The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

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The Weapon Bearer (Book 1) Page 47

by Aaron Thomas

  He picked up his shoeless feet as they dragged him down the hallway and received a strike to the back of the legs. “If you have enough energy to lift your legs walk yourself!” Kilen tried but was moving too slow for the sergeant that had been assigned the task of taking him to trial. They started dragging him again as soon as he couldn’t keep up. The dragging was too painful on his limbs so he picked his feet up again. The process repeated almost the entire way to the great hall. Twice during the ascent from the depths of the castle he was dropped onto the stairs, causing him to cut his lip.

  When he reached the hall doors he was already back to looking dirty, beaten, and bloodied. He wished he had a second to let Joahna cleanse him again, or heal his wounds. He lifted his head and saw a woman in a long brown dress. It buttoned its whole length from the floor to the top of the neck. Where the neck line stopped the lace began and continued to the tip of her chin. Then he recognized her, Twilix had her hair done up in a bun with a single strand of hair hanging down to the side of her face. She looked Kilen over and finally stopped on his eyes. She moved forward and stood close to him. The same sensation struck his body, wet then dry and clean. He felt the icy cold of water healing magic attack his lip and leave it whole. She said nothing but instead stood on her tiptoes to softly kiss his cheek. He wasn’t sure if it was the heat of the castle, or the kiss on his cheek but Kilen felt the warmth course through his body.

  She nodded to the large oak doors and the guards opened them wide to let them in. Every space was filled in the great hall. Rows after rows of chairs were filled with important looking people. Kilen wasn’t sure who would want to attend his trial. He was sure that it would be over in moments, and he would be lead to the gallows right after. He followed Twilix towards the dais where the king lounged in his large throne. A small wood pen was placed in the center of all the chairs so that all could see the accused. Kilen was placed inside and forced to kneel. Guards stood at the ready at either side of the wooden pen.

  Twilix leaned in close, “Say nothing unless it is asked directly to you. I will do the best I can with what evidence we have, which is little. If you have someone you know would have seen something, speak their name so I can call on them.”

  “Izabel, the herbalist, she saw everything,” Kilen said in response. “Who are all these people?”

  Twilix pursed her lips and turned her head to the side, “Izabel, you say. I hope that she is in attendance. Most of these people are nobles of the realm. Whenever a weapon bearer is accused they always take an interest. Each one of them has gained their title and land from being a wielder or descendant of a wielder. Each one of them could suffer the same fate as you if they are accused. So you see they take an interest to make sure that you are guilty of the crime, otherwise the king could eliminate them all with the same evidence.” Kilen nodded that he understood, and looked around the room at each of the nobles trying to meet them eye to eye. She squinted her eyes looking at his face and smiled, “The first time we met in Humbridge, I was sure that your eyes were brown. In this light they look more like gold.” He hoped that having gold eyes would help him. She patted his hand then moved to sit in the front row to the left of the stand.

  Kilen looked around but did not see anyone that he recognized except the wizard council and Gortus. He wondered if Leroy was able to find Izabel, or if she had left town with his mother. She was the only hope he had of not going to the hangman’s noose. He started to panic and looked around the room for the nearest armor bearers and weapons. He wondered if he could escape if he tried.

  The room was in noisy chatter amongst the nobles, their guards, and servants. Kilen thought there must have been at least five hundred in attendance. He was the focus of attention. He was glad that Twilix did what she could to make him appear worthy of the title, ‘weapon bearer’. Even if she couldn’t make him look any more than the part of a captured one.

  Then he saw her. Izabel set at the midpoint in the section to the left of the small wood pin he sat in. She sat calmly amongst nobles and guards, but he couldn’t see Leroy anywhere. The only reason he recognized her was her fingers. They were brown with dirt and clashed with the bright slender yellow dress she wore. Other than her fingers she looked the part of a noble, with a wide brimmed flashy hat to match her dress. He felt some relief at seeing her.

  In a loud booming voice the king spoke, “Present the charges!” Calvin stood on the first row of the right side and stood in-between Kilen and the king. He turned to the large audience and spoke with the same authority as the king.

  “Kilen Everheart of the Water Realm and weapon bearer to the Earth realm has been accused of murder to the king’s scout. The deceased and victim, Jace Witcom, weapon bearer of the Earth Realm. Due to the nature of murder between wielders employed by the king of one realm, a charge of treason is here instated. The punishment for treason is death, by traitor bowl.” Calvin bowed to Atmos and returned to his seat.

  “Who will represent the realms interest in this trial?”

  Brandon stood and walked to the center point just to right of where Calvin stood. “Councilmen to the Earth Realm and Earth Realm Seat, I, Wizard Brandon Parker, represent the Earth Realm,” he bowed after the statement.

  “Who will represent the accused in this trial?”

  “Twilix stood and walked to the center point just to the left, “Water Wizard Twilix will represent Weapon Bearer Kilen Everheart.” She emphasized the title weapon bearer in her announcement. She wanted to let everyone know that he was a weapon bearer and not just an accused.

  “Councilman present your evidence.” Brandon bowed deeply as Twilix moved to stand at Kilen’s side.

  “I present Captain Lorusk of the Earth Realm.” The captain moved from the side of the throne to stand at the center point of the floor and faced the king. Kilen then noticed that it was not just any guard standing next to the king, it was Chit in shining armor, his mule-headed sword sticking up from behind his shoulder. “Captain Lorusk, please tell the king what you witnessed on the day of the murder.”

  “I was training the champion in the King’s courtyard, when the accused dropped from the upper levels. He landed in front of us with Scout Jace Witcom dead in his arms. Jace had a Crescent arrow sticking out from his chest, and the accused had a bow in his hand. I disarmed the accused and confiscated his armaments. His quiver was full of Crescent arrows.”

  Brandon walked around the captain as he spoke, “Tell me more about these Crescent arrows, Captain.”

  “Sir, Crescent arrows are rare in the Earth Realm, as they are made by a master craftsmen in the Water Realm. The Crescent arrows are made in the Humbridge township where the accused his born.”

  Brandon stopped in front of the captain, “Thank you, Captain. You may return to your post.”

  He started to walk away, but Twilix cleared her throat and he stopped. “If I may, Captain?” He bowed his head and took up his place in the center. “Where is this craftsmen located now?”

  “A man that claims to be Master Crescent, the arrow maker, is residing in the castle grounds at this time. However, we have not seen him make….

  “Thank you, Captain. Now if I would look at your personal quiver, What kind of arrows would it contain? Think now, because I surely could send a servant to get the items.”

  “It contains Crescent arrows.” Twilix smiled at him, and turned to stand by Kilen once again.

  “I guess that you have the same right to be in the accused position if it is a matter of what type of arrows are in your quiver. Perhaps he is the accused simply because he was in the courtyard. Of course you said you were there also, so again you would be accused. Perhaps the fact that Mr. Everheart was holding a dead person makes him the murderer. In that case, I must have murdered my father since I held him on his deathbed.”

  “Enough, Wizard Twilix!” The king shouted. Twilix curtsied and bowed her head and returned to her position near Kilen. The captain simply resumed his position on the king’s right si
de. “Next, Wizard Parker.”

  The next to witness was a man that claimed to see Kilen setting fire to a tavern near the market. The second witness saw Kilen holding a bow while standing over Jace on a rooftop. Then woman who saw Kilen shooting arrows at another roof. Twilix didn’t acknowledge their words at all. She simply stood by Kilen’s side and inclined her head when Brandon was done questioning them. Chit was then called and accounted to the same as Lorsuk. Then Brandon finished by accounting that no one was witnessed on the roof tops besides Kilen and Jace. Twilix still stood and did nothing to rebuttal his evidence.

  Jace was a knot of frustration in the back of his mind, My death has become a way to kill you. It was meant to save you. The next time I tell you to run, you had better heed my words. Kilen almost started nodding to acknowledge the man in his head.

  Twilix was then told to call her witnesses, “Izabel, the herbalist, if you are present would you present yourself to testify.” The crowd started to chatter amongst themselves, especially amongst the nobles. In her smooth yellow dress and large hat Izabel made her way out of the crowd and to the witness circle in the center of the room. Twilix walked around her for a moment and tapped her lip a few times before saying anything. Twilix stood still in front of the woman, examining her from head to toe. She paid no attention to the crowd as they talked. King Atmos slammed a fist onto the arm of his oak throne. The crowd became silent and awaited his voice.

  “On with the questioning, Wizard Twilix.” He adjusted himself in his throne as if he was bored with the proceedings.

  “I am sorry, my lord. I have no idea what to ask her. I was just informed of her being able to witness, as I was not allowed to speak to the accused before he arrived. Since he spent the last two weeks in the dungeons, I was denied entry saying supposedly he was too weak to move.” The crowd began to talk again. Kilen overheard them talking. Some said he had no right to deny the weapon bearer a council. Others were talking about the treatment of a weapon bearer, reduced to staying in dungeons where they keep the common criminals. The crowd was obviously upset with Kilen’s conditions for the last two weeks. Twilix let out a big sigh, “I will do my best.” She took one more turn around Izabel and finally met her eye to eye. “What is your involvement with my weapon bearer?” Kilen noted she used the words “my weapon bearer.”

  “He has on occasion purchased herbs for his food in my store.” Twilix seemed to take ease at the answer.

  “Can you tell the king what you remember happening on the day of this murder you witnessed.”

  Izabel inclined her head and then looked up at the king, “Your Majesty. I witnessed no less than six men attack another with arrows and swords on a rooftop near the market square. I also witnessed Kilen here bravely jump to defend the man on the rooftop. He then picked the man up and hurried off in the direction of the castle.” The king’s face turned a shade of red and he started to grind his teeth. “There were others in the market I’m sure could account for this if you wish to call upon them,” she said.

  The king slowly sat up in his throne, “I think you’re account will be sufficient.”

  Twilix cleared her throat, “I am sorry, my lord. I believe that if there are more witnesses we must hear from them.” The king started to speak, but before the words could escape his mouth Calvin stood from his chair.

  King Atmos held up his hand, “I know Calvin. I will hear the witnesses if they are present. If they are not then I will make a ruling now. We have wasted enough time on this trial as it is. There are matters of the realm that I must see to.” The King was obviously trying to hurry the trial along before he would have more accounts of Kilen’s innocence.

  Twilix turned back to Izabel who was still standing in the center, “Can you name them for the king?”

  “Yes, Lord Bach Fulstom, Mistress Neve Scump,” the crowd erupted with hysteria at the mention of the noble’s names as witnesses. Izabel seemed like she was trying to name more but was cut off by the chaos amongst the nobles. Finally the king pounded his fist on the arm of his chair three times to bring everyone to silence. They all returned to their chairs except for the two nobles mentioned.

  Lord Fulstom spoke without being recognized by the king, “I have no idea what she is talking about, my lord. I was not in the market square on that day.”

  Izabel turned to face the noble and smiled, “I thought you would remember, my lord. You were purchasing your normal herbal remedy for…“

  “WAIT!!” The noble glared at Izabel, and she returned a wink. He took a hard swallow and his eyes flickered between the king and Izabel. She looked around at all the other nobles in attendance and back at Lord Fulstom. “Was that the same day?” Izabel nodded to say that indeed it was, “Well it seems ..yes..yes I recognize the boy now. It is hard with his current condition. I also witnessed everything that she has spoken of.” The nobles talked amongst themselves as he remained standing.

  Izabel was still standing in the center of the room, “Perhaps Mistress Scump will need a reminder of her business with me also?”

  “No need, Izabel. I remember him clearly unlike some of the others. I witness her accounts to be true,” a large woman said from the rear of the crowd.

  Twilix turned to Izabel, “Is there anyone else you can name a witness to what you saw?”

  Izabel smiled and pulled a rolled piece of paper out of her sleeve and unrolled it so that it was the length of her forearm. “I have a list here, Wizard Twilix.”

  A noble stood from the center of the crowd, “I don’t think that we need to hear the accounts of all those on the list. If two of the realm’s most trusted nobles were able to verify her accounts, I would say let there be a judgment so that we can attend to other matters.”

  “Well spoken, my lord. If the King will allow this list to be passed around I’m sure that all the nobles on this list would place their seal upon it verifying Izabel’s testimony,” Twilix said while taking the list from Izabel and brought it to the king. He looked at the list and saw that it contained the names of nearly every noble in attendance. He knew that if he went against the evidence the nobles would declare him not fit to rule and rally to overthrow him. Normally he could call his arms and protect himself, but not while dealing with a Fire Realm Army in his lands. He knew he had no other choice but to rule in favor of the boy’s innocence, but it was a hard thing to do because of all his planning. Yet again the boy would escape and take his sword and claims with him.

  “In light of the testimony the boy is clearly innocent and I resolve any charges brought forth against him.” In the king’s words there was no celebration from those in attendance, except those voices inside Kilen’s head. A white bird flew circle’s overhead, as the guards released the catches on Kilen’s shackles. There was anger in the king’s voice as he shouted over the talking crowd, “All the heads of the noble house’s stay for urgent business. All others depart from my hall at once.”

  Kilen followed Twilix out of the great hall and as soon as they passed the large oak doors Twilix turned and threw a hug around Kilen’s neck. He heard Izabel’s voice from behind, “You owe me another growing, Kilen Everheart.” With that, Twilix threw her arms around Izabel and thanked her. “It was nothing, you can be found innocent of almost anything if you know the right people.”

  Kilen turned to her, “I don’t remember any of them being there that day.”

  “Of course you don’t Kilen, they weren’t there,” she laughed as if they all understood. “All of those nobles are customers of mine, and let’s just say they don’t want their remedies revealed to anyone. Lord Fulstom would deny his ailment to his death bed. Of course if his wife found out she would kill him anyway,” she giggled again. Twilix and Kilen looked at each other in confusion. “You two need to get out of the castle more often. Lord Fulstom doesn’t fancy a woman’s curves but the sweat rolling down a man’s back. My remedies are the only reason he and his wife have had three strapping boys. I am the reason that blood line has been carri
ed on. Each of those noble houses has a secret that they don’t want revealed. I simply made them think I would reveal their secrets to everyone at once.”

  Kilen was still confused, “Why would the king care about that?”

  “Oh Kilen, he wouldn’t. I think that if he did know their secrets you would be quite dead long before now. He probably would have had the nobles at each other’s throats, but this king is not like his father. This king is a warmonger ruling with his fist instead of his head. King Atmos simply had no choice but to free you or I would reveal their secrets. If I did that it would be his fault and they would rebel against him.” Kilen started to understand what she was talking about, but would have to think about what had truly happened in the trial. “I would keep your friends close, Kilen. The king sacrificed a scout like Jace for a chance at killing you. You have to know he will try again.” A white bird chirped from overhead emphasizing the truth of her words.

  Twilix spoke with a soft voice taking him out of his deep concentration, “Come with me, Kilen. I bet that you would like a decent meal.” He nodded and she slipped her hand into his arm and pulled him through the halls to the kitchen.

  Kilen awoke early the next morning. It felt good to sleep on a straw mattress after two weeks on a stone floor. He stretched and looked around the empty room. No one had come to visit him after Twilix had left him at his barracks door step. He hoped that Leroy would have brought him an extra set of clothing by now. Brent had sent for Leroy right after the trial’s conclusion and he still hadn’t made it back to the barracks. Since there was nothing for him left to do in the barren room he shrugged into the wash stand mirror and opened his door.

  Ted stood at the end of the hallway behind his desk. He seemed very happy to see Kilen standing in the unlit hallway. Ted grabbed the lantern and made his way to Kilen, “I am glad to see you awake so early.”


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