The Broken Kingdom

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The Broken Kingdom Page 26

by Sarah Chapman

  They did not stay that way for long though before Riley started moving away.

  ‘Hmm?’ Vann stood quickly as Riley got to her feet. ‘Is something wrong?’

  Riley was blushing, her eyes bright, but she took his hand. ‘No. I just think… um, want to go somewhere else?’

  Vann managed to shrug nonchalantly. It was an effort. ‘Sure.’

  Slowly they began walking back to the camp in tense silence.

  ‘Do you want to know where we’re going?’ Riley finally asked.

  ‘Mmhmm.’ Vann mumbled. He didn’t trust himself to say anything.

  ‘W-we don’t have too-’

  Vann quickly cut her off, ‘Where do you want to go?’

  She smiled nervously, he had never seen her so nervous. ‘M-my tent?’

  Vann didn’t how he did it, but he managed to merely say, ‘sure. Let’s go.’

  Not a few days later Karesh spotted Vann, a silly grin plastered on his face, carrying all his worldly possessions out of his tent.

  ‘Vann?’ Karesh asked carefully.

  ‘Hi, Karesh. Let me finish moving my stuff, then you can have this tent.’

  ‘Why?’ he asked.

  Vann just smiled and continued walking. ‘You know how you like to pretend Riley and I are together?’

  Karesh nodded.

  ‘Well,’ Vann said as he dumped his stuff inside Riley’s tent. ‘Now you don’t have to pretend.’

  Chapter 57

  The decision about what to do about the humans was soon taken out of their hands.

  Riley quickly made her way over to Aerlid. Vann was not far behind.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  ‘There’s a Predator. Up there.’ Aerlid pointed.

  Riley looked up. She and Vann exchanged a glance, her expression softened quickly and the glance turned into a wide smile. It was hard to believe, after so long, that they were finally together. It still brought a silly smile to her face whenever she thought about it.

  Aerlid cleared his throat.

  She looked back at him, the smile gone. ‘How many?’

  ‘I think there’s just one, but now that I’m looking I think there’s one further away.’

  ‘Alright. Bring it down.’


  ‘I want that Predator to crash. Not right here, out away from the camp. And I want the pilot alive.’

  Aerlid stared at her. His eyes flicked to Vann. ‘I… alright.’

  ‘Do you think they were just scouting or were they looking for us?’

  ‘They’re far out to be just scouting.’ Vann replied. ‘I don’t know if they usually bother coming out over the forest. They could be here for another reason, or maybe the pilot just got lost.’

  ‘I wonder if they sent anyone out looking for you.’ Riley mused.

  ‘I would think so, but they wouldn’t have realized I came here, would they?’

  Riley shook her head slowly. ‘Well, we’re only a few days walk from the Plains.’ she turned her attention back to Aerlid. He had gone very pale. He was sweaty and trembling.

  And then suddenly he relaxed. ‘It’s done.’ he pointed. ‘It’s over there.’

  ‘Hello there.’ Riley greeted the man stumbling from the wreckage.

  He looked up at her, his eyes glazed with pain and shock, then fear as recognition slowly hit him.

  Riley smiled. It was a sharp, dangerous smile. ‘What are you doing so far from home, human?’

  He staggered to his feet. His eyes flicked to Vann, back again. He coughed.

  ‘Here. Have some water.’ Vann said and threw him a waterskin.

  The man took it, unsure.

  ‘I already crashed your little plane,’ Riley said, ‘do you want to see what I’ll do if you keep me waiting?’

  The man stiffened. He swallowed. ‘Scouting.’ he said hoarsely. ‘I’m supposed to be looking for signs of life, ehlkrid, gemeng, human. Finding the nests.’

  ‘Were you looking for me?’ Vann asked curiously.

  ‘Are you Vann Hilyard?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘I’m supposed to be looking for you too.’ his eyes flicked back to Riley.

  ‘You know, I don’t like people entering my airspace uninvited, especially people who have tried to kill me.’

  The man blanched.

  ‘Do you have any friends up there?’

  The man shook his head.

  ‘Really? Because that’s not what I heard. I don’t like it when people lie to me.’

  The man swallowed. ‘I-I have back up.’

  ‘I know.’ she smiled. ‘I’m going to let that backup come pick you up. And then you’re going to fly straight back to Astar and tell them the good news about me. And then I’m going to let Astar send some more people out here, and we’re going to have a nice long talk. Are we clear?’

  The man nodded.

  ‘Good. We’re going to walk away now. I suggest you don’t stray far. This forest is full of all sorts of things.’

  Riley and Vann left the man there. When they were far enough away, Riley asked Vann, ‘what do you think?’

  ‘I think you terrified him.’

  ‘Will it be enough?’

  ‘We’ll just have to wait and see.’

  Chapter 58

  ‘I would like to go, Master.’ Karesh said.

  ‘Karesh, if the only way to talk to these people is by flying, how are you supposed to get them here?’

  ‘I’m not sure, Master.’

  Riley glanced over at Adila. She had heard from the sun of another group of people, but they were in an isolated and inaccessible location. So inaccessible she thought only Karesh could get to them easily. Riley looked back at Karesh. ‘Alright, Karesh. You can go.’

  ‘Thank you, Master.’ He hesitated. ‘I would like to leave Kalgen in charge of the group, it’s his turn to go out. I will watch, and see how he performs.’

  Riley raised an eyebrow as she considered that suggestion. As per Karesh’s recommendation, Shiressa and Kalgen had been given command of a group of warriors. They switched; Kalgen leading the warriors to search for survivors, and then Shiressa and another group heading out while Kalgen and his warriors rested. They’d both been very proud to be recommended to the position by Karesh.

  ‘Alright.’ She said, and smiled. It was probably a good idea for Karesh to have a break from the camp for a while anyway. He avoided Avega, and was civil whenever they ran into each other, but he was still clearly uncomfortable around her. Maybe with some space, the memory will fade. At least he hasn’t let it interfere with his work, still I don’t like to see him so upset. ‘I’m sure he’ll be happy to have his superior along to judge him!’

  ‘He’ll be very uncomfortable.’ Karesh agreed.

  Riley laughed at Karesh’s lack of concern. ‘Alright, go get him for me.’

  Karesh left to do her bidding. Riley was relieved at the brief distraction the situation presented. The Predator had only crashed yesterday. It could be days to weeks or even longer before the humans showed up. She and Vann had already talked at length about all the possible ways the humans might act, and possible countermeasures. There was no point going over that again, yet still, options whirled ceaselessly around her mind.

  Karesh returned ten minutes later with Kalgen and his warriors. They’d already been organized to leave, as it was their turn to look for survivors.

  ‘Master?’ Kalgen approached Riley, Karesh at his side. ‘We are prepared to leave at your command.’

  ‘It’s going to be a bit different this time, Kalgen. The people you’re going to find are located at the base of a cliff. Adila thinks they will be difficult to access, so Karesh is going to go with you to help.’

  ‘Very well, we are ready to follow your orders.’ He said to Karesh, without a moment’s hesitation.

  ‘Not quite.’ Riley said, a smile curving up her lips. ‘You will command the group, as per usual. Karesh will just be another warrior in your group fo
r this assignment.’

  Kalgen was taken aback. He recovered quickly though, and with no small amount of pride in his voice said, ‘very well! We are ready to leave if you are! We will wait outside the shield for you.’

  Riley and Karesh watched him leave.

  ‘Looks like he’s ready to prove himself to you, Karesh.’

  Karesh shrugged, vaguely. ‘They were happy to be given command.’

  ‘They were happy you recommended them. Look how proud he is. Now, off you go. Try not to cause too much confusion with the chain of command, hmm?’

  It took the tribe a while to realise what was going on.

  The creature stepped over the flames that signified the extent of the shield and kept walking. For a moment he was ignored, or merely watched by those who did not quite understand. And then everyone seemed to spring into action all at once. Some fled to find Riley, while others advanced on the creature.

  The creature stopped, its head moving slowly from side to side. It was covered in blue plates, decorated in silver. Its head was pointy, mouthless and noseless. There was only a dark slit where eyes should be.

  And then the creature pulled its head off. The tribe was momentarily amazed and disturbed, until another head came into view. Beneath the pointy blueness was a human face, golden and striking.

  He opened his mouth and said something.

  By then Riley and Vann had arrived.

  ‘Hello.’ Riley said, her eyes narrowed.

  The man turned to her.

  He opened his mouth again and funny sounds came out. Then he coughed and rubbed his throat.

  ‘Hello.’ he finally said, his accent strong. ‘I think I’m lost.’

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘I am Ellis. I’m looking for a great empire.’

  ‘A what?’

  ‘It’s not here?’ he frowned. ‘You haven’t heard of it?’

  ‘This is the closest you’re going to get around here.’

  ‘Are you sure? It’s led by a powerful warrior who defeated the God Andalla. I’m looking for him.’


  ‘No, the man who defeated him.’

  ‘I killed Andalla.’

  The man stared at her. After a slight pause he said, ‘maybe you mean a different Andalla?’

  ‘I only know one. He lived beyond the clouds and commanded a people called the Andallites.’

  The man looked around again and shook his head. ‘I must have been misled. Do you know the valkar by any chance?’

  ‘Why do you ask?’ Riley asked, her eyes narrowing.

  ‘They’ll be able to direct me to the empire.’

  ‘And how do you know the valkar?’

  He smiled, it was a tad condescending. ‘I am descended from them.’

  ‘Really?’ Riley said coolly. ‘Which valkar, where?’

  ‘The valkar who live across the sea. I’ve come a very long way, and it wasn’t to chat with you. I’m looking for a great empire.’

  Riley spoke quietly to Vann, who quickly walked off.

  ‘This is as close as you’re going to get to an empire around here.’

  A spasm of disgust crossed his face. ‘It’s nothing but tents!’

  Riley crossed her arms and smiled thinly.

  Vann returned a moment later with Rose.

  The man’s eyes lit up when he saw her. ‘A valkar!’ he bowed. ‘I’m looking for an empire.’

  Rose regarded him dispassionately. ‘This is the closest you will get.’

  He frowned, but more politely than before, he said, ‘I see… I’m looking for the man who defeated Andalla.’

  ‘This is her. You claim to be of the valkar.’

  A range of emotions crossed his face. Nodding he said, ‘Yes. I am descended from the valkar who left their kind after Kalkaluna committed her crime.’

  Rose’s eyes widened. She looked him over with more interest. ‘You have some valkar within you, but you are not a valkar. Do any more valkar exist?’

  ‘Only one still lives.’

  ‘And where are you from?’

  ‘Across the sea.’ he smiled. ‘I can describe my journey to you, so you may find my homeland. But first I have some business to attend to.’ He turned to Riley. In a loud, regal voice he demanded, ‘I challenge you for control of your collection of tents.’

  Riley raised an eyebrow. ‘Fine.’

  He put his helmet back on. The crowd parted and moved around until Riley and the man were in the centre. From across his back he drew a greatsword, it was nearly as tall as he was.

  Riley waited, dressed only in black cloth as he approached, utterly covered by the blue and silver metal.

  Vann stood next to Rose as they fought. The stranger was faster than Vann would have thought possible with all that armour. He swung the giant sword around with little effort. And yet compared to Riley he lumbered around. Though Vann wondered how she was going to hurt him with her sword- that looked small in comparison to his- and all his fancy armour.

  ‘Did you know about them?’ Vann asked Rose.

  ‘We’ve never had contact with them. This is amazing, I will go myself and speak to the survivor. Those that left never committed any crimes. If the survivor wishes it, he or she may return to the city.’

  ‘Do you think there are many like him over there?’

  ‘Half valkar? I am quite surprised, he seems… he does not seem damaged. I doubt there would be many.’

  ‘Maybe they know something that could help Riley.’

  Rose said nothing.

  Riley danced around Ellis easily. With astonishing precision, she found the gaps in his armour. As Vann watched she slid around behind him. He couldn’t move quite fast enough. Riley hit the rim of his helmet with her sword, sending it flying. Ellis’s wide-eyed, pale and sweaty face was suddenly in view.

  ‘I think you’d better give up.’ Riley said.

  Ellis turned. ‘What are you?’

  ‘I am a Mixed.’

  ‘That tells me nothing!’

  ‘I am half human, half valkar.’

  ‘As am I.’ He lowered his sword. ‘Hm.’

  ‘Do you yield?’

  ‘Yes.’ he frowned. ‘I guess I do.’

  ‘Fine. What is that you’re wearing?’

  ‘Armour, valkar made, as is my sword.’

  Riley looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, ‘hmm… I think I’ll take it.’

  ‘You’ll what?’

  ‘You came here trying to take my tribe from me. Now that you’ve lost, I want your armour and weapons.’

  He stared at her.

  ‘Do you need a tent to get changed?’ Riley asked innocently.

  Ellis’s face clouded over. ‘To the victor go the spoils! Very well.’

  After he’d changed and handed his possessions over to Riley, Ellis was sent off to tell Rose what she wanted to know.

  ‘Riley, you’re looking a little too happy.’ Vann said as he put an arm around her as she knelt in front of the pile of armour.

  ‘Hmm?’ Riley murmured as she looked over her new toys. ‘This sword is too big for me, Vann, and so is this armour.’

  ‘Did you want to wear it?’

  ‘No, it looks terrible to wear. But I don’t want him having it.’

  ‘Uh huh.’ he said and kissed her head.

  Smiling, Riley turned around.

  Laughing, Vann broke away. ‘Stop, before I forget why I came here!’

  ‘I thought that was it!’

  ‘The valkar are talking to Ellis now, do you want to go listen?’


  Vann pulled Riley to her feet, who only put up token resistance.

  ‘Alright, alright, we’ll go see what he has to say.’

  They headed over to Aerlid’s tent, where Rose, Adila, Ladana and the man were gathered. Aerlid’s tent was not made from animal skins, but from a silvery cloth provided by the valkar. Riley figured it would have been too much for Adila and the other valkar to
stand around a tent made from dead animal all day. Aerlid’s tone shimmered like moonlight. It was easy to spot, even during daytime.

  ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ the man demanded, a tad sulkily. Out of his armour, he looked completely different. ‘I may be young, but I assure you I am capable and strong.’

  ‘Seems a long way to come to take over an empire.’ Aerlid said, ‘didn’t have much luck in your own home?’

  The man glared at him. He did not look quite like the valkar. He could be mistaken for a human, Vann decided, but there was something about him. The hint of otherness was there. But if Vann hadn’t known he was half valkar he might have just thought he was a very charismatic man. There was something magnetic about him, despite his currently sulky expression. He had broad shoulders and was about Vann’s height. His hair was golden and his eyes were blue grey. He wore a simple long sleeved shirt and trousers now that his armour had been stolen.

  ‘How old are you?’ Vann asked.

  ‘Thirty.’ the man snapped.

  Vann’s eyes went wide. ‘Why do you say you’re young?’ he asked, barely containing himself.

  The man frowned at him. ‘My kind live around two hundred years.’

  Vann stared.

  ‘We’ll ask the valkar when he comes here.’ Aerlid said. ‘It’s possible he knows something that can help Riley.’

  ‘Why, what’s wrong with her, besides her kleptomania?’ the man demanded, glaring at her.

  Riley looked back at him coolly. ‘I’ve been told I won’t live past forty, at the most.’

  He looked momentarily surprised. Then his face went blank. ‘Hm. I see. Well, you know now how to find my home.’ he said to Rose and the other valkar. ‘So, where shall I be staying?’

  ‘You’re staying?’ Riley asked, she hadn’t expected that.

  The man stood. ‘Certainly. This is a great empire after all.’

  Riley looked at him for a moment. Then she looked at Vann.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I’m sorry, why are you asking a human for advice?’ the man asked.


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