Wrecked (Crystal Book Billionaires)

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Wrecked (Crystal Book Billionaires) Page 18

by Jessica Blake

  I groaned. “You’re telling me.”

  “You could always just let it slide. People have kept worse things from others.”

  “I know, it’s just that Luke is so good, you know? It seems like a sin to keep something from him.”

  She smiled. “It sounds like he really is amazing.”

  “It’s ridiculous how great he is.”

  Tracey stood up. “I should go see what those two are up to. They’re being awfully quiet.”

  “Okay. I guess I’ll head to the library. Maybe I can get a ride back here later to drop off some of the fliers.”

  “Cool,” she smiled.


  After the library — and a quick hello to Aunt Ginger on the second floor — I crashed into bed, having just enough time for a twenty-minute cat nap before I needed to get showered and ready for my date with Luke.

  I stared up at the ceiling, unable to even close my eyes. Each time I played a possible scenario of me telling Luke I’d originally been interested in him for his money, the movie didn’t turn out so well. Various endings involved him locking me out of his house, running my bike over with his car, or falling silent and never saying a single word to me ever again.

  None of those reactions seemed quite like something Luke would do, so I knew I was working myself up. Still, I was scared.

  Luke was hands down the best thing in my life at the moment and losing him would be crushing.

  I gave up trying to sleep and went to take a shower. I picked out a little black dress with straps and matching shoes, deciding to keep it pretty low-key. I didn’t know anything about the show we were going to, so had no clue how the other people there would be dressed.

  By the time I finished my makeup and hair, my aunt and uncle were home. Their conversation, pebbled with sporadic laughter, filled the house. I smiled to myself in the mirror as I added a second coat of mascara. The house had been too quiet with them gone. Hearing their voices helped put me at ease and let go of some of my anxiety.

  Tonight I’ll tell him, I decided. What Tracey had said about people keeping worse lies was true, but I couldn’t live with my own personal sin hanging over my head. Not when it came to Luke.

  “Well, look at you!” Uncle Joe crowed when I came into the kitchen.

  Aunt Ginger turned from the sink. “Oh, you look so nice, Grace.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured, uncharacteristically embarrassed.

  “When’s your hot date getting here?” Uncle Joe asked.

  I glanced at the clock above the fridge. “Any minute.”

  On cue, the doorbell rang. I spun on my heel and practically ran for the door.

  Somehow Luke had gotten even better looking in the six hours since I’d seen him at the pantry. A dark, tight pair of jeans and bright red t-shirt draped over his form, hinting at the well-defined muscles hiding beneath the clothing.

  A delicious thrill went through me as I remembered that I was the person who got to be privy to just what lay hidden beneath those clothes.

  Luke smiled wide at me. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I breathlessly said, knowing he meant it.

  “Luke!” Uncle Joe called from somewhere behind me. “Care for a drink before you go?”

  Luke reached forward and clasped my hand. “Can I take a rain check on that? We kind of need to get going.”

  “Right,” Uncle Joe rumbled. “Rain check it is. Have a good night.”

  Luke waved with his other hand. “Bye. You too.”

  I hurried over the threshold, pulling Luke after me. He shut the door and immediately planted a kiss on the back of my neck. I giggled and turned around.

  “I think my uncle has a crush on you,” I told him.

  Luke grinned, his hand tightening on mine. “Aw, that’s cute.”

  I took a step towards him. “I should probably tell him to step off.”

  “Hey now,” he chided. “We don’t want to hurt his feelings. Let’s just let it ride itself out. He’ll get over me eventually.”

  “Okay, but if he tries to kiss you, I’m going to backhand him.”

  “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen,” Luke murmured with an adorable grin.

  His free hand pressed against the small of my back, pushing me closer to him. My hips settled against his leg, my form fitting perfectly against his.

  Luke’s nose nuzzled the side of my face, and I let out a sigh. My shoulders relaxed, and my mind went fuzzy. It happened each and every time he touched me.

  I prayed it would never stop.

  “Now I don’t even want to go to the show,” he whispered into my ear.

  I shivered. “I don’t want to either.”

  His hand languidly trailed up my arm, going all the way to my shoulder before sliding down again. “But the question remains,” he slowly said. “What else could we do?”

  I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling obscenely wide. “It is a conundrum.”

  “A quandary.”

  “A perplexing situation.”

  His hand found my chin, and he moved back slightly to look down into my eyes. “I promised you I’d take you out tonight. I don’t want to go back on my word.”

  “You promised me a good time,” I pointed out. “Nothing about that has to involve music.”

  “Hmm,” he mused. “True.”

  “Take me back to your house,” I said, unwilling to play the game any longer. My body ached to re-experience the heaven it had the other night and while standing around on a porch dancing with words was fun, it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as an evening spent naked with Luke.

  “Done,” he said immediately, going for the steps.

  I didn’t move. His hand slipped from mine, and he kept going, landing on the walkway.

  “Luke,” I said, my voice thick.

  He stopped and turned to me, his eyebrows raised.

  “I…” I swallowed hard. This could be it. This could be the time; the moment when I finally came clean.

  But as I looked into his eyes I saw so vividly everything that was there: all of the sweet and beautiful things he offered me. The love, the passion, the joy. And just as clearly as I saw those things, I saw how swiftly I could lose them. With one sentence, the most amazing thing in my life could be gone.

  I couldn’t do it.

  “I’ll go to the show if you want to,” I told him.

  His lips turned up. “It’s up to you.” He took a few steps forward, coming back up the steps to encircle my waist with his hands. His voice grew lower. “I’m going to ravish you either way. It’s up to you if you want it now or later.”

  So many emotions filled me that I couldn’t imagine how Luke wouldn’t be able to read them all on my face. So instead of responding, I fell forward and pressed my lips against his.

  “Now,” I whispered into his mouth.

  His arms looped back around my waist, and he spoke against my lips. “That was my preferred choice as well. Although we may want to rethink making out in the front yard.”

  I pulled away and started walking to his car. “Then what are you waiting for?” I called over my shoulder.

  We climbed into the car, and Luke pulled out of the driveway, one of his hands rubbing the back of my neck. I reached over and ran my hand over his shoulder, then down his chest and across his lap. His chest heaved in response to my touch.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, the words more of a groan.

  “I can’t wait,” I whispered, undoing the zipper of his pants.

  Luke didn’t object. Instead, his grip tightened on my shoulder, and he smiled in that small way that told me he was trying to hide just how happy he felt.

  Hooking the top of my seat belt behind me, I leaned over and edged his dick out of his pants. It was already hard, growing and pulsing in my hand. I ran my fingers up and down it, rubbing my thumb over the tip.

  Luke let out a rough exhale, and I bent forward to slide my tongue down and up his length. He shifted his weight slig
htly, pushing his hips up towards my mouth. His free hand found my lower back, rubbing little circles there before going up to play with my hair.

  I took the slightest bit of him in my mouth, holding my tongue there and teasing before letting go and running my fingers up the length of his shaft again.

  Luke murmured something that sounded faintly like my name, and I smiled, reveling in the powerful feeling of having his pleasure at my mercy. Painstakingly, I accepted each inch of him into my mouth, taking him all the way in. Luke groaned, and I sucked hard once. He stiffened even more, pushing against the roof of my mouth. I drew back slightly to begin the whole process all over again.

  The car made a turn as I grasped the base of Luke’s cock with my hand. I let most of him slip out of my mouth so I could begin concentrating on the very tip again. I licked my tongue across the head, tasting the salty sweetness that hadn’t been there before.

  “We’re here,” Luke announced throatily.

  He parked the car, edging his hand underneath me so he could get to the gears. Instead of making a move to push me off of him, though, he only sighed and stayed where he was. His hand slowly retreated from the stick, but only halfway towards him. His fingers found the end of my dress and then the inside of my legs. They skimmed up my inner thigh all the way to the lace thong waiting for him there.

  Aunt Gingerly pushing the lace to the side, Luke ran his thumb across my slit. A gush of warm wetness came out at his touch, and I moaned into his lap. His fingers slipped easily into me, finding their way to the hard nub a few inches inside my channel.

  Pleasure rippled up from between my legs, going through my torso and even into mouth. All my muscles relaxed, and I sank down further onto his hand, enjoying the added pressure of the base of his palm against my clit.

  My throat relaxed even more, and I bobbed my head down on his shaft, accepting the entire length into my throat. Luke gasped and pressed into the back of my head with his hand.

  “The neighbors.” The words came out as a gurgle.

  I bobbed my head faster, the pressure of him pulsing in my throat almost as delicious as the feel of his hand pushing into me.

  Luke stiffened even more, and I could tell he was getting close. Pulling away from him, I readjusted, then swung over and onto his lap. My legs straddled him and my back bumped against the steering wheel, causing the horn to honk.

  Luke’s eyes were wide and dilated, his lips parted slightly. His breath pushed against me, making my skin hot and flushed despite the car’s air conditioning.

  “You little vixen,” he said, grasping my butt with both of his hands. “Are you trying to give the neighborhood a show?”

  “If you don’t like it, then stop me.”

  I kissed him fiercely. His fingers dug into my rear, threatening to rip through the fabric of my dress. His cock was still out, and it rubbed against the lace of my underwear, creating a slightly uncomfortable but delicious friction.

  Luke sucked on my bottom lip, the action hungry and ferocious. His mouth broke away, and he went to my throat to continue sucking. I gasped and moaned, my eyelids fluttering closed. My head dropped to the side, knocking against the window.

  I reached between us and grabbed his cock, putting just enough pressure in the stroke to tease him.

  Luke growled into my ear. “Do you want me to fuck you right here in this car?”

  I laughed. “Do you think I would stop you?”

  He reached his hands up through the bottom of my dress then underneath the cups of my bra. Finding my nipples, he rolled them between his fingers.

  “I’m going to take you inside,” he whispered. “And do things to you that can’t happen in a car.”

  I shivered at his promise. “All right then.”

  He opened car door and I climbed out and into the driveway. My legs shook, and my dress was all crumpled. I took a quick look around. No neighbors.

  Hopefully, they weren’t watching the show from their windows.

  Luke hopped out of the car behind me. His hand pressed against the small of my back as we walked up to the front door. His touch was ironically gentleman like. We could have been an upstanding and well respected couple walking down a red carpet.

  As soon as he unlocked the door and let us in, though, everything changed. He placed his hands on my shoulders and swung me around, pressing my back against the inside of the door. He fell to his knees and pushed my legs open.

  His hands found my thighs and pushed them apart, pressing me harder against the door. My heels lifted, my legs already shaking in anticipation. Luke planted kisses along my knee then up my thigh before switching to the other leg.

  His mouth traveled higher, and he took the lace of my panties between his teeth, tugging gently at it. One hand wrapped around the back of my thigh, and he pushed the lace farther to the side, allowing his mouth access to my sex.

  Slowly, he licked up and down my slit, his tongue sporadically darting in and out. I pressed my back against the door and my hips against his face, distributing my weight to keep myself standing. My legs shook, partly from the balancing act and partly from the pleasure rippling up and down them.

  Luke made a little sound of pleasure against my skin, the reverberations from it traveling inside of me. I reached down and ran my hand through his hair.

  “Stop teasing,” I commanded.

  He grinned up at me. “Now look who’s talking.”

  His fingers looped around the sides of my panties, and he pulled them down, leaving them to drop to my ankles. As he stood, his firm arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up and pressing me against him. The bulge in his pants pressed against my leg, reminding me of the taste I’d gotten in the car.

  Luke pressed my legs tighter against him and then turned around and walked farther into the house. Instead of the bedroom, though, he stopped at the nearest available flat surface. Moving one arm around me, he swept some mail off the little table by the front door and sat me down on it. My torso fell back, my shoulder blades pressing against the wall. The table was just the right height for our hips to meet. I spread my legs wide and watched as Luke worked at his belt and zipper, his eyes not leaving my sex.

  His length slid out, and I instantly reached forward to grasp it. It twitched under my touch, still slightly wet from my mouth. Luke leaned forward to kiss me, and I guided him towards me.

  Our bodies met in a hot collision, his girth splitting me open, filling me up. Luke thrust into me, balls deep, making me cry out with the sudden intensity.

  Still moving inside of me, he pushed down the top of my dress, and then my bra, leaving me naked except for the clothes draped around my waist. His fingers grasped at my nipples, rolling them around and pinching them while we kissed. Luke’s tongue swirled over my mouth, sweeping across my tongue, my teeth, and my lips.

  He pinched at my nipples harder, tweaking them between his fingers. One of his hands traveled down to find the hard nub between my legs. He flicked at my already sensitive clit, the pleasure adding to the goodness inside of me.

  “You feel so good, so tight,” he ground out, and I opened my eyes to meet his.

  His mouth crashed down on mine, and the tips of his fingers increased the pressure on my clit. An orgasm suddenly rippled across me, taking me by surprised. I moaned into Luke’s mouth, and he changed the speed of his hips, drawing out of me all the way before thrusting back in again. His hands went down to caress my thighs, and he watched our bodies meeting for a few seconds before looking up and grinning at me.

  Another tremor began inside me, and Luke seemed to sense it. He went slower, drawing out each wave of pleasure. I sighed as each good feeling got close to ecstasy but then retreated. Luke kept up the pace, and the experience went on and on with me getting closer and closer to breaking each time.

  Finally, I released, the second orgasm shaking through my body. Luke cursed, looking into my eyes as he pulled out of me, his semen spilling onto my thigh.

  “God, please tell me yo
u’re on the pill,” he said, gasping for breath. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay, and yes, I’m protected. And I’m clean. I-I’ve never had sex without a condom before.” I collapsed against the wall, one hand against my hot forehead and the other one on the back of Luke’s sticky neck. Luke dropped his face onto my chest, breathing against my tender breasts.

  His thumb traced my lower lip. “Neither have I. I’ll get tested if you want to be sure.”

  I met his eyes. “I will too.”

  He kissed me again.

  “The mail,” I muttered after a minute.

  Luke chuckled. “They were probably all bills and advertisements anyway.”

  “Oh, good.”

  He leaned back and stretched his arms, his gaze planted on me.

  “I guess we should clean them up anyway,” I said, slowly pulling my aching legs together.

  Something glinted in Luke’s eye. “Oh, we’re not done.”

  “We’re not?”

  He slowly shook his head. “We haven’t even made it to the bedroom yet.”



  I straightened up from the floor and faced where Mr. Cooper sat in his wheelchair.

  “Four outlets,” I announced. “Will that be enough?”

  Mr. Cooper chuckled. “What are you going to do if it’s not? Demand that the staff install a fifth one?”

  I shrugged sheepishly. “If this place isn’t right, we can find another one. All you have to do is tell me.”

  “Luke,” he sternly said in his deep baritone. “You know I won’t ask you to do that.”

  I crossed my arms. “And you should know that it’s no trouble.”

  The worry lines on his face softened, leaving nothing but the deep set wrinkles. “I don’t want you spending any more than you already have on me.”

  “That’s another thing you should know isn’t a problem,” I pointed out, going to make sure he would be able to easily work the curtains from a sitting position. “One thing I have more than enough of is money.”

  Mark appeared in the doorway, looking breathless. “Did you see that blonde nurse down the hall? Holy…”

  “Mark,” I reprimanded him.


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