Outlaw Revenge

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Outlaw Revenge Page 9

by London Casey

He kicked the door and it busted open.

  They rushed inside and found a beautiful blonde in bra and panties, tied to a chair with the wires from the telephone. She had a rolled up pillow case tied around her mouth. Her eyes were wide and when she saw the guns, she started to kick and scream more.

  “Where is he?” Gaige asked. “Is he here?”

  The woman hurried to shake her head, her hair bouncing left to right.

  “Jesus Christ,” Blaine said. “Look at her. She’s fucking gorgeous.”

  “Relax,” Gaige said. He walked to Belle. “Listen to me. I know your name is Belle. I’m here to help you. I’m going to take this out of your mouth. If you fucking scream, my friend here will shoot you. Okay?”

  Belle nodded.

  Gaige took the gag out of her mouth. Belle let out a breath and looked at Gaige, then Blaine, then back to Gaige.

  “Fuck no,” she said. “I’m not paid for this. Guns? Three men? No…”

  “Wait, what?” Gaige asked.

  “That wasn’t what I was told,” Belle said.

  “Hold on,” Gaige said. “You were willingly tied to this chair?”

  “Yeah. That’s what he wanted.”

  “Who, pretty?” Blaine asked.

  Blaine touched her hair. Belle kicked Blaine’s leg and he jumped up.

  “Fuck. Feisty. I’m getting hard already.”

  “Tell me what the fuck is going on here,” Gaige said.

  “He paid to take me to this hotel for a fantasy. To tie me up and gag me. He wanted me to whimper and cry for him while he was gone. When he comes back, he’s going to fuck me and then leave me. Then I have to call for a ride.”

  “Fuck,” Gaige said. “I can’t believe this.”

  Everything was legit. Belle wasn’t in danger. Gaige looked at Blaine.

  “What do we do now?” Blaine asked.

  “I guess we…”

  Gaige saw the figure in the doorway a split second before the gunshot rang. Gaige dropped and pulled Blaine to the floor. He pointed his gun in the general direction and pulled the trigger.

  “Fucking asshole,” Gaige growled.

  He jumped up and ran. Blaine was right behind him. They charged into the hallway and Gaige saw a man running down the hall.

  “Stop running, Max,” Gaige yelled.

  The man turned and stumbled a few steps, obviously surprised that Gaige knew his name. He pointed his gun and took two more random shots, just to keep Gaige and Blaine at bay.

  Gaige took a step and Blaine grabbed his arm. “He’s gone, bro. He won’t be back for this.”

  “I have to kill that asshole,” Gaige said. “He’s been threatening Emily for a long time.”

  “What do we do then?” Blaine asked. “Chase him down?”

  “No. I know what he’s driving. We’ll find him. Last thing we need is to light up the hotel with gunshots. Police will be here in a second and don’t forget about who owns the fucking place.”

  Mr. fucking Strokner.

  Gaige walked back to the hotel room and went inside. Belle was now shaking. Everything had become very real for her.

  “Sorry about that,” Gaige said. “Are you okay?”

  “What the fuck was that about?” Belle cried.

  “Don’t ever fucking do business with him again, okay?”

  Belle nodded. “Now what?”

  “I’m going to untie you and then I’ll take you back to your office,” Gaige said.

  “Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second,” Blaine said as he touched Gaige’s shoulder.

  Gaige looked at Blaine. He stared at Belle with big eyes. He smiled.


  “Let me take care of this one,” Blaine said.

  “You’re kidding me,” Belle said.

  “Come on, pretty,” Blaine said. “You’ve never seen a cock like mine.”

  “Were you paid already?” Gaige asked.

  “Yes,” Belle said.

  Gaige punched Blaine in the shoulder. “Well, have at it then.”

  Blaine stepped toward Belle and ran a hand through her hair. “Are you going to play nice?”

  “You’re the boss now,” Belle whispered. “Anything you want.”

  “Anything?” Blaine asked.

  “Careful with that,” Gaige said. “Blaine is a sick fuck.”

  Gaige heard Blaine unzipping his pants as he pulled the door shut. It wouldn’t lock, but he knew Blaine wouldn’t give a fuck. He’d have sex in the middle of the street if it meant getting pussy.

  Gaige carefully left the hotel, trying to plan his next move.

  He needed to find Eight Under and find the asshole who killed Emily’s friend. And he needed to find Max and take care of that situation too.

  Gaige looked up at the hotel and wondered if Blaine really wasn’t in the right mindset lately. He was focused on himself and his cock. When the club needed him he did what he needed to, and then it was right back to his cock.

  As Gaige rode back to clubhouse, he had the sudden feeling that someone was following him. He checked his mirror and saw a black SUV trailing two cars behind.

  “Fuck,” Gaige whispered.

  Gaige cut to the right and passed two cars. He checked his mirror again and watched the black SUV perform the same move. He was definitely being followed. The last thing Gaige needed was some kind of shootout right on a main street. The less attention on the MC the better right now.

  At the next intersection, Gaige made a hard right. He cut off a few cars and listened to the blaring of horns. He looked again and saw the black SUV slam its brakes and peel to the right to follow. Gaige sped up and knew what he had to do.

  Gaige never backed down from a fight.

  He sped to the end of the road and made another right. From there, he took a left onto a long stretch of road. There wasn’t much traffic at all and it led right to where he and Nate killed two of the Eight Under crew. But Gaige wasn’t going out that far. He pulled over and took out his phone, calling Nate for backup.

  The black SUV came to a skidding halt.

  Nate would never make it to Gaige in time, but in case these assholes kidnapped him or did something stupid, the club would knew where to start.

  Gaige pulled his gun out and pointed it at the driver.

  “Hands up!” he yelled.

  The driver listened.

  “Put the back window down,” Gaige ordered

  The driver put the window down and Gaige shook his head.

  It was Mr. Strokner.

  “You seem to be running like you’re hiding something,” Mr. Strokner said.

  “I just don’t like to be followed,” Gaige said. “Is that a problem?”

  “Hardly,” Mr. Strokner said. “The real problem is where I’m going right now.” Mr. Strokner looked at Gaige. “Do you know where I’m going?”

  “No. Why would I give a shit?”

  “I’m on my way to a funeral home. I get to pick out a casket today. For my daughter.”

  Gaige lowered his gun. “Look, I’m really sorry about your daughter. The police came by the club already. We don’t know what happened, okay?”

  “It’s a damn shame that you and your friends don’t understand the power of relationships. What they mean. What they create. Just because I prefer a suit jacket over a leather jacket doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

  “If you need something from me, just spill it. I don’t have fucking time for this game.”

  “Game,” Mr. Strokner said. “Sure. A game.”

  Mr. Strokner reached to the passenger seat and waved. Someone put a piece of paper in his hand.

  “This is something I’ve been looking at for some time,” Mr. Strokner said. “A large parcel of land, not too far from here. I’m wondering if I can bring some residential and commercial life out here. I mean, why not, right?”

  “I’m not in your line of business,” Gaige said.

  “I beg to differ,” Mr. Strokner said.

p; He held out the piece of paper. Gaige looked at it and swallowed hard. The land was where Back Down Devil did a lot of business. And by business, it was where a lot of bodies had been buried. As far as Gaige knew, the land belonged to the club, but he knew Mr. Strokner was powerful enough to get what he wanted.

  “My daughter is dead,” Mr. Strokner said. “And it’s funny how her best friend was seen on the back of your motorcycle. Now, I can obsess about this. I can get lost in grief. Or maybe I can just continue my life. In honor of my slain daughter.”

  “What the fuck do you want?” Gaige asked.

  Mr. Strokner’s lip curled. “I want to know who did this. Who pulled that fucking trigger… over and over… bullet after fucking bullet… and why was my daughter messing around with scum fucks like you.”

  “Hey, fuck you,” Gaige said.

  He took a step and then a gun was pointed at him. A man sitting next to Mr. Strokner leaned across and stared at Gaige.

  “Everyone needs protection it seems,” Mr. Strokner said. “It’s a shame the world has come to this.”

  “I can’t help you,” Gaige said. “The police are investigating. What more do you want?”

  “The truth,” Mr. Strokner said. “I want to look into the eyes of the person who killed my daughter. If you happen to stumble across the truth, I’m sure you’ll be in contact with me. I’ll be busy plotting out that land… you know, it’s kind of funny how all men think they can bury their secrets. Yet all it takes is a little bit of money to bring them to light.”

  Gaige stood frozen. Mr. Strokner nodded and then turned his head. The SUV started to creep forward as the window rolled up. It made a full turn and then the back passenger window opened and gunshots rang out. Gaige dropped down and watched the SUV speed away as the gun pointed out the window shot toward him.

  “Fuck,” Gaige growled as he stood back up.

  He looked at the piece of paper and shook his head.

  What a fucking mess.


  Emily was back to work, but still hadn’t recovered from everything. The day before, Rachel was buried. There was no way Emily would ever miss the funeral of her best friend, even if it meant standing there like an outcast amongst family and close friends of Mr. Strokner. Back Down Devil MC were present, but they hid far back in the cemetery. Gaige and Miller came forward to pay their respects and even shook hands with Mr. Strokner.

  Emily kept checking over her shoulder, looking for Max. When she heard what happened at the hotel, it made her sick. Max was fucking with her and probably would continue to do so until he was caught and killed.

  Caught and killed.

  The words came so easily to Emily’s mind now. It was as if she thought like one of the guys in Back Down Devil. She’d seen so much already, from the wild parties, the raunchy sex, and the ideals of murder to know that they truly did live by their own laws. It was a scary concept but in reality, it made perfect sense. No police would ever be able to help Emily with Max. Their process wasn’t good enough. Emily would wind up dead. But with the MC, with Gaige, Emily would stay alive.

  Emily was walking down the hall when she saw Belle approaching. Dressed in all black, her hair pulled back, and light makeup on her face, she looked like she belonged in a clothing catalogue. She was naturally gorgeous.

  “Hey,” Belle said.

  She never talked to Emily.

  “Hey,” Emily said.

  “Uh, listen, about the other day…”

  “No,” Emily said. “I’m so sorry about that. I’ll take the blame.”

  “It’s okay. I explained everything and it’s cool. I know you ride with one of them. But he wasn’t the one that stayed. Just so you know.”

  “I know,” Emily said.

  “That guy was crazy though.”

  “Blaine? Yeah. He’s… different.”

  “Is it wrong that I hope he calls for more business?”

  Emily laughed. “I don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. But he won’t be calling. He has his own way of finding what he wants. He kind of stumbles into situations.”

  Belle smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I’m off. Business meeting.”

  Emily watched Belle walk away.

  She couldn’t believe how suddenly her life became involved with the MC. No matter what she did, it was all connected to Gaige and Back Down Devil MC.

  Yet Emily wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

  When she returned to her desk, she saw one of the lines was on hold. She picked up the phone and pressed the button, thinking nothing of it.

  “Hey, you sweet girl,” a voice said.

  Emily almost dropped the phone.

  It was Max.

  “What do you want?” Emily asked.

  “I’m calling for another meeting. The first one didn’t quite go to plan.”

  “Stay away, Max,” Emily said. “You have no idea…”

  “Oh, I think I got the idea. You took off with my baby.”

  “No, I lied,” Emily blurted out. “I said I was pregnant so you would stop hitting me.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Max said. “I felt it. I touched you, sweet girl. There was something there. I know it. Now I want it. I want it to be mine.”

  “Just go away,” Emily said. “You don’t understand what’s going to happen to you.”

  “Same for you, sweet girl. I’m going to gut you and then take our baby.”

  “There is no baby,” Emily said. “I swear, Max. I’m trying to help you.”

  Max laughed. “Help me? My sweet girl runs out on me. Takes our child with her. Now you’ve got someone else, huh? Another guy on a bike. Just can’t help yourself, can you?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  Emily had her cell phone in her hand, sending a text to Gaige to come get her.

  “What’s it like, sweet girl?” Max asked. “To be running this long, waiting for me to come save you. You don’t have to live like this anymore.”

  “Because you’re going to love me again?”

  “Never,” Max said with a growl. “You’ll never be loved. You’ll be bleeding on a floor. The last image you’ll ever have is of me walking away with our baby. Just tell me, is it a boy or girl?”


  “Just fucking tell me,” Max yelled. “Boy or girl?”

  “It’s nothing,” Emily said. “You need to realize that.”

  “It’s a boy then,” Max concluded. “That’s the only reason you’d hide like this. Because you know what having a boy would mean to me. If it was some little slut like you, you wouldn’t care. I’m coming to get my son, sweet girl.”

  “You can’t,” Emily said. “You can’t get through the MC. It’s suicide.”

  “Not unless I’m smarter than you realize.”

  The line went dead and Emily held the phone to her ear. She just stared straight ahead. She trusted in Gaige and she believed he would protect her. But this was Max, and he really believed that Emily had left pregnant. He was looking for a child.

  “Are you okay?”

  Emily blinked and saw Janine standing at her desk.

  “Fine. Strange phone call. I think I have to leave now.”

  “Oh, look at you,” Janine said. “You should have taken the week off. Let me walk you out.”

  Emily stood and grabbed her stuff. “No. I’m fine.”

  She stormed by Janine and out of the building.

  Within minutes Emily heard the rumble of the motorcycle. Then she saw Gaige barreling up the road, another motorcycle behind him. Judging by the size of the rider, she was sure it was Nate.

  Emily let out a breath and felt somewhat relieved.

  Somewhat relieved, however, wouldn’t keep Emily safe or alive.


  Gaige sat at the table. He took the last drag of a smoke and put it out. He drank from his beer and looked at the few guys at the meeting.

  Miller was at the head of the table. Then there was
Blaine, Shay, Nate, and Griffin.

  “How can he threaten this?” Shay asked. “I thought we had everything secured.”

  “It’s just words,” Miller said. He swatted at the piece of the paper.

  “But they’re serious words,” Gaige said.

  “He might just go up there and dig to be a prick,” Griffin said.

  “Then we go after him,” Shay said.

  “It’ll be too late then,” Nate said. “He’ll get a slap on the wrist and we’ll be fucked.”

  “Smart man,” Miller said.

  Gaige put his hand on the piece of paper and slid it back to Miller. “I’m just sharing what I know. Mind you, he also had someone shoot at me about eight times.”

  “Christ,” Griffin said.

  Miller grabbed Gaige’s shoulder. “Must have been a terrible shot, huh?”

  “He wasn’t aiming to hurt or kill,” Gaige said.

  “He did it to send a message,” Nate said. “And to piss you off so you’ll do something stupid.”

  “Not me,” Gaige said. “It’s time we settle all this shit. I know what I can do to make Strokner happy. We need to just deal with his bullshit right now.”

  “I’d say we are,” Miller said. “I shook his hand at his daughter’s funeral. So did you.”

  “Then we keep that up for now,” Gaige said. “He wants exactly what we want. The person who killed his daughter dead.”

  “Whoa, whoa,” Shay said. “You can’t be serious. You’re going to pull him in on this?”

  “Like fuck I will,” Gaige said.

  “What’s that mean?” Shay asked.

  “It means we need to let these pieces fall into place,” Miller said. “I’ve arranged a meeting with our friends in Coast Road MC.”

  “For what?” Nate asked.

  The fire burned in his eyes. Nate had a long, brutal history with Coast Road MC. Gaige looked at Nate and nodded, hoping to keep him calm.

  “Relax,” Miller said. “We have common ground here. For the moment. Eight Under swung their little dicks near Coast Road a couple months back. One of the guys in Eight Under fucked an woman in Coast Road territory. They’ve been waiting for a chance to strike back.”

  “Christ,” Shay said. “We’re going to deal with those assholes over pussy?”

  “Nothing wrong with pussy,” Blaine said.

  “Come on,” Gaige said. “We need to focus on Eight Under. If this gets us anything… it’s worth it.”


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