Apples to Oranges

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Apples to Oranges Page 3

by Xondra Day

  “Here you go.” Brandon twisted off the cap and handed a bottle to Jace. Brandon took a swig from his own brew and then belched. “Back to work.” He looked up at the grey sky. “It looks like we might get rain. The sooner we’re set up the better.”


  Brandon was right about the weather. In less than an hour it was pissing down rain. Mike and a few others, including Brandon, had taken to the van.

  By nine, Jace had the flashlight out and was reading a book he’d brought along, hoping it would pass time while the others drank themselves into a stupor. Mike had asked if he wanted to join them, but he declined. This wasn’t his idea of fun, especially with…girls all around him. If anything, he’d feel like the odd one out. No thanks.

  Jace jumped when he heard a door slam. Then he heard footsteps walking in his direction. When the zipper opened to the tent, he saw that it was Brandon. From the way he flopped on his sleeping bag, Brandon was dead drunk.

  “Fuck, it’s cold and wet out there,” Brandon said. He turned on his side, facing Jace. “You should have joined us in the van.”

  “I’m okay here. I have my book.” Jace held it up and suddenly felt lame.

  “One of the girls was asking about you. She was wondering where you were. I think she was interested in getting together with you.” Brandon grinned widely. “Like I said, you should have joined us. You might have gotten lucky with her.”

  Just what Jace wanted. “Thanks, but I’ll pass on that.”

  “Not interested?” Brandon questioned.

  “Correct.” Jace went back to the pages of his book.

  “In her, or do you mean girls, period?” Brandon’s face was serious, but his eyes were full of mischief as he connected with Jace through the dim lighting.

  Jace’s pulse sped up and even though there was a chill in the air, he felt warm, extremely warm. He swallowed hard and his mouth felt like cotton. “What do you mean by that?”


  God, he was buzzed. Otherwise, he would never have had the nerve to be this open and bold. Brandon thought about what to say next, choosing his words carefully. His eyes traced Jace’s expression, trying to read him. “Maybe you’re not into girls.” It was a comment and not a question.

  “I…” Jace stammered, his eyes looking from Brandon to the book he held. “I can’t believe you’re asking me this.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being gay or whatever.” Even though his hazy judgement, Brandon wondered how come he did think this way when it came to his own ambiguous sexuality. At this moment, he was erect inside his jeans. That alone told him much more than anything else about how he’d felt.

  “I know there isn’t anything wrong with it,” Jace replied. “What makes you think I’m gay?”

  “Well,” Brandon lowered his voice. “Call it a vibe. It’s hard to explain. I did notice you looking at me in class at school.” It was all coming out now.

  “I wasn’t looking at you,” Jace protested. “Besides, how would you notice me looking at you unless you were also looking at me?”

  Brandon laughed. Jace was too cute for words. With his hair slightly dishevelled and his eyes looking so intense…he’d never noticed how green they were before now. “So.” Brandon inhaled deeply and his heard beat hard inside his chest. “What would you say if I asked if I could kiss you?” And before Jace had a chance to reply, Brandon leaned in and did it.


  Jace almost came right then and there when their lips connected for the first time. He didn’t pull away, but the sheer surprise of the moment did cause him to flinch a little.

  “You taste sweet,” Brandon said, his voice husky. “Tell me you liked me kissing you and tell me you want me to do it again.” Brandon ran one finger down Jace’s forearm as he spoke. “So soft.”

  Jace did want it to happen again. “It’s gum and yes, please.”

  Brandon smelled vaguely of cigarette smoke and he tasted like beer and cherry lip balm. His tongue slipped inside Jace’s mouth for the second time. Jace fell back on his sleeping bag and moaned as Brandon crawled on top of him, one leg pushing both of his slightly apart. Jace felt Brandon grinding against him, his hard-on pressing and throbbing inside his jeans.

  “You can touch me if you want,” Brandon said. “It’s okay.”

  Jace pressed his hands against Brandon’s firm chest and reaching down, he pulled up on the hem of his t-shirt. Underneath, he felt taught muscle. Brandon wasn’t overly built, but he had it going on in all the right places. This was crazy and insane. Here he was in the arms of a guy he could only have ever dreamed about a day ago.

  “You like?” Brandon asked, raising one brow. “I work out when I can.” He shrugged off his t-shirt and jacket. “I’m not buffed, but I think I do okay.”

  Brandon did more than okay. Hell, he was Jace’s wet dream come to life, and as Jace worked his palms against Brandon’s bare chest, he still couldn’t believe this was happening between them for real. “You’re hot,” he whispered.

  “Am I? You think I’m hot? Brandon’s lips caressed Jace’s throat. His tongue trailed back towards Jace’s mouth. “I think you’re pretty damned hot too…and pretty.”

  Pretty? That wasn’t a word he’d ever use to describe himself, yet coming from Brandon it sounded good. “Thanks, I think,” Jace replied. And when Brandon kissed him again, he thought he’d die from sheer horniness.

  “Hey guys.” A voice called to them from directly outside the tent. It was Mike.

  Brandon pulled away from Jace slightly and pressed one finger against his lips to silence him. “Yeah?” Brandon called. “What’s up?”

  “You coming back?”

  “Naw, man. I’m ready to pass out. I was just chatting with Jace. We’re gonna fuck out to sleep for the night.” He looked at Jace and winked, a devilish smile crossing his lips.

  “Sure thing. I’ll see you both in the morning.” They listened as Mike walked back to the van.

  “Switch the flashlight off,” Brandon said.

  Jace did and then he felt Brandon touching him, this time tugging at his shirt. “Take it off, I want to feel you.”

  Jace must have shown that he was a little nervous. He was downright shaking as he pulled his t-shirt off, exposing his chest.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Brandon whispered through the darkness. “We can just touch. Touching can feel very good. Do you like it when I do this? Brandon cupped Jace’s swollen crotch and squeezed his erection gently.

  Jace pushed against Brandon’s hand. This might have been a bad idea, but he no longer cared. All that mattered was the two of them and what was blossoming between them within the walls of the small tent. “Yes,” he answered, his voice timid.

  “Good.” Brandon kissed him, first on his lips and then his neck. He then proceeded to work his way down Jace’s chest. When Brandon undid Jace’s belt, he stopped and looked up. “This is fine, right?”

  Brandon had good manners. “Yeah.” Jace nodded. “Do it.”

  Brandon’s hand curled around his cock as Brandon tugged it free from his jeans. “Nice,” he said. “I’m not good at this. I’ve had no practice.”

  Jace nodded again and bit down on his bottom lip as he felt Brandon’s hot mouth engulf his cock. It felt amazing.

  Chapter Three

  Brandon’s mind swam with lust. He hadn’t a clue about how to suck cock, but he was learning fast.

  It was all so screwed up. He disliked himself for liking guys. Yet, here he was going down on one and loving it. It was more than just sucking some guy off. When Brandon first kissed Jace, he’d wanted it. He’d felt some inner need for it. It didn’t disgust him or even make him cringe in the least. He’d had an experience before when living in the city. He and a friend had groped each other for a bit, but it was nothing like this. Whenever Brandon looked at Jace, he felt strange…queer. How ironic! It wasn’t like him to react to anyone this way.

  Jace squirmed unde
r him as he sucked harder on his cock. They were fucking polar opposites in looks, style and personality. It was like comparing apples to oranges. Brandon smirked inwardly at the thought as he went down deep, taking Jace’s cock to the root until his nose nestled in Jace’s fine pubic hair. Brandon inhaled the boy’s musky scent and it drove him wild. He heard Jace gasp as he swirled his tongue over the head of his cock. Brandon pulled up and away withdrawing it from his mouth, stroking it up and down with his hand. He did what he knew would feel good if he were in this position and according to the reaction he was getting, he was doing all the right things.

  “Brandon,” Jace said, whispering. He sighed. “I’m going to shoot.”

  Brandon nodded, but didn’t pull away. He wanted this.

  When Jace unloaded inside his mouth, Brandon closed his eyes tight and swallowed. He then rolled on his back and grabbed his cock, jerking it hard until he felt his own orgasm grab hold.


  Had this really happened? Jace asked himself that over and over after they’d both finished.

  “That was great,” Brandon said, settling beside him. “Don’t think that I’ve done this before because I haven’t.”

  “Me too,” Jace replied. He didn’t dare mention Preston.

  “This is between us.”

  “Sure. It’s not like I would go around telling anyone.”

  Brandon chuckled. “True. I guess I needed to hear you say that.” He punched Jace in the arm playfully. “You’re okay, Jace. Thanks for being cool with everything.”

  “No problem.” Jace felt a slight twinge of disappointment wash through him. Was this it? It wasn’t that he’d expected much more, or did he? Life could be so fucked at times. Still, there was something to be said for fooling around with one of the hottest guys at school. Turning on his side away from Brandon, he settled in for the night and tried to sleep.


  “Jesus,” Mike said, almost laughing. “You look like shit and you weren’t even the one partying last night.”

  Mike was right. Not only did he look like shit, but Jace also felt like it.

  Jace straightened his t-shirt as he emerged from the tent and stretched. He ached from head to toe and all points in between. Sleeping on the ground wasn’t fun. He much preferred his comfy bed to this monstrosity. Inside, Brandon was still asleep.

  “Is he awake?” Mike asked.

  “No,” Jace replied, remembering the previous night’s events and blushing from the memories.

  “He was pretty tanked last night.” Mike laughed. “That boy can sure as hell drink me under the table.”

  “He was toasted when he came back to the tent.”

  “I’m surprised he found his way back. That’s why I came to check on him. Get him up. We’re leaving to head back to town in a bit.”

  Jace nodded. “Will do.”

  Jace bent down and stuck his head inside the tent. “Brandon.” He waited for a response. Nothing. “Brandon,” he called, this time louder.

  He heard a moan first and then Brandon shifted to sit up, shielding his eyes from the light flooding into the tent. “What?” Brandon asked, glancing at his watch. “Man, it’s still early.”

  “Mike’s leaving soon. We have to get this stuff packed up.” Jace wondered exactly how much Brandon remembered from last night, if anything at all. If he’d been that drunk, it was entirely possible he’d remember nothing.

  “Okay. Give me a minute to wake up.” Brandon shook his head back and forth. “My head’s ready to bust wide open.”

  Jace crawled into the tent and reached for his bag. “I have some pills for that.” He retrieved a small bottle and handed them to Brandon. “It’ll help.”

  “Thanks. You’re a lifesaver. I hate hangovers. You’d think I’d learn eventually.” Brandon popped the cap off and took out two pills, which he dry-swallowed. He handed the bottle back to Jace. “My mouth feels like sandpaper.” He grimaced.

  “Here.” Jace handed him a can of cola. “It’s warm, but will do.”

  Brandon grabbed it. “Warm is fine with me. What would I do without you?” He winked and opened the can, guzzling a bit of the fizzy liquid. “Much better. Well, let’s get this shit packed up before Mike has a fit.”

  There was no mention of last night, not even a hint at what they’d done together. Jace was a little disappointed, yet relieved at the same time. If it was a onetime thing, he’d get over it and relish the memory.


  When he’d awoken that morning with Jace calling him, Brandon’s mind had still been cloudy from everything he’d drank the night before. Then there was that bitch of a headache, which only compounded things.

  He remembered everything from the night before and he’d wanted it to happen. He’d been the one who’d initiated it. Supressing his feelings weren’t working, that much was obvious.

  Brandon didn’t say a word on the drive back to town. Jace sat behind him and when he could, he stole glances at Jace through the passenger’s rear-view mirror, which he adjusted to his advantage as to not make anything obvious. Brandon ran one hand through his hair as Mike pulled into the driveway which led to his trailer. He jumped out quickly as the vehicle came to a halt, grabbing his bag.

  “Are you okay?” Mike called after him.

  Brandon stopped dead in his tracks and nodded before turning around. “Yeah. I’m fine, just a little under the weather from all the…you know.” He made a drinking gesture with his right hand to indicate what he’d meant and rolled his eyes.

  “Got ya,” Mike replied, adding a wink. “I’m not feeling great myself. Give me a call later, man.”

  Brandon nodded and then bolted for the trailer without saying anything else. He wasn’t lying. He didn’t feel great and once inside he made a direct beeline to the bathroom to yack his guts up.

  He flushed the toilet twice and then brushed his teeth once he was finished. He felt a tad better, but not by much. And still, images of Jace and what they’d done together raced through his mind. He needed to sleep. Sleep would help and he hoped that when he woke again, everything would look better.


  “I’m glad you’re back,” Jace’s mom said when he walked through the front door. “Get cleaned up. We have to go out.” She looked good. Her hair was styled and she was wearing makeup, along with a floral print dress that he’d hadn’t see her wear in a long time.

  “Where are we going?” Jace questioned.

  “The cemetery. I need to visit your dad.” She stood in the hallway in front of the mirror primping. “It’s time I went. For some reason, I feel the need to go there today.”

  She hadn’t set foot inside the cemetery since the day his dad was buried. He knew this and never mentioned it. Jace figured it was grief that kept her away. He hadn’t gone either. It hurt too much to face the stark reality of the situation. “Okay. Gimme a few minutes to shower and change into some clean clothes.”

  She nodded. “It’s a great day, and so sunny. I’ll be in the garden. I’ve neglected it so much. I need to get back at that again. It’s all gone to ruin.”

  Under the hot spray, his thoughts went from his dad and his suddenly Stepford mom to Brandon, and then back again. Brandon would have to wait for now. Jace quickly scoured his body and washed his hair. He then dressed in shorts and a clean t-shirt and went outside to find his mom.

  “For your dad.” She held out a bunch of spring flowers. “I know he wasn’t much for flowers, but what else do you bring to a cemetery when you visit?”

  “Just bring you,” Jace said, placing one hand on her shoulder. “That’s all Dad would want.”

  “You’re right, but I’ll still bring the flowers.”


  The cemetery was located on the outskirts of town, not far from where they lived.

  They parked the car outside the closed gate when they arrived and when his mom went to open it, she trembled slightly as her hands fumbled with the latch. “I guess my nerves have gotten
the better of me. I was fine back at the house.”

  “We can go back and try another day if you like,” Jace offered. This was a huge step for her.

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I need to do this. It’s time. I’ve been hiding from life since your dad’s death. I need to do this. I need to find a way to move on or I’m going to end up here beside him way before my time.”

  Jace remembered very little about the actual funeral. There was the service at the church. He sat through it practically in a coma, not listening to a word anyone was saying. At that time he wished for it all to be over and done with, but from the little he did remember, it was the graveside service that was the hardest. There had been a lot of crying. He kept his head low for most of it, not making eye contact with anyone. He remembered wincing as the casket was lowered into the ground and now walking through the rows of headstones, some old and some new, he couldn’t help but wonder what the people looked like laying in the ground.

  “Over there.” Jace’s mom pointed to a large oak tree in the near distance. “The stone’s in place,” she said, once they reached the grave. “They did a wonderful job with it.” She stooped down and ran one hand across the smooth black marble top. “It was important for them to get it right.”

  Overhead, birds chirped in the tree. Suddenly, it was very real. Jace’s dad was dead and this was all there was. A grave, a stone, and a whole lot of memories.

  Jace watched as she placed flowers on the grave and stood back reading his dad’s name along with his date of birth and death. She then paused. “My place will be next to him, where I’m standing now.”

  He didn’t want to think about losing her. Losing one parent was enough. “It’s peaceful here.” Jace glanced at the sky hoping his small effort would change the topic of conversation.

  “It is,” she agreed. “All of our kin are buried here. You didn’t know either set of your grandparents, but they’re all here over yonder, just past those trees. It was fitting that your dad be here with them.” She stopped talking and pressed two fingers to her lips and then placed them against the stone. “Let’s take a stroll.”


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