Cougar's Gift: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance)

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Cougar's Gift: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance) Page 7

by Moxie North

  “I don’t think that’s a word,” she mumbled after her feelings were appeased that he wasn’t making fun of her.

  “It is when I’m talking about you. God damn, you’re sweet, baby. Thank you for trusting me with that,” he said, holding her tight.

  “It’s not like it was a million bucks, Stryker,” she scoffed.

  “It was better,” he answered. He had a million bucks. What he didn’t have before today was a sweet as hell mate who was sexy, could come like a rocket, and was a virgin to boot.

  “Hmmph,” she answered him. She could only imagine the books she could buy with a million dollars.

  “Let me hold you for a while then I’ll take you back. Do you want to text your parents? Let them know where you are?”

  “Nah, no cell service out here.” She didn’t mention she didn’t even have a phone. “They probably won’t notice I’m not in my room until dinner time,” she assured him.

  “Am I invited?” he asked. Might as well push ahead with their relationship. Get meeting the parents out of the way.

  Libby laughed, “And tell them what? Mom, Dad, this is Stryker. He’s new in town and we decided to start dating today?”

  “Sounds good,” he said, honestly.

  “No, sounds crazy, Stryker. We just met!” she said, her voice rising.

  “Yeah, and you just rode my dick until you came on my lap. I’m gonna have a zipper imprint from you,” he said roughly, although he sounded pretty pleased with the idea.

  Libby looked at him to assess whether he was really serious about meeting her parents.

  Shouldn’t they date for a while? A few months or so before she subjected him to her parents? How do you explain Freedom and Primrose to a guy who looks like he’s more comfortable inside a bar, or under a car?

  “Tell me about them,” he asked. Maybe if she got some of her concerns out of the way she’d be more inclined to invite him over.

  Where the heck did she start? At the beginning she decided.

  She told him about her parents, their quest for serenity or nirvana, or whatever. How they changed their names and changed their lifestyle.

  She told him how her dad was a doctor and her mom the town witch. Not really, but Libby thought it sounded better than crazy garden lady.

  “They sound nice, kooky, but nice. I think they’d like me,” Stryker declared confidently.

  Libby gave him a look of doubt and decided she was offering up a lot about herself. Time to turn the tables.

  “What about you? What’s your family like?”

  Stryker mentally did a quick edit of the facts and started in. “Mom is Lilibeth. Dad is Sebastian. They run a fruit farm in California.

  Oldest brother Dax lives in Washington state and runs a farm up there. Sister Mackenzie lives in Washington and is a stay-at-home mom with my new nephew Kingston.

  Brother Everett is the one that I told you about that just got married. He lives in Las Vegas now. Then there’s me,” he finished. That was the truth, altered slightly.

  “They sound nice,” she remarked. She was ashamed to admit that she didn’t expect him to have such a normal sounding family. She had dreamed up all sorts of scenarios. Orphaned, on the road, looking for forgiveness.

  Yeah, she totally read too many books. But he sounded like a normal guy. Weird, because nothing about him seemed normal.

  “They aren’t too bad. Mom’s a nut, but you just have to know how to deal with her. Heard she had a run-in with my brother’s new wife. I guess she’s seen the light about welcoming spouses into the family,” he said with a laugh.

  Libby couldn’t help the little twinge in the region of her heart when he said the word spouse. She’d never said it out loud, but she’d always wanted to get married and start a family.

  She didn’t have grand plans to be a businesswoman or do some really important job that would change the course of history.

  She didn’t fault anyone for those goals, in fact she looked up to them. The girls she went to school with had such huge plans. They were goal oriented and focused. Libby was just counting the days until she could head back home.

  She just wanted to be Libby. Read lots of books, teach her children and the community’s kids to love books.

  She wanted someone to come home to. To cook for, cuddle with and talk to. Those were her big aspirations. They sounded simple and boring, so she never really shared them with anyone.

  “Well, my parents still think I’m twelve so I don’t think they would know what to do with a gentleman caller,” she joked.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m no gentleman,” he said.

  “You know what I mean,” she replied.

  “I do and you can call me whatever you’re comfortable with. Guy I’m dating, boyfriend, lover, but it doesn’t change what I really am,” he said softly.

  “And what are you?” she whispered back.

  “I’m yours, Libby.”

  Chapter 15

  Did he mean that? How could he say something like that after a few hours?

  Libby was confused and feeling very out of her element. He talked like one of the heroes in her favorite books.

  Sexy strong alpha males that took what they wanted and didn’t apologize. But those were make-believe. Real men did not talk or act that way.

  Libby was thinking that there was a distinct possibility she may be suffering from a brain tumor and this was all some horrible, awesome hallucination.

  “How can you know?” It seemed a reasonable question. He’d only known her for the sum total of half a day.

  “How do you know?” he returned.

  “What do you mean? I don’t know anything yet,” she said, affronted at the turn of questioning.

  “Yes you do, don’t lie to me, mouse. I can already tell you aren’t the kind of person to follow a stranger out into the woods. You’d have to trust that person, know that he’d keep you safe. How do you know?”

  Darn, she didn’t have an answer to that, just her instincts telling her that she didn’t need to perform fight or flight in this situation.

  In fact, if she took a moment, she realized she was supremely comfortable sitting on his lap just having climaxed. He hadn’t stopped touching her since they met. She liked his constant attention.

  And she’d only briefly considered herself crazy for her actions so far. That was those after school specials talking, not how she truly felt.

  “I feel it,” she finally answered him.

  “Same with me. I feel it, I’m sure of it in a way that is hard to express. I know that I’m going to have to drop you back off at your house and go home alone.

  I know that I’m going to spend every waking hour and probably into my dreams thinking about you. Worrying about you and missing you. I know that in my soul,” he told her this staring deep into her eyes.

  “That’s deep,” she teased.

  “I know and fuck me if I’ve ever said that shit to anyone,” he admitted.

  “So after tonight, then what?”

  “I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow morning. We’ll have lunch together and I’ll try to convince you again to let me come to dinner and meet your parents.

  If you won’t invite me, maybe I can show you where I live? I don’t want to come across as too mysterious. If I don’t talk about myself or my life it’s just because I don’t think it’s very interesting. I like things simple.”

  He was stroking her waist and he shifted a bit to give himself some relief from the constant hard-on he’d been sporting.

  Realizing he was moving because of her, she offered, “Oh shoot, do you need me to move? I’m sorry I’ve been sitting here so comfy. You must be miserable.”

  “No, mouse, not miserable at all. Very fucking content to tell you the truth,” he said with a slightly pained laugh.

  He was content but his dick was not. He was already thinking ahead of being able to take care of business the minute he got home. He’d be jerking off until he saw her again. That was
a pleasant fucking thought.

  “I should probably take you back. I’m going to have to rethink the bike though, it’s getting colder and I didn’t see you driving around,” he mentioned as he scooted her down his legs and helped her stand before following her.

  He helped dust off her skirt and made sure they both weren’t sporting any stray forest bits.

  “No, I usually walk. Sometimes ride my bike. I had a pretty nifty scooter when I was in college. I sold it before I came home though. It was noisy and I didn’t think my neighbors would like it.”

  “You think they like the motorcycles riding through town?” he asked, amazed she’d worry so much about a neighbor or two. That would never make him sell his bike.

  “Well, my neighbors are old. By the time I’m getting ready and leaving for work it’s their first nap of the day. I’d hate to disturb them,” she laughed.

  “Huh,” he grunted.

  Stryker swung her back into his arms again and started stomping through the woods back to his motorcycle.

  He added the topic of family cars to things he wanted to talk to Dax about. His mate was human so he knew all about breaking the secret and getting her to accept.

  He was pretty sure his brother didn’t finesse his way into his mate Effie’s acceptance of him. Knowing Dax he fucking bungled the shit out of it. Stryker wanted to avoid that if he could.

  Reaching his ride he put her down on her feet and reached for the helmet. “So, dinner tomorrow?” he asked, settling the helmet on her head.

  Laughing Libby said, “Not tomorrow.”

  “Oh, so the next day? That works better with my busy schedule,” he murmured.

  “You have a busy schedule?”

  “Sure do, I work for a living you know. Then there’s this sweet piece I just met and I’m trying to get in good with her, so I need to stock up on junk food to woo her with,” he said seriously.

  “Did you just say woo?”

  “Maybe,” he said, ignoring her smile.

  Libby broke into giggles holding her stomach as she replayed him saying “woo” in her head over and over.

  “Well, I think the girl you met likes all junk food. Except corn nuts, those things are tooth crackers. But anything else is fair game,” she encouraged.

  “Understood,” he said formally. He swung his leg over the seat and then reached for Libby, settling her behind him.

  He started up the motor and then realized he’d forgotten the skirt maneuver before she got on. Leaning around, he eyeballed the skirt then her. Libby got the hint and twisted the material and sat on it. Hoping that would keep her from flashing the town.

  Stryker rode back into Port May, dreading the minute he’d have to let her go. Libby pointed to streets once they hit the edge of town directing him which way to go.

  They finally pulled up to an old farm house that had an odd air of abandoned and lived in by clowns feel about it. Brightly colored glass reflected out of the garden on the side. Wind chimes clanged in the breeze. The ornate cornices of the peaks were all painted a different color. It was odd yet whimsical.

  Stryker killed the engine and helped Libby off with a hand to steady her until she was balanced. He swung off next and pulled her into his arms. He felt her stiffen and knew that there was a good chance her parents heard the roar of his bike and were possibly watching them even now.

  “Hey, this is going to happen, baby. Don’t worry, they’ll love me,” he tried to soothe her.

  Libby snorted, “Yeah right, your confidence astounds me.”

  “I know that I’m not going to let anything get in my way of being with you. Parents, work, or nosy neighbors, nothing. So we might as well get started so we can move past it,” he declared.

  He made it sound so easy. Just throw yourself to the lions and hope to come out on the other side. Sure, excellent plan she thought.

  “Maybe just not today? I’m a little overwhelmed and have a feeling I might have a tiny breakdown once I think about the events of the day. I don’t need to add parent drama to that too,” she begged.

  “I’ll give you today, maybe even tomorrow. But hear me, mouse, this—us—it’s non-negotiable.”

  Wow, that was bossy she thought. And kinda hot she amended.

  “I’ll take tonight, thank you,” she said, deciding to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Stryker gave her a small smile and leaned down wrapping her in his arms and claiming her mouth in a hard kiss. Libby gave over and let him kiss her until her toes curled.

  When he finally released her she was panting, her cheeks were rosy and she could see his eyes getting shiny again. Strange.

  She started to shrug off his leather and he stopped her. “Give it to me tomorrow.”

  Nodding, because she really didn’t want to give up his yummy smelling jacket, she offered a tiny wave and walked towards the house.

  She knew she was going to look back. There wasn’t a force on this earth that could have stopped her from seeing if he was watching her.

  Sure enough, he was standing with hands at his hips. White t-shirt stretched over his firm chest. Brown hair tousled from the ride and freaking sexy as hell. She made a tiny whimper and she saw him smile like he heard her.

  Turning back she made it to the door, went inside and it closed behind her before she heard the roar of his bike and him speeding away.

  Chapter 16

  Stryker made his way back to his cabin and although he really needed to call his brother, his cat needed some time first.

  Walking out the back door, he scanned the area for humans, then stripped out of his clothes. His shift was harder than normal. His cougar was agitated after spending all day with his mate.

  Not that he didn’t love it, but holding back from being able to touch her and scent her was frustrating.

  Once his cat was in his fur he gave him free reign so he could ponder his situation. His cat ran and ran, jumping and bouncing off of fallen trees, stretching his muscles.

  His cougar didn’t understand the complicated nature of coaxing a human into a mated bond. He could have sex with her and still not be bonded. She was his mate, the one for him.

  But until they had sex and he bit her they wouldn’t be bonded. Once he tasted her blood he’d also introduce his DNA into her system. This would alter her biology to allow her to not only be linked to him on a molecular level, but it would help her bear his young.

  Cougar’s gestation periods were much like any cat. Which meant it was much shorter than the humans forty weeks. That also meant their babies grew faster. Making sure that she could handle a shifter pregnancy as a human was very important to him.

  He knew that even if he got her to sleep with him he’d have to hold back and resist biting her to seal their bond.

  It was an unwritten rule that humans had to be let in on the secret and accept their choice of mate before a bond could take place.

  Otherwise they weren’t making an informed decision about the relationship. Stryker knew that Dax had to clear it with his mate before they could bond. It all worked out for him.

  Stryker let his cat run until he was worn out. Heading back to his cabin he shifted back and walked in to take a shower. The minute the water started to pour over his skin his thoughts turned to his mate coming on his lap.

  He wrapped a big hand around his thick cock and gave it a long pull. He went over every second of that experience, every sigh, every hitched gasp.

  Working his dick now at a vicious pace he replayed her scream as she came. Stryker felt his body jerk as he shot his seed against the shower wall. It was a hard climax that had him roaring loudly. He knew that wasn’t the only time he would do that tonight.

  Finishing his shower he got out, toweled off and threw on a pair of jeans. He hit the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the fridge and found his cell phone. Checking the time, he dialed Dax’s number.

  The phone rang and someone picked up. There was some fumbling then a whispered, “Hello?”

/>   It was a woman and Stryker didn’t think it was his brother’s mate Effie. That only left the mentally unstable one.

  “Dax,” he barked.

  “Nope, not Dax. Try again,” came the whispered voice.

  “Take medication and put Dax on,” he growled. It was Effie’s best friend Cassie. She was certifiable. She also found out about shifters at his brother’s wedding.

  Usually humans weren’t allowed in on the secret unless there wasn’t any other choice. She found out by accident. It took her crazy ass from nuts level to straight jacket.

  “Ohh growling, I totally like it. Hey, what does your cat look like? Do you just lounge around on your couch shifted? Have you ever eaten cat chow?”

  “Fucking hell woman, put Dax on. Why the fuck are you whispering?” He never should have asked that, but his cat was curious.

  “I’m not supposed to answer Dax’s phone in case it’s pack business. But I thought it might be Everett. He likes me now,” Cassie declared.

  “Good rule. Dax now,” Stryker ordered. He was losing his patience.

  “DAX!” Cassie screamed, the phone way too close to her mouth. Stryker winced at the screeching. It made him appreciate his mate’s quiet soft voice even more.

  The phone fumbled again and he heard his brother get on the line.

  “Seriously, Cass, stop touching my damn phone.”

  “Don’t be so bossy, Alpha-master-sir,” Cassie sauced back.

  “Nice title,” Stryker grunted.

  “I love her to bits and she usually makes me laugh. But since the wedding she’s all about shifters. Lucky for us she only knows about cougars. I won’t unleash her on other poor unsuspecting packs. It’s good to hear from you, man. You still in Oregon?” Dax asked.

  “Yeah, need some advice,” he started.

  “Shoot, what’s up?”

  “It’s about a girl,” Stryker said clearing his throat.

  “A girl? You never have trouble getting attention from the ladies,” Dax laughed.

  “Not A girl, my girl,” he explained.

  There was silence on the line then Dax said quietly, “Really man?”


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