Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “You might want this. The top of the mountain can get quite cold.”

  “Thanks.” There goes having sex outside, though she wasn’t a real big fan of being naked in fifty-degree temperature no matter where she was.

  It was Dante who pulled open her door and helped her out. “I’ll get us set up.”

  She watched while Trevor lifted a telescope from his truck and adjusted the legs while Dante retrieved three folding chairs from the bed of his truck. “You were serious about watching the stars.” And had gone to some lengths to prepare for this adventure.

  Trevor looked over his shoulder as he adjusted the lens on the scope. “What did you think we were going to do up here with the wind howling and the glowing city below?”

  Kiss me, hold me, then fuck me?

  Damn. Why did her thoughts always shoot to sex? Because these two virile men turned her inside out. Never had anyone fascinated her this much while being so frustrating.

  “Denver? Trevor asked you a question.”

  Shit. What was it? “Maybe look up and leave?” You are such a loser. She wasn’t used to being with such commanding men.

  Dante stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her. His lips touched her cold ear. “Is this more of what you were expecting?” Thank goodness he kept his voice low. If Trevor had heard, she’d never live it down.

  “Moi?” She laughed.

  “Just wait. You’ll get what you want.”

  Now her face heated hotter than any fire.

  “Lisa, come look. I found Saturn.” His excitement shone through.

  Dante pointed a flashlight toward the uneven ground as he led her over to Trevor’s telescope. Dante clicked off the light, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Trevor placed a hand on her back as he guided her hand to the tripod, and his touch made her body yearn for more.

  Pay attention.

  She leaned in and looked through the lens. “That’s awesome.” She could actually make out what looked like rings.

  “I’ll find something a little closer. Give me a sec.”

  Dante pulled her to his chest, pointed to the sky, and leaned close. “See those stars.”

  She laughed. “The sky is pregnant with them.” Crap. Even though babies were on her mind, especially since helping to care for Josh, she didn’t want them to think she was angling to get married after this trip.

  If you fell in love, who better than these two? Her pulse fluttered.

  Dante leaned down to her eye level and lifted her chin. “See that cluster?” He pointed at something. “It’s called the Seven Sisters. Do you see Orion’s Belt?”

  That was probably the only constellation she could identify with the Milky Way obscuring everything. “Yes.”

  “If you draw a line through the three stars of Orion’s Belt to the right, you come to a V-shaped pattern of stars. See it?”

  She nodded. “Is one of the stars brighter than the others?”

  He tugged on her waist. “You got it.” Thrills encompassed her. Dante was so supportive.

  As excited as she was to learn about the stars, she was happier knowing that the sky fascinated Dante and Trevor as much as it did her.

  “Hey, guys,” Trevor said. “I focused on the moon, and you can detect the craters and mountains.”

  “Cool.” She rushed over to him and looked through the lens. “Wow. With a little more resolution I bet we could see the American flag.”

  “Not quite, though I wish I had a scope that powerful.”

  For the next half hour, Trevor would search for a particular star, while Dante would locate a constellation and give her the origin of the name. She swore Trevor continued to search just to one-up his roommate.

  Despite having a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she shivered. Dante immediately wrapped his arms around her. “How about we make hot chocolate at our place, and then take you home?”

  “Sounds great.” As long as I can convince you to indulge in a little hugging and kissing before I have to leave.

  After they packed up, Dante told Trevor that Lisa was coming with him this time. She almost laughed at their competitiveness. She didn’t remember Candy or Mandy mentioning their men ever quibbled over either one of them. Not that Trevor or Dante were trying to get her in their bed, but they were vying for her attention—and she loved every minute of it.

  Over Trevor’s grumbling, she piled into Dante’s car. “How did you get so interested in the stars?”

  He turned on his truck and backed out. “Trevor was into the stars and I kind of learned from him.”

  “It’s nice when two people share something. It makes the bond stronger.”

  He laughed. “You sound like you think we’re gay. Not that I have an issue with that lifestyle, but Trevor and I aren’t like that.”

  She needed to watch every word she said. “Trust me. The thought never crossed my mind.”

  Dante pounded a fist against his puffed up chest. “Me like woman!”

  A bubble of laughter escaped. The man could lighten the mood like no one she’d ever known. So as not to spoil the sexual tension running between them, she didn’t ask more details about either of them. She’d leave that topic for another time.

  The drive back to their house didn’t take long since they lived on the edge of town, close to the stargazing site. The four-story high-rise had a row of lights shooting upward, illuminating the tall trees in front.


  “Only the best for a Callen.”

  She twisted in her seat. “You don’t approve?” Maybe now she’d learn the truth behind the purchase.

  He shrugged. “I’m not into material stuff, but I get why Trevor bought the place. He earned the money, so why not spend it?”

  That confirmed what Trevor said. Her condo was in a good area, too, so she could hardly blame him for wanting to come home to something nice after a hard day’s work. If she’d been able to afford it, she might have a Cadillac, too. “He could always leave it to the next generation.”

  Dante glanced over at her. “Good luck with that.” He pressed a button and a gate opened to an underground parking garage that looked similar to hers.

  Her heart spiraled out of control. “He doesn’t want children? He’s devoted his life to them.”

  “Let’s just say, his career comes before love.” He shook his head. “Hell, I’d love nothing more than for you to change his mind.” He pulled into the garage and parked in a spot labeled 401A.

  A lump formed in her throat. They had seconds before Trevor pounded on his window. Did he really think she had that kind of effect on his roommate? “How do you propose I do that?” Blood rushed through her veins.

  A sly smile stole across his face. “It’s easy. Tonight, just do what I ask you to do, and we’ll win him over in no time.”

  Trevor’s Cadillac slid next to them. As soon as he slipped out of his car, Dante pushed open his door and came around to her side to let her out. She desperately wanted to ask him what he meant about following along, but Trevor came alongside them, preventing her from asking anything further.

  “Dante didn’t try to talk you into anything, did he?”

  As a lawyer, she had to think on her feet. “Are you asking if we discussed holding you down while I squirted whipped cream over your naked body then licking it off?” You didn’t just say that.

  Heat raced up her face and she bet her coloring was redder than Mandy’s Mercedes.

  Trevor would either assume it was a joke or storm off. A range of emotions crossed his face. Seconds passed. Then he dropped back his head and howled so hard he had to hold his stomach. She didn’t think it was that funny. There was no way he could know that she’d just blurted out one of her fantasies.

  Dante nudged her. “I don’t think even I could tie him down. Maybe you should be the victim.” He winked and her belly tightened and her nipples puckered.

  “Ha, ha.” Was he serious? Please say yes.

  They’d arrived
at the elevator and she clutched her bag tight against her chest. Dante had provided plenty of hints about having sex tonight, so why the anxiety? It’s what she wanted, right? To experience a mind-blowing orgasm with two hot men?

  Now was a sucky time to turn shy.

  Dante’s comment about Trevor never committing to a woman and being married to the job took a little shine off of making love. If Dante hadn’t suggested they try to change his mind—thus giving her hope—she might have looked at the condo, expressed her awe, then asked Dante to drive her home.

  Trevor pushed the button for the fourth floor. It glowed red and she couldn’t take her eyes off it, wondering if she was making a mistake.

  No. You want this.

  The elevator dinged and Dante placed a supportive hand on her back. There were only four doors on the corridor implying their homes must be rather spacious. She tried to picture what kind of place Trevor would buy. Most likely the pipes would be exposed in the ceiling, one accent wall would be brick, and the floors a gleaming hardwood. The furniture would tend more toward black than beige—leather no doubt—and the paintings adorning the walls would be bright and aggressive.

  Trevor let them in and flicked a switch that turned on a side table lamp. She took one step and stopped causing Dante to almost run into her back. “Oh, wow.”

  Trevor turned around and grinned. “I’m glad you like it.”

  She didn’t expect the warm taupe walls, the soft, seductive paintings and photos of the mountains, or the light-colored furniture that was halfway between contemporary and country. The iron scrollwork above the kitchen stove and the intricate handrail leading into the living room totally took her by surprise.

  Dante ran a loving hand down the rail. “This is my favorite piece. Trevor’s cousin, Jade, is an ironsmith. She designed and then made this.”

  Lisa glanced to Trevor, whose look of pride had her smiling. “It’s fantastic.”

  Trevor winked and headed over to the open kitchen but didn’t turn on the overhead light. “Wine, sugar?”

  At first she thought he was asking if she wanted wine or sugar, but then her brain settled down, and she realized he was calling her by the pet name. “Please.” She wanted to limit herself to one or two glasses, especially if Dante had something kinky up his sleeve.

  She wandered over to examine a painting of the sunflowers. Dante walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Arousal swept through her so fast, she was embarrassed by how much he affected her. Maybe it was her bare pussy, or perhaps it was the mere thought of his cock that had cream leaking out of her.

  “Jade’s best friend, Dakota, painted that.”

  “The detail and tonal range are remarkable. I could almost reach out and touch it.”

  Dante’s nose nuzzled her ear. “It’s practically three dimensional.”

  She swiveled in his arms, hoping to ask him about his secret plan of seduction, but as soon as her lips were an inch from his, he winked and stepped back. Damn him.

  Trevor filled the gap between them and handed her a glass. When their fingers touched, another wave of awareness shot through her. Their lips had yet to touch, but already her pussy was throbbing. This wasn’t natural. She had to conclude that it was the forbidden nature of what she was hopefully about to do that had her on edge.

  Trevor watched her bring her glass to her lips, unnerving her to the core, as his eyes seemed to change color with the slightest move of his head. One minute they were blue and the next it looked like a shot of gray was added to the mix. The pulse at his throat throbbed and she wanted to press her finger against his skin to feel the blood racing through his body.

  “Hey, Trevor.” Dante was in the kitchen. Metal clanked. “You bought a cake?”

  He didn’t lose eye contact. “Mom made it when I told her we’d asked Lisa out.”

  “Cool. I’ll cut us a piece. Maybe if I smear some chocolate on Lisa’s tits, she’ll let me lick off the frosting.”

  The second his comment registered, her body exploded with need. “He’s only kidding, right?” She inhaled and smiled.

  Trevor lifted the glass from her fingers. “Is he?”

  Totally confused and befuddled, his mixed signals were driving her crazy. According to Dante, Trevor was a casual sex kind of guy, but at times he looked like if he didn’t devour her in the next minute, he’d evaporate from the earth.

  So which Trevor Callen was standing in front of her now? Mr. Serious or Mr. Playboy?

  Dante slid behind Trevor and clasped his shoulder. “Let’s eat the cake, then I might let you watch me eat Lisa.”

  His crudity was meant to shock. She got that. But why did his flagrant lack of etiquette have her yearning to be with him—and Trevor? Was this Dante’s way to get Trevor to fight for her? Or did he expect his roommate to say that she deserved better than a loudmouth goof?

  It came as no surprise when Trevor grinned and stepped away as if nothing had passed between them. She’d give anything to get Dante alone and find out. He’d told her to do as he said and she’d get her reward. Their connection was strong enough to make her believe he knew what he was doing.

  Dante led her over to the sofa, helped her out of her jacket, and then placed it over a chair in the dining room. “Relax.” He walked by Trevor, plucked her glass from his hand, and returned it to her. “Excuse my roommate. He doesn’t know how to treat a woman.”

  Trevor whipped around. “What the fuck does that mean?” Gone was any hint of casualness.


  Dante grabbed a beer and brought over the other two cake pieces, went back for the third plate, then slid in beside her.

  It was actually fun to watch Trevor war with himself. He probably didn’t like being called out about how he treated women, yet he did seem to want to prove himself. Trevor eyed the cake and strode over to the seat opposite them. Dante took a bite and groaned. He licked his lips in the least subtle way possible. When his hand found her thigh and squeezed, she figured the games were about to begin.

  Chapter Six

  Lisa bit into her cake. Her moan didn’t need to be faked. “This is amazing.”

  “Nicole is a fantastic cook,” Dante said.

  “I remember Vince’s rehearsal dinner party. The food was amazing.” At the time she was more interested in Trevor than in indulging in the well-prepared food.

  Trevor shoved in a large mouthful, but apparently he wasn’t willing to express his delight by groaning, moaning, or complimenting the chef. He’d locked his gaze onto her face and didn’t even look at the food when he broke off a piece of cake and delivered the next bite to his mouth. She was so entranced by his concentration that when Dante dabbed frosting on the side of her mouth, she hadn’t been aware of the goo in the first place until his tongue slid over her lip. She jerked.

  “Easy, Denver. Just want to bestow a little loving on you.” He tilted her chin toward him and without any warning, kissed her with more smoothness than the frosting. While she’d shared a kiss with him a year ago, this time he stole her soul. As his fingers traveled up her thigh, her pulse raced in anticipation of what he’d do next.

  He dragged his lips over her cheek and toward her ear. “Just play along, gorgeous.”

  Play? The way he was touching her so intimately didn’t seem like a game to her. Was he trying to make Trevor jealous? If the end goal was to force Trevor to show her that he cared, then she was willing to go to any lengths.

  His fingers edged under the hem of her shirt, and as soon as his hand hit her skin, a contraction raced straight for her clit. Now what was she to do? Stop him, turn toward him and kiss him again, or try to ignore the rapid pulses skittering over her skin that were threatening to turn her into a stuttering and stunned date?

  As soon as Dante’s chest pressed against her shoulder, her gaze caught Trevor’s, and all options disappeared. While his chest didn’t move, his stomach fluttered as if he was using a lot of willpower to control his breathing. His bac
k was straight and his hands gripped the chair’s arms. Oh, shit. Was he planning to jump up and stomp out? Frustration emanated off him in waves.

  She wanted him to stay. To watch. To touch. To love her.

  Go bold or go home.

  She leaned back but never broke eye contact with Trevor. “Dante, we’re not being nice to Trevor.”

  Dante’s response was to press his face against her breast while he edged his fingers higher on her belly. “I love the way you smell.” He sat up. “But you’re right. We aren’t being very inclusive, are we?”

  Trevor’s gaze bounced between the two but he said nothing as if he wasn’t sure he knew what he wanted to have happen next.

  “What should we do?” she asked in a syrupy-sweet voice. On top of the mountain, Dante had implied that he had a plan. Now would be a good time to let her in on his secret.

  “I say we test the good doctor to see how long he can last watching me lick chocolate off your tits and pussy.”

  Her heart banged against her chest and her pussy cramped. Yes, she’d come here to have sex with these two men. Now that it was put-up-or-shut-up time, her courage waned somewhat.

  As if he could tell she was scared, Dante lifted his hand from her belly, placed it on her breast, and squeezed gently. His sexual action actually helped calm her, with the implication being they were in this together, and he wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to.

  She inhaled. “I say we go for it.”

  To show both of them that she had no qualms about getting naked in front of them, she lifted her chin and hoped they didn’t notice her trembling fingers or the vein throbbing in her neck.

  You want this.

  She totally did, but she’d imagined them carrying her into the bedroom and them taking the initiative. By stripping for them, it meant she decided how far things went. Maybe that was Dante’s point. “Trevor? It’s up to you. Are you up for the challenge?” Daring him seemed the right way to get him to stay.

  Trevor’s eyes glazed for a moment, then a smile captured his lips. When the corners wavered at bit, she figured he, too, must be curious how this would pan out and what his role would be. “Totally.”


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