John Muir and the Ice That Started a Fire: How a Visionary and the Glaciers of Alaska Changed America

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John Muir and the Ice That Started a Fire: How a Visionary and the Glaciers of Alaska Changed America Page 25

by Heacox, Kim

  Australia and New Zealand trip, 160

  authority, standing up to, 45, 46–47

  Boston trip, 109, 110

  botany trip, round-the-world, 152, 158–59, 160, 162

  bravery, 51

  Burroughs, John, friendship with, 108–9, 126–27

  cables to/from, 159

  Carr, Jeanne, and, 36–37

  Chicago World’s Fair, 105

  childhood and youth, 10–11, 19–21

  cities, attitude toward, 64, 112, 158

  conservation, attitude toward, 84

  contradictions, 156–57

  death, 184, 186

  education, 10, 37, 64, 89–90, 109

  Egypt trip, 160

  England trip, 110, 111, 112

  European trip, 110, 111

  experience, importance in science, xv–xvi

  eye injuries, 10, 82

  fall on ice, 81

  financial status, 92, 114, 143, 173

  Forestry Commission work, 115–16

  France trip, 111

  fruit orchard work, 40, 55, 58, 59, 92, 112

  Gelnora Peak hike, 4–5

  generosity, 173–74

  glaciers, love of, 32, 33, 34–35, 44

  on greedy capitalists, 208

  Harriman, Edward H., relationship with, 125, 143–44

  hope, 88

  illnesses, 66–67, 84, 120, 158, 174, 184

  India trip, 159

  influence and fame, 108, 114–15

  Italy trip, 111

  Johnson, Robert Underwood, letter to, 159

  knowledge, 64–65

  legacy, xvi–xvii, 185–86, 204–5, 209–10

  loneliness, 165, 169, 171

  marriage, 36, 40

  Muir, Helen, letters to, 112, 170, 177, 179

  Muir, Louie, introduction to, 36, 40

  Muir, Louie, letters to, 74–76, 105, 108, 156, 212

  Muir, Wanda, letter to, 110

  nature, reverence for, xiv–xv, 34–35, 45, 46, 118, 149, 204–5

  New York City trips, 108–9, 179

  open-mindedness, 65–66

  pacifism, 89, 181, 184

  photos, 157, 161, 164, 178, 183

  Pinchot, Gifford, relationship with, 115, 117–18, 119

  politics, attitude toward, 119, 173

  religious beliefs, 18–19, 31, 61, 63

  Russia trip, 158

  San Francisco, 17

  scientific theory, 44

  Scotland, 88–89, 110

  Sierra, 17–18

  Sierra Club, 93

  singing, love of, 131

  speaking abilities, 17–18, 30–31, 177

  Switzerland trip, 111

  travel as older man, 162–63

  travels, early, 17–18

  on wilderness as necessity, 193

  wolves, encounter with, 79

  writing, 58–59, 63–64, 109–10, 111, 112–13, 151–52

  Yosemite trips, 152–53, 155–57, 170

  Young, S. Hall, introduction to, 3–4

  Young, S. Hall, visit from, 58, 59–61, 63

  young people, liking for, 128–29

  Muir, Louie (wife)

  cables to/from, 159

  conservation, attitude toward, 84

  early life, 8

  illness and death, 163, 165

  marriage, 36, 40

  Muir, John, absences of, xii, 7–8, 39–40, 41–42

  Muir, John, introduction to, 37, 40

  Muir, John, letters from, 74–76, 105, 108, 156, 212

  Muir, John, writings of, 63–64, 112

  photo, 164

  political activity, encouragement of, 120–21

  pregnancy, 41, 42

  Muir, Sarah (sister), 58, 114

  Muir, Wanda (daughter)

  Arizona trips, 163, 165

  birth, 55, 58

  education, 163

  father, final illness and death of, 184

  father, letter from, 110

  marriage, 169, 170

  photo, 164

  Muir Glacier

  Alaska trip (1890), 73–74, 80

  descriptions, 97, 104

  Harriman Expedition, 134–35, 136–37

  photos, 98–99, 100–101, 102–3, 136–37

  size, 80, 132, 134, 164

  tourists, 97, 104

  Muir Point cabin, 82–83, 94, 98–99, 212

  Nash, Roderick, 76, 77–78, 186, 195

  National Geographic, 97, 206

  national monuments, 174, 191–92, 195, 197–98

  National Park Service, 187, 193–94, 199, 201, 203

  Nation magazine, 209


  Muir, John, and, xiv–xv, 34–35, 45, 46, 118, 149, 204–5

  Pinchot, Gifford, and, 115, 117–18, 119, 120, 121, 155, 158

  Nelson, George F., 130

  Newmont Exploration Ltd., 197

  New York City, 108–9, 179

  New York Daily Tribune, 144

  New York Evening Mail, 184

  New York Times, 148, 176

  New Zealand, 160

  “next ridge syndrome,” 91

  Niagara Falls, 134

  Nome, Alaska, 133

  Old Silver Eye, 29–30

  Oliver, Mary, 193, 211

  Olmstead, Frederick Law, 105

  Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 38

  Orion magazine, 208–9

  Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 116

  Our National Parks (Muir), 151–52, 176

  Overland Monthly, 109

  pacifism, 89, 181, 184

  Palache, Charles, 139

  Pardee, George C., 155

  Parsons, Marion Randall, 182

  Patterson Glacier, 132

  Phelan, James D., 172, 175, 180

  Pinchot, Gifford

  Conservation Conference, 173

  Hetch Hetchy Valley, 171, 172, 180

  Muir, John, introduction to, 109

  Muir, John, relationship with, 115, 117–18, 119

  nature, attitude toward, 115, 117–18, 119, 120, 121, 155, 158

  as political player, 119, 151, 176

  Roosevelt, Teddy, and, 151, 153

  Taft, William Howard, and, 175

  Pinchot, James, 109

  Pipher, Mary, 207

  plant succession, 187, 189–90

  Pleasant Island, 25–26

  Pope, Carl, 209–10

  population growth, 154

  potlatch tradition, 173–74

  Principles of Geology (Lyell), 22, 38, 71

  public lands, 110–11

  Queen (steamship), 68, 74, 82, 84, 96, 116

  Raker, John, 180

  Raker Bill, 180–81

  reconstruction, 90

  Reid, Harry Fielding, 72–73, 75, 94–96, 97, 189

  Rendu Glacier, 195

  Richards, Kevin, 205–7, 208–9, 210–11

  Ridgway, Robert, 126

  Ritter, William E., 126

  Rocky Mountain National Park, 193

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 198, 199

  Roosevelt, Teddy

  biography, 147–48

  Conservation Conference, 173

  election of 1912, 180

  Grand Canyon, 191

  on greedy capitalists, 208

  Hetch Hetchy Valley, 171–72, 181

  monuments, national, 174

  photo, 157

  as president, 149–51, 152–53, 154–56, 165

  Yosemite trip, 152–53, 155–57

  Ruskin, John, 65–66

Russia, 142–43, 158

  Sanders, Scott Russell, 120

  San Francisco, 17, 165, 169, 171–73

  San Francisco Chronicle, 176

  San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 59

  Sanger, Margaret, 187

  Sargent, Charles Sprague, 115, 116, 120, 152, 158, 171

  Sathitch, Chief, 30, 31

  Saunders, Alton, 131

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 204

  Scidmore, Eliza, 97, 103, 104

  Scotland, 88–89, 110

  Scott, Robert Falcon, 162

  Sequoia National Park, 85, 88

  Seward, William H., 11–12, 30

  Shackleton, Ernest, 162, 192

  Sheldon, Charles, 193

  Sierra Club, 93, 171, 177, 180, 185, 209–10

  Sierra, 17–18

  Sitka Charley, 10, 14, 15

  Skagway, Alaska, 133

  slavery, 60–61, 90

  Sloan, Kay, 126, 131, 145

  Smith, Adam, 118

  Smith, Tom, 195–97, 201

  Spokane (steamship), 58

  Stafford, Miss, 170

  Stickeen (dog), 42–43, 48, 50–51, 58, 59–60, 63, 177

  Stickeen John, 10, 14–15, 27, 30, 31

  Stickeen (Muir), 177

  Stoll, Steven, 154

  Story of My Boyhood and Youth, The (Muir), 177

  Strentzel, Louie Wanda. See Muir, Louie (wife)

  stumps, interglacial, 74, 80, 196

  Switzerland, 111

  Taft, William Howard, 175, 178, 180

  Tesla, Nikola, 109

  Thomas Corwin (ship), 58–59

  Thoreau, Henry David, 39, 78–79, 106, 109, 118, 131


  Auke, 27, 32

  Huna, 14–17, 140–41

  potlatch tradition, 173–74

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 78

  tourism and tourists, 56–57, 58, 74, 75, 96–97, 102–3, 160–61

  Toyatte, Chief

  Alaska trip (1879), 9, 16–17, 28 28, 35–36

  Aukes, 32

  Chilkats, 27

  death, 42

  Tlingat potlatch tradition, 173–74

  transcendentalism, 78–79

  Travels in Alaska (Muir), 177–78, 180, 182, 184, 187, 204

  Treadwell Mine, 117, 132, 139, 197

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 106–8, 190, 194

  Turner’s Frontier Thesis, 106–8

  Twain, Mark, xiii–xiv, 87–88, 90, 91, 92, 176

  University of Chicago, 189

  University of Wisconsin–Madison, 10, 37–38, 64, 89–90, 107

  utilitarianism, 117–18, 120

  Vancouver, George, 12–13

  Vancouver Island, 129–31

  Van Dyke, John C., 194

  Voltaire, 61

  Von Drehle, David, 90

  Walden (Thoreau), 79

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 65

  Washington, Booker T., 149–50

  Waste Land, The (Eliot), 192

  Wegener, Alfred, 189

  westward expansion, 90–92, 106–8

  Whidbey, Joseph, 12, 13, 27, 32

  White Pass Railroad, 133–34

  Whitney, Josiah, 34, 72

  Wilderness Act (1964), 200

  Wilson, Woodrow, 180, 181

  Wolfe, Linnie Marsh, 7, 19, 55, 113, 115–16, 120, 170, 173

  Wordsworth, William, 23–25, 110, 111

  World’s Columbian Exposition, 104–6

  World War I, 181–82, 184

  Worster, Donald, 83, 84, 87, 92, 112, 144, 163, 181

  Wrangell, Alaska, 131–32

  Wright, George Frederick, 72, 95

  Wright brothers, 153

  Yellowstone National Park, 150–51

  Yosemite National Park, 66, 93, 152–53, 155–56, 157, 170. See also Hetch Hetchy Valley/Dam

  Young, S. Hall

  Alaska trip (1879), xi–xiii, 36, 62

  Alaska trip (1880), 41, 42, 47–48, 60–61, 62, 63

  Aukes and, 32

  Chilkats and, 26–27, 30, 31

  Gelnora Peak hiking accident, 4–5

  Muir, John, eulogy for, 184

  Muir, John, introduction to, 3–4

  Muir, John, visit to, 58, 59–61, 63

  portrait, 49

  Skagway, move to, 133

  slavery, attitude toward, 60–61

  Young Glacier, 48

  About the Author

  Kim Heacox is the author of several books on history, biography, and conservation. His Alaska memoir, The Only Kayak, was a 2006 PEN USA Literary Award finalist in creative nonfiction. In 2009 he appeared on camera in the Ken Burns film The National Parks: America’s Best Idea, and in 2012 he was the writer-in-residence in Denali National Park. He lives in Gustavus, Alaska, with his wife Melanie, two sea kayaks, two guitars, one piano, and an African drum. He often volunteers as a music teacher at the local school. Visit him at




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