The Trouble With Bullies: A High School Bully Romance (A Meadow Creek High Book)

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The Trouble With Bullies: A High School Bully Romance (A Meadow Creek High Book) Page 8

by Ruby Vincent

  I tried to cover my shock. “Oh, um, yeah thanks. I’ll see if I can.”

  “I can’t.”

  All eyes turned to Christian.

  “I have somewhere to be tomorrow.”

  Jace lifted his eyes from his book. “You ever going to tell us what this super-secret thing you’ve been doing after school is?”

  Super-secret? I frowned. Does that mean he isn’t out hooking up?

  “No,” Christian replied.

  Jace shrugged and went back to his book.

  I shifted my gaze from Christian just as Madison walked in. I watched her eyes sweep the place before landing on Christian... and then on me. They narrowed into slits.

  I took a deep breath.


  “Oh, baby,” I belted out as I got to my feet. “Last night was incredible.”

  Before I could think too hard about what I was doing, I plopped down in Christian’s lap, threw my arms around his shoulders, and captured his lips in an enthusiastic kiss.


  I swallowed Christian’s cry of surprise as Madison’s screech lifted over the whooping and catcalls. My lips curled in satisfaction even while they kept up the performance. Actually, I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

  Christian’s lips were surprisingly soft and I pulled him closer as I tangled my fingers in his hair.

  His arms came around me...

  ...and tightened.

  Oh shit! was all I had time to think before Christian ripped me off of him and threw me over his shoulder. I shot an upside-down look of panic at Estelle’s gobsmacked face before Christian hauled me up and stormed out of the lunchroom.

  “Christian, baby,” I cried, voice shaking slightly. “Seconds already?”

  Christian burst through the doors and carried me down the hall to an empty classroom. He closed the door behind us before dropping me against it.

  Christian slammed his hands down on either side of me. I was trapped.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” he roared.

  His fury rattled me. It also pissed me off.

  I scowled. “What am I doing? I’m only doing what you are trying to do to me! What, Christian? You don’t like it when people turn the game on you?! It’s not cool to be used, is it?”

  He pulled a face. “What the hell? What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t give me that!” I shoved against his shoulder, trying to move him back. He didn’t budge. “Ugh! Ryan told me all about it at the party!” I looked him dead in the eye. “I know, Christian.”

  “And I know you’re going to tell me what that was back there,” he growled. “Now!”

  I shrugged, folding my arms. “That was payback. I’m getting sick of Madison and her minions making my life hell. It’s time she got a taste of what it feels like.”

  I flinched when he smacked the door again. “What does that have to do with you kissing me?!”

  “Oh, please,” I scoffed. “She’s super into you and she can’t stand the thought of you being with me. So yeah, I used you. But it was no worse than you were going to do to me.”

  His eyes didn’t look like reflected sunlight anymore. At that moment, they looked like two burning pools. “Listen, Bryant. I said this new backbone was sexy, but I also told you not to get carried away!” He got right in my face until our noses brushed. “Involving me in your stupid game with Madison was not a good idea.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” I challenged, proud of myself for keeping my voice steady.

  “You’ll find out.”

  His words chilled me. Christian reached behind me and threw open the door. I moved out of the way and let him stalk past me.

  I don’t know what I just started, but knowing Christian, I wouldn’t like it.

  Chapter Nine

  “Oh my god!”

  I jumped. “Estelle, you scared me.”

  Although, it might have been less her and more the fact that I was super jumpy after Christian’s thinly veiled threat.

  “Never mind that.” Estelle snatched the rest of my things from my locker and shut it. “I’m driving you home and you’re telling me every single detail about what happened in the lunchroom.”

  I took my camera from her and hitched it over my shoulder. “I need a ride anyway. It’s not a good idea for me to be trapped in a small space with him right now.”

  I didn’t get a chance to explain things to Estelle after Christian dragged me off. I knew what it looked like to the rest of the school, but I can only imagine what it looked like to her.

  We made it to the car. “Spill,” she demanded as I got my seat belt on.

  “I hung back after gym and listened in on Madison with the cheerleaders. She sounded way too upset with the idea of Christian being with me for someone who’s keeping it casual. Please tell me you caught the look on her face when I kissed him.”

  “Nope, sorry. I was too busy watching you attack Christian like you were going to be the next girl to ride his lap in front of the school. What happened after he dragged you off?”

  I looked away. “Let’s just say he was pissed.”

  “Yikes.” She put her hand on my arm, drawing my eye. “I’m all for getting back at Madison, but the only problem you have bigger than her is Christian. We might want to find another weakness to exploit.”

  I nodded. “Christian knows what I’m up to now so all he has to do is tell her. There’s no point in keeping it up, but it taught her a lesson.” I thought of her gleeful smirk as diapers rained down on me. “I’m not sitting back and taking it anymore.”

  “So... how was it?”


  She shoved my shoulder. “You know what. How was it kissing Christian Moreau?”

  “Oh, that.” My cheeks warmed as I remembered my pornographic moaning and hair-fondling. “It wasn’t like he kissed back. The guy was stiffer than a rock. I think that was the first time in years that someone has surprised him.”

  “Huh. You’d think he’d have taken the opportunity since his plan is to seduce you.”

  That was a good point. One I hadn’t thought of. “Yeah, I guess.”

  Maybe he’s gone off the plan. He might have started out wanting to seduce me, but now he won’t bother. Christian has slept with half the girls in the school. He’s not choosy, but I was all over him and he didn’t respond to me at all.

  I sank lower in my seat as a heavy feeling washed over me.

  Why would he be interested in me? None of the guys have looked at me the same since I got pregnant. They don’t see me as desirable. Christian won’t be any different.

  Estelle turned into my driveway. “You going to be alright?”

  I nodded. “Mom has therapy today, but Christian never comes home before dinner so I’ll be fine.”

  We said goodbye and I hopped out. My thoughts turned back to Christian as I let myself in. I don’t know why it bothered me.

  It’s not like you want him to be attracted to you, and it’s no surprise that he isn’t after the way he’s treated you all of these years.

  That was true, but still, my mood clung. I stumbled upstairs and stepped into my bathroom. I looked myself in my mirror as I slowly lifted my shirt.

  My C-section scar lay stark on my creamy skin. Everyone ripped on me for my pregnancy. Everyone except for Christian. He had never said a cruel thing about me getting pregnant; he never said anything about it at all. But I would see the look in his eyes whenever he saw me. It was almost like I disgusted him.

  Is that what I am? Disgusting. Is that why my mother can’t talk to me without a script, my dad works all the time, and Christian Moreau flew into a rage just having my lips on his.

  Tears prickled behind my eyes but I forced them down. There was no point in crying. It wouldn’t change anything.

  I dropped my shirt and left the bathroom to start my chores. It didn’t take me long to sweep and mop downstairs; the place was still pretty clean after the Meadow Cr
eek Boys cleaning crew. When that was done, I poked my head in the fridge and took out the chicken. I would season it and stick it in the oven while I cleaned my upstairs bathroom. The thought of Dean Milton getting off in there made me want to douse the whole place in bleach.

  I snapped the oven closed and then grabbed my phone and the cleaning supplies.

  It was nice having the whole place to myself. I pushed through into the bathroom, turned up the music on my phone, and stuck it in my pocket.

  I belted out the lyrics while I sprayed every surface. I was really thankful Christian was off doing who knows what with God knows who. I would die if he caught me singing off-key with my hair a mess and wearing bottoms even shorter than usual.

  I bent down and stuck my head in the cabinet under the sink. I know there’s a scrub brush here somewhere. I pushed a pack of toilet paper aside but saw nothing. The boys must have moved it during their cleaning spree.

  I backed out, got to my feet...

  ...and met Christian’s eyes in the vanity mirror.

  “Ahhh!” I spun around. “Dammit, Christian!” I cried, clutching my chest. “How long have you been standing there?!”

  Christian advanced on me. There was a look in his eyes I had never seen before.

  “What are you—?”

  Christian put his hand on my neck and pulled me in. Before I could blink, he captured my lips in a kiss.

  My eyes popped. I tried to push him away, but his other arm wrapped around my waist and crushed me against him. His lips moved against mine as my shoving got less and less insistent.

  Green apples. Green apples all around me. Sharp, tart, but... delicious.

  God, he smells so good.

  Christian nipped at my bottom lip and I gasped. That was all the invitation he needed to deepen the kiss. I moaned as his tongue teased mine.

  I had never been kissed like this before. My experience amounted to a few dares and one guy who slobbered all over me as he fumbled his way to taking my virginity.

  But there was nothing awkward or clumsy about Christian. His hands roamed over every inch of my body—down to my waist and then finally my hips.

  I let out a small sound when he lifted me and placed me on the bathroom sink. Christian slipped his hands between my legs and pulled them apart, wrapping them around him. He pulled me even closer and a moan ripped from my throat as he grinded against me, letting me feel what our kiss was doing to him. It made total sense now why girls put up with his broody asshole routine.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair and I wrapped my legs tighter around him. My brain was in a fog. I couldn’t think about anything other than how badly I didn’t want this to stop.

  I freed one of my hands from his hair and slid down before slipping my hand under his shirt. I let it run free, caressing every inch of the hard muscles of his chest and six-pack.

  “Rachel,” he breathed against my lips, and that one word sent electric shocks racing through me. I could hear the need in his voice. I knew what he wanted.

  Christian broke the kiss and his lips traveled down to my chin. I tilted my head back to give him better access as he kissed and nipped along my jaw.

  “Rachel,” he said huskily.

  “Yes, Christian?”

  He put his lips to my ear. “That’s what I’m going to do about it.”

  My eyes sprang open. “What?”

  “You wanted a kiss; you got it.”

  The fog blew away as horror filled my bones. The next thing to come out of Christian’s mouth was laughter.

  I sat speechless as he pulled back, shot me a wink, and then backed out of the room—closing the door softly behind him.

  My hand shook as I placed it on my puffy lips. My whole body shook. I still felt his hands on me, gentle but insistent. I felt his lips on mine as he swallowed every moan and gasp. I felt his erection pressing and seeking for what our clothes denied him access.

  Slowly, I got off the counter, reached for my spray bottle, and went back to cleaning. I opened myself up to this when I thought I could play Christian’s game better than he could. But one thing I did know for sure now, I did have an effect on him.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke up the next morning with every intention of going to school, then I thought of sitting in the car next to Christian for the most awkward ride in history and I chickened out. My head was a total mess over the kiss. Although kiss seemed too small a word to cover what we got up to in that bathroom. If Christian had pushed for more, I honestly don’t know what I would have done.

  Which is stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I snatched up my pillow and covered my face. One kiss and you were ready to forget all he had done over the years. Forget that all of this is a game to him.

  After he walked out of the bathroom, Christian left the house to do whatever he does out in the streets. He came back for dinner as promised and ate the chicken I burned with no expression on his face. As for me, I sat there with my cheeks on fire, doing everything I could not to look in his direction. I was so red my mom remarked on it.

  I groaned. There was definitely no way I was going to school.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Rachel, come down and have your breakfast.”

  “I can’t, Mom,” I called. “I’m not feeling well.”

  “You’re not?” She opened my door and I quickly adopted a miserable look. She clucked at the sight of me. “Oh, baby. You barely touched your dinner last night and I thought you looked funny.” She bent over the bed and felt my head. “What’s wrong, love?”

  “It’s my stomach,” I whined. “I’ve already been sick twice.”

  She stroked my cheek. “You rest, Rachel. I’ll get Daddy to check on you.”

  Mom went to get Dad and I geared myself up. Lying to Mom about being sick was easy, but it was Dad I had to worry about. That’s what happens when your father is a doctor.

  Dad strolled in all business. Mom was right behind him. “Symptoms?”

  “Nausea, cramping, vomiting,” I rattled off. “I got my period too so that might have something to do with it.”

  He hummed. “Yes, nausea can accompany your monthly cycle. A double whammy if you’ve got a bug on top of it.” Dad picked up my wrist to check my heart rate.

  Over his shoulder, I saw Christian step into the doorway. Memories of fevered moans and grinding hips flashed across my mind. My heart started beating like a drum.

  “Your heart rate is elevated and your cheeks are flushed.” Dad released my wrist. “You can stay home, and if you feel better later, Mom will drive you to school.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Feel better, baby girl.”

  My parents left the room but Christian didn’t. He came fully inside. “Faking sick to avoid me, Bryant?”

  My heart was racing so hard I could hear it. Christian probably could too. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “It won’t work,” he went on. A smile tugged at his lips. “You can’t escape me, Rachel. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Christian left before I could think of a response to that.

  How did he do that? How could he make a threat sound so tantalizing? What would happen if he stayed? How long would I be able to hold out?

  I SPENT THE DAY DOING my two favorite things: eating ice cream and watching rom-coms. Mom was home in the morning but eventually left to run errands when I assured her I would be okay. I watched the clock tick down to the end of school while Estelle shot me texts between class.

  Estelle: Where are you?!!?! Some friend you are leaving me in the shit! Madison is on the warpath. She cornered me after lunch and demanded to know if you and Christian were hooking up!

  Me: OMG! What did you say?

  Estelle: I said yes!! I told her you guys have been flipping it around and smacking it down almost every night. You’ve been getting it at his place. Your place. At the park. In the movie theater. In the back seat. And twice on the hood of his car!

  Estelle: LOLOLOL! I know! I may have mixed in some of my hookups, but it was worth it. You should have seen her face!

  Me: I don’t know whether to kill you or kiss you! I want to piss Madison off but who knows what Christian will do when he hears those rumors going around. I mean... what else he’ll do...

  Estelle: What does that mean??!?!! Are you holding out on me, babe?

  Me: Nope. I’ll tell you everything when I see you.

  Estelle kept sending me texts demanding more details, but this was definitely news you delivered in person.

  I got out of bed and dressed when I saw school had let out. Estelle would be on her way and I was getting in her car and taking our Christian conversation to the ravine. No way was I going to risk him overhearing any part of my jumbled thoughts.

  I slipped on my jeans and was sticking my phone in my pocket when I heard the front door slam. I dismissed it as Mom until I heard footsteps on the stairs followed by Christian’s room door opening.

  What was he doing here? I thought he had a thing after school as usual.

  Quietly, I tiptoed to the door and eased it open, peering through the crack. I could see through to Christian’s room. He moved in and out of my vision for a while. Then he came out of his room again. He didn’t see me, but I had a clear view of what he carried in his hand.

  A bright blue gift bag with red tissue paper hung from his fingertips.

  A present? Who was that for? Another girl? Madison?

  My stomach twisted, making me feel nauseous for real. He practically dry-humped me the day before and now he’s running off to give someone else presents.

  Christian closed the door behind him and took off down the stairs. I waited a beat before following.

  I crept down as Christian headed for the front door. He slipped outside and I hurried into the living room to peek at him from the curtains. Christian pulled down the front seat and placed the present in the back. He skirted the car and went around to the driver seat when my mom’s car pulled into the driveway.


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