Hell's Hero

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Hell's Hero Page 6

by Temple Madison

  “Well, you can approach me, you know.”

  “Sorry. My mind’s been on other things.”

  “I know that this time in your life is crucial, but…” He looked down at the book. “So, what have you learned so far?”

  “Well, it’s not so much what I’ve learned, but what I feel when I read it. At first it was hard, because being a creature of Hell, the vibe kind of got in the way. But since I was more curious than anything else, I managed to get past it, and have had the most peculiar experiences.”

  “Really? Like what?”

  “Strange things happening inside me. At first it was almost painful to read the words, and I found myself wanting to throw the book against the wall, set it on fire, or literally tear it apart, but I resisted the urges and kept reading. When I did, the pain slowly went away, and with it a dark cloud. It clearly teaches good against evil, so yes, you were right. There are two sides to everything.” He looked at Fate. “I even feel different inside. Although I never fully embraced evil, now that I know about your…God and what He stands for, I now find myself faced with both good and evil, and can’t seem to stay impartial. It seems I have to be on one side, or the other. This is not good. I never had to make a choice before.”

  “Oh, but it is good,” Fate said. And then he felt a hand on his thigh, and looked over at Dante.

  “I learned something very important from the Old Testament God. First of all, He’s a stern God, and maybe even a bit harsh. And He forbids our kind of love.”

  “Oh, God,” Fate mumbled. “I can see where this is going.”

  “…but then Jesus came and set up a new covenant.”

  Fate looked at Dante with surprise in his eyes. “My God, you’re right. I never looked at it that way.”

  “Keep in mind He’s still the same God as before, but under the new covenant love, forgiveness, and mercy reign, and it was a Man upon the cross that changed everything. His name was Jesus, and He brought with Him forgiveness instead of blame, faith instead of religion, charity instead of self-righteousness, and understanding instead of ignorance. Unfortunately, a lot of people are still caught up in the old ways.”

  “That’s odd.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I see a connection here.”

  “A connection?”

  “Jesus was dropped down into a world He didn’t know anything about either, and look what He started.”

  “Good try, but Jesus came as a baby…”

  “So were you…in a way.”

  Suddenly Dante pulled away from Fate, a look of apprehension on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t even try to compare me to Him,” he said angrily.

  “Look, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry. Of course I’m not comparing you to…”

  “I’m nothing but a butt-ugly creation of an even uglier…”

  “Stop!” Fate cried out. “You’re no way near butt-ugly.”

  Dante looked down at himself. “Look at these tattoos, and I still smell of…I reek of Hell! Why would God even want me?”

  All at once Fate caught the side of Dante’s face, and neck, and caressed him as he whispered in his ear. “I want you.” Fate could feel his cock growing long and hard as it rose between his legs. “Oh, God, Dante, I want you to pound me hard. I want you to split my ass in two.”


  The fire in Dante ignited at the thought of riding Fate like a hound from Hell. He wanted to force him down, make him yield, and make him cry out with pleasure. He wanted to fuck him different than before. He wanted to take charge and fuck him fast and hard, to experience the fire, the explosive orgasms that were so much a part of him. Although he’d reformed in many ways, in the ways of sex he still had the raw, crude nature that was instilled into him when he was on that slab in that dark, cold dungeon. He knew from the first time he’d made love to Fate that humans were a slightly less experienced species than where he came from, and had tried to keep that in mind while fucking Fate—until now. Now he wanted to let loose and show him the secret of real fucking, if he would let him.

  “I want you, Fate. Very much. I want to be with you, to push my cock so far into you I touch your soul. I want you to be mine completely.”

  “You seem different this time, Dante. You frighten me.”

  “It’s only because you know where I come from. It’s true that my way is different than your way, but I will give you nothing but pleasure. Believe me, there’s nothing to fear.”

  Suddenly, a slick finger pressed inside Fate, and he reared up when he felt the searing sensation that arrowed straight through him.

  “Do you like that?” Dante whispered seductively as he climbed on him, squeezed his ass, and did it again.

  Fate stiffened at first, and then began to thrash back and forth, fighting the need to come too soon.

  Dante fought the need to bend his will to his own. It was enough that he commanded his body, but if he didn’t handle this right, Fate’s emotions would burst.

  Fate felt Dante’s finger withdraw, circle his hole, then gasped as he swiftly penetrated again, deeper than before. He closed his eyes and all his concentration seemed centered on the fiery nerve endings in his narrow passage. The finger pressed inward again, and again, taking on an erotic rhythm he could not fail to surrender himself to.

  And then there was more.

  His hold expanded as another finger was added, and his tight passage bloomed and gloved the invasion. Then Dante’s other hand gripped his cock, stroking along the column, teasing the wet slit until he was dizzy with erotic vibrations. It seemed that Dante knew when Fate came close to orgasm, because he stopped and waited until the desire subsided. Then Dante began again, and as he did, Fate closed his eyes seeing his beautiful form move like a wild man driving a chariot. Driving him closer and closer, again, and again! And then another finger was added to the two, but by this time Fate had no fear and his canal accepted the third easily. They were slick and wet, moving easily in and out. It seemed that Dante had the patience of a saint because he kept this stimulation up for what seemed like hours, never allowing his delight to drift too far downward. Fate never realized what true desire was until he experienced it with Dante. And then Dante did something that shot Fate over the moon, and destroyed any possible utterance of denial. He curved his fingers and found that spot inside him that drove his passion to fever pitch, and Fate panted, sweat breaking out on his body, and his vision blurred. Suddenly, all he wanted was to be fucked by this man…this crossbreed…this…this…Hell’s hero! And he wanted it more intensely than he had wanted anything in his life. It was then he blurted the words quickly, and loudly.

  “Fuck me!” he shouted. “I can’t stand anymore!”

  Beads of sweat dripped from his body. Then he felt his legs climb along Dante’s back, his only thought was to be filled as quickly as possible. To submit to whatever this native of Hell wanted to do to him.

  He chilled as Dante’s eerie flame-bright eyes gazed back at him. He was unable to look away, mesmerized until he felt the wide tip of a well-oiled penis sliding over the opening of his ass. He shuddered with the sensation, the need to have Dante inside him.

  And then he burst in.

  In and out, up and down, the two men’s bodies slapped one against the other, the hellish sensations like fire as they rode up inside them, bursting and then dying, and then bursting again, until the fire took hold and exploded into an orgasm that shook their bodies, and then threw them down onto the bed while still clasped in each other’s arms.

  “I have so much to teach you, Fate,” Dante whispered, his scorching hot breath burning his cheek. “All about the act of penetration, of seduction…of pure and explosive delight.”

  For some reason Fate chilled and thrilled at the same time.

  Chapter 4

  DANTE was humming as he walked out of the kitchen. He was feeling good, his walk was brisk, and h
e had a smile on his face. But then suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head, stopped in his tracks, and wheeled around as if he were looking for something.

  The window. It was coming from the window.

  He ran over to it and looked through, searching for—what? His gaze turned hard when his radar narrowed in on a woman and a man arguing on the front stoop of an apartment house across the way. He knew immediately that she was in danger.

  Just then Fate came out of the bedroom. “Dante, I thought…”

  “Later!” Dante cried out as he watched the couple across the street.

  Fate went to the window to see what he was staring at. “It’s nothing. Just a…” Suddenly he saw Dante rush out. “Where the hell are you going?”

  Without answering, Dante ran until he found himself out on the street paying little attention to the damp air from an early morning rain. He kept going in spite of the chill he felt from the late summer sun that was slow in drying the wet streets. He stepped down from the curb among honking cars as if he were in a trance. People were passing by, the pungent odor of vendor food was in the air, but his interest in the man standing in his shorts across the street arguing with a woman was his first consideration.

  “Who is she, Danny?” the woman cried out as Dante came closer.

  “Never mind who she is. What the hell are you doing home at this time of day?”

  “It’s a good thing I did come home. How long has this been going on?”

  “You damned bitch! I don’t need to explain this, or anything else to you.”

  “You’d better start explaining, or you’re on the curb, mister!”

  “Just try!”

  “I won’t have to. The police will do it for me,” the woman said, lifting up her cell phone to her ear.

  “The police?” Danny said, running toward her. “You can’t do that, Rosie. They’re lookin’ for me for God’s sake. They find me here, they’ll lock me up and throw away the key.”

  “You should have thought about that before you brought that hussy into our bed.”

  Dante’s eyes widened when he saw the man suddenly attack her. He hurried around cars, and elbowed his way through crowds that were deaf to the woman’s call for help. Dante’s eyes followed every move as he reached out, grabbed her hair, slapped her face back and forth, and began dragging her up the steps.

  “You’ll do what I say, bitch,” he yelled over her screams and struggles.

  Finally, the brawl was interrupted by a voice. “Take your hands off her.”

  The man stopped, turned, and let go of the woman’s hair. Slowly the woman got up, and both turned to see the stranger on the street.

  “Who the hell are you?” Danny said.

  “A neighbor, and if I were you I’d be careful how I treat a lady.”

  “Are you kidding? This ain’t no fuckin’ la…”

  “Don’t say it, or I will have to show you how to eat your food without any teeth, and I simply don’t have the time or the inclination.”

  “Oh, you’re funny. She’s my wife, and I’ll…”

  “He’s not my husband!” the woman called out accusingly.

  “Then I suggest you go inside and pack your bags,” Dante ordered.

  “What? Who the hell do you think…”

  Not waiting for him to finish, Dante ran up the steps, picked he man up, and threw him into a dumpster three houses away.

  The woman looked at Dante, frightened, but felt his gentleness as he took her hand. “Are you all right, ma’am?”

  “Uh…yeah. Just a little…” She wiped at her mouth. “It’s nothing.”

  “It looks like blood. I’d take care of that if I were you, and then call Emergency, and have him thrown out.”

  She looked down the street. “What did you do with him? You seemed to move so quickly I couldn’t tell.”

  “You’ll find him in the dumpster down the street, but if I were you I’d leave him there.”

  “Good advice,” the woman said with a slight chuckle. Dante turned to leave, but before he got away, the woman asked, “By the way…I forgot to…to thank you.” She hesitated. “I don’t believe you mentioned your name.”

  “Just call me Dante.”

  The woman watched wide-eyed as he walked away in the midst of what looked like a light smoke—and flames.

  * * * *

  Six o’clock news…

  “Oh, my God,” Fate mumbled, and then called out, “Dante!”

  Dante quickly stuck his head in to see what Fate wanted, and the two men sat down, watching the TV screen as a well-dressed older man sat looking into a camera with some papers in his hand.

  “Just call me Dante. Those are the words that seemed to echo through the streets yesterday after several people witnessed Ms. Rosie Loring arguing with a man on the front stoop of her apartment. When he began getting rough, another man came to her defense, and broke up what was escalating into a brawl. Our Field Reporter, Casey Burnside is in the area now with more information.” The newscaster turned to another camera, and said, “Casey, as you can see, our information is very sketchy at this point. Is there any more you can tell us?”

  The picture flipped to the field reporter standing next to a woman. “Gordon, standing here beside me is Ms. Rosie Loring, the young woman involved.” He turned to her. “Ms. Loring, can you give us a little more information regarding your unusual experience yesterday?”

  “Well, there’s not really much to tell. Me and the guy I was…uh…living with were having an argument here on the front stoop of our apartment when he grabbed my hair, and began hitting me. Well, all of a sudden this man…this Dante…showed up. He stood right there where you are as big and as beautiful as any gladiator I’ve ever seen, and told my boyfriend to take his hands off me. Well, after a hot exchange, he simply picked him up and threw him in a dumpster down the street. When I thanked him…”

  “Excuse me,” the field reporter interrupted. “You said, down the street? You mean he physically picked him up and carried him to the dumpster?”

  “Oh, no. He threw him. I could hardly believe it, but I saw my boyfriend flying through the air myself. Anyway, after I thanked him, I asked him who he was, and he said simply…Just call me Dante.”

  “Did he say anything else?”

  “No, but, well, I know it’s impossible, but when he turned to leave I could swear I saw just a little bit of smoke and flames following after him. Later I figured it was just his name…you know…Dante…like the inferno? Funny what the power of suggestion can do, isn’t it?”

  “Thank you, Ms. Loring,” the field reporter said, and turned back to the camera. “That’s all we know right now about a mystery man who calls himself Dante. Back to you, Gordon.”

  Looking back into the camera, the newsman said, “Many are asking if this man could be the same one who stopped an accident from happening just a few days ago. I’m afraid we don’t have an answer for that yet, but remember to stay tuned, and we’ll let you know as soon as Dante rides out of that blazing inferno again to protect another one of our citizens.”

  “It’s too early,” Fate said as he turned away from the screen, and looked at Dante. “Why the hell didn’t you just leave it alone?”

  “No man is going to treat a woman like that as long as I’m around. She was being manhandled by a bully, Fate. I can’t stand still and watch a man hurt a woman if I can do something about it.”

  “It was their problem, not yours.”

  “She’d found him in bed with another woman, and he was blaming her for coming home too soon. He’s a fuckin’ jerk. He’s damned lucky I didn’t tear him limb from limb.”

  “I know. It’s not fair…”

  Dante looked at him as his words faded away. “What’s wrong? What are you thinking?”

  “Dante, when you saw that happening, you quickly came to the woman’s defense. Why?”

  “She was being manhandled by that brute. He
was hurting her, pulling her inside by her hair. Had I not stepped in, once he got her alone he might have hurt her badly, even killed her.” He looked up at Fate curiously. “Does all that mean something?”

  “Well, aside from the obvious, it teaches you that life is not fair. Certain men are like that. They’re unfeeling, unkind bastards who treat women bad, in fact they treat everyone bad. But the thing that you need to realize in this is when you saw what was happening, you took the woman’s side. You took the side of the victim, the sufferer, and quickly ran to her side.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “Isn’t it clear to you? You’re from Hell, Dante. You’ve been put here not to save lives, but to take them. I’m glad this happened now, it shows me that you’re growing up. Did you stop and think for a minute whose side you would be on?”

  “No, I just…”

  “It was instinct. You instinctively went to the side of good. Oh, hell this is fantastic.”

  “So, it’s good. It’s good that this happened, because you were telling me to ignore it at first.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. And it is good.”

  “So I shouldn’t listen to you. Right?”

  “Yes…No! Hell, no! You have to listen to me. We were just lucky this time. We’re just lucky we learned something through this. But listen to me, Dante. If you need advice, or if you’re uncertain about something, then ask, Dante, I’ll never steer you wrong. And this thing today, well, although this was a good thing to happen, we both know that you’re still too young to start saving the world.”

  “How do you know? I’ve been reading. I know about good and evil. I’m growing up, like you said.”

  “I know, I guess…” He looked up at Dante. “Hell, I’m just afraid you’re going to be taken away from me. I don’t want to lose you, that’s all.”

  “Are you kidding?” Dante answered. “You’re going to get so tired of looking at me…”

  Fate smiled. “Yeah, you’re so ugly.”

  “So what now?”

  “Well,” he began, scratching his head. “What worries me most is your identity. You’ve been on the news a couple of times, and everyone is talking about you. Hell, by now most of New York has seen you.”


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