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Illusion Page 25

by C. L. Roman

  The locket pulsed. Maybe you should tell me what is happening with you and Jotun? Where is he and what were you doing in Lucky's little den of iniquity?

  The feeling of connection to Jotun faded and Gwyneth sighed. "It is a long story."

  Give me the short version.

  "Where do I start? What is the last thing you remember?"

  A bitter edge tinged Sena's thoughts. Benat ripping my heart out. Everything is hazy for a while after that. I remember screaming and a red light. When I woke, I was disoriented. It took a long time to figure out what happened.

  "Molek and Benat destroyed the village and they kidnapped some of the children. Gant went after them and killed Benat, but he couldn't find your heart. Then the flood came. We got separated." Gwyneth went on to tell of the events that had led to the loft conversation and when she was done, silence stretched between the odd pair for several moments.

  So, essentially, Gant is missing, everyone else is scattered, and Jotun is Shift-sick but you and I have found each other?

  "And Jotun may be intent on destroying the Earth in a nuclear firestorm. Yes, that about sums it up."

  Well, that is a predicament. Sena's sarcastic chuckle nudged against Gwyneth's senses. Ironically, Jotun would probably know how to heal himself, if he weren't delusional, that is.

  Gwyneth stiffened. "He would?"

  Of course. He is a training officer. As such he has knowledge of healing protocols for any injury an angel might take in battle. I mean, there isn't much we don't heal from automatically, so the list is pretty short, but, yes, he'd know what to do.

  "Well then, I know what we need to do next."

  What's that?

  "We need to find him." Gwyneth stood and smoothed her dress over her hips. "Let's go."

  Gwyneth. Sena's tones were cautious, measured. I can take you to him, but I can't protect you once we get there. From what you've told me, he thinks you are an enemy, and he can't be reasoned with.

  "I have to try."

  Trying is likely to get you killed. We have to think of something else.

  "I'm open to suggestions, but in the meantime, you need to take me to him."

  No. I'm not taking you into a situation that dangerous when I can't protect you. If I had a body, it would be different, but...

  "Then let's go get your body."

  What are you talking about? My body is gone, remember? Benat killed it.

  "Well, you looked fine the last time I saw it, although it was a little hard to see through the glass and engravings and everything."

  All right. I'm going to need you to explain more carefully.

  "There isn't any time. Just..." she let out a frustrated breath. "Gant built a glass box for your body. I didn't know why at the time, but I realize now he must have hoped to bring your heart back and revive you."

  Silence. Gwyneth fidgeted with the belt on her dress for a few moments, then said, "Sena?"

  Give me a minute.

  "We may not have —"

  A minute, Gwyneth. The thought was sharp, irritated, and Gwyneth bit her lip.

  After a few moments, Sena spoke again. So, here is what we need to do. I need you to picture the place where you last saw my body. The flood appears to have changed the Earth's geography in a significant way, but it should still be there, unless...

  "Unless what?"

  Unless it's been crushed or otherwise destroyed. It's been left unattended, as far as we know, well over two thousand years.

  "Ok." Gwyneth closed her eyes and brought into her mind the sand floored cave with its stone monolith and glass casket. She did her best to picture it exactly as she had last seen it, and held the image in her mind for long, taut minutes until Sena spoke again.

  It's no use. I can't locate it.

  "What do you mean? I thought you could go anywhere in the Shift."

  With very few exceptions, I can. Something is blocking me — us.

  "Then what do we do now?"

  I have no idea, but I'm not taking you to Jotun without someone who can wield a sword. It is just too dangerous for you.

  "Then I will go alone." She lifted her hands to the necklace and lifted the chain.

  What are you doing? You can't leave me here. Anyone could pick me up.

  "You aren't leaving me much of a choice."

  Do what you need to do, just don't leave me here.

  Gwyneth let go of the chain. "All right. But don't try to interfere either."

  Sena was silent and stayed that way as Gwyneth made her way to the elevator with no clear destination in mind. "It’s not like I know where he lives," she muttered. Gwyneth suddenly felt the last several hours crashing in on her. She trudged through the cutting room, eyelids weighted, back aching.

  Then where, exactly, are you going?

  "I don't know," Gwyneth admitted as she stabbed the down button. "Any suggestions?"

  Yes, go back to the office, get some rest. Let me think about this and let's come up with a plan. Running into the street isn't going to help Jotun and it’s likely to get you killed.

  The elevator opened, but Gwyneth didn't get in.

  You should at least contact Xavier and find out how Cole is doing. You said he was badly injured; don't you want to know about him?

  Gwyneth chewed on her lip, eyeing the open elevator and debating. Finally, the doors slid closed again and she was still standing on the outside. "You're right. I'll call Xavier."

  And get some rest.

  "One thing at a time, Sena. One thing at a time." She walked across the cutting room and sat down at Cole's desk. Neat and orderly as the man himself, the desk was as he had left it. Computer humming faintly, files and fabric swatches placed in organized clutter on the dark wood surface. The phone glared at her and she threw a glance at the window. Pearly, pre-dawn light filtered wetly through the glass, casting shadows with more mystery than illumination. "The hospital might be a better bet," she said. "It's so early. If he's been sleeping, I shouldn't wake him."

  Sena said nothing, so Gwyneth tapped a few keys on the keyboard and the computer sprang to life. Blessing Cole for instructing her in the basics, she looked up the hospital number in the online directory and dialed.

  "Blane-Cossering, how may I direct your call?" The operator's voice was cool and professional.

  "I'm calling to ask about Cole Delaney's condition. Has there been any change?"

  "I'll connect you to his floor." Bland instrumental music filtered through the phone line as Gwyneth tapped out a rhythm on the desk top.

  "Intensive care, how may I help you?"

  "I'm calling about Cole Delaney? Can you tell me how he is doing?

  "Are you a relative ma'am?"

  "I am his — sister. Ruth"

  "I see. You aren't on the list." The woman began to ramble on about hospital protocols, rules and procedures, repeating herself several times in the process. Finally, Gwyneth had enough.

  "Can you just tell me how he is? Has there been any improvement?"

  "His brother is due in shortly. You may wish to talk to him."

  "Xavier isn't there?"

  "Well, I am sure I don't know." The nurse sounded flustered, and for the first time, unsure of herself. "Would you like me to page him for you?"

  "No, that won't be necessary," Gwyneth said, and hung up. In a few seconds she was standing in front of the elevator again, punching the button so hard the plastic cracked.

  Where are we going?

  "Xavier's apartment. If anyone knows what is happening with Cole, he does. I can't believe I didn't think of this before." She stepped out into the lobby and froze. A group of dark figures stood at the front doors. One was messing with the lock.

  "Sena, you need to get me out of here."

  Right. Take a step.

  The Shift seemed colder, darker this time, but the lights turned toward them immediately and began their approach. Keep moving.

  Gwyneth took another step and found herself standing outside the door to
Xavier's apartment. She raised her fist and knocked. There was silence, then a flurry of movement inside and the door swung open.

  Xavier's mouth formed a round, pink O before he reached out, grabbed her arm and jerked her inside. "What the hell are you doing here? Don't you know they are watching this place? How did you get inside without being seen? Were you seen? Oh my goodness, what if you were seen?"

  "Xavier, calm down. I wasn't seen. What do you mean 'they'? Who is watching you?"

  "The military." He rushed to the window and looked out. "They think they're sly, but really — black SUVs in the garment district? With multiple antennas? Who do they think they're fooling?" His glance traveled over her and his brow puckered with concern. "Honey, where have you been? You are absolutely rumpled." He rubbed a lock of her hair between his fingers. "Not to mention dry around the fringes."

  "Thanks, Xavier." Gwyneth gave him a wry smile. "At least I can count on you to always tell me the truth. But that's not why I'm here. How is Cole?"

  Xavier's face crimped at the edges. "He's stable. Holding his own, they say, but not improving." He waved her into the kitchen. "Where have you been? I thought they had you in some dreary dungeon, torturing you. The horrors I imagined..."

  Gwyneth suppressed a tired grin. "Well, there was no torture involved at least."

  "Honey, you need to rest. Come on, take a shower and lie down. If they don't know you're here, they won't think to look. It's not like we've had any contact with you over the last two weeks."

  "Well, I did call the hospital."

  He paled, turning back to her. "When?"

  "A few minutes ago. Then we tried to come here, and there were men at the door of the studio so we, uhm...we snuck out the back."

  "Who is we? Never mind. You have to get out of here. If they don't find you at the office, this place will be next."

  "Where am I going to go, Xavier? I need your help."

  "How am I supposed to help? Paparazzi I can handle, the U.S. Military is a whole other story. Don't look at me like that!" he exclaimed. "I'd help if I could. I just don't have anything to offer."

  The intercom on the wall buzzed, the harsh tone jarring in the sudden stillness following his words. Xavier laid his finger over pursed lips and pressed the call button. "Hello?"

  "Mr. Delaney? NSA. We need to speak with you. Buzz us in, please."

  Xavier stared at Gwyneth and she shook her head, eyes pleading. He let go of the button. "They aren't going to take no for an answer Gwyn."

  As if to confirm his words they heard the tread of heavy boots in the hallway and a heavy fist pounded on the door. "NSA, open up!"

  Gwyneth pressed a quick kiss on Xavier's cheek and backed away. "We were never here," she whispered. "Sena, a little helping, please.” She took a step and winked out of existence.

  Xavier stood there for a few moments, blinking, but renewed pounding brought him back to the present. “All right, don’t get your camies in a twist. I’m coming.” He flung the door open and leaned against the frame. “What can I do for you?”

  A man in a black business suit, green eyes hard as marble, stared past him into the small foyer. “We have reason to believe that Gwyneth Nephel has contacted you.”

  “Who?” Xavier widened his eyes and tilted his head to the side.

  The agent just stared at him.

  “No, I mean, who are you?” Xavier pushed away from the door frame and folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t recall seeing any identification.”

  Brows clenched in an irritated frown, the man reached into the interior pocket of this black suit jacket and pulled out his wallet. Flipping it open, he revealed an authentic looking badge with the name Jacob Lock. “Can I come inside, Sir?” He raised an eyebrow and looked Xavier over.

  “Of course.” Xavier stepped aside and Agent Lock entered, glancing right and left as he traveled down the hall.

  His nostrils flared. “Where is she, Mr. Delaney?” The green eyes lightened, the color fading.

  Feeling the push of another’s will against his own, Xavier frowned. “Gwyneth isn’t here.”

  “I believe you. But she was, and recently, now where —“

  The push increased, pressing hard against his mind and he thrust it aside with an effort. “What’s going on with your eyes?”

  Lock blinked. “Nothing. Now you were going to tell me about Ms. Nephel.” His eyes were translucent as glass with only a hint of green remaining in the iris.

  “Stop.” Xavier’s word of command was hard and flat, breaking the compulsion with a single syllable. “And no, I wasn’t. Who are you really?”

  Lock rolled his eyes and the normal color returned to them. “I should have known. If your brother can command, it makes sense that you would have something too. How far back is the taint?”

  “I beg your pardon? There is no ‘taint’ as you put it.”

  “Yes there is. A full human would never have been able to resist me.” Abandoning the disguise, Loki allowed his natural form to replace it. He looked Xavier over as if examining a bug leg under a microscope. “A couple of generations back, I’d bet, or you’d be bigger, and probably better looking.”

  Xavier gasped. “You are awfully rude, even for a demon. I recognize you now. You’re that creep who was trying to scam our Gwyneth. You need to get out of here right now.”

  “Of course,” Loki inclined his head. “Just as soon as you tell me which way she went.”

  “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Suit yourself. I could make it worth your while. Living as long as I have, one tends to accumulate things.”

  “I don’t need anything you’ve got. It’s probably all poisonous anyway.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Xavier sniffed and held the door open. “Out.”

  “All right then, I’ll just have to figure it out for myself.” Instead of exiting, Loki headed up the hall way, stopping at the exact point where Gwyneth had disappeared. He inhaled through his nose. His eyes narrowed. “Huh, now how did she manage that?”

  Xavier grabbed Loki’s arm and jerked him toward the door. “I said, get out!” He shoved him toward the entrance.

  Reversing the hold, Loki twisted around, slamming his forearm across Xavier’s throat and pinning him against the wall. The pictures rattled and two crashed to the floor. Xavier clawed at Loki’s arm, his face going white, then red.

  Loki’s eyes blazed. “You will keep your hands to yourself and we can keep this civilized.” After pressing harder for an instant, he let go and Xavier collapsed onto his hands and knees, hauling wheezing gouts of air into his starved lungs. Loki straightened his tie and cuffs. “I wish you hadn’t been so difficult. I abhor violence.”

  With a wild scream of rage, Xavier launched himself at Loki, ramming his shoulder into the demon’s midsection. Surprise kept Loki immobilized for a heartbeat and then he planted his feet. Grabbing Xavier’s hips, he hoisted him into the air and threw the man into the living room. Xavier landed head first on the coffee table with a splintering thud. He slumped into a heap and lay still.

  Loki took a deep breath and smoothed his palms over his suit jacket. "I just had this thing pressed," he snarled. He drew in a deep breath and went back to the spot where he'd smelled the tear. Just a trace of the scent was left now, but there was no doubt. There was still a discernible weakness in the atmosphere. Someone had gone into the Shift here, someone who wore Gwyneth's perfume. Taking a step, he pushed his hand into the mending tear and gray smoke boiled around him.

  The onyx dark closed around him and he shivered in the sudden chill. Not as cold as it usually was though. He looked around and saw a grouping of lights, orienting on him. Where is the exit? He sniffed and detected another tear, newer than the one he'd just entered through. The lights were closer, heat rising. He stepped through the second tear and emerged in the parking lot of Blane-Cossering.

  Ahead of him, a very tall woman was running toward the Emergency Room entrance.

  "They'll be waiting for you there, you know," he called out to her.

  She stopped short and her shoulders sagged. With obvious effort, she straightened and turned to face him, one millimeter at a time.

  "Better them than you, I think." A gold and stone pendant winked at him from a chain around her neck.

  "Is that the little present I gave you?" he asked.

  She lifted the locket and it pulsed red in the dark. "That you threw at me, you mean?"

  "Call it what you like," he said. "A gift is a gift. You owe me."

  "Considering that you planned to sell me to Lucifer, I owe you nothing."

  He sucked in his breath and resisted the impulse to duck. "Please, be careful who you name. He still wants you."

  "Well, from what you said, I have to go willingly, and that will not be happening."

  "He wants to take my boys, Gwyneth. It’s either you, or them," he said.

  "And you think if you give me up, he'll be satisfied? When will you learn, evil is never satisfied? Even if he has it all, everything there is to have, he will want more."

  Loki felt the painful truth of her words seep into his skin and he shivered. "I know, but if I give you to him, it may buy me a little time to hide them. I have to hide them until they are grown and can choose their own way."

  Her eyes softened, but she shook her head. "I can't help you Loki. I have to find Jotun and stop him. You are their father, you need to find the way to save them without me." Pivoting, she ran, ducking to clear the ER entrance. Mouth tight, heart pounding, he ran after her.

  Catching her a step inside the doors, he grabbed her arm and pulled her up short. "Hey, you got what you needed. You know how to cure Jotun now."

  Wrenching her arm free, she pushed close to him, backing him up a step. "No thanks to you. Eir provided that information, and she didn't sell me to the devil."

  "Fine, have it your way. Give me the necklace and we'll call it even."

  Gwyneth closed her fingers tight around the pendant and moved back, putting several feet between them. "We are already "even" as you say. In fact, you owe me," she said, her voice rising. "You are happy though. I want nothing from you." In the ER waiting room, heads turned.


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