Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I know, so what are you going to do?”

  She’d toyed with settling down and writing a book, but without a steady income, that would never happen. “I’m taking it one day at a time.” She sipped her Coke. “In a couple of days, I’ll look online and apply for another job.” Though finding a law position as specialized as hers would be hard.

  “Good for you.” Mandy sipped her water. “You know Trevor asks about you.” Her brows rose. Trevor was Mandy’s brother-in-law.

  “Seriously? He was the one who said he was too busy for a long-distance relationship.” She couldn’t blame him. They’d only been together for three days during Mandy’s wedding before she had to return to Denver. As much as she found both him and his roommate exciting, they hadn’t taken it to the next step, so what had she expected? At the time, she hadn’t been ready for two cocks, so she hadn’t indicated she was willing to explore the different lifestyle.

  Then when she’d come up for the day for Candy’s wedding, Dante hadn’t been able to attend, and Trevor had been called to work right after the ceremony.

  Mandy nodded. “Let’s talk about something else then.”

  “I agree.”

  “Candy is dying to see you. She’s at her spa until five, but she wants us to meet her at The Grill House tonight at six.”

  “I can’t wait to catch up with you both, but what about the baby?” As much as Lisa would love for the three of them to be reunited after all this time, she didn’t think Mandy could leave Josh.

  Her friend leaned back in her seat. “Daniel is taking babysitting duty tonight. He’s been begging me to get out of the house, but not only have I been too tired to socialize, I don’t like leaving a newborn. But for you, I’ll pump right before we leave.”

  That was so sweet. Lisa clasped Mandy’s hand. “I’m looking forward to relaxing and hearing all about the delivery and what it’s like to be a mom.”

  “The delivery sucked but having Josh in my arms more than made up for it.” She inhaled, tilted her head to side, and sighed, looking totally happy. Lisa was thrilled for her. Mandy straightened. “Too bad you couldn’t drag Beth here with you.”

  “I asked, but she has a wedding to deal with. She’ll try to make it one weekend.”

  “That girl is always working.” Mandy yawned. “How about getting your luggage and I’ll show you to the guest room.”

  “Will do.” Lisa trotted outside and grabbed her gear. When they’d added on to the house they’d turned the master into a guest room. She returned with her two suitcases.

  “Right this way.” Mandy showed her to the room, but from the way her shoulders drooped, it appeared as if it took effort to stand.

  Lisa set down her luggage. “Why don’t you rest while I wash up? I might even take a nap, too.” She didn’t want Mandy to think she had to entertain her.

  “Maybe I will. I want to be fresh for our girls’ night out.” Mandy smiled then headed back toward the living room, stopped, and then turned around. “I forgot to mention that I’ve put together a little party in your honor tomorrow night.”

  Hmm. She wasn’t sure she was up for festivities so soon. Then Beth’s comment about letting go came to mind. “Sounds wonderful. Who’s coming besides Candy and her men?” Please say Trevor and Dante.

  “I asked my former boss, Sam Callen, along with her husbands, and of course, my brother-in-law and his roommate.” She grinned. “The party is just a guise to let you guys get reacquainted.” She winked. “They were thrilled to learn you were visiting for a whole month.”

  A world of possibilities swam before her, and tingles tripped up her spine. “I can’t wait.”

  The big question was whether she had the guts to pull off her fantasy and go after what she’d been dreaming about for almost a year, or would the men have moved on? Think positive!

  Chapter Two

  After a wonderful dinner with Candy and Mandy at The Grill House, it was Candy who said she was tired, though it was clear that she wanted to give Mandy an excuse to go home. Although the drive and the emotional upheaval had zapped a lot of Lisa’s strength, not to mention the three glasses of wine, sleep eluded her.

  Lisa tried to tell herself it was from being excited over seeing her friends so happy, but if she were being truthful, it was anxiety that kept her awake. The party tomorrow had her imagination running wild. In the last eight months, Trevor and Dante had occupied her dreams way too often, and she didn’t want to get her hopes up in case they didn’t want to be with her.

  Sure, Dante would instant message her from time to time to ask her how things were going at work or when she was going to visit again, but she figured he was just being polite.

  Once she’d befriended both men on Facebook, she’d read every one of their posts and learned a lot about them. Dante was always charming, witty, and carefree, and posted a ton of jokes along with a bunch of crazy photos. While he never mentioned dating other women per se, he had a ton of females on his friends list who would comment on everything he said.

  His posts took a serious twist when he mentioned his department store though. Apparently, Kellums’ Hardware, a big box store, had moved into Intrigue five months ago, causing Dante’s sales to slip. Big business was a necessary evil, but she hated to see any small-time business go under.

  Trevor wasn’t on Facebook all that much, but when he did write something, it often was a plea for people to donate bone marrow, blood, or plasma. Clearly Trevor lived for those young patients with cancer. Women did post pictures of him cutting loose on the dance floor and at parties, but he didn’t seem to have one favorite woman. She’d checked.

  Lisa inhaled to calm her mind and body. Her mantra had to be to enjoy them, study them, and most importantly, turn down no offers, as she refused to return to Denver with regrets. Trevor had made it clear he wasn’t interested in a relationship, but would casual sex be so bad? Her whole life she’d looked for “the one.” And each time, either she found flaws in him or he didn’t like how she’d let ambition get in the way of them having fun.

  Lisa rolled over and pounded the pillow. “Sleep.”

  She tried to blank her mind against Mr. Eastman’s abrupt dismissal and then again of the image of Dante and Trevor naked in bed, but it didn’t work. Even after adjusting the number of blankets on top of her, she gave up any hope of falling asleep. To hell with it. She turned on the night table lamp and picked up her Kindle. A good romance would help take her mind off of the two men. At least with this book, the ending would be happy, where the hero would fall madly in love with the heroine. She propped up the pillows and turned on her reader, ready to get lost in a wonderful tale.

  * * * *

  When Lisa fell asleep she didn’t know, but the knock on the door woke her, and then Mandy poked her head in the room. “Do you want to eat then shop, or sleep then eat?”

  The multiple combinations confused her, but the concept of shopping perked her up. “Give me a sec. I was just getting up.” Or not.

  Mandy chuckled and Lisa pulled the covers off her legs. Her Kindle had gone to sleep and the side table lamp still glowed. She yawned and forced herself to rise. If someone had made breakfast, she didn’t want it to get cold.

  Tossing on her jeans, a body-hugging T-shirt, and her kick-ass boots, she was ready in no time. Once she stepped in the hall, the aroma of eggs and bacon filled her nose, and she followed the scent.

  Mandy and Vince stood in the kitchen cooking while Josh was settled in a small basket on the corner table, kicking away.

  “Good morning,” she said as she headed over to watch the baby. “May I hold him?”

  “Sure, but put a diaper over your shoulder in case he spits up. I just fed him.”

  She did as Mandy suggested, and picked up the infant. Josh was warm and cuddly, and he smelled of talcum powder and sweet baby skin. She patted his back lightly and walked over to where Mandy and Vince were preparing the meal.

  Mandy turned around and wiggled a finger at
her son. “Hey, Joshie.”

  The baby kicked.

  “You mentioned shopping?”

  “I thought that would get you out of bed. We’re going to the mall to find you a welcome-back outfit.”

  As Vince placed the food on the center island, he kept his face averted as if he didn’t want to have anything to do with what his wife had planned.

  The baby started to fuss, so Lisa paced and soon the baby calmed. “If you’re talking about a cute top for the party, I’m sure I can come up with something to wear.” Believing she might be seeing those sexy men, she’d brought her best stuff.


  Duh. Maybe Mandy wanted to buy something for herself. Josh let out a wail and Mandy rushed over and slipped the baby onto her shoulder. He immediately stopped fussing.

  Lisa shook her head. “Amazing.”

  “Breakfast is served, ladies.”

  Holding Josh, Mandy managed to eat. Someday, Lisa wanted to be like her friend. After they finished, Mandy pushed back her chair and placed Josh in his little crib.

  Vince waved a hand. “You ladies go. I’ll watch him and clean up the kitchen.”

  Really? Men did that these days? How wonderful was that?

  Mandy walked over to her husband and kissed him. Lisa had to turn her head, not wanting to compare her life with Mandy’s. “I’ll get my purse,” she said as she hustled out of sight of the public display of affection.

  A minute later, she met Mandy by the front door. As soon as they stepped outside, Lisa faced her. “So where are we really going?”

  “To the High Point Mall, but we’re stopping at the Pleasure Palace first.”

  The name conjured up all shorts of erotic images. “Why?”

  “Because you need sexier underwear, girlfriend.” She tugged on Lisa’s T-shirt to expose a plain white bra strap. “Seriously? And you wonder why you don’t have men falling all over you?”

  “White is a good color.”

  “In lace, maybe.”

  Mandy led her to her candy-red Mercedes where Lisa slid in and stretched her legs. At least they’d be riding around in style. She rubbed her palms on the soft leather. “I could get used to this.”

  “Don’t get any ideas. My men have forbidden me to lend it to anyone.”

  She laughed. “I wasn’t angling to drive it. I know what happened to Candy.” Someone who was trying to force her out of town had keyed the car.

  Mandy pulled out of the drive. “Have you ever had a Brazilian?”

  Her pulse snapped. “No. Why should I?”

  Mandy smiled. “Some men prefer a nude pussy.”

  Good friend or not, this was not the conversation they should be having, despite the fact her pussy tingled at the thought. “You don’t say.”

  Mandy laughed. “Candy has a four o’clock appointment set up for a mani-pedi and a mini makeover. She also has a great woman who’ll strip you bare.” She nodded between her legs.

  She didn’t know whether to be offended or thrilled. “What’s wrong with how I look?” Did she seriously think a makeover was necessary?

  Her friend glanced over at her. “Nothing—if you’re a lawyer.”

  “I am a—or I used to be one.” She let out a breath. “Are you saying Trevor and Dante want something a bit sexier?”

  Mandy smiled. Oh, boy, she was in for a lot more than she’d bargained for.

  * * * *

  Dante checked the time again. Damn. They were already late to the party, and Trevor had promised he’d be home on time, even claiming he was looking forward to letting off a little steam.

  Once more, he texted Trevor to see what was keeping him, and thankfully the response came back right away. “Patient’s WBC is dropping. Running tests. Go ahead. I’ll be there when I can.”

  That sucked, but it didn’t really surprise him. Trevor always put the kids’ welfare over his own. The man’s ambition to be the best pediatric oncologist in Wyoming drove him hard—too hard.

  Dante stepped to the hallway mirror to check that no bits of steak had stuck in his teeth. Ever since Mandy told him about the party for Lisa, he hadn’t been able to keep his mind off her. He loved her focus on bettering herself as well as her flirty ways. Some of her snarky posts on Facebook still had him laughing.

  That might have been why the text from Mandy this morning about Lisa’s layoff still had him pissed. She didn’t deserve that. When Mandy asked that he made sure Lisa had the best month in her life, his cock had hardened in anticipation of delivering on that request.

  Trevor might be a problem, however. They shared their women, and not only might work interfere with showing her a good time, but Dante needed to convince Trevor that Lisa was here merely to have a good time and wasn’t expecting any strings or rings.

  Strings and rings. At thirty-five, that’s exactly what Dante wanted. He was tired of the parties and the vapid conversation. More and more, the women who showed up at the bars were barely legal and couldn’t form a coherent thought if they tried. He yearned for someone with a good head on her shoulders, a woman who wanted to settle down, and hopefully one who would want to give him a son or two so he could hand down the hardware store when he retired.

  “Whatever.” Tonight was for Lisa and her enjoyment.

  Dante grabbed his hat and headed out to the Callen ranch. Instead of taking the condo elevator to the garage, he jogged down the four flights to release some built-up energy. He couldn’t wait to show Lisa their new digs. They’d only moved in two months ago. While he’d be happy living in a small log cabin, Trevor was used to luxury. He made the money, he said, so why not live in a nice place? Trevor had purchased the Cadillac at a super discount after the treatment he’d prescribed had brought the dealership’s owner’s daughter into remission.

  Dante reached the bottom floor and slid into his truck. Once on the road, he jetted down Crescent Road to Miller’s Way toward Mandy, Vince, and Cam’s place.

  The sun had set, but the warm yellow glow lit up the mountains in the background, making the view stunning. Pretending he was on his steed, Dante rolled down the windows and inhaled the sweet summer scent of sage and pine. Even though there was a chill outside, there was nothing like clean air to make a person think clearly.

  A few minutes later, he spotted the entrance. He turned left into the Callen drive and slowed, respecting the pitted dirt road and what it could do to his truck.

  He parked next to a new SUV. As soon as Dante took two steps, he stopped to adjust his crotch. Walking in with a boner wouldn’t be appropriate. Once comfortable, he slowed his steps to force the hormones racing through his body to calm. It wouldn’t do to act too excited to see Lisa again. She might run. Even Mandy had confirmed her friend had never been in a ménage relationship and that she was the cautious type. That meant he’d have to strategize, charm, and go slow.

  He couldn’t stand outside forever, so he knocked on the door and went in. Country-western music rang out in the house, even though the party was outside on the patio. Like the Callen parties of old, Vince would have a few coolers of beer there, so he headed out instead of grabbing a brew from the fridge. Halfway through the living room, he spotted Lisa standing next to Candy, and his balls tightened. Damn, but she looked fucking hot.

  In a way, he was glad Trevor would be late, as it would give him more time to talk with her. Lawyers in Colorado had reciprocity in Wyoming, and he wondered if he might be able to convince her to consider a job here. If Intrigue didn’t pan out, she could always find a job in Cheyenne, a mere fifty-minute drive. Hell, with the amount of time she spent at the office, she could ride in with Trevor, as those two seemed to work 24/7.

  As casually as he could, Dante stepped into the refreshing evening air and pretended he wasn’t here just for Lisa. Vince was gabbing with Heath Watson, and Daniel stood next to Candy and Mandy. He slid up next to Vince instead of making a beeline to Lisa and causing her any discomfort. While he excelled at small talk, tonight he wasn’t in the moo

  Vince looked behind him. “Where’s my brother?”

  “Working late. He’ll come as soon as some patient’s vitals have stabilized.”

  Vince nodded at the typical excuse. “Grab a beer and entertain Lisa.” Vince grinned and Dante groaned.

  He leaned in close. “Does Lisa know the party’s a setup?” While his back was to her, he hoped she hadn’t overheard.

  “You’ll have to ask Mandy.”

  Great. Heat raced to his face. Even with dark hair and tanned skin, he could still blush. Lucky me.

  He scoped out who’d come, only to discover that Lisa and himself were the only two unmarried partygoers. Don’t make it too obvious, Mandy.

  He located the cooler, pulled a beer from the container, and screwed off the top. Just as he placed the bottle to his lips, Lisa turned around, and his heart jumped. Her long auburn hair was straight, and even though she’d done something different with her makeup, he couldn’t help but drop his gaze to her boobs—make that mouthwatering, cock-hardening boobs.

  Her eyes found his, and when she smiled, his dick went wild.

  Go say hi.

  Christ, he was acting like he was back in middle school. He lowered his beer, wove his way in her direction, and studied her. Boy, did he love the way her hips filled out her tight jeans. Something was different this time. Maybe it was that she looked taller than he remembered.

  “Welcome back.” He gave her a hug. Her flowery perfume amped up his testosterone levels, so he stepped back. “Sorry to hear about the circumstances that brought you to Intrigue, but I’m glad to see you again. It’s been a long time.” Stop babbling. Lisa didn’t have a drink in her hand. “Can I get you a beer?” Duh. She liked wine. How could he forget? “Or a glass of white wine?”

  “Sure.” She tilted her head slightly as if she felt sorry for the way he was making a mess of this reunion.

  He dug in his heels and turned around. Vince didn’t have wine in the cooler. Got it. Vince had set out glasses, bottles of wine, and cans of soda and water on a makeshift bar. He opened a wine bottle, poured her a glass of Pinot gris, and returned.


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