His Deadly Past: A New York State Trooper Series Novella

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His Deadly Past: A New York State Trooper Series Novella Page 3

by Talty, Jen

  “I’m going to get shit-faced, and I’m trusting you’ll be a gentleman, watch out for me, and make sure I get to bed okay. Alone.”

  “You can trust me, but why?”

  “Derek is here.”


  The first shot still burned in Ashley’s throat when she swallowed the second, in one gulp. She slammed it on the bar and went for the third, tossing her head back and nearly fell off the stool.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jasper asked, holding her steady.

  Damn sexy Jasper Miles, New York State Trooper, and therapist cheater.

  Sounded stupid but she honestly felt like he’d cheated on her in a really weird way. She wasn’t sure what was worse, her ex being invited to the wedding, her father arriving in the morning, or sitting next to the man that had invaded her dreams for the last three months.

  “Hell yes, I’m sure.”

  Jasper slid a Cosmo across the bar. Thus far, three shots, two beers, now on to the good stuff. Oh, and the drinks before she found Jasper. Yeah, this was a night that would lead to an epic hangover.

  “Do me a favor and drink a glass of water before you start on that.” Jasper’s voice took on a fatherly tone, but he was right.

  “Good idea.” She took the tall glass of clear liquid he offered, chugging it. “And would you indulge me in a second kindness?”

  “This will be the third one, actually.”

  She lowered her chin, narrowing her eyes, and glared. She wasn’t in the mood for his quick wit.

  “But who’s counting,” he said with a smile.

  “Christ, he has really nice lips.”

  “Who does?” He cocked his head, shoving another glass of water in her hand.

  Okay, hydration was good. “Did I really say that out loud?”

  Mr. Sexy-kissable lips nodded.

  She shrugged. “If Derek comes over here, make sure I don’t toss my drink in his face, or punch him.”

  “I guess I can’t blame you for holding a grudge that long. But remind me never to piss you off.”

  “Too late,” she mumbled, sipping her Cosmo, the pinkish liquid swirling in her gut, warning her that food was a necessity.

  Even if she’d probably throw it up in the middle of night.

  “You cheated on me,” she stammered.

  He laughed. “How is that possible if I never dated you?”

  “It’s no different than trying out a new hairdresser or dentist, or if you had someone else slice open that knee of yours.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, and she could barely understand them, figuring she slurred them like a squirrel scrambling across the road in extra slow motion.

  “I see your point,” he said, with a voice that made her insides burn hot.

  Or maybe that was the alcohol.

  “Why is Derek here?”

  “Believe it or not, he’s engaged to Suzie’s cousin, Valerie.” Ashley lifted her hand, seeing ten fingers instead of five, as she pointed across the room. “The three of us lived together when I was dating Derek. He went from me, to her, and she has no problem posing naked for photos, if you like that sort of thing. But Derek seemed to have learned not to show his buddies, or she doesn’t care. I’m thinking it’s the latter.” She lifted her heel off the stool, and slid down, her ankle twisting over.

  “Whoa.” Jasper grabbed her by the waist, holding her steady.

  “I never wear heels. Besides making me six feet tall…” she tapped her temple, trying to remember the other reason. Whatever the reason, it sat on the tip of her tongue, mocking her. “I need food.”

  “Sit down.” He helped her back onto the seat, waving the bartender over. “Mind helping me out and getting someone to fix us a tray of food. A little of everything.”

  “Not a problem,” the bartender said leaving a pitcher of water on the counter.

  Wow. Snaps his fingers and people wait on him. She’ll have to try that. Only, she wouldn’t remember in the morning. “Oh shit,” she muttered, making blurry eye contact with Derek. He might have smiled, though it could have been a frown. No way to tell since a fuzzy montage of five of him slithered in her direction like a snake ready to strike, spewing venom all over her.

  Jasper took the drink from her hand.


  “I’m afraid this will land in his face and you asked me to make sure that didn’t happen.” He slipped his fingers between hers, holding a little too tight. “Do I need to tie your other hand behind your back?”

  “No.” She swallowed the tiny burp tickling the back of her throat. “I’ll behave. I promise.” She stiffened her spine, crossing her ankles, and took a huge breath, letting it out slowly.

  “Jasper, it’s been a while,” Derek said. His outstretched hand trembled.

  Or maybe it was her blurred vision.

  “Not long enough.” Jasper sipped his beer.

  She snapped her gaze to Jasper. He just arched a brow and shrugged.

  “Ashley, you look lovely as ever.” Derek dared to lean in, expecting to kiss her cheek.

  She poked him in the chest, leaning back. “Don’t think those lips are coming anywhere near me.”

  Derek frowned. “You’re not a very good drunk and this is your best friend’s wedding.”

  “Buzz off,” she said, reaching for her drink, half expecting Jasper to cut her off at the pass, but he didn’t. Instead he rested his hand on her thigh, just where her skin met her skirt, sending goosebumps to places drunk girls shouldn’t think about.

  “Please don’t make a scene,” Derek said.

  “Stay away from me and I won’t.”

  “You’ve really hurt Valerie. She wouldn’t even come over here and say hello,” Derek said, planting his hands on his hips. “This isn’t about us.”

  “I’m not going to be a bridesmaid at your wedding. That’s too weird for me. I’ve already explained to her why. If she wants to be mad at me, that’s on her.”

  Jasper squeezed her thigh gently. His thumb running a hot circle over her muscle. God, she wanted to just grab him and shove her tongue in his mouth, but she wasn’t sure if it was to piss off Derek, or because she wanted Jasper that much.

  And she was too drunk to figure that out.

  “Being wasted and bitter isn’t very becoming of you.” Derek shook his head like a disappointed father or something. “All over something that happened almost ten years ago.”


  Of course, the movement made her head spin. She took a large gulp of her drink. “That’s where you’re wrong.” She nailed her index finger right in the center of his chest. “I’m not upset over that anymore. But I am pissed you cheated on her and more so that she doesn’t see you’ll do it again.”

  “Shhhhh. Keep your voice down,” Derek said, glancing over his shoulder. “Valerie has forgiven me for that, but her parents don’t know, and there is no reason to upset them for something that happened two years ago.”

  “She might not be so forgiving if she knew who you fucked.” Swearing wasn’t something she did often. She heard enough colorful language at her job; she didn’t need to hear it coming out of her own mouth.

  But damn, that felt good.

  It looked as though Derek narrowed his eyes to tiny slits. He could have closed them for a brief moment.

  She downed the rest of her drink, giving up on keeping her dignity. When she agreed to be the maid of honor, she’d been told Derek and Valerie wouldn’t be attending. Suzie had laid that bomb on her earlier in the day, saying she had no idea they’d changed their plans at the last minute.

  Ashley had no reason not to believe Suzie when she’d told her that Valerie had called her aunt instead of Suzie, informing her of the change. Of course, Valerie was also mad that Suzie decided to have just one maid of honor, no other bridesmaids. Valerie thought, as family, she’d take the role, but sometimes a friendship bond is thicker than family.

  “Don’t go there,” Derek said, with real venom dripping from his dark

  “I have half a mind to tell Valerie, and the only reason I’m not is because the woman you cheated with asked me not to, but if she ever does, I’ll let the cat out of the bag.”

  “You’re a real bitch, you know that?”

  “Don’t talk to her that way,” Jasper said, puffing out his chest. “I’d appreciate it if you’d apologize.”

  Derek laughed. “No offense, but you don’t know the history here and—”

  “I know enough. Let’s not forget I was there when her father landed his fist right on the tip of that nose. Might want to see a new plastic surgeon to try to fix that.”

  “You two deserve each other,” Derek muttered, turning on his heels.

  “I thought he’d never leave,” she muttered, setting her glass on the table, but missed and it crash-landed on the tile floor.

  Thank God it was plastic.

  “He’s a bigger dick than I remember,” Jasper said.

  “But he has a tiny one.” She held up her pinky. “And I’m not being a bitch. Not much girth and only about—”

  Jasper covered her mouth with the palm of his hand. “I don’t want to know.”

  She belched. And not the good kind where it was a simple taste of the decadent food one had just enjoyed.

  Nope. This was more of the vile kind.

  “I think we should get you out of here, okay?” He looped his arm around her waist.

  Rocking on her heels, she realized he was a good two inches taller, which meant she didn’t feel like a giant.



  “I don’t feel so good,” she muttered.

  “Where’s your room?” he asked. If she were sober, the heat rippling across her skin would be a good thing.

  Only that heat was more of a clammy, I’m going to be sick, kind of heat. “I should have warned you I had two gin and tonics before we made our way in your direction.”

  “Yeah, that would have been good information to have.”

  She handed him her key card. “I’m on the second floor. Last door on the right. I can’t remember the number.”

  “I’ll get you to your room safe and sound.” His strong hand gripped her side, and she hoped that was his thumb dancing circles against her hip. Probably a figment of her imagination, but it felt good either way.


  “Are you going to take advantage of me?” Christ. Now she sounded like a hot, desperate mess.

  “I never take advantage of anyone. When we’re together, you’ll be sober, and it will be because you want to, not for any other reason.”

  The elevator moved a little too much. She held her stomach, hoping she’d make it into her room, and he’d be long gone.

  This would go down as her second biggest mistake.

  Derek and his pictures had been the first.

  “You sound quite sure you’re going to get me into bed.”

  His laugh reminded her of the crackle of a bonfire on the beach on a perfect summer night.

  “Since you’re really drunk and won’t remember this in the morning, I’ll be blunt,” he said.

  She felt his warm lips on her cheek as the door popped open. “I’m going to make love to you like no one else ever has, and you’re going to want more.”

  “No time like the present.” She flung herself forward toward the bed but miscalculated and landed on the floor with a loud thud. “Shit, that hurt.” Before she could even rub her ass, he had her sitting on the bed, taking her shoes off. “So, the sailor has decided to take me up on my offer to let him take—”

  “Not tonight.”

  “Awe, why not?” she asked, taking her bare foot, trying to maneuver it between his legs, only she wasn’t sure which set of legs were his and which were her eyes playing tricks on her. “Don’t you like…” If one could feel their face grow pale, it would start with skin burning, then cold sweat dripping from the hairline. “I’m gonna be sick.” She shoved him aside as she stumbled to the bathroom, collapsing in front of the toilet.

  Shortly after that, the world went black.


  Jasper jolted from a deep sleep as an alarm buzzed from somewhere across the room.

  “I hate that ringer,” Ashley mumbled, patting his chest with her hand. “Where’d I leave my damn phone?”

  “I don’t remember you having it last night.”

  Her body tensed. “Please tell me I’m dreaming.”

  “You’re dreaming,’ he whispered, carefully rolling her to the side as he slipped from the bed on a mission to find the phone and shut off the constant ringing. After that, he figured he’d slip out of her room, satisfied he’d been a total gentleman, making sure he honored all of his promises and ensured her safety.

  Thankfully, she’d gone back to a deep sleep.

  Her clutch purse, that she’d dropped in the hallway, twice, rested on the chair next to the window, and it seemed to be the source of the sound. Sure enough, her phone had been tucked inside.

  He let out a long sigh when he saw a reminder to meet her father for breakfast at eight. It was ten minutes to eight.

  “Guess I’m having breakfast,” he mumbled, tiptoeing to the bedside and resting her index finger on the lock button. He felt like he was prying, but he’d only click on the calendar event, hoping it would have the information of the restaurant.

  Only as soon as he unlocked the phone, a text message appeared from her dad.

  Room 202. Don’t be late. I heard Derek showed his ugly face. I’m sorry. But I hope you didn’t do anything crazy. He’s not worth it and Valerie is a big girl. If she doesn’t want to know the truth, that’s on her.

  And that was way too much information.

  Jasper jotted down a note, leaving it on top of her phone so she’d know to check her messages and that he went to meet her father.

  Even if he thought he could wake her, based on the light snore, he suspected she might still be a tad drunk.

  Best to let her sleep until right before the wedding.

  He paused at the door, and in a bold tactical maneuver, he snagged her room key, shoving it in his back pocket.

  Making a quick run to his room to brush his teeth and change his shirt, he found himself tapping on the commander’s room at three minutes past the hour.

  “You’re late, young lady,” the commander said, pulling back the door, his smile quickly turning into a frown. “May I help you?”

  Jasper swallowed. When he’d met the commander ten years ago, he’d found the man to be personable. Approachable. They hadn’t spent a lot of time together, but enough that Jasper gave the commander a shit ton of respect.

  But the man was intimidating as hell.

  How Ashley’s father tolerated a douche like Derek was a mystery.

  “Don’t I know you?” the commander asked, before Jasper could utter a single word.

  “Yes. I’m Jasper Miles, an ex-green beret and we met on a joint mission—”

  “I remember.” The commander nodded his head as his face relaxed. “How did you know I was here?”

  He couldn’t say Ashley told him, because she hadn’t, and the truth might get him punched. He needed a few seconds to figure out how best to approach this situation. Something he should have thought of before he pounded on the door. “Could I come in for a moment?”

  “Is everything alright, son? Did something happen to Ashley?”

  “Yes and no,” Jasper admitted, as he stepped into the room. In front of the window a continental breakfast had been set up with various pastries and a fresh pot of coffee that reminded him he needed a good shot of caffeine.

  “I don’t like riddles, you should remember that from our brief time together.”

  Jasper nodded. “To be short and to the point, Ashley had way too much to drink last night after a run-in with Derek. Actually, she’d been blindsided by his presence. Anyway, I’d promised her I’d look out for her and make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, except I did let her get too drun

  “She’s a lightweight, two drinks will put her on her ass. What else happened?”

  Jasper appreciated the commander’s candor, but it didn’t ease the knot in his stomach. He’d never done well with the meet the parents date with any woman he’d ever dated. “Nothing really. She and Derek had words, I took Ashley to her room and made sure she was safe.”

  “Coffee?” The commander waved to the table. His facial expression remained tight, though not angry.

  At least not that Jasper could tell.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Jasper took a seat and collected his thoughts while the commander poured the rich brew. The steam carrying with it a hint of almond. Jasper had done nothing wrong. Only he felt like a kid sitting in the principal’s office trying to explain how he had a bag full of panties that he’d really collected from the kid who’d gone through the girl’s locker room during gym class.

  Jasper had always intended on making sure no girl was humiliated, only he’d gotten caught first. One of his more embarrassing moments in life.

  “Have you talked to Ashley this morning?” The commander peered over his mug as he blew, pushing the steam away from his mouth.

  “Not in so many words.” Jasper shifted in his seat. “This wasn’t a couple of drinks too many. I didn’t know she’d started before I sat with her at the bar.”

  “So, you’re sitting there telling me you spent the night with my daughter?”

  Jasper coughed. “Commander. Sir. I can’t stress how drunk she was. It would have been irresponsible for me to leave her alone. When I left this morning, she was still passed out. I suspect she’ll be hung over right through the wedding.”

  “Depending on what happened, it could be irresponsible of you to have stayed,” the commander said with a smug grin.

  “Nothing happened, sir. Except me making sure she didn’t toss a drink at Derek or aspirate during the night.”

  “Understood.” The commander nodded. “We fought together, you can call me Riggs like everyone else.” Riggs pointed toward the food on the table. “And, as I recall, you’re the man who testified in front of my peers on my behalf over the incident with Derek.”


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