The Sword of Sighs (The Age of the Flame: Book One)

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The Sword of Sighs (The Age of the Flame: Book One) Page 17

by Greg James


  The city-province situated in the one pass through the Northway Mountains. It has protected the Three Kingdoms of humanity since the last great war against the Fallen One.

  Highmount Council

  The advisors to the ruling family of Highmount.


  A high-proof liquor distilled by the Saltwine family in the Norn Valley.

  Ianna (EYE-anna)

  Step-mother to Jedda and Venna. Self-appointed Lady Warden to the throne of Highmount.

  Iron Gods, The

  The Iron Gods were created by the Molloi as guardians for their cities in the Mountains of Mourning. They were infected by an unknown taint that drove them to conquer their own masters and begin a war that devastated the land surrounding the mountains. The first of the Wayfarers awoke from his sleep in the Lost Tower to defeat them but the Iron Gods could not be slain, so he buried them beneath the mountains they once guarded.

  Jedda (jed-DAH)

  Heir to the throne of Highmount, usurped by her step-mother, Ianna. She vowed revenge and swore allegiance to the Fallen One to achieve this when she thought herself to have been abandoned by all others. She died by her own hand atop the Fellhorn.

  Jez, Master

  Innkeeper of The Water Mark and a former Highmount soldier.

  Kaomos (KAY-oh-MOSS)

  Kaomos was one of the most feared of the Iron Gods. His temper matched the design given to his form by the Molloi. He was awoken by the life-giving Living Flame of Sarah Bean as it passed by. His fate is unknown after plunging into the abyss beneath E’phah with Ossen the Wayfarer.

  Kay’lo (kay-LOW)

  A race who once inhabited the Grassland Plains in harmony with humanity. The early stages of the last war against the Fallen One saw humans committing genocide against the Kay’lo to take their land. There has been enmity between them ever since. The Kay’lo now dwell in forest enclaves, the ruins of their cities and in underground burrow-towns.

  Lo’a’Pan (LOW-ah-PAN)

  The secret underground city of the Kay’lo. No human has ever visited the city and come back alive.

  Marra (MAH-ra)

  A member of the Highmount Council.

  M’Eoa (MUH-eh-OH-ah)

  Commander of a Kay’lo enclave with a more liberal outlook than her fellow Kay’lo.

  Molloi (MUH-loy)

  Once a proud race of engineers and architects, they built the Iron Gods to guard their cities. Following the war with their creations, they were made homeless and destitute, and subsequently degenerated into the savages known today in the lands around the Mountains of Mourning. Differing Molloi tribes can be identified by the coloured woad that they daub their hair and bodies with.

  Mountains of Mourning, The

  A range of mountains separating the Grassland Plains and the swamps of Grah’na from the Western Wastes. They were fashioned into great cities by the First Wayfarer and the Molloi. Now, those cities are tombs after so many died in the war against the Iron Gods, which earned the mountains their title.

  Nightlands, The

  A cold and desolate wasteland in the east of Seythe where perpetual night reigns. This is the domain of the Fallen One and those who follow Him.

  Norn Valley, The

  A valley between Highmount and the Three Kingdoms where farmers and peasantry reside.

  Northway Mountains, The

  The range of mountains that acts as a protective barrier between the Three Kingdoms and the Grassland Plains. The only clear path through is the Northway Pass, which is guarded by the city-province of Highmount.

  Northway Pass, The

  The one clear way through the Northway Mountains.

  Ossen (OH-sun)

  Ossen was a Wayfarer well-known in the Three Kingdoms as a champion of humanity and a bringer of hope. He was a consort of Gorra and it is believed that he may have fought the Fallen One before in other forms and on the other Worlds. His fate is unknown after falling into the abyss beneath E’phah with Kaomos.

  Phages (FEYE-gizz)

  Soldiers thought to have been created by the civilisation that once existed in the Western Wastes. They are flesh-eaters and have also been known to use the body parts of their victims to replace their own rotting limbs.


  The ‘poor’ half of Highmount that faces out onto the Grassland Plains. None of the nobility or Earlfolk live in this part of Highmount.

  Ruth, Mistress

  A Herb-Sister and close friend of Ossen.

  Saltwine, Miria (SALT-why-nuh, Mih-RHEE-ah)

  Head of the Saltwine family.

  Saltwines, The

  A family of brewers and distillers in the Norn Valley.

  Seythe (SAY-thuh)

  The Seventh of the Thirteen Worlds that make up the cosmos.


  A colossal mountain in the Nightlands that is the source of the Fallen One’s presence in Seythe.


  The main summer festival in the Three Kingdoms. Rules of propriety are waived in favour of merry-making, drinking and dancing.

  Sword of Sighs, The

  Also known as the Sword Without a Blade. It bears the soul of A’aron and uses the Living Flame itself as its blade. It is the only weapon known that can slay the Fallen-born and, it is thought (or hoped), E’blis and the Fallen One as well.

  Sworn, The

  A secretive order of trained warriors often hired for assassinations, mercenary duties and to protect travellers in the wildernesses of Seythe. Little is known of their practices and rituals, but all Sworn warriors abandon their former identity upon joining – including name, sex and gender.

  Sybylyn lake (SIH–bill-LIN)

  A lake in the Grassland Plains. It provides fresh water and fish to the people of Trepolpen as well as a certain amount of fertility to the surrounding land enabling small harvests of crops to be grown successfully year on year.

  Taproot, Elssa (TAP-root, ell-SAH)

  Wife of Esiah Taproot.

  Taproot, Esiah (TAP-root, ESS-eye-YAH)

  Head of the Taproot family.

  Taproots, The

  A family of farmers in the Norn Valley and neighbours to Woran Bean.

  Three Kingdoms, The

  The Three Kingdoms of humanity were established on Seythe after the last war against the Fallen One. Before this time, humanity and the Kay’lo co-existed on what is now called the Grassland Plains.

  Trepolpen (TREH-pole-PEN)

  One of the few enduring outposts of humanity in the Grassland Plains. It owes its continuing existence to the Sybylyn lake as much as the traders and merchants that pass through.

  Trotters, The

  A family of pig farmers in the Norn Valley.

  U’Uan (UH-uh-AHN)

  A loyal Kay’lo soldier and interrogator.

  Veil of Remembrance, The

  A sentient magickal veil of memories created to preserve and commemorate those who died in the war against the Iron Gods.

  Venna (VEN-nah)

  Sister to Jedda and Queen-in-Waiting of Highmount. Sickly and not yet at her majority, she rules with the guidance of Ianna and the Highmount Council.

  Watchers, The

  Selected men and women of the Three Kingdoms who stand guard atop the outermost wall of Highmount, watching over the Grassland Plains. First sons and daughters of Earlmen and Earlwomen are often sent to train as Watchers.

  Water Mark, The

  One of the inns in Trepolpen. The proprietor is Master Jez.

  Wayfarers, The

  The Wayfarers are an ancient orders of male and female mages that can travel between the Thirteen Worlds using Paths. Which of the Worlds they originate from is not exactly known but legend records there being a Wayfarer who came before all of the others. He is rumoured to sleep in the Lost Tower.

  Western Wastes, The

  A wasteland wracked by monsoons and ice storms where the Fellhorn mountain stands. Signs of civilisa
tion have been discovered but no memory remains of what might have once been there.


  The main winter festival in the Three Kingdoms. Gifts of food and drink are exchanged to neighbours.

  Wyrlsorn, Mikka (WEERL-sawn, MEE-kah)

  The youngest member of the Highmount Council, an outlander from the Grassland Plains and an agent of the Fallen One.

  Yagga (YAH-gah)

  The witch who dwells in the Wood Beneath the Worlds. Equal and opposite to Gorra as she is a being of rot, decay and poison.

  Yrsyllor (ERR-sih-LAW)

  One of the Three Kingdoms.




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