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Draven Page 13

by Blair Grey

  “We don’t get a say in anything they do, but if you notice, we certainly get our say in what goes into the heads of those who are deciding,” Callie grinned, and I looked at her with my head cocked to one side.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, you know that the whole pill thing came about because the club needed money, and the reason they needed the money was because they weren’t making as much as they were a short while ago,” Alexis said.

  “Draven did say something about cocaine and how they weren’t dealing with that anymore,” I admitted, and Alexis nodded.

  “That’s right. When Callie got with Jett, he was doing a lot of the cocaine deals in town, and she hated it. Then when I met Blade, well, I really put my foot down. I hated the fact that they had anything to do with it, and I made it clear I didn’t approve. There was a lot of personal problems I had with it, and I made it clear to Blade I thought they should go another direction.”

  “And, they listened to you?” I asked in surprise.

  “It took a lot of time, I mean, I was working on it with Jett for months before Alexis came into the picture, then she and Blade argued about it for a long time before the two of us really made it clear to our men we didn’t want anything to do with it anymore,” Callie said.

  “But, they finally stopped,” Alexis continued the story. “I mean, I knew that they had to deal with some things first, but they did stop because we wanted them to. I hate to brag, but I really think they would have kept it up for as long as they could if we didn’t come into the picture.”

  “You know they would have,” Callie agreed. “I’m glad they stopped, too. So, even though we have to be out here when they are discussing things out there, don’t think we don’t have any say in what goes on. We might not be able to be out there giving our two cents over what they are talking about, but let me tell you, when it comes down to what really happens in that club, we have a lot more say than the men want to admit.”

  She and Alexis giggled to each other once more, and both sipped on their tea. The pot on the stove was whistling again, and Callie rose to make my tea. I appreciated, and I had to admit, I wanted to have the same friendship with her and Alexis that they had with each other.

  The other women in the club seemed to be close to them, too, though I was getting the impression they were the two who hung out the most since they were married to the president and vice president of the club. Still, I wanted to get to know them, and I wanted to be close.

  I hadn’t had girlfriends in quite some time, and to be friends with women who were in the same situation as me – and that being a situation we were all happy with was enough to make me feel on top of the world.

  I could see myself doing this for the rest of my life, and I wanted to get to know these women as much as I could. Callie finished with my tea, putting it down on the table in front of me with a smile. We picked up our conversation with another cheerful twist, and only changed the tone when the conversation grew even more heated in the other room.

  “What are they even arguing about?” I asked. “I thought they were going to decide what they were going to do with those men.”

  “They are,” Callie said with a sigh. “But you can see why we can’t have discussions like this in the bar. I mean, when they talk about how much they are going to punish the men, things can get a little heated. And let’s be real, no one wants to deal with the cops over this.”

  She smiled, and that’s when I realized they were discussing whether they were going to kill the men for what they had done. It made me feel sick, and I wondered how Callie and Alexis could just live their lives this way without giving it another thought.

  I knew this was something I was going to have to get used to if I was going to be around these women and part of this life, but it still came as something of a shock to me that they could be so casual about it. But then, they trusted their men fully, and they weren’t going to question them when it came to these kinds of decisions.

  But, Callie could see by the look on my face that this bothered me, and she didn’t want me to be uncomfortable with the situation. She had been in this long enough to know when to call the shots, and she now suggested that we take our tea outside.

  “It’s such a nice day out, and I wanted you ladies to see the flowers I just put around the back. I think we can let the men figure out the rest of what they’re doing out there, and we can deal with our own things out this way,” she said.

  She rose and headed for the door, and Alexis followed. “Sometimes, we figure the less we know about what’s going on out there, the better,” she said with a grin. She picked up her tea, ushering me in front of her and after Callie right out the back door. I didn’t argue with them, though I was still shocked with how casually they could be present for something like this and not give it another thought.

  But, this was a way of life for them, and they were used to it. I wanted to get that way, too. I knew it was going to take some time, but I also trusted Draven. He had taken care of me, and I knew he was going to make the right choice out there with those men, now.

  After all, he was part of this, and he had been for a long time. I knew he knew what he was doing, and I had to trust him. If I was going to do this myself, I was going to have to trust him.

  And I did. Even if I didn’t like it, I did.

  I trusted him completely.

  Chapter 24


  I knew when I swore my allegiance to the MC that there would be a lot for me to deal with. I knew there would be times when I would be asked to do things I didn’t want to do, and I knew there would be times when I had to do things that I didn’t fully agree with.

  But, there were also times when I could respect the patch I wore and the leader I followed, and not go along with what most of the others said. I knew it was a terrible thing what the two had done to betray Jett, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt it was an offense we could forgive.

  It as an offense that would strip them of their right to be in the club, but since no one died as result of their actions, I didn’t think it right that either of the two men should pay for the mistake with their lives. The thought of that was too much, and I fought against that vote with all I had in me.

  It took most of the previous day for us to decide the fate of the two men, and I knew we were going to have to come to a conclusion before too much time went by. When people took too long to decide what was fitting, one of two things would happen.

  Either we would decide that it wasn’t a big deal and the two men would get off free, or tempers would flare and things would get worse in the club. They might wind up dead for the mere fact it was better for the rest of the club than it was fitting to the crime.

  But, I fought long and hard for my point of view, and I wasn’t alone. I knew Jett, and he wasn’t the kind of guy who would go about executing those men unless he felt it was the only option. I knew he didn’t think that was the case.

  The only problem was, that meant we had to choose what was fitting.

  Of course, we were all in agreement that the men were going to be pushed out of the club. There was no room in our MC for traitors, and we weren’t going to let them go free. And, that came with a brutal punishment all in and of its own.

  We weren’t going to kick out two patched in members without removing their patches. And two of those patches were more permanent than the rest.

  Most of the MC were proud to be in the gang. We were proud to be serving with each other, and we thought of ourselves as a family. If someone was a patched in member for a year, there was a tradition that we were all proud to be part of.

  The tradition of getting a tattoo.

  It was a permanent mark that proved to the whole world where our loyalties lie. It was the one thing no one could take from us. We might lose our vest in a fight. We might get stripped of it when we were in enemy territory, but there was only one way to get rid of the patches that were i
n our skin.

  And that was with a knife.

  Sure, there were those who chose to get their patches covered. And, for someone who was leaving under a lesser offense, there was a chance Jett would allow them a certain amount of time to get the tattoo covered before he would take matters into his own hands.

  But, for the offense that was as great as that Gear and Axel had done, there was no way they were going to walk out of the club without having the patches removed, and that meant we were going to go to them, take our knives, and remove the patches ourselves.

  We all knew it was meant to degrade them as much as possible. Both men had sizable patches on their arms, and we were going to remove both with knives that would leave not only large gashes on their arms, but large scars, as well.

  Sure, they could go on to get those tattooed when they healed, but we knew how to make it clear they were removed from them with reason. Anyone who was in any MC would know that these men were humiliated, that their patches had been taken from them and there was no coming back. It was the ultimate way to show them they were no longer part of the club, and the way anyone else would know that they were removed for something they had done.

  That may not stop them from joining another MC in the future, but it would sure as Hell make it harder for them to get in, and we all knew it too.

  I was sent along with four of the other men to carry out the sentence. It was one of the rare times Jett himself came along for the punishment, as well. He felt that it was his duty to be there since he was the one who chose to spare their lives. And, he was the one who had been greatly targeted with the offense.

  I tried not to think that Jade had been the ultimate target of the betrayal. After all, she hadn’t been part of the club at that point, and she really wasn’t anything more than a pawn to any of us but me when it had happened. But, the fact that she had been more than that when it was discovered made it almost pleasurable for me to be there when we removed the patches.

  I wanted to say something to the two men. But, I knew I would be expected to keep my mouth shut. The only men who would speak would be Blade and Jett, and perhaps the two who were condemned to the punishment. The rest of us would be there to carry out the orders and not talk about it as we did so. There wasn’t anything for us to say. As Jett said, we were loyal to him, and that was all we had to do.

  We would prove the loyalty by ignoring their cries for us to stop. We would carry out the punishment, and we would leave. That was all there was to it. I knew they would beg. I knew they would try to convince us that there was another way we could go about this without them having to succumb to such pain.

  But, Jett had made his decision, and for me, that was good enough.

  When Jade asked me what we were going to do with the men, I was vague. I didn’t want her to know the full extent of the punishment. I didn’t want her to blame herself for what was about to happen. She was a kind woman, and I knew she would feel bad if she knew because of what they had done against her they were going to bear the scars.

  “We’re going to take care of it, don’t you worry,” I told her. “That’s all you need to know. Jett decided what we’re going to do, and that’s all you need to worry about.”

  “Can you tell me anything about it at all?” she pleaded, but I shook my head.

  “This is something that we’re going to handle. All you have to do is stay here and wait for me to come home,” I told her as I gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

  She didn’t seem satisfied, and I knew she was afraid to ask how far we were going to go with the punishment. But, at last, she took a deep breath and ventured to bring it up. “Can you at least tell me if they are going to die?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure you want to know the answer to that,” I told her, but she braced herself.

  “If I’m going to be in this with you, then I want to know how far this is going to go,” she said.

  I smiled at her. “No, they aren’t going to die. But that’s all I’m going to tell you.”

  She relaxed a little, and though I knew she still wasn’t happy with the situation, she felt she could live with the outcome. She was right. If she was going to go through with this life, then she was going to have to be there for all of it. Of course, she wasn’t going to be there personally when the punishment was carried out, but she was going to have to deal with me when I got home.

  I wasn’t going to be clean, that was for sure. In fact, I knew I would be covered in a lot of blood. This wasn’t the first time I had gone through with this, and I knew that it was a messy situation.

  But, it was also necessary. I made a promise when I joined the MC, and I was going to keep my end of that promise. I would carry out anything and everything that was for the good of the MC, and I would do it to the best of my ability.

  It wasn’t always going to be easy, but it would always be worth it. This was my family, and these men were my brothers. I knew they would do anything for me, and I would do anything for them. It wasn’t always easy to go through with what was expected of us, but I was okay with that, too.

  I wasn’t in this because it was easy, I was in it because it was my life, and these were the men I wanted to spend the rest of my life serving. I knew how fulfilling the MC was, and I would throw my heart and soul into it.

  This was for the good of everyone, this was for the good of Jade. She had done her part in this, and it was time for me to stand with the rest and do my part, as well. After all, I made a promise years ago, and I was going to stand with that promise and with the men who I had promised to stand with.

  It was just part of everything that went along with the MC.

  It wasn’t all meant to be easy, and I was okay with that. This was life, and now, with Jade by my side, I was the happiest man in the world. I knew we could push through the rest of the unpleasantness now, and it was all going to work out in the end.

  We didn’t have to talk about this side of things anymore. We could move on with our live and be happy together.

  I knew today was going to be rough, but I was glad we were going to spare those men. It was time to stand for the MC, and then I could be happy with Jade once and for all. This might be hard for the day, but it was worth it for the rest of my life.

  Jade was worth everything.

  Chapter 25


  “The fact of the matter is that I’m in love with your daughter, sir, and I would like to ask your blessing on our relationship.” Draven looked at my dad with the utmost respect, and my heart filled with even more love for him.

  My dad was doing better than ever, and I was surprised when Draven wanted to go visit him with me that afternoon. I had no idea he was going to ask my father’s blessing on our relationship, however, and I was speechless.

  “You have made her happier than I’ve seen her in years,” my father said with a smile. “And, I thank you for that. I’m not thrilled with the fact you seem to have a knack for putting her in danger, but I trust you will take care of her. Will you take care of her?”

  “I will, sir; with my life, I’ll take care of her,” Draven said.

  “Then you have my blessing,” my father told him. I nearly burst with happiness as I threw myself over my dad, giving him a hug and a kiss, thanking him for all that he had been for me.

  By the time I got home with Draven, I was sure I could die of happiness. Never in my life had anyone made me feel this way, and I knew I was on the right track. This was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and the fact that he had asked my father’s blessing made me want to show him how much I loved him right then and there.

  As soon as we were in the house, I turned to Draven, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close to me.

  “You seem to have gotten soft on me,” I said. “To think that love might do that to you has me all flabbergasted.”

  “I’ll show you what flabbergasted is,” he said. He pressed himself against me, and I smiled. His cock was h
ard as a rock in his pants, and he pressed his lips to mine, sending that familiar shock through my body. I kissed him back, unable to get enough of him.

  We made our way back to the bedroom, bouncing off the wall as we did. But, we never broke our kiss, our hands exploring each other’s bodies, me growing wetter with each passing second.

  I didn’t know how Draven did that to me, but he was able to turn me on with little more than a smile. He was able to make me feel on top of the world with nothing more than a touch of his hand. He was able to make me feel like a queen with just a glance from his beautiful eyes.

  We tumbled onto the bed, kissing and feeling each other. We were both naked, and we had made love so often, we knew exactly how to touch each other in such a way that drove the other person wild. We never could get enough of the other person. We were meant to be together.

  As Draven pushed himself inside me, I couldn’t imagine ever being with another man. This was the man I knew was meant for me. From the first day we met, I knew that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  We moved together on the bed as though our bodies were made for each other. We were meant to be together. We were supposed to do this with each other. Draven touched me in ways no man ever had before. He made me feel things I didn’t know I could feel.

  He moved on me and in me with such an assuredness, I felt my life depended on him. More than anything, I wanted to please him, and I knew I did. He was the one for me, he was the one I knew I was meant to find.

  In all the hard times in my life, I knew this was what I was meant to do. I had been through Hell, but I was still standing. And now, I had met the one I knew I was meant to be with forever.

  Draven made me cum hard. He always did. There was something about the way he pushed into me I knew he completed me. There was something about the way he came inside me that made me know I completed him, as well.


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