Talk of the Town

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Talk of the Town Page 10

by Tanya Ridley

“What you want us to do, Ace?” the other one asked.

  “Leave dat niggah for his boys to find. What did you touch up in here?” Ace asked.

  “The knife in the kitchen, maybe the sink. … and, him,” I replied.

  He continued to look at me for a moment. I was so turned on by his strong presence, and the way he took control. His wife-beater hugged his body like a young child to its mother. “Y’all two niggah’s know what to do. … clean this place up, and do it good. C’mon, Mya,” he instructed.

  I didn’t think twice. I gathered my things and left with him as his two goons stayed behind to clean up any evidence. They must’ve been good at whatever they did if Ace fucked with them.

  I followed Ace out of the building tryin’ to keep up with him as he walked three steps ahead of me the entire time. This time we got into a polished black Lincoln Navigator. He started up the engine, put the vehicle in drive and drove off. I sat there wondering where he was takin’ me, and why he was still quiet, even at a time like this.

  I ended up in a two bedroom apartment in Conyers that I assumed was his place. It was simple, nothing extravagant and only contained a few pieces of furniture, a thirty-two inch television and dusty hardwood floors. Nothing stood out.

  “Why did you bring me here?” I asked, lookin’ around the unfamiliar place.

  “You need to take a shower. It’s clean,” he replied.

  “I could’ve gone home,” I said. I hid my excitement about being alone with him because at the moment it didn’t seem like the time, but it was definitely the place.

  “No, I want you here wit’ me. You need to be on the low for a minute.”

  “Niggah, I can handle myself. Didn’t I prove that to you and your boys tonight? I don’t need protection.”

  “Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fuckin’ much? Now shut the hell up and go take a shower. I’m done talkin’.” He walked away from me without a second thought of what he’d just said.

  I stood there dumbfounded. Ace disappeared into another room and closed the door behind him.

  “Niggah, you need to let me give you some pussy, then maybe you wouldn’t be so fuckin’ uptight,” I said to myself.

  I shrugged off his attitude toward me and then went into the bathroom. I peeled off the little clothin’ I had on and got into the shower. As the hot water ran down my back, I closed my eyes and tried to collect my thoughts. I felt so horny. I began playin’ with myself as thoughts of Ace fuckin’ me from behind filled my head. I wanted to feel heaven between my legs.

  But my quick attempt to reach an orgasm was unsuccessful, because Ace actually had me stressed. Here I was naked in his shower and he was in the next room doin’ God knows what. I was throwin’ my pussy at him, and he ignored me every time. Niggahs don’t ignore me, they chase me. Maybe he doesn’t like women, I thought. Or maybe it’s because I’m O.C.’s girl, and also fuckin’ his cousin Donte. He probably didn’t get down like that. I hated the niggah, because he was a fuckin’ mystery that I couldn’t solve. He intrigued me so much, that just bein’ around him was tearing me apart.

  After my shower, I stood in front of the mirror and wrapped myself in a large blue towel. I’d seen better bathrooms, but I couldn’t complain. It wasn’t my place.

  I need to leave, fuck Ace and his crazy ass, I told myself, staring at my reflection. But it was a crazy thought; I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.

  I stood over the sink with my head down, when I heard, “You did ayyite, tonight.”

  I turned around to see Ace standin’ in the doorway with his shirt off. His abs looked so fuckin’ good. It felt like my pussy was about to explode.

  “Fuck you!” I barked slightly.

  “Really,” he said. He walked into the bathroom and came close to me. With each step he took toward me, my pussy became almost intolerable.

  As he approached me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressin’ my face against his bare chest. I felt his lips near my ear, and his breath felt so warm against my skin. “You did good tonight, but you also fucked up.”

  “What?” He had me confused.

  “I just got off the phone with Donte. Word on the street is, Scottie left for Miami, and Diamond ain’t wit’ the program,” he said, in a calm manner.

  Hearing that, I didn’t know what to say or do.

  “You proved yourself tonight, but your girl, Diamond, she needs to go.” He turned around and left the room, leaving me alone to think about my next move.

  Chapter 9


  As Idrove home from my weekly shopping trip to Saks Fifth Avenue in Phipps Plaza, I began to think about my new man. It had only been a week since Scottie’s departure to Miami, and I was already missing him like crazy. I missed his touch, his sincere compliments and sexy smile. I couldn’t wait until I finished school in a few weeks, so I could take the trip down to Miami just to be near him again. Besides, things between Mya and I were slowly turning sour. I’d been leaving her messages over the last few days to see if she was still upset, but she hadn’t returned any of my calls. I didn’t like to be ignored, but at the same time, I wanted to give her space so she could cool off.

  Thirty minutes later, I parked my car in front of my building and grabbed the huge shopping bag from the trunk. As I activated the car alarm and walked toward my door, I heard someone call out my name. When I turned around, I saw Mya in a dusty black Suburban that was filled with dudes.

  “Diamond, let me holla at you for a minute!” Mya yelled from the passenger’s seat.

  When I looked at her, a funny feeling came over me. As I watched Mya hop out the truck in her usual skimpy attire, I couldn’t help but think how my childhood friend felt more like a stranger now. In my heart, I knew something was different about her and I was beginning to feel like my life was in danger.

  “Hey girl,” I greeted nonchalantly.

  “So what happened to your little boyfriend, I heard that mutha-fucka left town and went back to Miami. Are you responsible for that? Did you tell him that we were tryin’ to get at him!” she shouted.

  “I didn’t tell him shit, he just left,” I replied.

  “I don’t believe you, bitch! You violated my money. We could’ve been livin’ large, but you let a piece of dick fuck up a good thing for us.”

  “Look who’s talking,” I returned. “I’m tryin’ to get my business poppin’ and all you care about is robbing niggahs and being a damn gangsta! Well now you can have that job all to yourself because I’m out. I don’t wanna do that dumb shit anymore,” I said.

  “Oh, so it’s like that! You didn’t think the shit was dumb, when you were out at the fuckin’ mall,” she responded. She looked at the shopping bag in my hand and smiled. “You probably bought that shit with money from one of our scores.”

  “Actually I didn’t, if you really wanna know.”

  “Oh, so now you got yourself a rich white boy and actin’ brand fuckin’ new. Well, do you think that white boy gives a fuck about you! You are such a naïve bitch, Diamond,” she said.

  I always knew that Mya loved money, but I never thought in a million years, that our friendship would be based on it. She was starting to piss me off, and had one more time to call me out my name, before I let her see my other side. “Say what the fuck you want. I got goals in life, which obviously are not gonna include you, so just do me a favor and get back in that dirty ass truck with all those niggahs and go fuck somebody like you always do!”

  I could tell I’d pinched a nerve by the way she clinched her jaw. “Bitch, let me tell you somethin’, you lucky to be alive right now, and if you ever get in the way of my money again, I’m gonna fuck you up!” she threatened.

  I had never heard Mya come at me like that. Did she forget that I’m from the same hood she’s from? I will fuck her up if she puts her hands on me.“Mya, just move on to another dude because Scottie is off limits. Damn, is he the only paid white dude in fuckin’ Atlanta?”

  “You still don
’t get it do you? You fucked up by lettin’ him go to Miami. You lucky my niggahs in the car don’t put a bullet in your ass because you fucked up their money too. But since we’re girls, I saved you from death, but this is the last favor you’re gettin’ from me.”

  My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe what she’d just said. She saved me from my death? Who would want to kill me? “So, you know people who want me dead, Mya?” I asked.

  “Look, I’m about this money, and I’m gonna get mine with or without you,” she replied. She took a long look at the necklace Scottie gave to me before he left. I’m sure the flawless color diamonds almost blinded her. “I see you still got somethin’ out the deal before he bounced.” She held the necklace on her fingertips and smirked. “Yeah, you really came out on top of the deal,” she continued. “How much, fifteen, twenty thousand? You lucky I don’t snatch this shit from around your neck!”

  I took a couple of steps back. If Mya thought she was gonna break my necklace, then she was truly insane. “I think it’s time for you to leave,” I said to her sternly.

  “Yeah, whatever. I can see you ain’t really about the hustle anymore. You too caught up in tryin’ to find love and romance than makin’ this money, but it’s all good. I’ll see you around,” Mya said. She turned around and walked back to her waiting entourage.

  As she opened the door, I noticed her crew of niggahs staring at me with cold eyes, which immediately made me uncomfortable.

  Before they pulled off, Mya stuck her head out the window and mouthed, “Watch your back, bitch.”

  At that point, I knew our friendship had reached an end, and that there was something more to the story about Scottie than she was willing to tell. The last thing I needed was beef with someone, especially since I was so close to getting out of school. I need to move, I thought. Mya had always told me not to stay in the same place long, so I was finally gonna take her advice.

  During the next few weeks, I stayed to myself and only went out when it was necessary. I even only let a select number of clients come to my house to get their hair done. I didn’t trust anyone. For all I knew Mya could’ve sent someone to set me up. After I had enough, I decided to move to an apartment in College Park so I could finally feel a little more comfortable in my own home. I was tired of sleeping with my heat under the pillow.

  Scottie would call once or twice a week, to make sure he kept in touch. I tried not to show him how unhappy I was when we talked, but the truth was I wanted to cry on his shoulder like a baby. I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  I would often hear about Mya through one of my gossiping clients, and what they said wasn’t surprising to me. Apparently she’d hooked up with a notorious drug crew from Kimberly Court and her name was buzzing all throughout Atlanta. They were into everything from guns, prostitution, auto theft and fake I.D’s.

  After hearing that Mya was still playing a dangerous game, I was glad that I wasn’t going down that road anymore. I wonder why she hadn’t realized that people in that life didn’t have retirement parties. If she wasn’t careful, she was gonna end up being somebody’s bitch in prison or dead.

  On Saturday June 23th, 2006 I finally graduated from Arnold Patrick’s Hair School, and finally got my license. Three well known shops in Atlanta wanted to hire me instantly, but I turned all of them down. I had bigger dreams for myself.

  The day I got my license, I called Scottie and told him the good news. He was ecstatic and said that my first class ticket to Miami would be ready whenever I wanted to come. That was all I needed to hear. I told him that I was gonna take a first class flight the next day, and that he could pay me back ounce I arrived. I had to do it that way because he still didn’t know my real name, and Icouldn’t let him find out. Besides, I didn’t see the point in wasting anymore time. Not only did I need to see my man, but I also needed to feel him.

  That same night I packed all of my best outfits and put them into three Gucci suitcases. With all the excitement that consumed my body, I could barely sleep. As I waited for the sun to come up, I couldn’t stop smiling. It was almost as if I could feel the sun sweeping across my face.

  The next day, I got out my car and strutted to the entrance of the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport with the same smile from the night before.

  Chapter 10


  “Fuck Diamond,” I said, to myself as I got dressed for the day. The more I thought about how my friend had played me the angrier I got. I couldn’t believe she’d chosen a dude over me, and a white one at that. I looked at myself in the mirror and admired my perfect body. I should’ve been the front girl on that score. My dumb ass had to give it to her. Little did Diamond know, she owed me her life. Even in broad daylight, Donte and Ace wanted to murder her, the day we were in front of her building, but I’d talked to O.C. and luckily he gave her a pass. Even though O.C. was locked down, he was still runnin’ things, and being that I was his boo, he let Diamond live. But if she crossed the crew again, there was nothin’ I could do the next time. From here on out she would have to save her own ass.

  Not being able to set Scottie up, took its toll on Donte, and he decided to take his frustration out on me. He was also pissed that I’d gone to visit O.C. without tellin’ him first. I felt his quick wrath one day, when he slapped me upside my head, slightly bruisin’ my cheek. No man had ever put their hands on me, and if I’d had a gun, his mother would be pickin’ out a black dress. It wasn’t my fault O.C. still ran shit, even on the inside.

  Donte hated playin’ second to his cousin, but I loved O.C. He was my first love, and even though Donte knew this, it still got under his skin. I might’ve been fuckin’ Donte, but he still couldn’t compare to O.C.

  But my fight with Donte was the least of my problems. Praise’s body was found the day after I smoked him, and his boys instantly swore revenge on me and the crew I ran with. Word on the street was that there was a hit on my head, because I was the one who left with Praise at the club. Plus, my altercation with Meeka didn’t help either. My head was probably on a platter in the street.

  After givin’ myself one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I had plans on scopin’ out another niggah today, and I was already behind schedule. As I walked to my truck, I saw two unfamiliar men comin’ in my direction. I laughed to myself and shook my head. I could smell a cop from two miles away.

  “Mya Robinson, my name is Detective Holmes and this is Detective Fry,” he said, pointin’ to his skinny partner. “We need for you to come down to the station so we can ask you a few questions.”

  How the fuck did they know who I was? “For what? I ain’t do nothin’ and don’t know nobody who did,” I responded.

  “Listen, don’t make this hard. We just wanna talk to you about the murder of Christopher Roberts,” the skinny detective stated.

  I looked at both of them with a confused expression. “I don’t know no damn, Christopher Roberts.”

  “Well, I’m sure the name, Praise rings a bell,” the skinny detective replied.

  After several minutes of going back and forth, I finally agreed to go with the annoying detectives to the police station. I’d talked to them long enough out in the open and in front of my crib. The last thing I wanted was for people to think I was snitchin’ on somebody. Besides, I didn’t have anything to worry about. If Ace’s goons did their job correctly and made sure that there were no traces of me being at Praise’s spot, then I knew everything was good.

  But I was still a little nervous because I’d actually fucked up. I knew by givin’ him a blowjob and biting his dick, that high tech forensics and DNA could be traced straight to me.

  An hour later, I was sittin’ in an interrogation room with the two cops as they constantly blew coffee breath in my face. “You know that’s some sick shit you did. I can’t believe you almost bit his dick off,” the skinny detective said.

  “Like I told y’all dumb asses before, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.�

  “So you think this is a joke! We know you were there. We know you set him up,” Detective Holmes shouted at me.

  I looked at his salt and pepper hair and he immediately reminded me of Bill Cosby. “Whatever, I already told y’all, I fucked him in his car, and after that he took me home,” I lied.

  “Bullshit, you expect us to believe that? Come on, Mya, make it easy on yourself, just tell us the truth, and maybe we can work out a deal with you. Just tell us what really happened, and we can tell the judge to be lenient toward your case. We may even be able to say it was self defense. We know Praise wasn’t a boy scout, shit, he probably deserved it, but we need to bring in this case,” the skinny detective said.

  He was shorter than his partner, and rocked a small fro. He stared at me with hard eyes and gripped his cup of coffee tightly, while he paced back and forth.

  “Look, I already told y’all my fuckin’ story. We left the club, fucked, and then I went home. So if y’all gonna charge me, then lock me up. But if not, then I don’t have shit else to say. I need to talk to my lawyer,” I shouted.

  Detective Holmes looked at me and smirked. “You’re not going anywhere where until the truth comes out.”

  I sighed and returned his smirk. “Well, I’ll be sittin’ here all night because I told your dumb ass the truth. You know what I think, both of ya’ll could use some pussy. Maybe then, y’all can loosen the fuck up.”

  “If you’re saying that we should have sex with you, then don’t flatter yourself. We don’t fuck hoe’s like…,” the skinny detective replied.

  I quickly rose out of my chair before he could finish his statement. I wanted to fuck his skinny ass up. I was at the point where I didn’t give a damn if he was a cop or not.

  He laughed hysterically. “You better sit down, before you give me a reason to lock your ass up.”

  “Everybody just calm down and you, Mya sit down,” Detective Holmes said to me.

  The anorexic cop and I exchanged hard stares at each other as I slowly sat back down in my seat. I’m sure they thought since I was a woman that they could easily get a confession out of me, but they had no idea who they were fuckin’ with. I don’t back down easily.


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