Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections

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Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections Page 4

by KR Bankston

  Kim entered the den finding Mook relaxing with his drink and watching SportsCenter.

  “Hey,” she greeted him calmly.

  She was trying to keep her cool and be rational about the situation. Arguing hadn’t accomplished anything except causing a distance between them and Kim didn’t want that.

  “Mook, I gave thought to what you were saying,” she began as he turned the TV off, giving her his undivided attention. “I know that Tariq asking you to take over for LaRon is a big thing, and I know you’re ready to step in and handle business,” she told him as Mook remained mute, still watching her. “I’d like to go to the boarding school you’re suggesting and see it myself,” she told him, trying to keep her voice even and the tears at bay.

  KiSean was only seven years old and Mook was talking about shipping him off. He’d explained to her he was only doing it to ensure their son’s safety.

  Sighing lightly, Kim had to admit Mook had a point. She didn’t really trust any of her relatives to take care of her son, and Mook’s family was worse than her own.

  “We can do that,” he said calmly, pleased that she was being reasonable for a change.

  As much as he loved her, Kim had a flair for the dramatic, going off on tangents sometimes instead of just taking a moment to listen to what he was trying to explain to her.

  “It’s a reputable school Kim,” Mook told her. “I just want our son safe, away from any fool trying to take me out and missing,” he said matter-of-fact.

  Kim swallowed hard. She hated thinking about anything happening to her son or her man. Still with the life they lived, it was a daily reality.

  “Besides, Top may need you to jump back in for a while,” he added as Kim nodded slightly.

  She’d thought of that as well. With the matter settled for the moment, Kim rose and headed into the bedroom to change. She had to go pick Sean up from karate in about forty minutes.

  Mook rose moments after Kim left the room, silently following her to the bedroom. He was worried about her, and he knew she was still raw emotionally right now. At least she agreed to go see the school, he thought watching her undress. Mook licked his lips as Kim’s skirt hit the floor and he regarded her in the hot pink thong. “Damn,” he murmured softly.

  Her hearing keen, Kim spun around finding him watching her, eyes glazed over.

  “What are you looking at,” she teased knowing very well what he was thinking.

  “Cotton Candy,” he said simply walking into the room.

  “No, Mook, I gotta pick up Sean,” Kim tried, stepping away as he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “You got a minute,” Mook told her, kissing her deeply and silencing her as he unhooked the bra and removed it.

  He began gently palming her breasts and Kim found herself getting turned on.

  “No, stop,” she tried again breathlessly, pushing him.

  Mook held her tightly, kissing her neck now. “Stop playin’,” he told her huskily.

  Kim couldn’t lie. She wanted him, right now. Mook sensed her surrender and removed the thong, placing her leg on his shoulder as she leaned against the wall for support, sucking her clit and making her tremble with delight.

  “Mmm, Mook,” Kim murmured as the first waves of the orgasm hit her and she almost lost her balance.

  Mook rose picking up both legs and slid insider her, hitting bottom with each stroke. Kim groaned deeply loving the way her man loved her. They both came hard moments later still holding each other tightly.

  “Guess you better go get Sean,” Mook teased, putting her down finally and heading for the shower as Kim sucked her teeth and playfully rolled her eyes, right behind him.


  Seth looked around as they got settled in the townhome they were renting. They’d arrived right on schedule two days ago, their furnishings arriving this morning from the rental company they’d leased them from. He called C-Rod first thing. Now he had the exact location of the school and Gabrielle’s schedule. He wanted to go and get her immediately, but Victor told him to be patient. He’d made plans and he didn’t want to risk messing up and not getting her at all. Seth had to admit he was right. He just loved her so much and he missed the hell out of her. Gabrielle was so damned beautiful, sweet, and naive. He loved that about her. As much as she thought she knew about his and Peyton’s activities, she didn’t know the half. They kept all the more heinous facets of their lifestyle to themselves.

  “You wanna do a run to the school and watch out,” Victor asked walking into the living room where Seth sat.

  “No, I wanna go check out the house,” he told him as Victor nodded and told him it was cool.

  “You gonna do him before or after you snatch her,” he asked as Seth sighed lightly.

  “After,” he replied evenly. “I want her to see me kill him,” he added as Victor again nodded his understanding.

  “C-Rod says he managed to be her clinical partner,” Victor told Seth as he smiled and told him that was excellent.

  “We’ll know where she is at all times,” he replied.

  “How long you plan to wait,” Victor asked.

  Seth again sighed deeply. “That depends on how quickly I can get to Gabrielle without setting off any alarms,” he told him.

  Seth went on to explain with Jaron watching Gabrielle so closely it would be difficult to snatch her in the open and make their getaway smooth.

  “I know that fool runs with Top and his crew,” Seth threw back, recalling what Ian had shared. “He would have them on top of us before we hit the state line.”

  “No, we’re going to be real smart about this,” Seth began again. “Jaron is going to be dead and Gabrielle will be at home where she belongs, long before anyone even discovers his cold, bloated, body.”

  Victor told him he had no issue with any of it. “You think we need more manpower,” he asked as Seth thought about it for a moment.

  They’d brought 5 men with them already.

  “I doubt it,” he replied confidently. “We have the element of surprise on our side,” he added. “Jaron has no idea we’re here, no idea that Gabrielle is being watched,” Seth told him as Victor made them both a drink. “He’s relaxed and that makes him an easy mark,” he continued, thanking Victor for the vodka sour.

  “You think she’s gonna freak out,” Victor asked giving Seth a look.

  He chuckled again, sipping his drink. “Why would she, I’m her brother,” he shot back as Victor chuckled. “She’ll be happy to see me and she’ll come with me willingly, no scenes,” Seth told him as Victor agreed, telling him he was right.

  Raising his glass, Seth spoke again. “Here’s to success,” he said calmly as Victor joined the toast and the two emptied their glasses.


  Tariq was still brooding thinking of his visit to Jaleesa days ago when she was released. What the hell was I thinking, he chided himself. Tariq genuinely liked Jaleesa, cared about her in fact, yet he was standing in her house ready to kill her. Sighing deeply Tariq thought about his hurt and anger. He and LaRon had grown close over the years. He’d taken Hasaan’s place as a brother and Tariq depended on him more than he ever imagined or would admit. Damn, he thought sighing again as his mind recalled his friend was truly gone. He was glad however he hadn’t followed through on the threat and killed the woman. She’s right, KiKi would have never forgiven me, Tariq admitted to himself sighing deeply once more. There was something going on with Jaleesa too, he thought as he made himself another drink.

  He pulled out the photo album Kaitlyn kept and began flipping through it. He found numerous pictures of him and LaRon at various events and clubs. There were also lots of photos of the four of them hanging out together and enjoying each other’s company. Why couldn’t he stop hitting her, dammit, Tariq thought once more the anger coming full circle. He’d talked to LaRon time and again about putting his hands on Jaleesa. “Man that won’t solve anything,” Tariq had admonished. “She’ll grow to hate you and one day she�
��ll leave you,” he’d told his friend. LaRon told him time and again he heard him and he would stop. I guess he just couldn’t shake that demon, Tariq thought sighing deeply once again, closing his eyes as the loss hit him hard again and his heart ached. He never heard Kaitlyn come into the house or into the den where he sat. Tariq never knew she was there until her arms enveloped him, pulling him to her breasts where he laid obediently as she held him and stroked him gently.

  Kaitlyn kissed his forehead calmly as Tariq hugged her tightly, finally looking up into her eyes. Kaitlyn’s heart broke seeing the pain in his eyes as they looked at each other. Without a word, Tariq kissed her; softly, tentatively at first, but more passionately next time. Kaitlyn felt his need as she began undressing him and he did the same for her. Soon they were naked, joined, as Tariq made love to her, kissing her neck and telling her how much he loved her. Kaitlyn sighed deeply as the orgasm rocked her. Tariq continue making love to her pouring all his need and desire into the act. He came some forty minutes later, collapsing in her arms, as Kaitlyn continued to hold him and pray his heart would heal.


  Charlotte Mitchell watched her daughter interacting with her sons and sighed lightly. What’s wrong with her, she thought of Jaleesa’s behavior. She’d been out of jail for almost a week, yet this was only the second time she’d been over to see the boys. She spent entirely too much time, by Charlotte’s standard, in that house alone with the memories of what’d happened. Her attorney had called the other day after not being able to reach her. Thinking about the attorney reminded Charlotte of the message he’d left. She still couldn’t believe Jaleesa was going to plead guilty to first degree murder. That girl has lost her mind, her mother continued to brood. She’d tried talking to Jaleesa, but she was vague and distant most of the time. Charlotte was really worried. Maybe KiKi can get through to her, she continued thinking, making a mental note to call her later.

  “I’m going to take the boys to the movies and then to get pizza,” Jaleesa told her mother, coming back into the dining room where she sat at the table, crocheting. “OK, that sounds like fun,” Charlotte replied, still watching her daughter’s mannerisms. “Are you sure you’re okay, Tweety,” she inquired.

  Jaleesa smiled slightly and told her mother she was just fine.

  “Oh OK,” Charlotte replied. “You all have fun,” she threw out trying to lighten the mood.

  “Bye grandma,” Jashon called out as Rondé tried to emulate him, throwing in his own garbled goodbye.

  Chuckling, Charlotte hugged them both, giving them a kiss and telling them to be good.

  “See you in a little while, Mama,” Jaleesa told her as Charlotte smiled and grabbed her hand. “It’s gonna be okay baby, you’ll see,” she told her daughter trying to reassure her.

  Jaleesa smiled another short, sad smile and nodded her understanding, turning and following the boys outside. Charlotte sighed deeply once more and picked up her phone, hoping Kaitlyn answered when she called.


  True to their word Creeper and Pirate were back at Avery early the next morning. They’d been meeting with Ice for the past three days. Today they were headed back to Florida to begin setting everything in place for the takeover.

  “Wassup Ice,” Creeper greeted him walking into the suite.

  Ian was dressed and staring out of the window. He turned at the sound of Creeper’s voice and greeted both men.

  “Good morning,” he greeted them amiably. “Have you found the information I requested,” he asked.

  They hadn’t given him an update since their initial meeting.

  “Yeah more or less,” Pirate answered as Ian waited for them to enlighten them. “I got a partner in Atlanta,” Pirate began. “He hangs with this dude name DeNoah,” he went on. “Sound familiar,” Pirate quieried.

  Ian shook his head no and told him to continue.

  “Well anyway, seems he’s shadowing Tariq’s wife,” he said smoothly as Ian’s jaw clenched at the use of the word Tariq and wife in the same sentence.

  “KiKi,” he replied evenly, alerting Pirate that was how he was to refer to the woman.

  “Yeah, KiKi,” Pirate replied and went on with his story.

  “So DeNoah tells him he shadows her because of a breakdown she had about a year ago,” he told Ian who grunted his understanding.

  That would explain her strange behavior that night, he thought as Pirate began talking again. He told Ian that DeNoah hadn’t given his friend a lot of details but he found out enough that she was fine now and the doctors were about to take her off the medication she was taking.

  “Interesting,” Ian said calmly as his mind tumbled.

  What is going on with my baby, why is she breaking down, he continued to ponder.

  “So seems her best friend is in a world of trouble,” Pirate went on as Ian again regarded him evenly. “Shot and killed her man,” he said calmly.

  Ian burst into laughter and the two friends gave each other a look.

  “Perfect irony,” he murmured finally gathering himself.

  Ian gave them a quick rundown of Jaleesa, her relationship with his brother, her treachery and ultimate betrayal of him, leading to his death.

  “Damn, that’s fucked up,” Creeper replied as Ian grunted his agreement.

  “Is she in jail,” he asked. Pirate told him from what he heard she was out on bail.

  “Her ass is doing life if they find her guilty,” Creeper said as Ian told him he had no doubt about that.

  “How long before we’re able to get to Atlanta and set everything in place,” Ian asked.

  The news about Jaleesa brightened his day and he had plans.

  “Three days,” Creeper replied.

  “Good, that’s perfect,” Ian told him, giving him a number and an address. “This is my attorney,” he added. “He’s been instructed to set up the house and get us settled,” Ian told Creeper, who nodded his understanding.

  “How are you getting to Atlanta,” Pirate asked Ian.

  “I’m going to fly,” he told them, adding he would take a cab to the house. “I’ll have a car waiting for me when I get there,” he went on as both Creeper and Pirate listened carefully.

  They had to make sure everything went like clockwork. This was going to be the beginning of a dynasty with the three of them ruling Atlanta, Tampa, New Orleans and eventually Miami. Creeper smiled thinking of their future. He’d been waiting a long time for an opportunity of this magnitude and the asset of having the legendary Ian ‘Ice’ Bailey as his mentor made him feel invincible.

  “We’re out,” Pirate told Ian who told them to have a safe trip.

  “I’ll see you both in three days,” he said in parting as they assured him they would be there and left him alone.


  “Hey man, long time no hear,” Tariq told the man when he answered.

  “Hey you know how we do,” he threw back laughing lightly.

  Tariq told him he did and asked about the family.

  “Everybody’s straight man, how about you,” he threw back once more.

  Tariq told him about LaRon being killed and the happenings of the present time.

  “So you got someone to put in place,” he asked.

  Tariq told him about Mook and his coming in and taking up the load.

  “Sounds like a good dude,” he told Tariq, who readily agreed with him. “What else,” the man asked calmly.

  Tariq smiled slightly. His cousin could read him like a book.

  “I just have this feeling in my gut,” he told him. “I can’t really explain it, and if I tell you about it you’ll think I’m crazy as hell.” His cousin chuckled lightly and told him to give it a shot.

  “The shit I’ve heard man, it takes a lot to blow me away,” he added as Tariq smiled and began telling him. “So did you see them bury him,” his cousin asked after the explanation.

  “Nah, I had to get my wife some help,” he told him as the man sighed slightly.

>   “How is KiKi,” he asked gently.

  Tariq told him she was doing really well, no relapses and the doctor was taking her off the medication permanently.

  “Damn, that’s great,” he replied as Tariq readily agreed.

  “Now maybe I can get my son,” he told his cousin as they both laughed.

  “But back to this Ice character,” his cousin told him, becoming serious once more. “If you feeling it that strong, you need to check the shit out,” he told him. “Find the grave, hell pay enough and have somebody exhume his ass,” he added evenly as Tariq gave it serious thought.

  After a few more moments of silence, his cousin spoke again. “Riq, it’s the only way you’re gonna rest man,” he told him understanding his reservations. “Not to mention, if the sonofabitch is still alive, what do you think his first move is gonna be,” he threw out as Tariq frowned angrily. “Killing you and taking KiKi,” his cousin finished aloud for him. “Fuck,” Tariq swore. “I just can’t seem to get rid of this asshole,” he told his cousin. “Don’t sweat it,” he replied.

  “Can I ask you something,” Tariq began.

  “Yeah, what’s up,” he responded.

  “Are you really retired,” he threw out and his cousin caught the hint.

  “Not if you need me,” he replied evenly.

  Tariq told him he did. He felt a war coming and he needed all the loyalty by his side he could get.

  “We’ll be there in 2 days,” he replied.

  “We,” Tariq questioned.

  Chuckling he answered once more. “Yeah me and my boy Jacoury,” Ramell answered, telling Tariq to hold on till they got there, and they would see him in two days.


  Kaitlyn wanted answers. She’d talked to Jaleesa’s mom a couple of days ago and so far her best friend had succeeded in ducking her everytime she called or came to the house. Today however, Kaitlyn wasn’t leaving until she got answers. Pulling up to the beautiful brick structure, she noted Jaleesa’s truck was missing. Sighing lightly she still got out and went to the door thinking perhaps she’d parked it in the garage. Kaitlyn rang the bell and waited. No answer. Growing more irritated she walked around to the back and tried the back door. Surprisingly it was unlocked and she came inside. “Tweety, it’s me,” Kaitlyn called out. Her friend, like herself, had a penchant for weapons. “Tweety, where are you,” Kaitlyn called out again, heading for the bedroom. Walking inside she found the room immaculate. The bed was made and the pillows arranged beautifully on the gold and burgundy comforter set. Glancing at the nightstand the envelopes caught her eye. Walking over to them she saw the names on each.


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