Filthy Doctor: A Bad Boy Medical Romance

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Filthy Doctor: A Bad Boy Medical Romance Page 140

by Amy Brent

  “Isn’t assistant to a partner impressive already?” She teased me as I smiled. Touché.

  “It is, particularly since we are one of the best firms in the city.” I was proud of that fact. She would get a great reputation working, here but I was thinking about a lot more than the job as I shifted in my seat. Her eyes drew me in, her full, glossed lips looking utterly edible as she smiled and nodded. Fuck, I was going to be in trouble over this one.

  I covered a few more things before I told her to look over everything at her desk and familiarize herself with the software. I watched her leave, waiting her to close the door before I dropped my head back and moaned. I needed to rein this in and keep it professional. I could fuck every girl on the street, just not this one.

  I focused on reading some emails, and then I knotted my tie before I went to meet a possible new client for lunch to go over the company. I reminded myself to talk to Lily about that as I left and told her to take her own lunch whenever she was comfortable. I knew I would be gone for a bit since these things could run long. I’d endured several of them, catering to the client to some degree. I drew the line at places like strip clubs during the day, but depending on the personality of the client, I’d pushed the boundaries after hours. If they could keep their mouths shut, I was willing to show them a good time, and it often worked.

  All the partners did that from time to time. Usually it was a fancy dinner or lunch and a few drinks as we talked numbers. Their main concern was what we could do for their company, and it was rare that I wanted to spend time outside work hours with a client, apart from some of the social events we hosted throughout the year. A large part of my job was social, but I liked that. I could handle it well and I had a high success rate with clients, probably the best among all of the partners. I did my job well.

  Today the client and I met at a classy seafood place and ordered whiskey before the meal. The client, Jack, owned a successful graphic design business, and he was looking for protection with clients as he started doing better. I was aware of the company, having researched it on my own before the meeting, and I explained in detail about our fees and services.

  We were there for over two hours, and I left with a new client in the books. I walked back toward the office with a grin and noticed Lily walking with Lauren, more than likely returning to work as well. That hadn’t taken long. Lauren was a nice girl, but she had hit on me heavily when she started working for the company five years ago, taking it so far that she got me into a dark office at one of the parties we had for the holidays. Her lips had been on mine before I pushed her away, explaining that I didn’t mix business with pleasure. Lauren was pretty, with pale blond hair and piercing blue eyes, but I knew she was dangerous, which made me wonder what she was telling Lily right now. Their laughter carried back to me as they headed for the door and walked inside, making me take a moment to pause.

  By the time I returned to my office, I was on the phone with my divorce attorney as I walked past Lily at her desk. I knew my voice was a little angry, and I glanced at her concerned expression before closing the door. “Damn it, Mark. I can’t believe what she’s asking for. She didn’t lift a finger to build my career.”

  “I agree. What do you want to barter with?” he asked as I ran a hand through my short hair.

  “Offer her the apartment. I never cared for it that much to begin with. It’s paid off and I’ll get the few things I need from it and walk away. I prefer this place, to be honest.” The brownstone was a large four-bedroom apartment with all the bells and whistles, and it was a catch for her. Maybe it would shut her up and she could let me move on in peace. Nadine had worked as a model the entire time that we’d been together, so she did fine financially. Mark agreed to contact her lawyer. I set my phone down on the desk and turned around to look out my window, my thoughts returning to Lily.

  Over the week, I noticed Lily excelling and organizing my business affairs well, which meant she spent a good amount of time in my office. I always took a moment to admire her, noting her quirky style in the scarves she’d wear or perhaps a piece of jewelry. I also noted the curve of her ass on a daily basis, as well as the way her shirts clung to her firm tits.

  Lily was gorgeous, and I frowned as I passed her desk on Friday and heard her on her phone as she typed up a report. It was clearly a boyfriend of sorts. Lily didn’t sound happy as she talked, and I continued to get some coffee as I wondered what he must be like. I knew she was twenty-four and probably dated in her age range, which could mean she was dealing with immaturity.

  When I got back to her desk, she was off the phone and focusing on her work again. “Everything okay? You sounded angry when I passed by earlier.”

  “It’s the price that I pay for my boyfriend being twenty-three,” she said as she shook her head. “I must be wired differently, as a night at his house with the guys doesn’t sound that fun.”

  “You deserve a night out: dinner, some good wine, and a man who spoils you,” I told her as she lifted her face to meet my gaze. “That seems more your speed, a man as intelligent and complex as you are.”

  “Maybe I was born in the wrong time,” she murmured as she looked back down and I returned to my office. I glanced at my calendar on my computer, organized and flawless thanks to my assistant. She helped me in many aspects of my job, and I mulled an idea over in my head.

  Coworkers could eat together without it meaning anything, couldn’t they? I knew for a fact that some of the staff met for drinks at a bar nearly every weekend, and I could end the night that way, keeping it public and casual.

  I grinned as I picked up my phone.


  I heard a chime and looked around, wondering if Brian was bugging me again. It was the iPhone Landon had given me, and I picked it up to see a text from my boss. I opened it, glancing around for a moment before I read the words. He told me a client had backed out of dinner, leaving him with reservations at one of the best steakhouses in the city. Would I like to join him for some good food and drinks?

  I made most of his reservations and that one was a mystery to me. I wondered if this was a ruse as the devil on my shoulder whispered that it wouldn’t hurt anything to have dinner with the man. It could prolong going to Brian’s, and I’d get much more intelligent conversation from Landon than from sitting and watching Brian and his friends play video games.

  I let my fingers pause over the screen before I told him that sounded great. It would likely be more of a business dinner since we’d discuss the firm. I wasn’t going to ask him a lot of personal questions even though I’d seen him stressed out a few times over the week. There was a part of me that wanted to know what made Landon tick, what kept him up at night. I wanted to know what turned him on, and I jumped as he sent another text, dropping the phone on my desk as I looked around with wide eyes.

  This was getting inappropriate.

  He suggested leaving at five and going over to make the reservation, with some time to spare for drinks. I agreed and turned up my music a bit as I finished my report.

  Before we left the office, I sent Brian a text saying I was held up at work for a bit. I told him that I’d text him later, feeling a little bad about the entire thing as I cleaned up my already tidy desk for the day. I was slipping on my sweater when Landon stepped out of his office, holding his briefcase. “Are you ready?”

  “I am,” I replied as I put my work phone on mute, as well as my personal one. I stood and we walked to the elevators together, a few other people joining us as we waited.

  “Hey, you,” I turned to see Lauren approaching and smiled at her. “What are you doing tonight?” I wasn’t sure what to say, but Landon handled it, explaining that we were going to a business-related dinner at the moment. I didn’t understand the frosty look in Lauren’s eyes as she glanced from him to me before smiling.

  “We’ll all be at the Corner for drinks if you want to stop by. It’s close by,” she said as I nodded, knowing it from the night I first saw Landon

  “I know it. I’ll see, okay?” I asked, and she nodded and turned her attention to the girl beside her, talking in a low voice. I felt like the conversation was about me, and I frowned as I watched the door slide open. Landon and I were in the first group to head down, and I looked at Lauren as the door closed, seeing the smirk on her face.

  I was quiet as we walked to his car, a big SUV that was parked on the lowest level of the garage. Landon opened the door for me and I slid inside, wondering if the friendship that had been forming with Lauren had been fake to begin with. I didn’t have a lot of female friends and never had, so this thing with Lauren had been a nice change.

  “Are you okay?” Landon asked as he started the engine, looking at me.

  “She just turned on me,” I said slowly as I frowned. “What did I do?”

  “There is a certain element to the firm with some of the women that I’ll never understand, but they talk among themselves. More than I’d prefer, but I have too much to do to babysit people,” Landon explained as I glanced his way. “You didn’t deserve that.”

  “She thinks there’s something between us.” He remained quiet and I looked forward. “Is that what everyone is going to think?”

  “I don’t give a damn what they think.” He backed out of the spot and drove to the main road, taking a right before merging into the traffic. We drove deeper into the city and ended up in a part of town on the river before he parked. As before, Landon opened my door and led me up the steps to the heavy glass door to open it. He was so natural at all of this, and I thought about how awkward Brian could be sometimes.

  The moment he dropped his name to the hostess, we were led to a table in the corner, private and near the elegant fireplace. They asked what we’d like to drink, and Landon checked to see if I liked wine, to which I nodded. I looked around as we were left alone, taking note of the windows that offered a great view of the sun going down as well as the candles and flowers that were on every table. It was beautiful here, and I looked down at the menu on the table in front of me. “Order anything you like,” he urged me as I looked at him, seeing the colors of the sunset on his face along with the candlelight. He was stunning in this light, and I lost my breath for a moment as our eyes locked.

  The heat between us filled the room as the waiter brought the wine to us, telling us to take all the time we needed to look at the menus. They weren’t even opened yet. I grabbed my glass and took a large sip before I opened the thick menu with shaking hands. It had no prices, which told me it was an expensive place. I wondered if I should offer to pay for mine, at least. I scanned the entrees, finding salmon and some veggies with a great salad. I loved salmon but didn’t eat a lot of it, as I was always trying to save some money and eat on a budget.

  I smiled and knew that was my choice as I set the menu on the table. Landon already seemed to be ready, his menu on the table and a smile on his face as he watched me. “Did you find something?”

  “Yes, though it all sounds so good,” I told him with a grin on my face. “This is a special treat.” I paused and frowned a bit as I looked at him. “I can pay for my meal, Mr. Logan.” My voice was quiet, shy.

  “It’s Landon, and no. I have this, since you are my assistant and this is a business dinner.” His eyes twinkled as he spoke, and I felt a stirring deep inside my body. It was something that should have been reserved for Brian, but for him it was now nonexistent.

  “Thank you,” I replied as the waiter came over and graciously asked me what I’d like before moving his attention to Landon. He left us alone and I sighed and looked back at my boss.

  My supervisor.

  A man who was as off-limits as possible.

  I assumed we would talk business, and we did for a while. But then Landon effortlessly changed the direction of the conversation and asked me about myself, about things that weren’t on my resume.

  I found myself opening up about losing my beloved parents and being raised by an aunt who was learning along the way, just like I was. We had the help of our local grandparents until they passed away when I was twenty, due to separate illnesses. That was another learning process, and I found my connection with my father’s parents unstable as I grew older. My aunt was my entire family now, and I loved her.

  Landon told me about his parents, divorced and living on opposite ends of the United States. He still kept in close touch with both of them and saw them regularly, along with his older brother of two years. Michael lived in New York and worked in advertising.

  I was surprised when he mentioned he was going through a divorce, and even more so when he said he had been widowed at a young age. He clearly loved and missed his first wife and was bitter about the end of his second marriage, as well as his soon-to-be ex’s greed for his belongings and money. Growing up middle class at best and having to work my ass off for my accomplishments, I’d always had the jaded view that the wealthy didn’t have true feelings and just blew through life, but Landon was proving me wrong.

  His face didn’t change a lot as we talked, but I could hear everything in his voice. His eyes were a dead giveaway to his feelings, and I licked my lips as I watched the emotions cross them one by one. He was beautiful when he spoke, open and honest when I sensed he was normally a man who had some walls up. Why was he letting them down for me?

  We ate slowly, sipping wine until the bottle was empty and I was feeling every bit of it, as well as a growing attraction for Landon. He was everything I would want in a man if he weren’t my boss.

  When we left the building hours later, I was giddy and I stumbled going to the car. He caught my arm. “Okay?”

  “I don’t drink a lot. I don’t have such intelligent conversations over good meals. You’re changing my life.” I babbled on before my eyes widened and I stared at him.

  “I could say the same,” he replied as he took my hand and led me to his vehicle. I knew I had been drinking most of the wine as we talked and laughed. I’d needed the liquid courage. Now that we were alone on the street by his SUV, I gazed into his eyes.


  The air was cold around us but I was lost in Lily’s eyes as she stared at me with growing heat. All through dinner, I’d grown increasingly attracted to her, physically as well as to the person she was inside. Lily was an amazing woman who had gone through a lot in her short life.

  Once we were alone out here, the urge to kiss her was almost too much to bear. She seemed to want it too, as her eyes shifted between my eyes and my lips. “Come home with me?” I asked as she sucked in her breath. “Our secret. I have to have you, Lily.”

  “But…we work together,” she argued, the heat in her eyes battling with logic.

  “Nobody will know about this, Lily. I swear that to you.” My eyes were hard as I gazed at her, slipping my hands up her body. I wanted her in my bed, spread naked before me so I could own her body. I wanted to make her scream my name, and her eyes showed me that she wanted the same.

  “Yes.” Her voice was a whisper, and I wasted no time in unlocking her door. She slid inside the vehicle and I hurried around to start the engine, jerking into the street to drive to my apartment. I didn’t want her to change her mind or even speak at all, not until she was locked inside my home.

  Lily remained quiet, and I drove through the streets, taking in her sweet and spicy scent. She smelled like fall and holidays, and I wanted to bottle it for every place I would spend any time in.

  Did her skin taste that way?

  We parked in the garage and I took a long look at her. She gazed back at me, and I leaned forward to brush my lips against hers, meeting with electricity. “Fuck,” I murmured as I kissed her again, wanting to fuck her right there in the car. Lily was returning all my passion, moaning as our tongues danced together. “We need to be inside.”

  “Yes,” she murmured against me as I pulled away and hurried to her side to pull her out of the car. The garage was empty and we walked to the elevator, holding hands and breathing heavily. Once ins
ide and alone, I claimed her mouth again and she clawed at my chest as my cock hardened. It was an easy trip to my door, and I unlocked it, allowing her to walk inside before me as I gazed at her perfect curves. Her black skirt was loose around her thighs today, but I could make out her ass as it draped over her backside, and her dark purple silk shirt clung closely to her. “This is beautiful. It reminds me of your office,” Lily told me before I took her hand and turned her toward me. I kicked the door closed and pulled her against me, kissing her hard as I turned her toward the wall.

  I wanted to slip her skirt off and fuck her this way, hard and deep. My hands ran down her body, finding her skin hot and soft, as she slipped her tongue against mine and groaned. I slid my hands up her thighs as she trembled, rubbing a finger over the lace of her panties.

  Her heat was thick on the material, and she rocked against me as I kissed her neck. “I have a boyfriend,” she murmured as I moved past the material and stroked her slick folds.

  “Does he make you this wet, this hot?” I whispered, and she shook her head. “Does he give a fuck about your pleasure?” She closed her eyes, and I moved my finger faster in search of her clit. It was hard and begging for my touch, and she jerked against me.

  I made her come against that wall, watching her face as she cried out. I lifted her into my arms and carried her to my bed, placing her on it as she looked wearily at me. “You just touched me. How is that possible?”

  “I know a woman’s body. I know what she likes as opposed to young men who only know how to stick their dicks into something,” I told her as she moved to take her shirt off. Once her skirt was removed, I saw she was wearing a bra and panty set in a soft gray color. It was sexy and from my experience planned. I lowered by mouth to her stomach. “Is this for me?”


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