV and put on the movie Twilight. He sat back against the headboard and I put my head down in the crook of his neck. I put my arm around his chest and I could feel the rumble there.

  “Lucy….” He trailed off.

  I looked at him. “What?”

  “Do you have to do that?” he asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Touch me… I’m getting uncomfortable.” He complained.

  I frowned. “I’m barely touching you. It’s just my arm.”

  He shrugged. “That’s all it takes. That’s the point I was trying to make earlier.”

  I sighed and removed my arm. He placed a kiss to my forehead and whispered a small thank you to me. As much as I wanted to touch him, I needed to be considerate of him too. It was literally making things hard for him. And I could understand, I’ve never had blue balls but rumor is that shit hurts.


  After Lucy and I had it out things went back to normal. Well as close to normal as possible. This whole bed rest thing is driving me nuts! I can’t wait for her to give birth because I need her badly. We have three more weeks until she makes it full term and she’s been doing well so far. The girl thinks she’s sneaky but she’s not. I know she doesn’t stay in bed all day when we’re not there. She complains about all the takeout that she’s eating but there’s no evidence of it while we’re gone. I let her have that because I know it’s better for her to be eating home cooked food anyway. It’s not that I don’t trust her judgment it just makes me nervous is all.

  Lucy is so big and tired now she’s barely moving around. When Max gets home, he heads directly to our room and keeps her company. She helps him with homework and he talks to the baby and rubs her stomach waiting to feel him move. At night I try to rub her feet and anything I could do to make her comfortable. I make her take baths to relax and buy her all that froufrou shit that girls like to make it smelly and stuff. She’s exhausted and I know she just wants him out. I do too I’m ready to meet him. We had a big fight about the birth. She wanted to go natural but after the shit I read I told her hell no. I don’t think I could stand watching her in that much pain. I think she’s more scared of the stories about the epidural. How if it’s done incorrectly you can become paralyzed or something, but I read the statistics. I had to sit her down and make her watch natural births. When she turned green in the face I knew that victory was mine.

  This was the first time ever I dreaded football. I honestly wanted to be with her all the time. We have our first game of the year next week so I had to be at practice. Coach had approached me and asked if I would still be able to commit to football. When I told Lucy I was considering dropping to have more time for them she threw a tantrum and told me no. We went back and forth but I caved when she threatened to leave me if I did something ‘so damn stupid’. I can’t lie that girl has me by the balls but it would be a cold day in hell before I let her know that. She already gets away with too goddamn much.

  The day of my game Lucy and I got into yet another fight. She wanted to be there and I refused. I had to threaten to not play if she does. She puffed out her chest and pouted but none of that was working. This is one thing I wouldn’t bend on. The crowds are too crazy and I didn’t want to risk her getting shoved or worked up over anything. She only had about two weeks left before we made it full term. I smoothed things over when I asked Nick not to go and stay home with Luce so she wasn’t alone. I was packing up my things to leave when Nick sauntered into our room and laid his big ass down next to her in my bed. I watched him cuddle her and I wanted to punch him. I wish I could do that, but I just can’t. I do it sometimes because I know she craves it but it wreaks havoc on my body. I should thank him but I refuse to. The green monster on my back just won’t let me. She curled herself into him and he began flicking through the TV stations. I bent down and gave her a kiss.

  She looked up at me. “Make sure you win for me.” She told me.

  I nodded. “I’ll win for you baby.” I promised.

  The stadium was packed and the crowd was amped up. I love it when we have a lively crowd, it helps boost my adrenaline. I thought about the promise I made to Lucy and that made this game that much more important. When I stepped on the field I let my inner beast loose. You know, that feeling that you get that brings out all of your animal instincts and your strength seems to amplify. I was more than ready for this. I eyed all of the members from the opposing team. They were a good team which means this wouldn’t be a simple win. When half time came we were neck and neck, the game was intense and the players on both teams looked like they were getting tired. I kept pushing on knowing that I absolutely needed to win this. The fact that there was a chance that I could lose was eating at me. Throughout the remainder of the game I kept thinking Lucy. When the game was called to an end I’ve made three more touchdowns and the other team made none. We won the game and I was on cloud nine.

  The team congregated in the middle of the field and I was ungracefully picked up into the air. We were celebrating our victory when I saw Naiyla run onto the field. Her face was red from exertion and she was frantically waving her cellphone around in the air. I had them lower me to the ground and I jogged over to where she was now bent over with her hands on her knees panting. She looked up when I got close but was too winded to speak. She thrust her phone at me and I took it feeling totally confused.

  “Hello?” I asked.

  It was Nick. “Dude I think Lucy’s in labor.
What do I do?” he asked me frantically. I heard Lucy yelling something about a hospital and him being an idiot. It sounded like he covered the speaker but I could still hear his muffled voice saying something about Landon, crazy bastard, and punching. I shook my head because I could swear that sometimes I felt like we were in the middle of a late night comedy show.

  “Nick!” I growled in frustration.

  I heard him shift the phone and he responded. “What do I do?” he asked again.

  I shook my head. I agreed with Lucy, he could be a fucking idiot sometimes. “Take her to the hospital you moron unless you’re going to play doctor. I’ll leave now and meet you guys there.”

  “Alright, ok, yea. Good idea.” Right before he disconnected I heard him beginning to tell her I said to go to the hospital. If I knew Lucy as well as I think I do she was going to retaliate and I’m kind of sad I’m going to miss the show.

  I tossed Naiyla back her phone and ran to the locker room to get my bag with my keys and phone in it. I debated changing my clothes and instead I just grabbed them to go. I would need to change as soon as I got there because there was no way I’d be able to hold or touch my son covered in dirt.


  “I TOLD YOU! I freaking told you that we needed to go to the hospital and what do you do? Call Landon for permission. I should hurt you. If I wasn’t in so much pain and I didn’t need you as a ride I would’ve knocked you out.” I fussed at Nick. My contractions were too strong and gradually grew closer together. I honestly didn’t care if I was wrong and was just having Braxton hicks but I didn’t want to risk it. I figured that we would leave right away and call Landon on the way to tell him to come straight there. But no, common sense doesn’t live with me.

  “Whatever Lucy. You know how easy it is for that psycho to lose it when it comes to you. I don’t need a reason for a black eye you get me?” he told me with a shrug. He grabbed the hospital bag I had packed a couple of weeks ago and helped me waddle down the stairs. When we got to the bottom he ran back up the stairs and grabbed sweats and a t-shirt for Landon and tossed it in the bag.

  Nick grabbed my hand to help me walk out to his car. Max was in tow in his pajamas looking sleepy and excited at once. Nick was being so stupid and gentle I would’ve been laughing hysterically. I knew he was scared shitless the boy was sweating like he just ran a marathon. I left him alone and didn’t mention anything about it. I really can’t blame him he’s probably afraid the baby is going to slide out of me on the way to the hospital. We got in the car and as he turned the key in the ignition I heard him say a silent prayer that we make it to the hospital in time. I shook my head. I knew him all too well.

  We were halfway to the hospital when it happened. I bit my lip nervously because I didn’t know how to break the news to Nick. My eyes bounced back and forth between him and the windshield. I sighed when I decided there was no good time for this. “Um Nick?” I asked.

  He glanced at me then turned back to the road. “Yea?”

  “I have to tell you something but you have to promise me that you won’t get mad.” I told him.

  “What’s up? If it’s something that I need to know you need to spit it out Luce.”

  I sighed. “Well it’s not really my fault it just happened but I either just peed in your car or my water broke.”

  His eyebrows shot up and he glanced at me again. “I get that you’re pregnant and all but you are just too fucking old to be having accidents on yourself. You couldn’t hold the fluids until after we got out of the car?”

  I scowled. “Don’t be an ass I couldn’t help it. I was just sitting here and it came out. I didn’t make it happen Nick. I promise to pay to have your car cleaned.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh hell no. I am not waiting for you to get out of the hospital before I have that fixed. I have a date tomorrow and there is no way I’m driving any girl around in here smelling like piss.”

  Now I rolled my eyes. “Fine then shut up and stop complaining and get me to the damn hospital.” I told him in frustration. Sometimes there is just no winning with him.

  He sighed. “I swear you’re lucky I fucking love you girl. Any other person would’ve gotten tossed out of my car while I was driving.” He muttered and I believed every word of that.

  When we got to the hospital Nick parked illegally by the entrance to the ER. He was careful helping me out of the car and getting me into the main entrance. He rushed ahead to the front desk and said pretty loudly. “We need a doctor. She is pregnant and she’s already either peeing on herself or leaking water.”

  Cue the face palm. Did he honestly have to make an announcement like that so that half of the people in this unusually crowded room could hear him? I waddled up to him and told the lady gently. “I believe I’m in labor. It’s only a few short days before my due date.”

  She nodded and got me into a wheel chair. She looked at Nick, “Here take this clipboard and fill out the information for your fiancé while we have her checked out.” She told him.

  He paled. “I’m sorry lady but you have it all wrong. I did not knock this girl up. We don’t need Maury to tell you that I am not the father. However you will know when he gets here. He’s going to be the deranged beast that will give you a really hard time if he can’t find Lucy immediately.” He warned her. She laughed as though he told a good joke but that was nothing but the truth.

  They ushered me into a room and had me change into a hospital gown. Nick stayed outside the door until I was changed and in the bed. He looked like he was ready to pass out when the nurse inspected me to see how dilated I was. She told me that I was in fact in labor but I was only two centimeters and I needed to be ten in order to begin pushing. Since my water broke, she advised the sooner we get to it the better. She recommended that I walk around and asked about the epidural. Right when I was going to answer the door flung open and Landon was there breathing heavily.

  “Hell yea, shoot her up now.” He told the nurse.

  Her eyebrows hit her forehead. “I’m sorry but she will need to consent sir.” She told him. His nostrils flared and I saw the warning in his eyes of what was coming.

  I placed a hand on her arm. “I’m having the epidural please do not fight with him.”

  I took in Landon and saw that he was still in his football uniform and dirty. There was a bathroom in the room and I pointed to it. “Landon go do something with yourself and hurry up. You look like you’ve been rolling around in mud.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I have been rolling in mud Lucy. Now don’t start anything without me I promise to be fast.” He scooped up his bag and went into the bathroom. I couldn’t help but notice the nurse checking him out. Yea I know girl drool fucking worthy.

  She went on to get the anesthesiologist to perform the procedure while Landon cleaned himself off. He came out in jeans and sneakers with wet hair. I had heard the shower running the lucky bastard. I knew he didn’t shower after the game so I was grateful I didn’t have to have a smelly Landon next to me for the next who knows how long. The only thing he was missing was a shirt. The nurse followed my line of sight as I took in his abs. I let out a small sigh because I don’t think I’d ever tire of the sight. Her mouth dropped open some and I giggled. She must’ve heard me and snapped herself back to the present. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow in question and I just shook my head.

  “I know. I stopped trying to figure out how he was made.” I whispered to her and she shook her head.

  “Hot damn.” She replied and I giggled some more.

  “What’s so funny?” Landon asked.

  I peeked around her. “Nothing, why don’t you have clothes on?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I forgot my shirt.”

  I shook my head. “Good thing for you that Nick packed you clothes otherwise you would’ve been forced to leave.”

  His eyebrow arched and he crossed his arms causing his muscles to bugle and flex. “Why?” he asked curiously.

  I arched an eyebrow
right back at him. “Because you’re distracting.”

  “I wouldn’t have left anyway.” He muttered under his breath and walked over to Nick for the t-shirt. I had a snarky comeback at the tip of my tongue but it never made it out. A really painful contraction tore through me and I cried out. Landon was by my side in an instant. “What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked frantically as he brushed hair out of my face.

  “Contraction.” I told him through gritted teeth.

  The anesthesiologist came in about five seconds later and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see anyone in my life. I sighed. “Thank god. Please drug me and now.”

  He laughed and setup everything for the procedure. He told me to remain perfectly still and it was done quickly. The nurse informed me that it is going to take the feeling from my legs so I won’t be able to get up and move around. They got me placed back in bed and inserted a catheter. After that it was the waiting game. Landon grabbed a chair and brought it to my bedside while Nick and Max got comfortable on the couch. We settled on Nickelodeon since the stations in the hospital were limited. Hours passed and I even took a nap. The nurse came in about twice to check my progress and I was slowly dilating. We were there for over 12 hours when Nick had enough. The nurse came in to check again and he met her eye. “Can’t you do something to make him come out?”

  The nurse shook her head. “Unfortunately no, this needs to happen naturally. Let’s see where you are now?” she asked.

  I nodded and she checked me. “We’re at six centimeters.” She told us. Landon sighed I knew he was more than a little antsy and got only a little sleep. Just then a head nurse entered the room and gave us this huge speech about how with this being my first child it’s far from uncommon that I be in labor for a ton more hours. There were a group of people with her so I can only assume she was training. I kind of tuned her out and eventually they all left the room and it was just us again.


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