Thy Neighbor's Wife

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Thy Neighbor's Wife Page 3

by Ivy Kane

Carla reached down to hold my cock in her hand. "Yes, I know, but Lucy's a neighbor and a friend. I don't want to be the cause of any problems. She already told me that Todd is a terrific lover, and she told me about his long, skinny cock. He can actually touch her cervix inside. Of course, I had to brag right back. I told her how thick you were and how we used lubricant so you could stretch out my pussy easier. Aren't we naughty?"

  "I'll say! Todd and I have never compared notes like that. Men don't normally provide vivid details about their wives."

  "Well, I want one more taste," Carla giggled as she pulled off the sheet and turned to engulf my semi-erect penis with her warm lips. Moving up between her legs, I licked her full length, again tasting the combined juices still oozing from our earlier activities and her recent re-arousal.

  I felt the familiar sensation and precum began to form as she licked and sucked my head and shaft. "You're going to make me squirt," I warned.

  Carla continued to hold my swollen cock tight with her lips and swallowed the small amount of remaining semen as my balls released. Turning back around, she gave me a long kiss and our tongues exchanged the flavors we'd collected.

  "Goodnight sweet prince," she murmured. "Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings, shall we?"


  "Good morning!" Carla said as Lucy walked into our kitchen. I was already sitting at our breakfast table, sipping a mug of steaming coffee.

  "Morning," Lucy responded sleepily. "That coffee has a wonderful aroma. It woke me up. I could sure use a cup."

  Carla poured Lucy a pretty porcelain cup of coffee and motioned toward the table. "You take it black, right?"

  "Yeah," Lucy muttered as she plopped into the chair across from me. She didn't seem at all perturbed by the fact that Carla wore only a thin nightshirt and that I was still nude.

  I smiled. "Todd still asleep?"

  "Uh huh. He went right to sleep. I was awake for quite a while, but I finally managed to get some sleep. He snores when he's been drinking, you know."

  Carla laughed. "He's not the only one, Lucy! How's your head this morning?"

  "I'll be all right after I down this coffee," she said nodding. "Then, I'll be able to help you get breakfast on the table. Got any aspirin?"

  I glanced across the table at Lucy. She wore the clothes from the night before, but she hadn't bothered with a bra. Her nipples produced noticeable dents in her blouse. "I think I'll take Todd a mug of coffee and get the lazy sucker out of the sack," she said as she walked back to the counter. Lucy glanced back at me after pouring coffee into the mug. "I'll let him know that you were too weak to dress, Rob," and grinned.

  Carla looked over at me. "Lucy sure didn't give us any indication about her feelings this morning, did she?"

  I shook my head. "Nope. Maybe they haven't had a chance to discuss the situation yet," I replied. "Let's wait for one of them to bring it up."

  "Right. Meanwhile, I'll brown the sausage if you'll mix up some waffle batter."


  "Something sure smells good in here," Todd announced as he and Lucy rejoined us. Todd seemed cheerful enough for all of us. Ah, youth and its vigorous recovery power! Evidently, Lucy was true to her promise to tell him I was sitting nude in the kitchen. Todd, like me, was naked; his thick hair still tousled.

  Todd pulled out a chair and sat down while Lucy worked with Carla.

  "Lucy, turn the meat while I make the waffles," Carla suggested. "We'll feed our hungry lions, then relax and enjoy a nice cozy breakfast."

  "You mean feed my snoring pussycat," Lucy retorted. "He left me in quite a state last night...just gave me a peck, rolled over and went right to sleep."

  Carla laughed. "I did a little better than that, didn't I Rob?"

  I actually blushed slightly at Carla's response. "No fair telling," I whined.

  "I just needed my beauty sleep," Todd grinned. "Now, I'm a new man, ready for anything."

  "Anything?" Carla teased as she placed a plate in front of Todd and refilled his mug.

  Todd looked up, obviously admiring my lovely wife. "We'll have to talk about that later," he replied cryptically.

  "At least Lucy and Todd didn't rush out the first thing this morning," I thought. "They must feel like discussing last night instead of running away."

  Todd put his fork down and finished chewing the last bite of waffle. "Everybody reasonably sober this morning?"

  "Sober as a judge," I replied.

  "I'm okay, now that I've had some nourishment and two cups of coffee," Lucy agreed. "But, honey, you've got a piece of waffle caught in your chest hair," she added, pointing at Todd.

  We laughed as Todd looked down and captured the missing morsel. "It's all sticky," he announced. "I need to get the syrup off."

  "Heavens, Todd, I thought you liked sticky things," Carla teased.

  "It all depends on what that sticky thing might be," he chuckled as he stood and marched to the sink, his long, skinny dong swaying in front of him.

  Carla's eyes followed his movements, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Lucy, nor me. She watched as Todd finished drying his chest with a paper towel. "Well, are you fellows going to get dressed, or do we get naked and join you?" she asked nobody in particular.

  "Hells bells, you men go get some clothes on," Carla barked. "We can't have a serious conversation if we're all sitting around naked, can we?"

  I shook my head obediently. "I guess not, dear, we'll go get something on. Back in a flash.”

  When Todd and I reappeared dressed, we found our wives in the TV room in easy conversation. "That's better," Carla said by way of greeting. "Lucy and I were just recalling last evening's events, refreshing our memories a little," she related lightly.

  I sat down next to Carla. Todd took a seat next to Lucy. The two of us waited for the next comment.

  "I want to say that I felt like I was put on the spot last night," Lucy finally stated. "We all did things while under the influence of alcohol and sexual arousal. I must admit, it was amazing at the time, but I really didn't know how everybody felt, so I was pretty shook up when you all looked to me."

  Carla nodded. "If you are going to blame someone, blame me, Lucy. I was the one who hopped up on the edge of the pool, remember?. That's when things really started to happen."

  "Oh, I'm not blaming anyone, Carla. In fact, I'll admit that I really enjoyed what we did. I don't think that it was wrong or anything, just that Todd and I hadn't talked about it at all, and I was afraid to make a mistake and cause problems. That's all."

  Todd took a breath and exhaled, puffing his cheeks in the process. "So, you liked being screwed in their pool and having Rob give you some oral pleasure afterward?"

  "Well, yes," Lucy admitted sheepishly. "It was a fresh experience, at least the Rob part, because we've fucked in our pool a lot. I have little doubt that you enjoyed eating Carla last night, am I right?"

  Todd glanced at us and then grinned. "Yeah, you're right, honey. It was something special. I couldn't believe it when Rob invited me to share his dessert. After that, how could I refuse?"

  Lucy then looked across at us. "What about you guys? How do you feel now that we all have our sense of reason back?"

  "I see no reason to be upset or concerned," Carla replied evenly. "We all enjoyed ourselves and here we are together this morning. We've had a nice breakfast, plenty of coffee, and we're still friends. I must say, Todd gave me a couple of thunderous orgasms last night. Lucy, you told me he was good, but now I really know what you meant."

  I put my arm around Carla's shoulder and pulled her close. "I should be jealous after that last remark, but I'm not. I think that adding some spice may even improve what we already enjoy. Lucy seemed to find quite a bit of pleasure from my own actions, so I guess we're all about even at this point."

  "So, where do we go from here?" Todd slowly intoned. "Do we chalk last night up to booze and ignore it in the future, or do we continue our recent experi

  Carla took a sip of the coffee she carried from the kitchen. "Okay, I'll go ahead and step off the curb and into the traffic," she said. "I'm still as curious as hell about how you would feel inside me. Lucy is shorter, so maybe it's also easier to reach her upper walls. I couldn't help thinking about that last night, then again this morning."

  "It works best when I'm on top," Lucy chimed in. "I can totally control how far it goes in and I can put it right where I want it." Then she covered her face with both hands and giggled. "I can't believe I just said that!"

  "I'd like to see how you would handle Todd, given Lucy's informative comments," I told Carla as I squeezed her arm softly. "Everybody would have to agree, naturally."

  "Well, I sure don't want to try it out on that rough, pebbly deck! I think I still have dents in my ass from sitting up on our pool deck last night."

  Carla's remark drew howls from all of us. I glanced over at Lucy and Todd, trying to assess their mood following Carla's admission. I detected a lump forming in Todd's trousers. Lucy noticed also and she ran her hand over his crotch, confirming her suspicion.

  "Carla's been honest, so I will confess also. I had some very wicked thoughts about Rob last night, Carla, after we went to the guestroom. Todd went to sleep right away, but I kept thinking about the thick dick I'd just seen. I was wondering if Rob would fit and how different he would feel compared to my Todd. The thought made me finger myself and I gave myself another orgasm before I finally conked out."

  "If I was on top, Lucy, I'd be sure to take it slow and easy," I volunteered. "We have some very slick silicone lubricant that would really help."

  Carla nodded. "It does make a big difference. I'm still tight and we use lube all the time."

  Silence followed Carla's last remark. Everybody seemed to be in separate worlds for a couple of minutes. Finally, I decided to make the proposal that I knew the others were contemplating. "You all realize, we have most of the day and our king-size bed will accommodate four. All those in favor of adjourning to our bedroom, please stand."

  I stood and looked around, feeling very alone for a few moments. At last, Lucy slowly rose to her feet and smiled across at me. Carla sighed with relief and jumped to her feet, clapping her hands. Seeing Lucy rise, Todd too stood up and hugged her.

  Wordlessly, Carla led the four of us walked down the long hallway to the open bedroom door. She seemed to swivel her hips a bit more than normal. Carla stopped at the door. "Last chance to change your mind," she announced and boldly stepped into our room.

  Lucy and Todd followed her inside. I brought up the rear. Carla and Lucy pulled the flowered spread off of the bed and folded it neatly on the floor near the far wall. "We won't need a blanket or top sheet will we?" Carla said as she quickly folded them up and set them on top of the spread.

  We all looked around the brightly-lit room. "Close the blinds, Rob," Carla requested. "Let's add a little bit of romance, shall we?"

  As I closed the blinds, Carla lit two large candles and lowered the rheostat lighting control to give the room a warm glow.

  "There, that's better," Carla said. I watched as my wife kicked off her sandals and began to unbutton her blouse. Lucy noticed Carla's actions and quickly followed suit, pulling her top off and unzipping her skirt.

  I began undressing while watching for signs of concern among the others. Todd worked fast and he was the first one naked, his long cock dancing straight out as he viewed the arousing scene now taking place.

  Carla was now nude. She approached the bed, on her normal side, and turned to Todd. "I think Lucy said it would be best if I was on top, right?"

  Todd nodded and moved next to my wife. He rolled onto our bed on his back and looked up at my lovely wife. "Is this all right?"

  "Over a little more," she told him, "I need more room for my left leg."

  Todd inched over some more and Lucy sprawled on his other side. "You want to be on top of me, right Rob?"

  I walked to my side of the bed where my cute neighbor now lay. Nodding my agreement, I opened my nightstand drawer and removed the bottle of silicone lube. "Before we use this, I simply must have another taste of your sweet pussy," I told Lucy.

  Lucy smiled up at me and spread her short legs wider, allowing me an unobstructed view of her dark bush and her already-swollen inner lips. "You did me so good last night, Rob, please take your time and help me remember." Lucy reached over and held Todd's hand.

  While I crawled up between Lucy's thighs, Carla slid onto the bed and straddled Todd's legs. "I want to see how your long dong feels in my mouth first," she told him in a voice we could all hear. Seconds later, I heard slurping sounds indicating that my wife was sucking greedily on my neighbor's prick.

  Lucy was soaking wet. I licked along her sticky slit and tapped her clit with my tongue tip. After several trips up and down her vaginal highway, I again ventured lower and rimmed her tight little ass. Her hips bucked up to meet my mouth and I slipped my hands under her cheeks to help support her wide-open crack. Her first climax came quickly as my tongue turned circles around her rear pucker.

  As Lucy came back to Earth, I returned to her juicy cunt and lapped up the copious quantity of nectar that now flowed from her pink flower. My tongue entered her warm depths and I used my index finger to open her even more. Once my finger was wet, I let it slip lower and slowly inserted it into her ass while I licked and sucked on her swollen clit. Lucy emitted a high-pitched squeal as she climaxed for the second time. I had not yet approached her pussy with my hard, thick cock.

  Next to me, Carla moved up Todd's body and I watched as her fingers found, then held his thin rod up against her juicy love tunnel. The head of his long shaft slipped between her cunt lips. Seconds later, Carla accepted another inch, then another. She was moaning softly as more and more of Todd's cock slid past her tight vaginal muscle.

  "Oh, my God," Carla gasped. "I can feel you so deep, so incredibly deep,” she told Todd. "I've never felt that before." My wife moved to one side, then the other, enjoying the unique feeling of a cock head massaging the upper reaches of her vagina.

  "Hold still," Todd pleaded. "I'll cum if you move again now."

  "Okay, baby, okay," Carla told him, "tell me when I can move again. You feel wonderful all the way inside like that."

  Lucy listened to Carla and she knew exactly what my wife was experiencing at that moment. Lucy looked up at me. "Use your lube, Rob. I want your thick cock in me now."

  I poured an ample amount of silicone lube on my fingers and smeared it over and inside my neighbor's already sticky cunt. Her bush glistened with her nectar and my lube. Then, I put more lube on my erect cock and, as Lucy watched, I stroked my cock to make sure it was completely hard, and to show her what she was about to enjoy. Her soft tits were hanging off her chest on each side and her nipples were erect and swollen with lust.

  My fingers quickly discovered the path through Lucy's puffy inner labia. I used two fingers to open her, then inserted the tip of my cock between them.

  "Mmm, yes," Lucy encouraged. "I can feel you there."

  I pressed forward slightly and met with rather stiff resistance. "Uh, so big," Lucy groaned.

  Waiting for a few moments, I finally felt her relax a bit more. I pushed again and I felt the head of my prick slide past the protective muscle. "No, wait, I can't," she gasped.

  I held my position for a while. It seemed like minutes, but I know it was probably only thirty seconds or so. "Does it hurt, Lucy?" I asked.

  "Not now," she whispered. "I've never felt anything so big before. I'm sorry."

  "Don't be," I reassured her. "Just relax and think about how good it will feel in a few minutes."

  This time, I pulled out slightly and dripped some more lube onto my cock. Once I felt the lube flowing, I pressed against my cute little neighbor again and my shaft penetrated about halfway.

  "Oh yes," Lucy mewed softly, "that's nice now. Try some more."

Encouraged by her desire, I pressed harder and finally buried my entire shaft in her tight hole. My balls touched against the cheeks of her ass and our pubic mounds collided with a bump.

  "Oh, God, I'm so full, Rob. You've filled me completely. My pussy is stretched to the limit, I think."

  After holding still for a minute, I slowly withdrew halfway and reversed to slide back in to the hilt. My slow, gentle fucking motion brought more moans from Lucy and I began to feel the pressure building in my testicles. "Better take it easy before I squirt my cum too soon," I thought to myself.

  Meanwhile, Carla continued to move her slender hips up and back, and side to side, milking Todd's long shaft. She stopped after every few moves to help him prolong his ejaculation. My wife's tits looked so good bouncing above Todd's chest. As I watched, he reached up with his right hand and cupped my wife's left breast, pulling gently on her nipple. I knew that would create new sensations in Carla's body. She grunted and accelerated her movements to increase the friction against her clit.

  "Oh shit," Todd gasped, "I'm going to cum. I can't stop it now!"

  Carla jumped up and down on my neighbor's staff in a frantic effort to cum with him. Her mouth fell open and her tits bounced carelessly as his warm, white semen drenched the uppermost end of her cunt. I glanced over just in time to see their combined love juices begin to leak out around their junction.

  Lucy was moaning too, listening to her husband as he squirted his sperm into my wife. "So hot," she said. "Oh, Rob, fuck me hard now. Please fuck me hard with your big thick cock."

  Her urgent request was my cue. I pounded her fast and hard for a dozen strokes or so. To her surprise, I slowed down again and lay still. "What's the matter?" she asked.

  "Nothing," I told her. "I just want it to last a lot longer. I want Carla and Todd to watch us when they're finished."

  Lucy opened her eyes and looked into mine. "I've had naughty dreams about that happening," she admitted. "Do whatever you want, baby."


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