The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

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The Weapon Bearer (Book 1) Page 45

by Aaron Thomas

  “Yes, sir!” The young boy strung his bow and quickly fired three shot from the distance. All three landed in his target. The captain seemed to stare at the targets trying to see any deficiency in the training. He couldn’t find one by what he had seen.

  “Resume your training, and keep up the good work.” The recruits’ spirits seemed to be lifted by the Captain’s words. They immediately started releasing arrows with more intensity than they had before. He turned to John, “Why did you let this happen? You were under strict orders.”

  “My lord, after it had been done I couldn’t go back without letting Master Crescent know something was amiss.” The captain nodded and looked around the range.

  “Make sure that they keep those hats clean. It won’t do if they look like country woods children parading as soldiers. If they keep them clean, they will look the part even if they can’t shoot straight.”

  “Yes, sir. I will see to it personally.”

  “Corporal where is Master Crescent now?”

  “I think he is still with lieutenant McClanahan in battle strategy.” The captain nodded and Curtain saluted back. Lorusk knew exactly what room the strategy class was in and headed straight there. When he entered the room most of the class was reading near the back of the room. The boy wearing a pristine black with the brilliant green feather bearing two gold stripes standing over a map.

  “Excuse me lieutenant, can I speak with your student alone?”

  “We were right in the middle of an interesting discussion. Perhaps you would care to offer your opinion?”

  “No, I have already wasted enough time trying to find the boy. If I might have a moment alone.” It wasn’t a question but an order. He tilted his head and moved away from the table that had a city’s map lain out.

  “I have students reading in the back that I must attend anyway. Good day, sir.” The lieutenant met Bowie’s eyes as if to say, ‘you are in a strategy test now, speak wisely’.

  Bowie saluted the captain and waited for him to speak. “You have done surprisingly well with the training. My HAT is off to you for training such a fine group. I was hoping that you would see to their training personally.”

  Bowie cleared his throat, “Thank you sir for the compliment. The recruits that came seemed to be already good at using a bow. I just gave them a few small adjustments to their style. Once I had trained some it was easy to get them to help train others. I hope that what I did does not displease the king.”

  “Well the king has not heard of it yet, but I’m sure that there will be no problems. Hats are less expensive than chainmail for the archers. You might even receive another promotion for your strategy. Of course that will have to wait until after your friend’s trial. Being associated with a man that committed murder does draw suspension from the king.”

  “Excuse me sir, I don’t have any friends going to trial. Unless Chit murdered someone. In that case he’s not really a friend. He’s more like a person that was born in the same realm as me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You mustn’t have heard. Kilen is in the dungeon for killing one of the king’s scouts. He brought his trophy right to my feet and dropped him on the ground. I had to forcibly take his weapon and armaments from him to prevent any other murders.” Bowie was so shocked that he did not know what to say. If Kilen truly committed this murder, than he didn’t know his friend at all. Bowie then thought about Kara. He had promised that he would take care of her. She was like a sister to him. “I am sorry to have to tell you the news. I thought that you would have known.”

  “What can I do to help, Sir? I don’t think that Kilen could kill anyone.”

  “I thought that you said he killed two fire wizards while traveling here. Perhaps he acquired a thirst for battle and blood. Either way I do not think that you should do anything. If someone comes to ask, simply tell them you don’t know anything about the murder and that you don’t want to take place in the trial.” Bowie slowly nodded and started to open his mouth but Lorusk cut him off, “I don’t know what that fire wizard sister of his would do if she didn’t have you to pay for her training here. I would hate to see such a pretty thing starve to death.” The captain knocked his gloved hand on the table twice, “Well, it seems I’ve stayed longer than I should have. I have to be off to train the king’s champion. Keep up the good work and think on what I said about your friend.” Bowie nodded and then saluted the captain as he departed the room.

  She sat quietly in her room practicing with the flames of the candle, adjusting the size of the flame smaller and larger. Keeping the candle from melting too fast was the hard part. She had to constantly direct the heat away from the wax and up to the ceiling. It had been a couple days since her emotions had gotten the best of her. Now at lunch and dinner she had someone to talk to . Keeping calm was worth it when you got to speak to someone other than yourself. It was almost lunch time and she was getting anxious about talking with someone. Chris and Ben had brought a flower in a metal vase for Kara yesterday and she had managed to keep from destroying it. She hadn’t touched it or the vase just in case she might accidently. It reminded her of the flower bushes she helped her mother tend back in Humbridge.

  Chris and Ben had complimented her on the progress she had made. They had not seen anyone that could keep from attacking their guards within two months of confinement. She took great pride in that, and tried to improve every day. She hoped that soon she would be able to control herself enough that she would be able to eat with them in the sunlight. Kara was tired of living by fire light.

  Keys rattled in the door lock and Kara sat down on her mattress, waiting for Ben and Chris to enter the room. She had no trouble controlling herself when they entered now. The two men were always polite and tried not to make any movements to startle or offend her. “Miss Kara?” she heard Chris ask from around the door.

  “Come in, I’m fine. Can you bring extra water for my flower?”

  “We already did, my lady.” They brought two stools in and a small stand for her meal. Chris held the shield in front of him with the tip resting on the ground. He didn’t hide behind it like he had the first day. Now she knew what they looked like, and she took pleasure at seeing Chris smile. They patiently waited as Ben filled the vase and washstand and brought in a covered food dish and water pitcher. Ben had taken to wearing a black hat with a green feather in it. He wore it every time she saw him in the last two days. Finally they took a seat on the stools and left the door open so they could exit quickly in case Kara allowed herself to become upset. Kara picked up the tray with the food and uncovered the dish to find a light soup with a couple rolls of bread. It was a meager meal, and the smallest that she had received since starting to eat with the men. It mattered little. The two men started talking about how the soldiers couldn’t leave the castle grounds now that someone had killed one of the king’s scouts. They explained about random attacks being committed in the city and arsons on buildings in town. She could tell that they were clearly upset about not being able to leave the castle grounds. None of the discussion mattered to Kara. She just enjoyed hearing someone else speak. She was alone and it was quiet all the time in the cell. The isolation made her long to hear other’s voices.

  Suddenly Mary stepped through the open door. Chris and Ben stood up as fast as a lightning strike. Ben bumped the washstand and the vase and flower fell to the ground. Chris raised his shield in reflex and Ben ducked behind him. Kara knelt down and placed her hands into the water, trying to save the flower. She Carefully picked it up and placed it in the vase. A small roll of paper laid against the wall where the flower had landed. She left it alone and placed the vase back on the washstand. Mary looked at the two men then looked at Kara, “Get out.” Quickly and without a word they gathered the stools and the tray and dishes. Kara very much wanted them to stay and talk and started to get a little agitated at the thought that Mary might not let them return. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths while trying to calm herself.

, I’m going to speak to the gentlemen out here in the hallway a moment. Take the time to compose yourself. When you’re ready, call and I will come back in.” Mary closed the door behind her as she left. It didn’t take long for Kara to calm herself. She told herself that she doesn’t even know what Mary was going to say. The situation could result in more privileges.

  After regaining her composure she rushed to the wall where the small wax-covered scroll still lay. She made her hand hot and the wax melted away, leaving the small paper scroll. She unrolled it and immediately recognized Bowie’s handwriting.

  “No matter what happens, I give you my word that I will let no harm come to you.” She read the note aloud to herself twice more before rolling up and sticking it in a crack in the wall. It was the first thing that she had heard from Kilen or Bowie since arriving. It warmed her heart. She felt that nothing could set her mood aflame. She wished that she had checked the vase sooner. She would have been in a much better mood for the day. She started to smooth down her dress and remembered that she was wearing the leather outfit that Mary had given her. She put her hands down to her side and called out that she was ready.

  Mary entered the room and placed one hand on her hip. “It seems that you are doing rather well. These men told me that you have spent every meal with them in your room conversing.” Kara still didn’t know whether or not she was happy about the progress. She didn’t want to get them in trouble. She had to take a deep breath at the thought. Then she was reminded of the note and smiled at Mary. “Well well, it does seem that you have progressed. Perhaps we should do a little test then. Men, clear out the room. I would hate for anything to get damaged during her test.” Ben cleared out the room as Chris held the shield at the ready. It didn’t take long for the few objects she had earned to be stripped from her. She barely held her composure as she watched every item slowly disappear behind the door.

  Mary closed the door behind them and waited for it to be locked from the outside. Once that was complete she turned back to face Kara in the black room. The candle was still lit, but placed in the corner. The shadows cast across Mary made her seem more vicious and unforgiving. Slowly Mary approached Kara and stood so close that their feet interlocked like the teeth on a clock’s gear. Ever so slowly Mary’s arms enveloped Kara in a gentle embrace. Kara thought that it could have been the warmest hug that she had ever gotten. Then she realized that fire wizards were warmer than others and knew it was the warmest hug she had ever received.

  Mary pulled away and there were tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong, Mary?”

  Mary put her arms on Kara’s shoulders, “I’m sorry I must tell you this in a way that you will be able to hear me before reaching inferno, so listen carefully. He is innocent.” The statement made the note that Bowie had written her leap to the front of her mind. He had said no matter what happens, I give you my word I will let no harm come to you.

  “The wizards’ council is doing their best to prove his innocence. I need you to remember who the real enemy is.” She pointed to the holes in her dungeons ceiling. “Your brother is being tried for murder.” It took only a moment for Kara to comprehend what Mary was telling her and when she did an inferno erupted. Kara’s body could not be seen in the white hot flames that filled the room. Mary laid down on the floor near the door and began absorbing the heat as fast as she could. Still the amount of fire being produced by Kara was overwhelming her. She had to use the energy that was being emitted by the flames to redirect some of the heat towards the ceiling.

  On the other side of the door Ben and Chris were franticly calling out to either of the women inside. Mary felt water streaming under the door in their attempt to keep it from melting off the hinges. She opened her eyes long enough to see that it was glowing orange from the heat. Mary called out to them to stop and told them everything was fine. The two men seemed to be more concerned with Kara as they continued to call out to her.

  Kara’s flames died out almost as quickly as they had come. Mary barely got off the floor fast enough to catch her from falling. She had used every ounce of energy in her rage. Kara had even managed to burn off the leather clothes that they both wore. Drawing heat from the door she made it cold enough for the men outside to use. She told them to hand in two sets of leather. Mary first dressed herself and then dressed Kara. She knew that the castle would be in a frantic state trying to combat the damage that Kara had done the injuries to staff that were standing too close to vents. Paintings, tapestries, and curtains burned. Bathing tubs boiled over. Food burnt in ovens. She smiled, it would take days to clean up the mess that Kara had created in moments, days that Mary would be able to wreak more havoc to the king’s comforts and missions. The ultimate point in doing this task was to regain energy from the heat that Kara put off. Mary was so full of magic she would be able to provide days worth of pranks and intimidation where ever she wanted.

  She left the room and found Ben and Chris running out of the hallway leaving a trail of evaporating water. Other doors were glowing bright orange in the hallway, behind each of which contained another prisoner fire wizard. Kara had cause a chain reaction of the wizards in the hold. Mary laughed at the amount of damage she knew would have been caused by these wizards in addition to Kara’s. She walked through the smoke-filled halls of the castle enjoying the panic that came from every direction. Soldiers with cloth wrapped faces ran with buckets of water. Officers shouted orders, and recruits carried workers and servants from the rooms.

  She exited the castle to find a row of injured people being looked over by healers and water wizards. Twilix and Brent were among those that were helping. Both stood from their kneeling positions. Mary smiled at them. They both nodded in return in understanding what had happened. It would be a busy day of mischief for the king. Mary’s work was only beginning.


  After a few meals Kilen was able to start waking himself to eat, and soon was able to sit up and remain awake for a bit of conversation. More meals came and Kilen ate, and with Joahna’s help, stood. The cell was small, only two paces across, just enough to lie down stretched out from corner to corner. More meals came and Kilen consumed. He could stand on his own and remain awake for the large portion of the day. When he could do this, Jace and Max began pushing him to exercise and practice sword stances. “I cannot. Gortus would always attack me. I would just react, and that is how he was training me. Besides, I have no sword to practice with.” Kilen was depressed and still had much resting to do.

  You need to train. If the trial goes badly you will have to fight your way out of this realm. Joahna can help as long as he remains in elemental form. Max pushed at his mind from inside, steeling him to the task.

  “Stand up,” Joahna said in the darkness. “I think I understand what they want you to do. Remember how Max tried to help you by showing you visions of the attacks? Max and Jace can do that now. I am of no help with a sword. Your skill already exceeds mine.” Kilen gave in to the pleadings of the three men. He laboriously stood and held out his hands to start. He felt the freezing cold in the palm of his hand and grabbed on to what seemed to be an ice rod. He used his other hand to feel a blade made of ice which was forming in his hand. He now had a weapon to fight with.

  Max started to push images into Kilen’s mind. He reacted slow but with as much speed as he could muster. They said nothing of his speed, but instead they talked of how he could have done better. Kilen sometimes connected with the wall in the cell, shattering the ice blade. He heard guards in the hallways and the blade turned to mist in his hands. Immediately he dropped to the floor and feigned sleep. Kilen got a warm sensation in between his legs and water trickled to the floor. The lock turned and the guards entered the room with a lantern.

  “By the Brights, he’s soiled himself again. Fetch him a set of clothes to change into when he wakes,” one guard said as he looked for the reason for a noise. The second returned with a fresh set of clothes. “Leave it. He can change himself when he is able. You had better
bring his evening meal and put extra in it. The king wanted him talking by now. If he is still soiling himself we better increase his food for energy.” The second guard shuffled out and returned with a warm bowl of gruel and a piece of bread. The bread smelled delicious. Kilen held still despite of the grumblings of his stomach.

  The pair of men found nothing by lantern light and began searching the rooms next to him for any activities. Kilen ate the contents of the bowls and Joahna evaporated the wet spot he had created to get Kilen more clothes. The clothes provided little comfort against the stone floor, but made great protection for Kilen’s hand when holding an icy blade. Meal after meal Kilen spent in the dark, preparing for what would come next. He would be declared innocent or he would fight for his life.


  Leroy had slept little in the last two weeks, and it was now coming down to the final hours before Kilen’s trial. He still had not found Izabel. Using the gold that Kilen had given him, he stored all of his belongings and horses at an inn on the outskirts of town. He had gotten out of the castle grounds moments before the king decreed that no one could enter or exit. Sleeping for two or three hours at a time, he would search the city asking for Izabel.

  Leroy had started his search at the herbalist shop. He watched its doors for three days with little sleep before giving up. He then started asking around town about the best herbalist and found many people would know her by name and would tell about her shop. Some would know her personally and try and describe where she could be found outside of her shop. A few claimed that she would normally be seen with a girl playing a flute. They thought it was her sister. When he found a girl playing the flute he knew something strange was going on. He watched as the girl played her flute on a street corner and a man accused her of the girl’s brother robbing her. She claimed to have no brothers or sisters, and the guards let her go. He watched as little boys continued to come from different directions and put money in a mug at her feet.


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