Throne Of The Werewolf

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Throne Of The Werewolf Page 2

by Warren Smith

  “I’m going to get straight to the point Ms. Leblanc because that’s the only way that I know how to get my point across effectively. For nearly five years you have been attending church with the same man that murdered your parents. They walk in and out of this place like they own the whole world when they should be paying dearly for what they’ve done! The choice is yours Ms. Leblanc, I’m willing to help you serve them a justice that has been long overdue if that is the course that you want to take.” Marie Laveau stared at me through intense hazel eyes and I knew that she had meant every word that she had said.

  “There’s nothing more that I want then to see them pay for what they did but what Is it going to cost me? Nothing is free especially the kind of help that your offering so what’s the catch Mrs. Laveau?” She stared at me for a long moment and smiled and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a bit nervous.

  “Your a smart woman Ms. Leblanc, it’s not going to be free! Have you ever heard the saying, watch who you point your finger at? It means that whenever you point your finger at someone with bad intentions there’s always three fingers pointed back at yourself. Whatever you do will always come back to you three fold, karma will never be denied. What you have to decide is whether it’s worth it or not. I can teach you everything that you need and more but it’s not going to be overnight. What’s your decision Ms. Leblanc? My time is very valuable to me.”

  I looked at this strange and powerful woman who was known as the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans and it was like all of my prayers had been answered. I agreed to be taught the ways of Voodoo by Marie Laveau and I instantly fell in love with the religion. It was like nothing that I’ve ever experienced before and I began to see the world in a whole new light. Six months had gone by before Marie thought that I was ready to make my first blood offering. There were other ways to get the results that I wanted but I knew that blood sacrifice rituals were the most powerful. On several occasions Marie attempted to talk me out of performing such a powerful ritual but I wasn’t going to change my mind. To hell with the pointing rule was my attitude, somebody had to pay.

  “I’ve tried over and over to change your mind about this ritual but it seems like your dead set on vengeance so I’ll stay out of your way. There are other ways to make someone pay. When you do accomplish what you set out to do just remember that karma won’t stop searching for you until it find’s you.” Marie Laveau didn’t say another word, she turned and walked away leaving me to carry out my ritual alone. I’m not going to go into the details of the ritual but I will share what happened the very next night.

  Bourbon Street was where you wanted to be if you were looking for a good time. Like usual the place was buzzing with excitement and the street was packed as far as the eye could see with musicians and every other form of entertainment imaginable. I was walking down the street enjoying the festive atmosphere when I spotted the murderous Fred Hampton and his wife Mary dancing drunkenly without a care in the world. What the three of us didn’t know was that Mary’s drunken and jealous Creole lover was lurking in the crowd watching her every move, with a gun.

  I watched as the flustered looking man made his way through the crowd and towards the happy dancing married couple. Fred was twirling his wife when she saw the face of her deranged lover getting closer with every spin. During her final spin, Mary watched in horror as her lover pointed his gun straight at her and fired. I heard a loud bang and saw a brief flash of light that made me flinch. When I turned to look at Mary I saw a shocked look on her face and she was holding her stomach with both hands. A dark red stained blossomed on the front of her blouse and she sank to the ground slowly.

  Her husband Fred screamed and turned around only to be facing the same deranged face that had just shot his unsuspecting wife. I watched as Fred’s hands flew up over his head as if someone told him to freeze and then I heard that awful loud bang again. He had that same surprised look on his face that his wife did when he sank to the ground beside her. They laid side by side on the ground with their lips puckering like dying fish. I watched as the people around them screamed and carried on but nobody did anything to help the dying couple. It was as if something was stopping them from being saved, and that’s when I knew that my curse had worked.

  Mary and Fred died where they had fallen and eventually the situation had calmed down. Witnesses and bystanders had begun to dance around the bodies like they didn’t see them at all. They lay there all night like decoration until their body’s just up and disappeared in the morning. I didn’t know why or where they went and I didn’t care. The one thing that I did care about though was the way that their eyes had seemed to fix on me at the moment of death, like they knew that I had killed them. I was never linked to the murders and got away scott free, hell the man that did it even got away clean.

  A few years had passed and I continued to practice voodoo with Marie Laveau. I was becoming quite strong in my craft and my name was becoming well known throughout the quarter. Just when I thought that I had gotten away, karma found me in the form of one of the most handsome men that I had ever laid eyes on. His name was Gabriel Fouche and I fell for him the very moment that our eyes met. He was everything that a man should be in my eyes and it didn’t take much for me to start running into him “coincidentally” around town. He was tall with rugged handsome features, and after a few days he was all mine.

  I began to spend more and more time with Gabriel and less time with Marie. I had introduced the two once and even though they greeted one another with nothing but respect I felt that there was something that wasn’t being said, almost like they knew each other. We walked down Bourbon Street after the awkward meeting and then we walked some more. Before I knew it we were surrounded by a beautiful forrest that stole my very breath away. We found ourselves in that beautiful forrest everyday for nearly a month straight, and on every single one of those days we made passionate love.

  Early one morning while I was waiting on Gabriel I began to have the most painful cramps that I’ve ever felt in my life. The pain was so intense that I passed out in front of my home. When I woke up I was lying on my bed and staring into the face of Marie Laveau who was running a damp cloth over my forehead. She had a look of pity on her face that I had never seen before.

  “What happened? Where’s Gabriel?” I said groggily. I frantically looked around my bedroom searching for him but he was nowhere in sight. I was running a high fever and feared that I would burst into flames right there on my bed. She smiled warmly at me, and that’s the last thing that I remember before I blacked out. Nearly three weeks had passed before I regained full consciousness and when I did finally open my eyes, the world was a completely different place. My vision was so sharp that it scared me. I could hear thousands of footsteps outside from all over the city and my sense of smell had become overwhelmingly efficient.

  I shot up out of bed at the beginning of a full moon in one swift motion and couldn’t believe the agility that I possessed. I could feel a change coming on but at the moment I was still blind as to what it was. Marie Laveau stood across the room from me with an intense look pasted across her face. In her right hand she held some sort of talisman that I was pretty sure had something to do with me. She spoke kindly but stern.

  “We don’t have a lot of time so listen real good! You’ve finished your transition period and tonight is the first full moon, you will change. I’ve kept you in an induced sleep so that you wouldn’t have to suffer for the past few weeks but that’s over now. That man that you fell head over heels for was more than he lead on to be. My spell won’t hold much longer but when you do change the wards that I have in place will force you from the city and into the forest. Find your way back here in the morning and I’ll explain further!” Marie Laveau turned and exited the room without another word.

  I found myself alone during the most frightening time of my life and there was nothing that I could do about it. I spun around in a state of confusion until I got a glimpse of myself in the wall
mirror, I froze in terror. My eyes glowed as red as burning coal and my jaw felt as if were tearing apart. I watched myself turn into a beast. Bones snapped and reformed making me the perfect predator. My outstretched face began to grow bristle like hairs and my teeth grew razor sharp. I let out a beautiful howl that alarmed nearly the whole city, and then I smashed through my second floor bedroom window and escaped into the night.

  Chapter 4

  Antoine Leblanc stared at his mother through wide eyes and not believing a single word that she had said. He looked rather insulted knowing that his mom thought that she could spin a tale like that to him and thought that he’d buy it. He wasn’t a kid anymore and he was getting tired of being treated like one so he lashed out at her angrily.

  “Really mom, that’s your story? I must admit it was one damn good story but you do realize that I’m not six anymore don’t you? All of this wolf and Voodoo witch talk is straight out of a fairytale! You can let me know when you got something real to tell me and I’ll be more than happy to listen, goodnight mom!” Antoine stared his mother in the face defiantly. That’s until she flashed her red eyes and growled at him with a frightening snarl that made him flip backwards out of his chair and land on the kitchen floor. He scrambled back to his feet looking as if he had just seen a ghost and his legs shook violently, and then he started screaming.

  “Help, somebody help me, help!” In a blur of movement that was too fast to see, Lisette Leblanc was out of her chair and in front of her son with one beastly claw like hand around her sons throat. His screams were abruptly silenced as he thought, “I’m really about to die in my own kitchen!” Lisette had no intentions of killing her son but she was dead set on making him understand who he was, even if she had to rough him up a bit to do it.

  “Do you believe me now or should I fully turn for you?” She said in a voice that wasn’t her own. He shook his head so frantically that it made him a bit dizzy and he thought that he was about to pass out, but he didn’t. He did his best to calm down which wasn’t much and slowly his Lycanthrope mother released her grip. She wasn’t fully changed but she was changed enough to scare the living shit out of him. The red coal shade in her eyes lessened and her beastly hands retracted back to they’re human state.

  “Now that we’ve gotten the intro part of our discussion out of the way, why don’t you sit down and shut up, there are things that you need to know and my spells will be weakening soon.” Antoine was more than happy to shut the hell up and listen now. He would have jogged down Main Street butt naked with a “Werewolves are people too” sign written across his chest if she told him too. The way he figured, it was better than being eaten alive by your mother at dinner time. Lisette calmly walked back to her seat and sat down like she didn’t just choke the hell out of her son and continued speaking.

  “I’m going to give you the same speech that I was given many years ago. It’s a full moon tonight and we’re both going to change. The only reason that we haven’t yet is because I have taken the liberty of putting up certain wards that stall the change but make no mistake about it, the change will come. I’ll go into further details and finish my story tomorrow but for now all we can do is wait. At least you won’t be alone like I was when I first changed.” So, mother and son waited. Antoine looking like the scared sixteen year old teenager and Lisette looking like she was waiting for the next bus to arrive.

  A few minutes had passed and the first signs of the change had begun. Antoine screamed in agony as his body began to stretch and twist. He fell to the floor in the fetal position as he listened to nearly every bone in his body break, it seemed to take ages just for his legs to begin to reform. His screams turned into blood curling howls of pain that only got worse when his spine began to snap repeatedly. Antoine attempted to push himself up using his arms, but then they too broke in three places and he fell flat on his face. Eventually in time his tolerance for pain would become so great that he wouldn’t even feel the change, but for now those days were a long time away. Antoine’s teeth began to fall out two and three at a time as his razor sharp fangs bullied their way through his gums. Finally, his change was complete and he lay on the floor exhausted like a wounded animal with his eyes closed and breathing heavily.

  Antoine’s thick black mane of wire like fur was still slightly growing when he finally stood up on all fours. He slowly walked around his mother, his claws scraping the hardwood floor with every step and his eyes glowing a brilliant gold, he was beautiful. Lisette, who’s brown fur stood up on her back was also in her werewolf form although her change had happened much more faster and smoothly. She had nearly two hundred years of practice and had long ago mastered her change. She watched her newly transformed son through bright red Lycan eyes and the two howled together at the fullness of the moon.

  Every full moon since her first change Lisette would always leave a door or a window open. Returning home the next morning to find out that she had ran through a door or smashed through a window was getting expensive and so she took measures. On this night she had left the sliding glass doors in the kitchen open and the two powerful werewolves wasted no time exiting through them.

  They ran at speeds that were too fast for the human eye follow, leaping and dashing straight ahead as if they were in a race. Lisette had placed wards around the town of Bellport Long Island so that nobody in werewolf form could enter it, just as Marie Laveau had taught her. It was a whole lot safer for everyone that way because the last thing that they needed was a bunch of mangled bodies showing up every full moon. While Lisette Leblanc and her son Antoine was experiencing their first change together, there was an anxious man walking in the woods waiting to experience his new crossbow.

  Jared Bowman stumbled through the woods loud as hell and looking like the idiot that he was. In one hand he held his new crossbow and in the other hand he held a cheap can of beer that he bought earlier at three bucks a six pack. His skin was as pale as the dead and he wore a mullet hairstyle that hadn’t been popular since Billy Ray Cyrus was on the music charts. Jared was well known around town but not because he was popular or anything like that. He was well known because he was a registered sex offender who’s mugshot had been sent to everybody within a five mile radius of his home.

  He sat down on a tree stump to rest a little while or at least until he finished off his beer. It was well after midnight and the only thing that he saw was an old looking overweight raccoon that he swore was laughing at him. Jared made a promise to himself that if he saw the little fat bastard again that he was taking him out. It wasn’t ideal but at least he could say that he killed something. He upended his beer, crushed the can and tossed over his back and stood up.

  “Well, let’s do this! I’m taking on all comers and anything bigger than a baseball is getting shot deader than John Lennon!” He yelled to anything that could hear him. He was drunk and feeling tired and he kept thinking about that pretty little joint that he left sitting in his ashtray at home. He was just about to give up and go home when he heard a low growl that made him stop dead in his tracks. Jared spun around with his crossbow raised when he saw the biggest goddamn black wolf that he’d ever seen in his life. He screamed like a twelve year old girl and then watched in horror as his crossbow fell to the ground, with his arm still attached to it. While poor Jared was frozen stiff with terror after spotting the black wolf, Lisette had flanked him from the side and tore off his arm before he could take a shot.

  He screamed again at the stump that he had left for an arm and took off running. Maybe I’ll make it, maybe if I get to the river they’ll just leave me alone! His inner thoughts were cut short when he was knocked to the ground and felt teeth sank into the back of his head followed by a chewing sound.

  Chapter 5

  At sunrise when Antoine woke up he was butt naked and cuddled up with a teenage girl that he’d never seen before. He jumped up to his feet confused and embarrassed with his private parts swinging. He looked to be in some sort of camp and everybody was st
ark naked just like he was. The women that walked around were all beautiful but he nearly vomited when he saw a bunch of hairy ass dudes walking back and forth without a care in the world. What the hell! He slapped both hands over his private area and looked around frantically for his mother, when he did he regretted it immediately.

  Lisette Leblanc sat on a dingy lawn chair just as naked as the day that she was born. Antoine turned his head instantly with a look of revulsion on his face as he looked around for something to cover his mother with. She laughed when she saw his reaction to the whole atmosphere of the place, forgetting that he was new to the whole werewolf scene.

  “Calm down Antoine, there’s towels in the tent right over there. Why don’t you go grab us both one so we can get decent and I’ll finish explaining everything to you. I apologize for having you wake up like this. It must be one hell of a shock to the system seeing your mom lounging around bare assed!” Antoine bolted as soon as the words had left his mother’s mouth and ran into the tent holding himself. He emerged a few seconds later with a towel wrapped around his waist and an extra towel for his mother. He walked towards his mother with one hand over his eyes and the other extended outward with the towel draped over it.


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