Corporate Affair

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Corporate Affair Page 3

by Jayne Ann Krentz

  Instantly he responded by crushing her hips intimately with his own, forcing her into the deep cushions until she cried out in growing passion.

  „Flame for me, Lady Silk,“ he growled urgently, nipping her bare shoulder with his teeth and then soothing the scented area with his tongue. „I want to see you go up in flames for me tonight!“

  The soft material of the dress began to fall away from her and Kalinda realized dimly he had found the delicate fastenings. She knew she ought to stop him but she couldn’t seem to say the words. A passionate curiosity was driving her now and when she felt him undo the front clasp of the small bra she wound her fingers deeply into the chestnut hair with a breathless moan.

  „Oh, please! Please…“

  „I will,“ he promised hoarsely, „I will!“

  Rand bent his head to find the tips of her breasts with undisguised male need, his tongue curling around the taut nipples as his fingers traced patterns down her bare stomach.

  Ahead of his questing hand, the silk dress continued to give way until Kalinda knew the touch of his fingers just inside the edge of her satiny briefs.

  She gasped violently and her own hands worked their way inside the collar of his shirt. He moved under her touch the way a cat moves under stroking fingers. She found his uninhibited response deeply, incredibly arousing and without further thought she sought the buttons of the shirt.

  A moment later they both lay naked from the waist up, the curling cloud of chestnut hair on Rand’s chest exciting and sensual on Kalinda’s softness.

  Her breath was coming more quickly now and common sense was a rapidly deteriorating commodity. She arched beneath him and he used his strength to tease her by crushing her gently until she couldn’t move. Somehow the restraint only served to excite her all the more and Kalinda felt the driving need surge through her body.

  It wasn’t until she felt him part her legs with his own and knew the hardening maleness of him even through the fabric of the trousers he still wore that some semblance of rational thought returned.

  „Rand… Rand, please. That’s enough! I never meant…“

  „It’s all right,“ he soothed, holding her still as she began to struggle beneath him. „Just let it happen. It’s going to be so good, honey. I want you so badly tonight“

  Kalinda moved her head restlessly on the cushion, the sleek knot of her hair long since undone and floating around her. She heard the inevitable words, I want you, and they reinforced her efforts to regain control of herself and the situation.

  „I’m sorry,“ she whispered, conscious of her own part in the matter. „I didn’t mean for things to go this far!“ Carefully she began to push against his bare shoulders, her nails digging into the bronzed skin.

  „Kalinda!“ His desire-deepened voice cracked slightly as he lifted his head to stare down at her. „What’s wrong? Stop fighting it, sweetheart You want this as much as I do!“

  She shook her head in denial, well aware of the want in him. She had to deal with this very cautiously. She had allowed him to become thoroughly aroused and she knew so little about him! How did she know what to expect when he finally realized she meant to call everything to a halt?

  For all she knew he might turn violent God! How had she managed to get herself into this?

  „Rand, please,“ she begged gently, straining away from his hardness, „I want to stop. I never intended for things to go this far. Please let me go…“

  For an instant the hazel eyes flashed almost green and she knew a momentary fear. And then the frustrated, angry male glitter was gone to be replaced by a cold, masculine restraint. It was only when that, too, disappeared to reveal rueful dismay that Kalinda knew she could relax.

  „You’re serious, aren’t you?“ Rand muttered dryly.

  „Yes, I… I never intended for this to happen tonight Believe me!“

  „I believe you! But you see, I fully intended for it to happen!“

  „Rand, that’s idiotic,“ Kalinda scolded bracingly, aware of her nakedness and the weight of his body. „You hardly know me!“

  „I wanted you the minute I saw you,“ he told her succinctly, his hands framing her face between rough palms. „I’m more than happy to be a vacation fling for you, Kalinda Brady,“ he murmured enticingly.

  „Thanks a lot! Very generous of you. But it so happens, I’m not interested in that sort of relationship!“

  „How about the affair we discussed earlier?“ he whispered seductively, his thumbs making probing circles at the comers of her mouth.

  „Out of the question!“ she snapped, beginning to grow angry. „Let me up, Rand, it’s time I went back to the motel.“

  „Calm down, I’ll take you back if that’s what you really want…“

  „It is!“

  „On one condition,“ he concluded a little too gently.

  She glared up at him. „What condition?“

  „That I can see you tomorrow.“

  Kalinda grabbed a deep breath. „I don’t see why you should want that. I can guarantee I won’t feel any differently tomorrow!“

  „How can you be sure of that? I’ll have all day to convince you,“ he reminded her, his mouth quirking in amused promise. „Who knows how you’ll feel by this time tomorrow night?“

  „I know what I want and what I don’t want.“

  He hesitated and then said with unexpected coolness, „Yes, I’ve gathered that Which brings up a very interesting point“

  „What are you talking about?“

  „You do seem like the sort of woman who makes up her own mind and does what she wishes most of the time.“

  Kalinda eyed him narrowly, wondering where this was leading. „I am.“

  „Then what are you doing here?“ he countered swiftly.

  „Here? I told you. I had nothing else to do this evening and the trout sounded good…“

  „That’s not what I mean and you know it. I find myself curious as to what you’re doing here in our little mountain retreat It’s obvious you’re bored and you’re not the sort who likes to head for a rustic environment when you feel like getting away from it all.“

  „How do you know that?“ she retorted, alarmed. „As I’ve already pointed out, you barely know me!“

  „I happen to be a fairly good judge of character,“ he drawled. „And, honey, as delightful as you look at this moment, I have to say you did seem a little out of place today wandering around town in your hundred-dollar shirt and those designer slacks!“

  Kalinda felt herself go red under his mocking gaze and tried to free her hands in order to cover her naked breasts. But he ignored the effort and waited for a reply.

  „My reasons for being here are personal,“ she muttered with all the arrogance she could command under the circumstances.

  He smiled dangerously. „I deduced that much. How personal?“

  „I do not intend to discuss that“

  „You really are used to giving orders, aren’t you?“ he observed wonderingly.

  „I am, but you don’t appear to be very good at taking them,“ she shot back grittily. „Will you please let me up?“

  He didn’t move for a moment and Kalinda found herself holding her breath as he studied her.

  „If you’ll grant my condition,“ he finally agreed with a short nod.

  She sighed. „I’ll have lunch with you tomorrow if you’re sure you want to see me again.“ At least he was off the other topic!

  He sat up almost at once and Kalinda could almost hear the belated click as her brain finally found the right gear. She sat absorbing the impact of his hard profile as he buttoned his shirt and men she moved her head in a wry gesture of self-disgust.

  „You did that deliberately, didn’t you?“ There was a trace of unwilling admiration in her voice. Kalinda was businesswoman enough to recognize innate manipulative talent when she came across it This man really had wasted his life out here in the wilderness!

  „Did what?“ he asked innocently, adjusting
the collar of his shirt as he slanted her an inquiring glance.

  She waved a hand. „You know. First you bring up your real goal, which is to see me tomorrow. When I don’t leap at that, you bring up another matter about which I feel very strongly.“

  „The little issue of what you’re doing here in the mountains in the first place?“ he clarified helpfully.

  She nodded. „And then, when you have me thoroughly ruffled on that subject, you reintroduce the main goal. By that time it seems easier to agree to it so that I can get you to leave me alone on the second topic!“

  „You’re very perceptive,“ he grinned engagingly.

  „And you’re very good at manipulating people,“ she grumbled dryly. „Now it’s my turn to ask some questions.“

  „Go ahead,“ he invited cheerfully, sinking back into a corner of the caramel-colored couch and regarding her with lazy invitation.

  „Why are you so set on seeing me tomorrow? You’re not going to find yourself in bed with me tomorrow night, I can guarantee!“

  „Can you?“

  „Definitely! I have no interest in a fling with you or anyone else, Rand,“ she retorted steadily.

  „1 understand,“ he astonished her by saying softly.

  „Then why…?“

  „I still want to see you, Kalinda. I’m attracted to you. I was the moment I saw you. It sometimes happens like that, you know.“

  „For a man.“

  He said nothing, not denying the small accusation. There was a waiting silence and then Kalinda went on carefully, „Could it be you’re a little bored, yourself?“

  He blinked, the coppery lashes brushing the rugged cheekbones for an instant and then he regarded her with his clear gaze. „Why should I be bored? I have the gallery, the pottery, my fishing and I’m living in the heart of God’s country. And there are a few women around, you know,“ he added placidly. „I mean, besides yourself!“

  She flushed, looking away. „I’m sure there are!“

  „So what makes you think I’m pursuing you out of sheer boredom?“

  „Forget it“ She got to her feet „I was just making an observation. You’re obviously content with your niche in life or you wouldn’t be here, would you?“


  She forced a smile. „So I was wrong in my observation, just as you’re wrong if you think you’re going to talk me into a fling or a short-term affair. Now it’s time you took me back to the motel. The dinner was delightful.“

  He ranged easily to his feet, his gleaming eyes never leaving her still-flushed features. „About your personal reasons for being in my mountains…“

  She smiled brilliantly. „I’m ready to leave, Rand.“

  He gave her a mocking bow. „I’m at my Lady’s command. The Lotus awaits.“

  But she should have known he wouldn’t give up that easily, Kalinda told herself the next day as she lounged beside him on a picnic blanket by the lake. Rand Alastair wasn’t the sort of man to surrender so simply and easily. She knew that much about him even though he still confused her in many ways.

  Added to her own growing restlessness and nervousness, his delicate probing was going to send her over the edge, she decided midway through the delicious lunch he had packed.

  „How long will you be staying here, Kalinda?“

  She munched the cheddar sandwich in her hand with relish. „A couple more days,“ she said cautiously.

  He was stretched out beside her, wearing his jeans again and an open-necked sport shirt which revealed the tanned, sinewy length of his arms. The chestnut hair was lightly tousled by the breeze off the lake and his eyes were half-closed against the dancing sunlight. Kalinda was suddenly forced to acknowledge to herself that he seemed very attractive to her.

  She directed her attention toward the opposite shore of the lake, feeling his hooded gaze on her. She had pushed up the sleeves of her button-necked tunic top which she wore over a pair of white pants and kicked off her sandals. Kalinda felt relaxed on one level, but wary on another. The lunch had been enjoyable but it hadn’t taken her long to realize Rand was hot on the trail he had scented last night His curiosity was aroused, she supposed. Just as hers was about him.

  „You’re not sure exactly how many days you’ll be here?“

  „I expect I’ll be leaving the day after tomorrow.“

  „Why so soon?“ he pressed.

  „I have a business to run, remember?“

  „Isn’t the boss entitled to a vacation?“ he smiled knowingly.

  „Of course. This isn’t it, though.“ As he’d already clearly guessed. There was not much point in pretending she was here for her annual holiday, Kalinda had decided early in the game. Damn the man’s persistence! But she had only herself to blame, she admitted grimly. She had wanted to see him again today, even knowing what to expect.

  „Ah, yes. The personal business which brings you to our neck of the woods. It will all be over within a couple of days?“

  „Yes. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d rather talk about something else.“


  She laughed. „Hardly!“

  „My plans for us tomorrow night?“ he suggested hopefully.

  Her laughter died at once. „I’m afraid that’s out of the question, Rand. I won’t be seeing you tomorrow night.“

  He went very still beside her and she bit her Hp in vexation. But it was the truth and there was no sense letting him think she would be free tomorrow night.

  „Tonight’s our last evening together?“ he asked quietly.


  „But you’ll be here in town tomorrow night?“

  She said nothing. Why was she letting him push her like this? It couldn’t be that subconsciously she wanted to tell him the truth, could it? That she needed to talk to someone? She had always been so self-possessed, so confident But she had doubts about what was going to happen tomorrow night when she confronted David. She’d had doubts all along. And that wasn’t like her.

  „So that’s it,“ he growled softly.

  „What?“ She swung her neat head around to look at him, saw the cool fire in his eyes and wished she hadn’t taken her gaze off the lake. She felt abruptly trapped by the power in him.

  „You’re here to meet a man.“ The words dropped like stones out on the lake.

  Kalinda didn’t move. „It’s business,“ she finally said coldly, struggling to break the bonds he’d placed on her. „Personal, private business.“

  „You’re not looking for a fling with me because you’re here to have an affair with another man.“

  „Rand! Stop it! You know nothing about the matter!“ Dear Lord! What was wrong with her to have let him guess so close to the mark? She must be crazy! Or secretly desperate to talk it over with someone, she added grimly to herself.

  „Don’t you mink it might be just a tad dangerous to amuse yourself with me while you wait for Mr. Wonderful to arrive? What if he hits town early and finds you’ve spent the time flirting with a local shopkeeper?“

  „Of all the ridiculous things to say! I am not flirting with you!“

  „I’d call it flirting if I arrived at a rendezvous and found my woman had spent a couple of evenings with another man while waiting for me to show up!“ he rasped bitterly. „And what happened on my couch -last night definitely does not come under the category of casual acquaintance!“

  She realized he was angry, furiously so.

  „That’s the only category it could come under,“ she grated feelingly. „All we have is a casual acquaintance!“

  „If that's how you treat your fleeting friendships, I’d like to see what happens after you’ve known a man a couple of weeks!“

  She flinched, pulling her eyes away from his condemning glare. He still hadn’t shifted from the sprawled position he’d taken, one jeaned leg drawn up as he rested on his elbow. Nevertheless, she had the distinct impression he was sorely tempted to wrap his fingers around her throat. Could she blame him?

  „I’m not here to have an affair with anyone,“ she muttered, setting down the remains of her sandwich as her appetite vanished. She couldn’t meet his eyes at all now.

  „But you’re meeting a man tomorrow night?“ he prodded tightly.

  Kalinda said nothing, letting her own silence tell the tale.

  „Want to tell me about it?“

  That brought her head back around with a snap to stare in astonishment The wholly new tone in his dark voice took her completely by surprise. She had been prepared for belligerence; male outrage at her callous treatment of him, perhaps. But she certainly hadn’t been expecting this sudden, soothing, calming offer! Where was the anger he’d been holding in check?

  „You can, you know,“ he went on, mouth twisted beguilingly. „You can tell me the whole story.“

  „How do you know there’s a story to tell?“ she challenged carefully, uncertain of her own weakening reaction.

  „Instinct. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really do have fairly sound instincts about people and what makes them tick.“

  „I know,“ she whispered. „You’re also good at using mat knowledge to manipulate people!“

  The edge of his mouth hardened. „You don’t seem to lack much in the way of perception, yourself!“

  „I’ve learned to recognize a few things,“ she half-smiled dismissingly. „But I’ve had on-the-job training in the business world. With you I think it must be instinctive, just as you said. Something you were born with!“

  „Are you going to tell me about tomorrow night?“

  „I’m not sure. The fact that I’ve let you push me this close to the subject makes me think I might,“ she said quite honestly. „But if I do, I shall probably be killing my chance at another trout dinner tonight!“ She managed the last with an almost sad flippancy.

  „It’s steak this evening, not trout,“ he quipped. „And I promise I won’t rescind the offer.“

  „Even if I admit I’m here to meet a man?“ she dared softly.

  „I already know that much.“

  She waited before saying very coolly, very remotely, „You’re not going to talk me out of it, you know. I’ve come this far, I’m going to go through with it“


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