The Pretense (Men of Meadowfall Book 7)

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The Pretense (Men of Meadowfall Book 7) Page 7

by Anna Wineheart

  Cole pushed against his hole, and Levi’s body opened around him, taking him inside. Cole swirled his fingers. Jammed them hard against Levi’s prostate.

  It felt like he’d flipped a magic switch inside Levi—pleasure flooded through Levi’s body the next moment, and he was throbbing in Cole’s hand, spurting between the sheets. Couldn’t think.

  “Very nice,” Cole said, his voice husky.

  Levi panted, floating on a cloud of bliss. Cole made me come. And he’d done it so fast, so... expertly. Like he’d known exactly what would make Levi hit his climax.

  Levi shouldn’t have been surprised, should he?

  He flopped back against Cole, dazed. Cole’s eyes were dark, intent. He turned away, though, glancing at the phone buzzing behind him. “Looks like your Gran’s calling.”

  Levi groaned, answering the phone when Cole handed it to him. “Hello?”

  “Levi!” Gran said across the line. “I was wondering if you were asleep! I’ve been ringing the bell for ten whole minutes. I almost unlocked the door myself, but I thought you might need some privacy.”

  Cole licked his glistening fingers. Levi’s face burned. The bedroom door wasn’t even shut.

  “I—I just woke up,” he said breathlessly. “Um, come on in. We’ll get dressed.”

  “Good, good,” Gran said. “I’ll make you breakfast. What would you like?”

  Levi squirmed. “You really don’t have to!”

  “Well, then it’s pancakes,” Gran said. She blew a kiss across the line. “See you soon, sleepy boy!”

  She hung up on him, and Levi flopped back onto the bed, covering his face. “She’s coming into the house and making us breakfast. Pancakes.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Cole rumbled.

  “It’s barely 6AM! I’m not even awake yet.”

  Cole snorted. “That’s the time I wake up. But I guess you need your beauty sleep.”

  Probably why Levi had been in the middle of a hot and heavy dream.

  Cole flared his nostrils, blatantly sniffing at Levi. Levi blushed. There was a thick, solid line straining behind Cole’s shorts, and a dark, damp patch at his tip.

  “You’re not obligated to return the favor,” Cole murmured.

  But it had been so long since Levi had a taste. He dragged his eyes away, crawling to the foot of the bed.

  Past the bedroom, the front door slammed.

  They exchanged a look. In moments, Cole was across the bedroom, quietly locking the bedroom door.

  “Not that this hides anything,” he said wryly.

  “It still helps,” Levi said. “Thanks.”

  They washed up in the ensuite bathroom, moving around each other easily. On the days before this, they’d taken turns, avoiding sharing intimate spaces with each other when they could help it.

  Right now, Levi was washing up, Cole pissing behind him. Like it was a routine.

  It had been that way, a long time ago.

  Cole flushed the toilet, glancing over his shoulder. “You mind?”

  Levi shook his head. He dried off his face, watching as Cole shrugged out of his clothes, stepping into the shower. But not before Levi got an eyeful of Cole’s defined pecs, his beautiful abs, and the thick cock still hard between his legs.

  Even though he’d just come, Levi’s cock stirred.

  Before he closed the shower door, Cole glanced up, meeting Levi’s eyes. Levi flushed. Cole had seen him ogling, then. But Cole only smiled, and began to shower.

  He took a while. Levi didn’t blame him, not with Cole still aroused. By the time Cole emerged, with a towel around his waist and droplets of water trickling down his chest, Levi was dressed.

  “Do we go out of the room together, or...?” Levi hesitated.

  “It’s your Gran. I don’t think it matters. I’ll be joining you in the kitchen anyway.” Cole pulled his towel off, turning to the closet for his clothes.

  His erection had faded. Levi couldn’t help wondering what Cole had been thinking about while he was relieving himself of it. This morning, with his fingers inside Levi? Or had he been jerking off to someone else?

  Levi fought down the coil of envy in his gut. He watched the flex of Cole’s muscles as he pulled on a pair of loose-fitting pants, then a shirt that hugged his broad chest.

  Cole cleared his throat. As though he knew Levi was staring.

  Levi flushed—he wasn’t supposed to be attracted to Cole. He bolted from the room, passing the still-packed boxes of things from his apartment.

  This was just an agreement. Cole was Levi’s pretend boyfriend for a year. Then he would move on.

  Somehow, another fifty-one weeks with Cole seemed too short a time.

  The aroma of butter and periwinkle wafted from the kitchen when Levi approached. He straightened his shoulders, pasting a smile onto his face.

  Gran was bustling at the stove in a frilly apron and bright slacks, three pans on the burners. Levi stopped short in the kitchen doorway. “That’s way too much food, Gran!”

  Gran turned, her face wrinkling when she smiled. “Levi, hon!”

  Despite all the times she’d told him about her coughing and pain, she seemed sprightly today. Levi frowned, hurrying over. “Don’t overexert yourself,” he said, ushering her to a chair. “You should rest!”

  “Pssh! I’m fine!” She waved him off, striding back to the stove. “I can do this.”

  “But you said you were suffering from the... that one illness. I can’t remember the name of it.”

  “See, Gran’s still fighting fit.” She fluttered her hand dismissively, stirring a bowl of batter. “Now, I’m making pancakes. Don’t interrupt me.”

  Levi squirmed. “But—”

  Gran looked pointedly at him. “But where’s your husband?”

  Cole cleared his throat, pausing in the kitchen doorway. “Here. We’re just boyfriends for now.”

  Levi turned. And found Cole with his shirt clinging damply to his chest. He looked handsome, with that tiny smile, his steady gaze coasting down Levi’s body. Levi’s heart skipped.

  “You smell just like a pair of lovebirds,” Gran said, sniffing at Levi.

  Had she smelled the musk from earlier? Or Cole’s scent on him? Levi’s cheeks scorched. “Gran!”

  Gran waved her spatula at him, then seemed to reconsider shooing him off. Instead, she paused, sniffing again. And Levi was suddenly too aware of his honey scent beneath everything else.

  “Oh,” Gran said, her eyebrows rising up her forehead. “You smell like honey, Levi.”

  Levi sagged, wishing he had the foresight to hide his pregnancy scent. “I guess I do.”

  Gran’s smile widened. “You and Cole have done a good thing. Congrats, the both of you.”

  Looking at the bacon and eggs sizzling cheerfully next to the pancakes, Levi didn’t have the heart to say, I think we’ll lose this child, too. He swallowed thickly, glimpsing the way Gran’s smile fell.

  “What’s wrong?” Gran asked in concern.

  Levi opened his mouth to answer. But Cole was beside him the next moment, his strong arm wrapping around Levi’s waist.

  “Levi’s miscarried before,” Cole said quietly. “We don’t know if this one will be successful.”

  Gran’s face fell further. “Oh, hon. This time it’ll be okay.”

  No, it won’t be okay, Levi wanted to say. This pregnancy would have a one-in-six chance of succeeding. And... and he hadn’t told Gran before this. What if she called him out on hiding truths?

  Growing up, Gran had been one of Levi’s biggest encouragers. She’d somehow liked him more than his brothers, and she’d been so positive he could do everything right.

  As much as he loved her, Levi also felt bound by Gran’s expectations. He didn’t want to disappoint her. And the lie about Cole... What if she found out? His stomach twisted.

  “Besides, you’re young. You have plenty of time.” Gran clucked.

  Cole pulled Levi against his chest, kissing his forehead.
“We’ll see how it goes,” Cole murmured. “I’ll be here.”

  Gran was right in front of them, and this was probably for show. Levi sighed. But he couldn’t resist leaning into Cole’s strong chest, breathing in his maplewood scent. And beneath that, there was the smoke and ash from Cole’s job.

  “You said we’re supposed to have a grandchild by the end of this year,” Levi mumbled.

  “Next year’s fine, too.” Gran glanced out the kitchen window, at the other roof peeking over the treetops. “But I would like that guesthouse fixed up as soon as you can. The roof needs work. Most other things are intact.”

  “I’ll get on it,” Cole said.

  Levi winced. That fell on his own shoulders, not Cole’s. “But I can do it—”

  “No, you’re not.” Cole narrowed his eyes. “I’m not risking the baby.”

  Gran beamed. “I know a few herbal soup recipes to make you strong,” she said. “And Cole can make them for you, too.”

  “I’m not an invalid,” Levi spluttered.

  “I’ll do it,” Cole said without hesitation.

  That shut Levi up, because no one, save for Gran, had made soups for him in a long time. The last person who had... was Cole.

  Cole dragged his lips up Levi’s neck, then kissed his ear. Gran was still watching. Levi hid his face, embarrassed.

  It was for show, but he’d never done this in front of his gran before. And everything Cole did was far too intimate for public viewing.

  Cole huffed. “You’re cute when you’re shy.”

  Levi lifted his head off Cole’s shoulder. “I’m not shy—”

  Cole kissed him on the lips, light and soft, just a whispering touch. Levi’s heart skipped. And that look in Cole’s eyes, full of warmth... Was it real?

  Levi hadn’t thought he’d been missing out on anything, but the way Cole looked at him, like Levi was the most important person in the world... It made his throat squeeze tight.

  It had been a long time since he’d received a look like that.

  It’s just acting, Levi told himself. He doesn’t mean it.

  That made his heart ache even more, though.

  Gran smiled. “How sweet!”

  Cole smiled, whisking Levi away from the stove. “I’m taking him away for a while. Is that okay, Gran?”

  “Of course,” she said, waving them off. “Give me some time to finish the pancakes. And I’ll make a beef stew for lunch, too.”

  That sounded like a lot of food. But Levi didn’t have time to contemplate it, when Cole dragged him down the hallway to the far side of the house.

  It was only when they stopped in a high-ceilinged room with large French windows on two sides and a fireplace on the third wall, that Cole shut the door behind them, and turned.

  “You okay?” Cole asked, meeting Levi’s eyes.

  Levi was about to say yes. Then he realized that Cole meant the talk about the pregnancy, and Gran being so excited to meet her great-grandchild. Levi sighed, his stomach twisting into knots. “She wants the baby so much, Cole. I don’t want to disappoint her, too.”

  “I don’t care if she’s disappointed.” Cole narrowed his eyes. “Your first priority isn’t her feelings.”

  “Whose feelings, then? Yours?”

  Cole snorted. “No, yours.”

  “But this is her mansion!” Levi mumbled, afraid of Gran overhearing despite how far they’d moved from the kitchen. “I made a deal with her, Cole. A baby by the end of the year.”

  “She said it’s okay if there’s a baby by the end of next year.” Cole looked fiercely at Levi. “I want you to stop putting everyone else’s feelings before yourself. Like your gran. Like... like Micah.”

  They hadn’t talked about Micah in years, but Levi knew the name still made Cole flinch. “I met with him yesterday,” he said quietly.

  Cole grimaced. Carefully, he asked, “How is Micah?”

  A long time ago, just the mention of Micah’s name meant an impending argument. Levi hesitated. “He’s getting by. But he still wishes for an alpha.”


  Levi gave a strained laugh, embarrassed. “I asked if he wanted you to be his alpha. He said no.”

  Cole snorted. “Of course he’ll say no. I put those scars on his face, Levi. I’m the reason he uses a walking stick.”

  But Cole’s eyes were faraway now, filled with regret. Levi wanted to shoulder that burden so Cole didn’t have to.

  “Well, he’s clearly more capable of bearing children than me,” Levi said, half-afraid Cole would agree, and leave. “If you get together with him, you’ll get the baby you want so much.”

  “He’s older than us,” Cole said. “And besides, that’s not how things work. You can’t just give me away like that.”

  “But after the year’s over—”

  “You think I’ll love an omega just because you tell me to?” Cole backed Levi against the door, his eyes narrowed, his breath falling hot on Levi’s lips.

  It felt like history was repeating itself. Levi gulped. “Yes, I was hoping you would,” he said. “So you’ll love someone who’s actually good for you!”

  “Tell me what someone good for me is,” Cole growled.

  But he was just inches away, his body hot and hard, and that made it so much more difficult to think. Levi gulped. “Someone... someone good. Someone who can have children. Someone who doesn’t keep relying on you for everything.”

  Except Cole narrowed his eyes. “I don’t care about any of that.”

  “You care about Micah.”

  Cole growled. “Because I hurt him, damn it! But I don’t love him, and I’ll never love him the way I loved you.”

  Levi’s heart squeezed tight.

  “We’ve been over this a million times,” Cole said quietly, his eyes burning. “I need you to stop putting everyone before yourself.”

  “Or else what? You’ll leave again?”

  Cole clenched his jaw. “You were the one who left, Levi.”

  “But you threatened to leave, too.”

  “Because you refused to learn to care for yourself.”

  “I tried,” Levi mumbled.

  “You weren’t trying hard enough.” Cole narrowed his eyes. “Being a bondmate doesn’t mean you give your alpha away right after an accident.”

  “Even if I caused the accident?”

  It had seemed like the only way he could compensate for all that hurt. By giving up his most precious person.

  “Yeah,” Cole said. “You pick yourself up, and move on.”

  “Is that why you don’t have an omega, then?”

  Cole shut up. Levi felt a tiny swell of victory. It was short-lived, though. With his history of miscarriages behind him... “I’m not someone that anyone would want.”

  Cole growled, a low, frustrated noise. “What if I said—What if I said you’re still attractive? And that there’s countless alphas who would want you out there?”

  “They haven’t asked me out,” Levi said flatly.

  “That’s because they’re idiots.”

  Cole’s tone was harsh, fierce. And Levi stared, his mind racing. Cole didn’t have a boyfriend when he agreed to this sham. If he thought Levi was attractive, then... “You still like me,” Levi said in a half-whisper, remembering last night.

  Last night, Cole had touched his belly. He’d held Levi when Levi cried, and... what if it hadn’t just been a pretense?

  Cole wet his lips. For the longest time, he stared at Levi, his chest rising and falling. Then he said, “Yeah, I still like you.”

  Levi stopped breathing. He didn’t know what to say to that, when he’d given up on Cole returning, when he’d given up on Cole ever forgiving him for leaving.

  “Then—” Levi gulped “—Then why... This is just... a pretense, isn’t it?”

  Cole was still for another moment. Then he leaned in, slipping his fingers into Levi’s hair, cradling the back of his head.

  “If you want, it’ll continue to be a
pretense,” Cole whispered.

  “What if... I don’t want it to be?” Levi asked, his throat too tight. He felt like he was exposing the most vulnerable part of himself.

  Cole met his eyes, his gaze dark, intent. “Then this will be real.”

  And he leaned in, brushing their lips together, his tongue tracing the seam of Levi’s lips. Levi groaned, his body responding to Cole on instinct. He parted his lips for his alpha, pulling him closer. Cole’s scent filled his lungs, his kiss consuming Levi like a roaring flame.

  Cole pressed Levi up against the door, nudging Levi’s mouth open, sliding inside. Their tongues tangled. Cole tasted like the mint of his toothpaste, and he smelled like maplewood and musk, like fire and smoke. Levi wound his hands into Cole’s hair, trying to pull him closer. He needed his alpha marking every inch of his skin.

  He didn’t know how long they kissed, only that his legs had turned into jelly, and Cole’s lips were on his, Cole was holding him like he was ever so precious.

  “Gods,” Cole breathed against Levi’s lips, his large hands skimming down Levi’s back, his teeth nipping at Levi’s lower lip. “I want to make you mine.”

  There was a reason they shouldn’t do this right now, but Levi couldn’t, for the life of him, remember why.

  “So do it,” he whispered.

  Cole broke the kiss, trailing his lips down Levi’s jaw. Then he pressed sucking kisses down Levi’s throat, to the scent gland at the crook of his neck, where Levi was sensitive.

  His breath hot, Cole kissed Levi there. “If I mark you here... It’s permanent.”

  Levi’s heart missed a beat. Cole closed his mouth around the scent gland, where he’d marked Levi once upon a time. Then he sucked, and pleasure hummed through Levi’s body.

  If he marked Levi... then he would take Levi as his own. Levi couldn’t breathe. He wanted that.

  Cole’s teeth brushed his skin, sharp points on Levi’s scent gland.

  But they were going too fast, weren’t they? There was something important that Levi was missing, something like... like his miscarriages. Like Micah’s scars. Like a better life for Cole somewhere out there.

  His heart squeezing tight, Levi planted his hands against Cole’s chest and shoved him off, panting with the force of it.


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