Threads of Destiny t-4

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Threads of Destiny t-4 Page 10

by N. J. Walters

  “I would not have any of you after this display.”

  “It does not matter what you want. You are a woman, meant to be a bride to one of us.” Marc wanted to hit Enoc Fairmount. Slightly younger than his brother, he had little common sense. Plus, Marc didn’t like the way he was staring at Kathryn.

  Kathryn shook her head. “I do have a choice. The tapestry brought me here and the tapestry can take me away just as easily.” She turned to Jarek and Christina. “Thank you for your hospitality. I’ll just wait here until the tapestry returns.”

  Shouts of denial and dismay erupted. The Forrester brothers turned on the Fairmounts, accusing them of driving Kathryn away. The Nardor brothers began to offer pretty words and compliments to sway her. Marc could have told them it was a waste of their time. Kathryn was not a woman to have her head turned by such things.

  “I’m leaving.” Kathryn pushed away from the table. Marc fell in beside her, not willing to let her out of his sight. Tienan and Logan were right beside them, arranging themselves so that Kathryn was boxed in on three sides.

  The sound of steel being drawn from a scabbard sliced through the arguments.

  Mennoc Fairmount and his brother Enoc stepped in front of Kathryn, swords drawn.

  Marc’s sword was in his hand before he actually thought about drawing it. Positioning himself in front of Kathryn, he faced down the brothers.

  “Stand aside, Garen, you have a woman. Your brother has a wife.” The words were painful daggers in his chest. His woman was behind him. “You will step aside and allow Kathryn to pass.”

  Mennoc waggled his sword. “We merely want to talk to her and get to know her better.”

  Kathryn pushed her way in front of him. “I have no desire to talk to you. Any of you.” Her gaze swept the men who now blocked their way. She lifted an eyebrow.

  “And in this instance, mine is the only opinion that matters.” Marc fought to hold back the grin that threatened. Damn but she was a spirited woman. Mennoc frowned and then scowled. “By law we are allowed to challenge.”

  “You may challenge but that does not mean you will win,” Marc shot back. He wrapped his arm around Kathryn’s shoulders and they continued forward. The Fairmount brothers stood their ground with the Forrester family behind them. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the Nardor brothers watching with interest.

  Mennoc’s sword lowered to halt their passage. Before anyone could react, another sword shot out, twisting beneath Mennoc’s blade and sending it flying into the air, where it clattered as it hit the wall and fell to the floor. It was a daring move and a quick one. Marc’s gaze darted to his left, expecting to see his brother. Instead it was Logan who stepped forward, the tip of his blade level with Mennoc’s heart.

  “The woman does not wish to speak with you.” Logan’s voice was low but all in the room could hear the menace in it.

  “You are a stranger here,” Mennoc sputtered. “You do not know our laws.”

  “I care not for your laws. The only thing that matters is Kathryn.” He pricked the other man’s skin and a thin line of blood trickled down his chest. “That is my law. Do you understand?”

  Mennoc nodded and stepped away. Logan nodded but did not lower his blade until Marc and Tienan had ushered Kathryn back up the stairs.

  She was shaking almost uncontrollably by the time they reached her room. “I can’t believe them.” She slammed into the room. “Who the hell do they think they are? They can’t just claim me because they want me.” She glared at Marc. “Your world has serious problems.”

  “And yours does not?” he countered back. He was furious. The actions of the men below had made her even more determined than ever to leave.

  “At least I understand my world,” she muttered, absently rubbing her stomach.


  Marc’s anger fled. “Your belly is paining again.” He ushered her over to the bed.

  “You should rest. Mara will be up shortly with something to ease your stomach.” She started to protest and then subsided. “I’d like to be alone for a while.” Every cell in Marc’s body rebelled against this but he knew she needed this time.

  He had plans for later but first he wanted to talk with Logan and Tienan. He cupped her face in his hands. “Promise me you’ll rest.” Her expression softened and she sighed. “I promise.”

  “Everything will work out.” He’d make certain of it.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. “I don’t think anything will ever be all right again.” Pulling away from his grasp, she turned away from him, curling on her side on the bed.

  He pulled a fur over her body, hesitating before leaning down to kiss the top of her head. “Rest. I’ll be back in an hour or so.” He’d need that much time to talk to Tienan and Logan and to respond to the challenges that would be put forth.

  Gesturing to the other men, they all left the guest room, closing the door behind them. They were a grim trio as they went down the hallway to Marc’s room where the men had passed the night.

  Tienan spoke first. “What’s going on? What do they mean when they said that they want to claim Kathryn?”

  Marc motioned for them to sit. Tienan threw himself down onto a chair, Logan leaned against the wall and Marc propped himself up against the fireplace mantle. In simple, concise words, he explained about Javara and the history of the tapestry.

  He told them how women were scarce in this world and brothers competed for a bride. Only one man could marry the woman but she would spend one night a week with each of his brothers. That way no man did without and peace was kept among all.

  There was one woman to no more than three men, so if there were four brothers in a family, they had the right to claim two brides. And if the husband was killed or died, the woman still had the protection of the brother, whom she could then wed if she desired.

  The tapestry was a gift from a sorceress. It appeared once each generation and on the rare occasion, twice. A tapestry bride was thought to bring luck to the family and the union always bore female children, which was important to all. This third time was unprecedented in their history and no one knew what it meant. The tapestry had never taken one of them away from Javara. Marc was the first.

  Tienan contemplated Marc for a few moments before speaking. “If I’m understanding your laws, it is illegal for you to claim Kathryn.” Marc’s heart clenched, but he ignored the pain. “It does not matter.” He would break any law, do whatever it took, to be with her.

  Tienan stroked his hand over his chin. “It might all be moot anyway. Kathryn will want to return home.” He paused and his green eyes bored into Marc. “If you want her to stay, you’ll have a battle on your hands, both with Kathryn and with the laws of your land.”

  All three men were silent as they pondered everything.

  “So Christina came from earth?” Logan pushed away from the wall and strolled over to the table. He went straight to the tankard of ale and poured some into three of the four cups that sat beside it. Picking up two, he handed them to the other men before retrieving his own.

  “Yes. And so did Jane, wife of Zaren and Bador Bakra.”

  “And they are fine with this situation.” Tienan held his cup in his hand, not drinking.

  “Jane is very happy from what I have seen and so is Christina.” Marc paused and took a sip from his cup before setting it on the mantle. “I’m the one who is not content.

  Although I was raised to expect and accept this, I cannot. Christina belongs to Jarek. I have not sought her out for more than a year.” It was important for these men to understand that he was not attached to Christina as a lover but as a friend.

  Logan shook his head. “I cannot see Kathryn being happy in such a situation.”

  “Nor can I,” Tienan agreed.

  “I want Kathryn for myself.” He saw no point in holding anything back from these men. He wanted them to know where he stood.

  “I kinda figured that out for myself.”
Logan saluted him with his glass, tipping it up and draining it before lowering it to the table with a thump. “Problem is, I want her too.”

  “So do I.” Tienan pushed to his feet, hands on his hips. “I have wanted her for years but did not dare to make it known until recently.” He glanced at Logan. “Neither of us dared. The situation would have been too dangerous for her. Our claim is just as valid, if not more-so, than yours.”

  Marc didn’t bother to dispute their claim. He knew it was true. Both Tienan and Logan had the right to try to win Kathryn’s love and affection. “It must be her choice.” On that point he would not waver. Marc’s insides were tied up in knots. He’d wanted to avoid this but knew it had to happen. “Kathryn is very fond of both of you. She is also attracted to you.” He almost choked on the words.

  “What are you suggesting?” Tienan’s eyes narrowed. Marc could tell the other man was weighing and measuring his every word.

  Marc pushed away from the mantle, taking the measure of the men in front of him.

  They were worthy adversaries. He didn’t want to like them but he did. Their devotion to Kathryn was obvious and they put her safety above their own. He had a feeling that if he knew them better, they could be friends.

  “That we follow the customs of Javara. The three of us will go to Kathryn tonight and pleasure her. That way, when the time comes, her choice will be made with full knowledge.”

  “She won’t accept us all in her bed.” Logan shook his head even as Marc sensed the other man’s growing desire.

  “Maybe not back in her world but here…” Marc let his words hang in the air.

  Christina had told him much about the sexual norms on her planet. He knew what he was suggesting would be foreign in their world unless their culture had changed a great deal in the past hundred or so years. “Here it is totally acceptable and expected.” His heart pounded heavily and he wanted to fight, to work off the excess anger flooding his veins. “I have seen her looking at you both. She will accept you and welcome all of us.” Marc knew it had to be this way. Otherwise he’d never be sure of Kathryn if she stayed.

  And if she left…

  He couldn’t even fathom the possibility. For the first time, he began to entertain a different idea. If she wouldn’t stay, perhaps he could go with her when she left. She was not safe in her world but he could fight by her side. Tienan and Logan would teach him to use those strange weapons that he’d seen. Even if he died in that strange world, he’d be with her. Leaving behind his family and his home would be hard but losing Kathryn would be like losing himself. He would not survive.

  He stepped forward. “Are you with me?”

  Logan nodded. Marc turned to Tienan.

  “I’m in,” Tienan replied, rubbing his hand thoughtfully over his jaw. “Although I still think that you’re wrong about her accepting all three of us in her bed.” Marc shook his head. “She already has, or do you not remember the dream?” Both men appeared shocked and then Logan smiled. It was filled with male satisfaction and a hint of anticipation. “She has, hasn’t she?”

  * * *

  Kathryn had waited until the door closed before rolling over onto her back and staring at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe the debacle she’d just experienced. While she understood their want of a woman, the way they were going about it almost guaranteed that any sane woman was going to run in the opposite direction.

  She turned onto her side and something dug in to her stomach. The journal. Sitting up, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the small leather volume. She stared at it for a long time. Somehow she knew she’d find answers in there.

  Sliding off the bed, she padded over to the window seat where the light was better.

  The colorful panel was a thing of beauty, depicting a garden scene. She traced her fingers over the vibrant reds, blues, yellows and greens before settling on the seat.

  Opening the journal, she began to read. Page after page, she scanned, the story unfolding. Seems her ancestor was a sorceress, if one believed in such things. A few days ago, Kathryn would have scoffed at the idea. A woman of science, she dealt in the facts. But she was also smart enough to know that there were many unexplained and undiscovered things in her world and beyond.

  She was living proof that there was such a thing as travel across time and space and her ancestor was responsible for it. The woman talked about living in various worlds, in different times. Whether it was fact or fiction, it made for fascinating reading.

  The woman, whose name was Sarainta, had apparently lived in Javara for a while.

  Though she had decided not to stay, she had been moved by the plight of the people and the ingenious solution they’d created for dealing with it. Using her magic, she’d created the tapestry to travel to other places and times and bring to Javara women who did not fit in their own time but who might flourish here. One per generation, maybe two. The decision belonged to the tapestry. If it could find two women, it could offer them the choice.

  Kathryn curled up, resting her head against the stone wall as she thought about the science behind time travel. It boggled the mind. Turning her attention back to the book, she began reading once again.

  Her eyes widened as she read about the various brides who’d been brought here over the years. Gasping, her fingers gripping the book tightly, she read about Christina and how Sarainta had enticed the other woman to buy the tapestry. She detailed the story of Jane Bakra, formerly Jane Smith, whom Kathryn had yet to meet. Her story was as amazing as Christina’s. She also explained the book in the attic. Apparently, Sarainta had befriended a writer and gifted her with the stories, encouraging her to tell them.

  The writer had believed them to be nothing but fanciful stories of fiction but had agreed to tell the fantastic tales, enthralled by the unique tales of love and devotion.


  Kathryn rubbed her forehead in wonder. This must have been written around the same time Christina actually arrived in Javara. That was over a hundred years in earth time but Christina had only been here for about six years. Time was fluid and it seemed that the tapestry and her ancestor had been able to move easily through time and space.

  Totally enthralled, she continued to read until she stumbled across her own name.

  Heart pounding, she read her own story on the pages. It detailed everything, including the battle in which Marc appeared and her own journey to Javara. What it didn’t have was an ending. The story abruptly stopped after it detailed her finding the journal and reading it.

  Okay, now she was totally freaked out. This wasn’t possible. Yet it was there in black and white. She almost tossed the book away but at the last second flipped through the remaining pages, stopping when she saw more writing.

  Her eyes flew over the sheets, absorbing everything. Ohmigod! The secret of the tapestry was in the book. It was so simple if you knew the secret and accepted that there was such a thing as magic.

  Kathryn swallowed as she read the final lines aloud. “This is my legacy to you but it is your choice. You are of my blood. The only living descendant of my line on Earth.

  Whether you go or stay, you will have the knowledge of the tapestry to help and guide you. It is a portal to other worlds if you but know its secret. Trust that the tapestry would never have brought you here if you could not find happiness in this world. The tapestry has an intellect and a life all its own. You are but a guide but as you alone are of my blood, you can call it to you if necessary.” Stunned, Kathryn read the final instructions at the bottom of the page. Standing, she staggered slightly when a pain much like pins and needles poking at her went through her leg. She’d been sitting on it for a long time. The sun had passed its peak in the sky and the afternoon was waning. Kathryn knew that her time alone would soon come to an end.

  Stumbling over to the fireplace, she stirred the embers, carefully adding several tiny pieces of kindling to it until she got a small flame. Slowly, she knelt and stared into the fire as it snapped and rea
ched higher. She took a deep breath and ripped the final pages from the leather book and fed them one at a time into the flames. The fire greedily consumed them, protecting their secrets forever.

  When it was done, Kathryn sat before the tiny blaze, her mind spinning with the possibilities. She could travel through time and space. She could go home or she could try her luck in a totally different world. Or she could stay here.

  Her fingers tightened around the journal as Marc’s face popped into her mind. All day, her thoughts had gone to him again and again. But the laws of the land would not allow her to remain with him. Tears pricked her eyes but she blinked them back. There was no time for that now.

  Suddenly, she heard a commotion outside. Pushing to her feet, she went back to the window. Kathryn placed her nose against the glass, peering through the few clear pieces of glass. There was a huge crowd gathering in the courtyard below.

  “They wouldn’t.” With her obsession with reading the journal, she’d forgotten all about the men issuing challenges earlier. She knew what that meant. A fight. Possibly to the death, with Marc right in the thick of things.

  What had she missed while she’d been hiding away in her room? Because that’s what she’d been doing, she realized. Hiding.

  Well, the time had come to face the reality of the situation. She’d faced down worse and survived. She could do this. But, her heart screamed that she’d never had this much to lose before. Although she was attracted to Tienan and Logan, she had deeper feelings for Marc. It might seem impossible but then this entire situation was impossible. What was one more thing?

  There was one heavy thud on the door and it was shoved open. Christina, her face pale, rushed into the room. “You have to come with me.”

  Chapter Nine

  Standing in the courtyard, Marc swung his sword, testing it, feeling the perfectly balanced blade cut through the air. It was an extension of his hand, a weapon he’d used many times before. There was a light breeze but the sun was shining. The air was sweet with the smell of freshly cut hay, overlaid with the scent of leather, sweat and horses.


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