Shade: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 7)

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Shade: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 7) Page 12

by M. Merin

Letting Riley pull out ahead of me, I can’t help but wonder if that was her breakfast disagreeing with her or a little morning sickness. Keeping my opinion to myself, I let her get down the street before following her to make sure she’s safe. She doesn’t go the way I expect and is soon driving up to the storefront that Gunner’s furniture is sold out of. She’s well wrapped in his arms when I drive by. Looking up when I slow down, he sees me and gives me a nod.

  Not for the first time, and probably not for the last, I find myself wondering about those two again. They are the definition of opposites attracting and I decide to ask Ellie how they got together. My aunt usually knows all of these stories.

  Getting home, I start looking online for babysitters. The neighbors on the block have gotten colder since Shade started coming around, and his arrest has put them on alert. Besides, when I do move in with Shade, I’ll need someone more dependable than the high school girl down the block.

  A knock on the door is the perfect excuse to stop looking at all the caregiver ads. Peeking through the window, I see an older biker who seems familiar but I can’t remember his name. Putting the chain on the door, I open it a crack while using my foot to block it on the inside.

  “Good, you’re being careful,” he smiles at me. “I’m Flint. You must be Rosy.”

  Stopping myself from closing my eyes and shaking my head, I narrow them and square my shoulders instead. “My name’s Jessa.”

  “Got some fire in you, I see. You’ll need it around Shade.” He laughs before holding his hands up in surrender when my cheeks turn pink. “None of that now, I actually come in peace.”

  “What’s going on?” I know full well this isn’t a social call.

  “Things are moving and I think there’s a good chance your man’s gonna be released today, he’ll be in front of the judge in a couple hours,” he says, giving me the first good news I’ve had in days. “We’re trying to keep the chatter off the phone lines so I offered to swing by on the way to the courthouse. I’d like you and Danny to be there.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him as I try to figure out why I’m hearing about this from a stranger.

  “There’s risks, Ro…Jessa,” he corrects himself. “We don’t know who’s trying to set up Shade. If they’ll have a watcher at the courthouse and from the MC’s perspective – you’re family now and we’ll have someone keeping an eye out as long as needed to keep you and your boy safe.”

  Staying silent another minute, I finally get it. “We’re there and the judge can see Shade as a family man.”

  “That’s the plan.” Flint nods. “An innocent man doesn’t go running when he has something to lose.”

  “The flipside is Michaels. Michaels will paint a different picture and my job…”

  “Yep,” he says in a softer voice. “Gotta level with you. Unless we get some kind of break I haven’t heard of yet, you ain’t in an easy spot right now.”

  Danny fusses in his pack n’ play and my breasts almost ache in response. Knowing I have some time left before he starts crying, I unchain the door and walk out onto the porch with Flint.

  “We’ll be there because I know Shade didn’t do this. Do you have children, Flint?” I glare up at him and he holds up three fingers. “I want all the protection you’re offering. I think Shade would agree with me that Danny’s the only thing that matters. I want Shade back with us, so I’ll be there. We’ll be there.”

  Flint studies me for another moment before turning to leave. He suddenly looks over his shoulder as I’m opening the door at my back.

  “He level with you?” Flint’s voice is no longer trying to keep me calm. It’s deep and serious in a way it wasn’t before. “You have any idea…”

  “What you all think of him? That pisses me off in the worse way,” I step towards Flint and he looks startled, his foot barely balancing on the bottom step. “The night we met, he protected me. He’s never lied to me – not even that night, about it being a one night stand. Since he chased me across the town square, you know what he’s shown me time and again?

  “That he’s trying pretty fucking hard to change – even before he knew about Danny. He’s been amazing to me and he doesn’t hesitate to help out with our son. And, yeah, he’s told me about the other stuff,” I wave my hand in the air. “That’s all seriously messed up but I honestly think he’s trying to be more, and since I’m not perfect I won’t fucking condemn him.”

  Flint studies me for a few seconds before he nearly collapses with laughter. I stand there, getting more annoyed by the second.

  “We’re screwed! The whole fucking lot of us!” He says as he gets his laughter under control and I start to wonder if he’s sane. “Shit! If Shade’s met his match, there’s no help for the others.”

  “Have someone text me a time to be at the court house,” I order before heading inside to feed Danny.

  Going back inside, I see to my son before getting into the shower. If I’m going to do Shade’s image as a family man any good, I have to look nice, but not like I’m trying too hard. So, I blow out my hair and put on a light amount of makeup; taking a moment, I really study my face in the mirror. It’s been so long since I’ve had time to do that.

  The woman staring back at me has changed so much in the past year, there aren’t many visual differences but I definitely feel older than I look now.

  My phone buzzes. It’s Ellie, letting me know the time and that I’ll have an escort waiting outside when I’m ready to go.

  Chapter 15


  I catch a glimpse of Ellie when I’m getting escorted over to the courthouse and she throws me a little wink before looking back at her monitor.

  She’s a funny old bird, and I’m surprised she has warmed up to me as much as it seems.

  Finally getting to the court room, my jaw drops at seeing Jessa and Danny in the front row. She’s cradling him in her arms and uses his little fist to blow me a kiss.

  Today comes down to the county prosecutor having to charge me with something or release me all together, the asshole decided on trespassing based on my fingerprints at the scene. I know he’s salivating to pump up his reputation by pinning a big crime on me, but try as they have, the timeline doesn’t fit for a murder charge. Especially since the Sheriff’s wife agrees that I was across town with her when Roth was being sliced and diced.

  My lawyer, Jessup, nods confidently at me as I’m led to the seat next to him. I immediately turn and lean my head back to soak in the sight of my woman and son, surrounded by so many of my Brothers. Jessa stretches over the partition to give me a kiss.

  “Miss you, Rosy,” I whisper. “How’s our boy?”

  “He’s good. Jasper escorted us over here today.” She answers the unspoken question I was wondering about and I look at him, silently thankful. My Brothers are stepping up like they’d do for any Ol’ Lady whose man is away.

  “Brothers?” I call out, keeping my eyes on Jessa and Danny.

  “Yeah, Shade?” Jasper responds in his usual mild tone.

  “I’m claiming Jessa Hall as my Ol’ Lady,” I smirk at her. Jessa’s face blooms red as my Brothers let a cheer up. Across from me, I see the Sheriff tightens his hand into a fist.

  “Little different, doing this here. But I think we’re all good with that,” Jas’ smile widens and he claps Jessa on the back. “Welcome to the family, Rosy.”

  I throw my head back and laugh at the look she gives Jasper for using that nickname. In the next moment, we’re all asked to stand as the judge enters the courtroom.

  Judge Daniels takes a long look around the room before letting his eyes settle on me. I see them dart back to Jessa and Danny behind me and they widen a bit.

  The prosecutor starts things off, asking for a crazy ass amount of bail; then Jessup gets his chance to refute everything he says. During the whole argument, I’m trying to ignore Sheriff Michaels’ eyes boring into me. Surprising everyone, the judge calls on him when Jessup stops speaking.

what do you think about this charge?”

  “I doubt Mr. Hall has left a fingerprint behind since he was in middle school,” Michaels drawls after a minute. His comment gets chuckles from my Brothers in the gallery behind me, but my head spins around and I pin my focus on him.

  “Then why are we here today?” Judge Daniels reaches for his gavel.

  “Well, I’m sure he’s guilty of a lot of things, but as I followed up on his alibi for that day, all we had left were two partial prints found in the victim’s apartment.” Michaels shrugs off the look the prosecutor is giving him. “Those could have easily been planted.”

  “What would you recommend?”

  Looking between Jessa, me, and the judge, he takes his time in responding, “I sure as hell wouldn’t mind an ankle bracelet on him.”

  “Mr. Jessup? Mr. Hall? Instead of bail, can we agree on that? Mr. Hall would wear an ankle bracelet for tracking purposes and stay within the county until we can reconvene in two weeks?” He suggests.

  “I object!” Jessup stands up, probably having more fun than he’s had since the last day-ride he took with us.

  He goes on to throw a lot of big words around and all I’m doing is trying not to get to worked up at the idea I might be spending tonight in Jessa’s arms. How I’ll get down on my knees and beg her to come stay with me at my house. At the house I want to make ours, where I want to see my kid grow up.

  “Mr. Hall,” Judge Daniels studies me further. “Your lawyer objects to violating your rights with an ankle bracelet in lieu of bail. What are your thoughts on the subject?”

  “Judge Daniels, I want to hold my son. Sleep in a bed with my Ol’ Lady. Go into work so I don’t get fired.” I shrug. “If you want to strap that thing on me then do it. I didn’t go near that guy. Michaels told me he’d nail my ass to the wall if I did. He don’t think much of me, but you heard him – it doesn’t sound like he thinks I’m guilty of any of this.”

  My lawyer and the prosecutor start freaking out the minute I finish speaking. The judge studies me solemnly before slamming his gavel.

  “Mr. Hall, voluntarily, will wear an ankle bracelet for the next fourteen days, unless any other evidence is found. He will be confined to work and home…” the judge keeps talking but I turn to look at Jessa. I mouth the words, ‘please stay with me’ to her and she nods.

  “Mr. Hall, do you agree?” Guessing I missed something, I look to Jessup and he indicates I should agree.

  “Yes, sir,” I look up at him.

  I have no fucking clue what I just agreed to but it sounds like I’ll be buried in my Ol’ Lady tonight, so nothing else matters to me.

  I don’t get a moment to enjoy the news before Michaels steps towards me and pulls me out of the courtroom the way I came in.

  “Kinda wondering, Sheriff,” I look at him. “Is this bracelet idea even legal?”

  “It’s a little unconventional,” he hems before he starts to explain how the program works and that he’ll be monitoring it himself.

  “I’m guessing that’s a little unconventional, also?” I smirk at him.

  “Something I need from you now,” Michaels says. “And you ain’t gonna like it.”

  “Forget it,” I say after studying his face for a split second. “Jessa and Danny are staying with me.”

  “Listen. I hate to fucking say this, but today, I’m on your side. Someone went to a crazy ass extreme to set you up. They had to have been watching you for a while, so odds are Jessa and Danny are already in their crosshairs. Seeing as how the murderer seems more interested in wanting to fuck with you than going after them; I’m asking you, to back away until we get this resolved.”

  “My Ol’ Lady, Sheriff, I’m not backing off. Besides, they’re safer with me than anywhere else,” I say, but my mind is moving a hundred miles an hour. Michaels seems to know a little too much about matters he shouldn’t.

  I have nearly a hundred kills and they didn’t happen by leaving fingerprints or a fucking trail. I have rules and they include no set method of killing. The set-up kill here in town was based on the one I did last May. It was the ‘job’ in June that was the first time the person who’s after me made themselves known. Just bad luck they weren’t among the men I killed that day.

  “I’ll station a man at the head of your drive -” Michaels tries again.

  “Fuck that. My Brothers will be on guard duty. You get to slap your friendship bracelet on me, that’s it.”

  Staring me down, I know he’s not happy but there’s fuck-all he can do about it. “I’ll drive you home, set a box up there then arrange a time with Gunner to install one at his shop. I’ll allow you twenty minutes travel time, each way. You’ll have to provide your work schedule or you will be in violation and the prosecutor will have a warrant to pull you back in here until your trial.”

  “What about any doctor appointments that Danny or Jessa have? Can I go with them?” I push, knowing I’ll get stir crazy being on lockdown.

  “Call me twenty-four hours in advance of any appointment and I’ll make a case-by-case call. Anything else?” He asks and I shake my head, eager to get a move on. “Let’s roll, asshole.”

  Don’t get me wrong, Michaels has an enormous stick up his ass but considering my history this could have gone a lot worse without him.

  Following him out, I see Jessa with my Brothers flanking her. Gunner’s got Danny’s carrier in one hand, his arm’s outstretched and he’s staring my kid down like he’s a time bomb.

  Without a word, I open my arms and Jessa is wrapped around me. I lean my forehead down to hers and look into her eyes.

  “I’m gonna get us through this, pretty momma,” I vow. “We’ll find out who’s after me and deal with it.”

  “Come on, Shade,” Michaels cuts in. “You’re with me until I get this all set up at your place.”

  “We’ll see you there,” Jessa kisses me quickly. “We’re going to make a quick stop.”

  Chapter 16


  Getting Danny into my truck, I turn to the Grizzlies around me, curious who’ll be escorting me. Royce and another guy I haven’t met before pull up behind me.

  “To your aunt’s house for your things?” Royce asks, obviously trying to figure out our route.

  “No, I have to make a stop first, then Ellie’s house to pack a few things before we head to Shade’s,” I clarify, biting the inside of my cheek.

  I’m heading to the bakery to pick up a few things and while I know that Royce paid to replace Molly’s window after he broke it during one of the weekends that the town put on their spring event; she certainly doesn’t have anything good to say about him.

  Driving the few short blocks to her bakery, I signal that I’m parking and can see Royce’s jaw tighten when he realizes where I’m heading.

  I jump out and release Danny’s car seat to carry him in with me. The second biker rides ahead to the corner but Royce parks behind my truck and quickly follows me, moving to open the door for me. Molly’s face falls the moment she sees who’s following me inside.

  “Molly,” Royce grins at her, forcing her scowl to deepen before she opens her mouth.

  Before any words come out, there’s a loud blast and we’re knocked off our feet. I try to scream as I lose my grip on Danny’s car seat but I have no breath in my lungs. My ears are ringing, Royce has fallen on top of me and there’s broken glass everywhere. My eyes are focused on Danny’s car seat, it skidded across the floor to the display case.

  I try to shrug Royce off to get to my son but see Molly crawl around the side of the case. She shifts the canopy back and releases the strap, nodding at me as she picks Danny up. I can slowly start to hear his screams as the ringing in my ears slowly lessens, just as Royce groans in my ear.

  “Fuck,” he gasps out, rolling off of me onto his side.

  Just then the other biker steps through the destroyed picture window.

  “Shit, your car blew up, Jessa!” He needlessly announces. “Everyone’s
coming this way. I couldn’t reach Shade but the Sheriff will hear about it.”

  “You would have still been in it if you’d gone straight to your aunt’s,” Royce moans out. “How’s the baby?”

  “He seems fine, just scared,” Molly says. “Royce, stop trying to get up. Jessa, are you alright?”

  I look over at Royce as I get to my knees. He seems to have shielded me from blast and the shattered glass, I reach up to my aching head to feel glass throughout my hair and I motion Molly back.

  “I can’t hold him until…” I pause trying to collect my thoughts as the other man helps me up. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Tanker. We haven’t met. You sure you’re ok?”

  I nod, hearing the sirens as a fire truck pulls across from my ruined truck, an ambulance right behind it.

  “Royce?” I ask, looking back at him while I rub Danny’s back.

  “Everything hurts,” he groans again as the paramedics rush in.

  “Jessa, head back there,” Molly motions to the kitchen. “Rinse your hair off in the sink, because I know you’re dying to get this one in your arms.”

  I follow her suggestion and carefully wind my fingers through my long hair, trying not to cry as I see streams of pink swirling down the drain. Once I think my hair is rinsed through, I squeeze it out and wash my hands. There are little cuts along my arms and hands, and my chin will have one hell of a bruise on it, but I can’t believe how lucky I got.

  Turning back to the store front, I see Flint standing in the doorway watching me closely.

  “How are you?” He asks and I manage to nod my head before tears fill my eyes and I find myself in his arms.

  “Hush now, Jessa. You and your son will go get checked out but you got lucky,” he whispers, looking over his shoulder as I cry. “Hey, look who’s here.”

  “JESSA!” Shade’s bellow fills the small area. Molly steps in his path and hands off our son as he walks towards us.

  Flint steps back and next, my arms are around Shade and our son. “Jesus, fuck, Jessa.” His breath is as shaky as mine. “That was too fucking close.”


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