Soul-O (Music & Lyrics #2)

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Soul-O (Music & Lyrics #2) Page 7

by Debbie Dickerson

  The crowd is loving Ménage; nobody is in their seat. They are really killing it up there.

  “Alright y’all, that does it for us, but I have a special treat for you. The luckiest man in the world in my eyes, Mr. Tanner Staff!” Tyler says.

  That was a dig, but it’s cool, I deserve that. The crowd goes crazy. Lyrics looks at me with shock and wonderment. I shrug my shoulders as if I have no clue about this. I lean in and kiss her on her cheek and say, “This one’s for you, baby.”

  Tyler hands me his guitar and I grab the mic and say, “Let’s hear it for Ménage! How y’all doing tonight?” The crowd goes crazy again. God, it feels great to be up here on stage. This song goes out to my fiancé, Dylan, my Lyrics, Brooke. Some of you may have heard some bullshit about me, but believe me, there is only one lady for me and I am her cowboy. I’m gonna sing a song called, No Doubt, from a kick ass band y’all probably know, Casey Donahew Band!” The entire crowd is on their feet and I can barely contain my smile.

  ♫I hear you're lookin' for a cowboy to take you for a ride

  Well baby, I think that I'm your man

  'Cause I've been broken and busted

  But these spurs still ain't rusted, and this saddle it's a wonder she'll still ride

  And it's gonna be a long night, so baby hold on tight

  I talk slow, but I still move real fast

  I'm here for the real deal, and your heart's all that I'll steal

  And girl there won't be no doubt

  You can't resist my Resistol

  It's black as the nightfall

  My boots they're leather and hide

  I'm here for a wild ride

  I'll stand right by your side

  And we'll dance til the sun comes up

  And I'm tore up from the floor up, look down and look up

  I'm a cowboy from my head to my toes

  And this rodeo's all I know

  I'll put on a real show

  And girl there won't be no doubt

  I've been thrown, I've been bruised

  Tossed and confused

  Eight seconds can seem like a day

  But stay out of my way

  'Cause I come to play

  And eight seconds is all that I'll stay

  You can't resist my Resistol

  It's black as the nightfall

  My boots they're leather and hide

  I'm here for a wild ride

  I'll stand right by your side

  And we'll dance til the sun comes up

  And I'm tore up from the floor up, look down and look up

  I'm a cowboy from my head to my toes

  And this rodeo's all I know

  I'll put on a real show

  And girl there won't be no doubt

  I love a girl with a tramp stamp

  A double dockin' boat ramp

  Whiskey - shaken, never stirred

  Tank tops and flip flops

  Those all night long truck stops

  And beer when it's cold and when it's free

  You can't resist my Resistol

  It's black as the nightfall

  My boots they're leather and hide

  I'm here for a wild ride

  I'll stand right by your side

  And we'll dance til the sun comes up

  And I'm tore up from the floor up, look down and look up

  I'm a cowboy from my head to my toes

  And this rodeo's all I know

  I'll put on a real show

  And girl there won't be no doubt

  No, girl, there won't be no doubt

  I hear you're lookin' for a cowboy to take you for a ride

  Well baby, I think that I'm your man♫

  I look at Lyrics and she is standing with her arms up, yelling at the top of her lungs. Her goofiness makes me laugh. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins right now. I want to stay up here and sing more but the next band is pumped and ready to roll.

  I say, “Thank you all so much. See y’all soon.”

  The crowd is applauding and I hear one girl yell, “I want to have your baby!”

  I laugh and walk off the stage. Making my way to Lyrics, I get a bunch of high fives and a few bold women attempting to give me their number. I make my way to the one person that means everything to me.

  “That was amazing, cowboy. What do you say we get out of here and ring the New Year in, in bed?” she asks.

  I immediately motion that we want the check.

  Tina waves her hand and yells, “It’s on the house. Now take that fine ass lady home before I do.”

  Lyrics raises her eyebrow at me and says, “Better hurry, I may take her up on it.”

  Instantly hard. I say, “Well, that would be a different New Year’s Eve.” She links her hand in mine and we head for the door.

  The girl that yelled out that she wanted to have my baby sees us leaving and yells, “Hey cowboy! This baby aint gonna make itself.”

  Lyrics grip gets tighter and she turns and flashes a big smile at her. Wow! I’m floored, figured she’d have something else to say, but she’s full of surprises. We get outside and Lyrics is laughing from her unpredictable sass.

  I pull her close to me and say, “You’re so sexy.” She looks at me with those baby blues and just smiles. It works. I’m a pile of mush.

  Chapter 14

  ‘Just when I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, you make a liar out of me.’

  Lyrics –

  Thirty minutes until 2017. I attempt to lure Tanner into the bedroom but he fiddles with his phone for a moment and walks over to me and says, “Let’s dance.” Holy hell, as if I’d ever say no to dance with this man. His song choice took my breath away. Chris Young’s, The Man I Want to Be. He pulls me in tight to his warm body, I feel his heartbeat on mine, and we begin swaying back and forth. He spins me out and then in to him again. He puts his mouth to my ear and says, “I promise to be the man that you see in me.” I thread my fingers up his neck and bring his deliciously perfect lips to mine as I gently take his bottom lip into my mouth. His arms loop around the small of my back and his kiss grows deeper. He steers me toward the bedroom and believe me, I’m not about to stop him. I glance at the clock and it is five minutes until the New Year. He gently lays me on top of the bed and runs his finger along my face, sweeping my hair behind my ear. He traces my jawbone with his finger and gently kisses my lips, teasing me with his soft tongue. He tastes like the perfect mix of whiskey, beer, and mint. Normally that sounds gross, but on him, it is perfect. I can’t believe the change in him. I thought I was losing him, just a couple days ago, but thank God, he realizes what he has and what he doesn’t want to lose.

  Tanner looks at the clock and immediately grabs the remote control to turn on the t.v. One minute left of this crazy, awesome, and fucked up year. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is the first New Year’s that we kiss. Of course, we’ve spent every New Year’s Eve together, but the kiss was always on the cheek and a big hug.

  I say, “This is going to be the best year yet!”

  Tanner smiles that gorgeous smile and says, “No doubt. This is the year I make you Mrs. Dylan Staff. I can’t believe after all these years, finally, you will legally be a Staff.”

  I roll on top of him and say, “I’ve kind of always been a Staff.”

  “Kind of? Always, but soon you will be my wife, the mother to our children, the grandmother to their children.”

  A snort laugh slips out and I say, “Slow down cowboy, we aren’t even married yet.”

  “Yeah, I know, but you knew it would turn out like this, didn’t you?”

  I smile and say, “Well, I always hoped it would. Being your wife was what I’ve dreamed about since I met you. Wondering what it would be like to have kids together, your mom as a Grandma, our Dads…”

  “And you told me to slow down?” We both laugh. Tanner puts his hands on my face and says, “You know, we have enough money right now to start a famil
y soon after we get married.” Those words take me a back. My eyes well up, which is weird. I’m not that crying type of girl. I put my arms on his chest and lean up a bit.

  “Tan, I want to be with you forever, have a flock of kids, and do the whole shebang, but I think we should wait until we are finished with Jennifer.”

  He flips me over and says, “She’ll be done and out of our lives by the time we say I do.”

  I smile and ask, “How?”

  He rolls his eyes and says, “Shh. Let’s bring in 2017 the right way. As much as I love this dress on you, it is coming off, right now.” He stands me up and slowly unzips my dress, while trailing kisses on my neck. I begin unbuttoning his shirt and his soft, warm skin instantly sends a flood down south. As my dress hits the floor, he runs his finger along the inside of my panties and says, “These need to go too.” He slides them down and falls to his knees. His wet tongue is leaving cold trails on my stomach, which is making me need him even more. He moves my legs apart and as he reaches up and grips my nipple between his fingers, his tongue slides between my wet folds. As if that wasn’t enough, he slides his finger inside me and sucks my clit harder and harder. Standing up becomes hard as my knees begin to shake from the orgasm that is building up. He looks up and says, “Baby, you are so perfect. You taste so sweet on my tongue. I want you to come for me. Let me taste your come.” He adds a second finger and his face is buried between my folds, sucking and flicking hard. I grab his head and pull him tight as I release one of the biggest orgasms I’ve ever experienced. My legs are shaking, pussy pulsating, and breath gone. He drags his tongue up me one last time, which makes me jump. He wipes his mouth, stands up, and says, “Now that’s exactly how I wanted to welcome in this year.”

  I smile and say, “Well, I had something in mind too.”

  He raises his eyebrow and says, “Yeah, what?” I slide my hand onto his bulge and squeeze.

  “Actions are better than words, right?” I fall to my knees and look up at him, right in his golden caramel eyes. I unzip his pants and allow them to fall to the floor. His head falls back as I grab his shaft and take his tip into my hungry mouth. Immediately his hand finds the back of my head, pushing me deeper around his throbbing cock. I want him so badly. As I’m devouring him, I look up and he has his bottom lip between his teeth, and his eyes are shut in ecstasy. God, he is so fucking sexy. I move my mouth a little faster and suck harder with each stroke. He pulls my hair to release him but I refuse.

  He says, “Baby, you’re gonna make me come.” My fist is tight around his length and my mouth is trailing each stroke. I want to feel him explode in my mouth and swallow every bit of him. He says, “Oh shit, Lyrics, I’m gonna come baby.” His breathing is fast and loud as he thrusts his cock deep down my throat and I feel him release as he moans loudly. The salty, tangy come glides down my throat like dessert. I suck one last time and stand up in front of him.

  “That’s what I had in mind.”

  His smile is big as Texas as he says, “This year is off to a fucking fabulous start.” We both laugh and climb into the welcoming bed.

  Chapter 15

  ‘The past is history, but the future is right there in your eyes.’

  Tanner –

  Lyrics went to help Sophia pick out a few things for the party after they get married. I told her I wanted to stay in Austin and do some crap around the house. I lied. I am going to spend the day making phone calls and putting this Jennifer shit behind me. I don’t show it too often but being assaulted like that really fucks with you. I thought about going to a group session but I don’t know if I really need that right now. I just want to ruin her and then move on.

  I call Chip, who’s in Las Vegas for a Photography convention.

  He answers the phone and yells, “Tanner, just the man I wanted to speak with. Give me a minute so I can get out of this zoo. I’ll call you right back.” He hangs up the phone and less than a minute passes and my phone rings.

  I pick up and say, “Is that better?”

  “Listen, I was speaking with some big-time photographers this morning and three of them have scheduled shoots with bitch girl, coming up next month. I told them what she did to you. Don’t worry, they aren’t going to say anything. I’ve known them for years and they know I’m not full of shit or a drama queen. One at a time, they called Jennifer and told her that the shoot is cancelled and she is blackballed from ever working with them again. Then they called her agent and told her the same thing. Get this though, her agent had a lot to say about her and at the end of the phone call, she said that she is firing her as a client and will spread the word. Can you fucking believe this? Next call is to the tabloids.”

  I am blown away, speechless actually. I’m confused by the feelings I have right now. I say, “Looks like our plan is going exactly how we wanted it to go.”

  Chip senses the confusion in me and asks, “You still alright with this?”

  “I am, I just don’t want to get caught up in making this revenge thing my life. She deserves it, of course, I just want it to be done.”

  “You are a great man, Tanner. This is just about over. She’s not going to be able to deal with not working. It’s all that criminal witch has in her life. She thinks her actions have no consequences, but she’s wrong…dead wrong.” There is an evil tone in Chips voice, and I fully understand it. He holds guilt for leaving me that night, but it had nothing to do with him. I’m a grown man. Hell, I’ve left Lyrics many times to go get laid.

  “Chip, you know I don’t blame you at all, right?”

  He quickly says, “I know, but I do. That was my shoot. You were my responsibility, and so was she. What she did to you, she did to me too, in a sense.”

  “Listen dude, I absolutely do not blame you at all,” I tell him.

  Chip breathes deep into the phone and says, “I love you man, not in my gay way, but as a brother. I’m gonna make her pay. Why don’t I take it from here and I’ll let you know if anything should happen? You just focus on getting past all this bullshit, heck, you’re getting married in a few months.”

  I interrupt him, “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask if you’d be a groomsman. What do you say?” I can hear his smile over the phone.

  “For sure! I’d be proud to stand with you. After all, in my line of work it isn’t often that you get to be part of a marriage that will last forever. That girl of yours, she’s the real deal. A real catch.”

  I smile and say, “She thinks the world of you too. Awesome, thank you.”

  “Remember, I got this now. You are no longer involved in this, okay?”

  I pause for a moment and feel a weight lift from my shoulders. I gratefully say, “Can’t thank you enough.”

  “No need to thank me at all. I’m gonna get back inside now and find some young hot hungry photographer that wants me to teach him a thing or two.”

  I laugh and say, “Well, good luck and be safe. Watch your damn beer!”

  Chip awkwardly laughs and then hangs up the phone.

  I feel like such a burden has been lifted off me. Revenge is a horrible thing to get caught up in and Lyrics was being dragged into it too. I know Jennifer will get what’s coming to her.

  I call Lyrics and Mom answers the phone. She tries to pretend that she’s Lyrics and I laugh and say, “Come on, Ma, you think I can’t tell the difference? How is the best mom ever doing?”

  “Hanging out with our girl and Sophia, drinking some margaritas! Oh yeah, I’m doing very well.”

  I laugh and say, “So, can I talk to the other lush?”

  “Dylan, he says he wants to talk to the other lush.”

  Sophia grabs the phone and says, “Well hey there, honey. Heard you want to speak with the other lush.” They are all laughing hysterically.

  “Well hello. Ms. Sophia. Y’all having a great time, just the ladies?”

  She loudly says, “Oh, honey, it’d be impossible not to have a great time with these women. They’re fucking fabulous!”
r />   I can’t help but laugh out loud. I ask, “Ms. Sophia, could I please speak with the youngest partner in crime there?”

  “You sure can, sugar. Dylan, he is begging to speak to you, the love of his life. He’s going crazy without you in his arms.” This is a different side of her. Lyrics get on the phone and I can tell she’s trying to hide that she’s buzzed.

  “Hey babe, whatcha doin’? We are talking about weddings galore. Can you even begin to imagine how beautiful Sophia is going to look for her wedding?”

  “So exactly how many margs have you had?”

  She slurs, “One, two, four. Yep, four. Feeling tipsy here. You should come and join us.”

  I laugh and say, “Sounds fun but somehow I think you ladies are just fine without me there.”

  Lyrics whispers into the phone, “Do you know that I am gonna be your wife in about three months? Can you fucking believe that?”

  “Baby, I am counting the days. Go have fun. I fucking love you so much! Call me later.”

  “I fucking love you so much too.”

  I hear mom yell to my dad, “I fucking love you!”

  I hear in the background, dad yells, “Damn, woman, how much have you had already? Oh hell, I fucking love you too, you crazy lady.” I can’t stop laughing.

  “See what you started. Love you, bye,” I say.

  I take a deep breath and realize that for the first time in a while, I am truly happy. My head is clear and I feel completely me again. I decide that before I make Lyrics my bride, I want to have a house and get out of this apartment. I’m hoping that she’ll want to get pregnant soon after our wedding, so it’s time to get into a house. I call up my accountant, Stan and tell him my thoughts about buying a house.


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