Addicted for Now (Addicted Series 2)

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Addicted for Now (Addicted Series 2) Page 40

by Ritchie, Krista

  She begins to move her mouth back and forth again, and I have to pull her off. “But I want you to come in my mouth,” she says.

  For fuck’s sake. She does not make this easy.

  “Well, I want to come in your pussy,” I retort. “I see we have a predicament. Should we flip for it?”


  I grin. “I didn’t think so.” I roll her onto her back and my hand slides between her legs, feeling just how soaked she is. I know she’s on the pill, so I don’t bother grabbing another condom. I want to fill her with my cum, to leave myself inside of her all week.

  I hover over her body, my eyes on hers. She looks at me like I’m the only man in the world, like she could stay here in this bed forever. We have ten more minutes and that’s it, but I don’t think she’s counting. If her new psychiatrist forces her to be abstinent and this is the last time we can fuck, I’m going to make it worth it. I’m going to make her remember every movement and detail.

  I’m going to make this one unforgettable.

  { 42 }


  A lot can happen in one month.

  Lily miraculously passed her finals and all her classes, which means she’ll attend Princeton next year as a senior. Only one semester behind. Connor’s emergency tutoring probably had a hand in her success.

  The summer has turned fiercer and now at the end of June, we’re all silently praying for rain.

  The weather is the only thing I can predict anymore. I thought four weeks would have been enough to dissuade the media and return us to our semi-normal lives. The press may be slightly less ravenous, but cars still sit outside the gates of the house, snapping pictures whenever we leave.

  Tuesdays and Thursdays are the worst.

  We sit in a corner office of a New York City high-rise, and Dr. Oliver Evans gives me one of his patented you’re-not-really-supposed-to-be-here scowls. I didn’t trust Lily to see a new male therapist for her sex addiction, so naturally I tagged along for her first meeting.

  Oliver’s theories about sex addiction are a one-eighty from Allison’s, and our initial encounter didn’t go so well. I almost hit the guy and walked right on out. But Lily’s adamant on appeasing her parents and making things right with her family. She wanted to return to these weekly appointments, and the only way I’ll sleep at night is if I accompany her.

  So Oliver stares at me like I’m getting on his last psychiatric nerve. He’s forty-something with dark brown hair and rectangular spectacles that make him look more mousy than smart.

  “It’s been four weeks,” I remind him. “I thought we’d be friends by now, Oliver.”

  He senses my sarcasm and scribbles something in his notebook. This isn’t couples therapy. It’s just supposed to be for Lily, but he often starts writing whenever I start speaking. He thinks it pisses me off, but I just hope he gets a hand cramp.

  “Lily, how are you doing abstaining from sex? A month is a milestone for a sex addict. You should be proud.”

  She folds her hands in her lap. “It’s been good.”

  It was good. For the first couple of weeks, I actually believed we could make a no-sex rule work. But by the third week, she was skittish as hell. She wouldn’t let me sleep beside her, and she flinched whenever someone touched her—not just me. What was once abstaining from sex turned into abstaining from touch. I sensed her withdrawing from me and everyone around her. She wouldn’t leave the house, wouldn’t do normal things. So I cut the cord on that experiment, and it wasn’t because I was horny too.

  I knew I was losing my best friend.

  I voiced my concerns to Oliver when she first withdrew from my hand. I was just trying to lace her fingers with mine, and she shrunk into herself like I was a monster under her bed. He told me it was natural. That she was returning to the norm. I don’t know what kind of norm this guy lives in, but regular people don’t flinch when they hold hands. It’s not like I was asking her to rub one out for me.

  So I made a deal with Lily. She wants to appease her parents, fine. But we’re not listening to this asshole’s advice.

  “It’s normal for a deviant like yourself to miss sex.”

  He calls her a deviant a lot. It aggravates me, and I’ll spend the next twenty minutes after this meeting telling her all the reasons why she’s not one.

  “I do miss it,” Lily lies. “I miss the way it makes me feel.” She felt it pretty damn well last night. She came so hard that she ended up in a fit of laughter afterwards. We tried the abstinence bit. It didn’t work, and we have no more what ifs. We’re finally finding our groove in intimacy, and the only thing standing in our way is this guy.

  “We can’t have you missing it, Lily,” he tells her. “The more you dwell on your deviant fantasies, the more you revert back to your deviant ways. You’re just a whore now, but if you let this cycle continue you could become something worse. A pedophile. A sex offender.”

  Lily’s head whips in my direction, and she clutches my hand, silently begging me not to lash out. This isn’t the first time he’s basically called her a future pedophile.

  “Give me a minute while I gather the tools.” He stands and rummages around his office closet.


  This is why I don’t want her to stay here. I must wear a pleading look because she says, “I’m fine. We can’t leave.”

  “We can actually,” I refute. “There’s the door. Fuck the trust fund.”

  “It’s not about the trust fund.” I know.

  She trying to fix all the damage she created. She’s even rebuilding a relationship with her father. We still don’t attend those Sunday luncheons, but he calls her after they end to catch up.

  Her mother is a different story.

  Lily squeezes my hand, and I stare at the way her fingers intertwine with mine. Last week, we wouldn’t have been able to do this. Last week, she would have burst into tears before I touched her.

  “Just trust me. It’s like a game,” she says.

  I narrow my eyes. “A game in which you get shocked for fun?” I mock gasp. “Are you into the S&M part of BDSM and didn’t tell me?”

  She punches my arm, and I grab onto her wrist, pulling her in for a kiss. She’s going to need it.

  { 43 }


  “What did I say about kissing and touching during our sessions?” Dr. Evans says angrily.

  I try to subdue my smile as I break away from Lo. “Sorry.” I don’t feel that apologetic. I’m only here for my parents. I don’t believe in Dr. Evan’s methods anymore, and I try my best not to take his words to heart.

  But the armor that I’m building still has a few chinks.

  Like right now. Dr. Evans holds a small electrical box, and I have the sudden urge to vomit all over his ugly carpet. He sticks two electrodes to the inside of my wrist and then passes me the box. I set it on my lap and rotate the knob to the lowest shock level.

  “I think you can go higher than that today.”

  “She doesn’t want to,” Lo interjects.

  “Make no mistake, Loren, this is my office. I can have you escorted out if I feel like you’re hindering my patient’s treatment.”

  “It’s fine,” I say quickly and turn the dial a couple notches. Too bad I don’t have the remote. That device rests in Dr. Evans sweaty palm, the commander of this torture.

  “I’ll let you choose what you want to try today. Fantasies or porn.”

  “Porn.” Having to relay my fantasies out loud is incredibly embarrassing, and he shocks me more when I start describing positions and body parts.

  “Actually, how about we do both.” He reaches into his desk, pulls out a magazine and slides it to me. I set the mag on the armrest between Lo and me, and then I flip it open, already knowing the drill. Nude women don’t make me aroused, but the photographs with the couples do. As soon as I glance at a picture—Buzzzzz!—the shock ripples through my wrist and up my arm.

  I let out a short breath and clench my hand
. Lo rubs my back, and another shock jostles my wrist. My hand twitches.

  “What the hell?!” Lo shouts.

  Dr. Evans ignores Lo for the moment. “Look at the pictures, Lily, and describe a fantasy you might have if you were staring at these on your own.”

  I instinctively glance at Lo, considering he would be in my fantasy, which is the wrong reaction. The shock pulses through my hand again, and I try to keep my arm still so Lo can’t tell. But he’s breathing heavily beside me, forcing himself in the seat and not at Dr. Evans’ throat.

  “Loren, can you please move to the other chair.” Dr. Evans points to a cushiony one in the corner, as far away from me as possible.

  Lo opens his mouth, and I have to cut him off. Last time he told Dr. Evans to suck his cock, and I’m not sure that’s going to blow over well a second time. “He’s fine. I don’t even see him,” I say quickly, returning my focus to the pictures.

  Buzzzz! I flinch. What did I do?

  I’m starting to think Dr. Evans just likes to press that little button.

  “Find a picture that’s particularly arousing for you.”

  I flip through the magazine, bypassing all the large jugs and vaginas but having no luck. They really don’t make these for women. “Anything?”

  “The internet just has a better selection,” I admit, still flipping aimlessly.

  “Use this then.” He holds out an electronic tablet. I haven’t been on the internet since Lo banned surfing the web, and the lack of temptation has been nice. My days are easier without it.

  I swap the magazine for the tablet and log onto Tumblr. This feels different than browsing through the magazine. Maybe because this has been a staple in my routine. I haven’t looked at mags since high school.

  Having Dr. Evans watch me do this is a little personal.

  “Find a photograph and describe your fantasy.”

  I don’t want to, but I remind myself that my parents have been dealing with more difficult stuff than this. Suck it up, Lily.

  I easily land on one that causes me to shift in my chair. A sting pinches my wrist. Fuck. I cringe, and Lo cranes his neck to look at the tablet.

  “Talk,” Dr. Evans urges.

  It’s a gif of a girl without any pants (or underwear) and a fully clothed guy. We can only see the lower half of the couple, but the guy runs his hand back and forth between her legs. “My fantasy?” I ask, wanting to avoid this portion.

  “Yes, what do you visualize when you look at the photo.”

  “Lo,” I say, “doing this to me, and then maybe he’d actually put his fingers…in…” Buzz! Buzzz! Buzzzz! “Motherfucker,” I curse under my breath and close my eyes tight.

  “Take it easy, Oliver,” Lo sneers.

  “Find another, Lily.”

  I scroll through the tablet and land on a photograph of a girl’s oiled ass, but large male hands massage her butt and even edge closer and closer to her clit. Holy shit. Buzz!

  The shock doesn’t dissuade me from picturing Lo massaging me this way. Maybe he’ll get some ideas from this session. Maybe it’s worth the pain.

  But as Dr. Evans shocks me again, all my thoughts morph into shame. I guess, I shouldn’t want to like this. Dr. Evans boosts my fears when he says, “You’re trying not to be deviant anymore. This is bad.” He shocks me one more time and I wince. “Understand that we’re trying to relate these images to a negative stimuli. You should reach the point where these images don’t arouse you anymore. We’re going to shock the whore out of you, one way or the other.”

  I give Lo another look but his lip has curled into disgust and he grips the armrest with white knuckles.

  The clock ticks languidly.

  We have one more hour.


  My favorite part of therapy is the ride home. Even though I feel like I’m a million leagues below the sea, Lo never stops talking. He brings me back to the surface.

  I press my forehead to the fogged window, rain pelting the glass. After four weeks in a drought, the downpour almost feels like a dream. He flicks on the windshield wipers and navigates the road. “Next session I’m going to call him a whore,” Lo tells me. “Give him a taste of his own fucked up medicine.” His eyes keep flitting to me in concern.

  “You’re going to flip us off the road,” I say.

  “You’re being quiet.” He merges onto the highway.

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “About Dr. Oliver Evans’ lack of pornographic magazines for females? What the fuck was he doing giving you a guy mag?”

  Though, this was furthest from my mind, I will gladly take the distraction bait. I smile and rotate fully in my seat to face Lo. “You remember in eighth grade when you used to buy me magazines and rip out all the pages with only girl parts?”

  He laughs. “It wasn’t all selfless. I thought the more you masturbated the less you’d have sex with actual guys.”

  “Huh…” I suppose that makes sense. “Did you know that I used to dump out your bottles of Everclear?” I admit with a grin. The liquor was so strong that he scared me whenever he plucked a bottle from the cabinet. I guess I was too afraid to dissolve our system to actually tell him this, so I did the next best thing.

  “I always thought I just didn’t remember drinking them.”

  It feels nice to know that we had each other’s backs, even if it seemed like we could care less. “I never told you,” I say softly, “but I was always worried about your health. Your liver…” We don’t usually talk about the risks, at least we never have before. But somehow, banding together to take on evil Dr. Shock Therapy has made us closer in a different way.

  He lets out a long breath. “I know you were, Lil. And it’s one of the reasons I can’t drink again.”

  I frown. “What do you mean?”

  “We have to take all these kinds of medical tests in rehab, and the doctors basically told me that if I continued down the path I was on, I’d do serious, irreparable damage to my liver.”

  My eyes suddenly start to burn, silent tears building. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “Because I knew you’d be upset and probably blame yourself,” he says, “and it’s not your fault.” He glances at me and then back at the road. “Lil, please don’t cry. It’s really not your fault, and I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong with me.”

  “But it could be.” I wipe my eyes and shake my head. “And how can this not be my fault, Lo? I enabled you all our lives. I should have—”

  “What?” he says roughly. “What could you have done? Tell me to stop? I wouldn’t have. Physically taken the bottles away? I would have hated you. Tattled to my father? He wouldn’t give a shit. The only person who could have stopped me was me.”

  “I could have done something.” I can’t sit here and act like I’m not to blame at all. I supplied him with booze sometimes. I facilitated his addiction.

  “You did do something. You were there for me when no one else was.” He drives down another street and turns on the lights as the sun descends. “And Lil…” His eyes meet mine for a brief moment. “If you’re going to blame yourself for enabling me then I have to take fault for enabling you.”

  “It’s not the same. Your addiction can kill you.”

  “And those men you slept with couldn’t have beat the shit out of you? You couldn’t have contracted an STD or HIV? I let you take those risks and you let me take mine.” He turns a sharp left and I brace myself against the door. “How about we call it even? And then we make a pact to never do it again.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Can we shake on it?”

  His lips rise mischievously. “We can do better than that.”

  Is he thinking what I’m thinking? “Like…”

  He laughs. “Well, I saw you staring rather hard at that massage picture.”

  Ohhhhh. Yes. No. Wait. “We shouldn’t.”

  His brows furrow into a hard line, but he keeps his gaze on the road as the rain falls heavier. “Why not? And you may want to
choose your answer carefully. If it begins or ends with the name Oliver Evans, I’m going to eject my seat.”

  “It’s deviant.”

  Lo lets out a long groan. “Please, for the love of fucking God never say that word again.”

  “Well it is.”

  “The only thing deviant is what that psychiatrist is putting you through. You shouldn’t be shocked for being aroused by those photographs. I get semi-hard looking at them.”

  I frown. “You do?”

  “Yes!” he says, half-laughing. “Any human would, Lil. Even if I thought aversion therapy was ethical, which I don’t, I’d only recommend it to people who stare at those photos with violent thoughts. Like rape or child molestation. You’re not a pedophile. The fact that he treats you like one kills me.”

  I watch the rain scatter my window as I think this through. It’s not weird to be aroused by them, but it’s wrong to compulsively abuse porn. That sounds right.

  “Hey,” Lo says, wanting my attention again. I turn to him, and he gives me a hard look, his eyes flickering between the road and me. “If his therapy methods are fucking with your head, then you’re going to stop.”

  “I’m fine, honest. Talking to you helps.”

  He grabs my hand and kisses my palm.

  “So we went to our respective press conferences, finished publicly apologizing,” I list off. “I’m seeing my new psychiatrist. All we have left is the wedding, and after that I’ll receive my trust fund. My parents should forgive me fully, and everything will turn back to normal—or as normal as we can be.” Once a week, my father actually calls me to catch up. He even told me he was proud that I was seeing this psychiatrist. After everything that I did to his company—the backlash that he’s been through—for him to tell me that he’s proud was enough to cause happy tears. I can’t screw with that.


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