Finding Megan (The Kiser Series Book 2)

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Finding Megan (The Kiser Series Book 2) Page 9

by Hannah Davenport

  “Maybe we should just move to a new town, start over.”

  He grinned, “You just say when and where, sweetheart.” She laughed as she jumped out of bed to get ready.

  Sitting in a pew in the middle of the little country church, Megan felt the stares from every direction. She caught the women whispering as they stole glances her way. She knew they were talking about her pregnancy. Megan had prepared herself for a few people to act like that, but there were a little more than a few. This was one Sunday she wished her mom had made it to Church.

  She sat through Sunday school and then listened as Pastor Martin preached the sermon, but she couldn’t get her mind off how some the women had made her feel.

  When service ended she couldn’t wait to leave. She almost made it to the door when Christy stepped in front of her.

  “Megan, how are you feeling?” she asked with mock concern.

  “I’m good, Christy. How have you been?” She smiled as though everything was wonderful.

  “Good, good, I heard about your house. You poor thing and all this in your condition, what are you going to do?” She put her hand on Megan’s arm and it made her cringe, wanting to get away.

  “I’ll be okay; the police are working on it.”

  “And what about the baby?”

  “What do you mean?” She asked, tilting her head slightly.

  “Well, what does the Father think?”

  She grinned, realizing Christy wanted her to confirm who the Father of her baby was. She could certainly tell the truth and play with her at the same time. “I haven’t told him that I’m pregnant.” She knew Christy didn’t know if it belonged to Eric or James and since Eric was with her at the time…

  “You haven’t told him?” Megan saw the gleam in her eyes.

  “Not yet. If you’ll excuse me Christy, I need to get home.”

  “Are you staying at home?” Megan sighed, tired of her now.

  “No, I’m staying with Eric. Bye, Christy.”

  She walked around her and was almost outside when someone called her name. She stopped and hung her head, not wanting to talk to anyone else. Slowly turning around she found Pastor Martin walking toward her.

  “Megan, glad I caught you before you left. Do you have a minute?” How could she possible refuse him?

  She plastered a smile on her face, “Sure, Pastor Martin.” He headed to an empty room as she silently followed and then took a seat in one of the many chairs.

  “Are you okay, Megan?” he asked with concern.

  “I’m okay. Thanks for asking,” she responded politely.

  “Look, I noticed the way some of the ladies whispered. Please don’t let them get to you. If you need anything you can come to me.”

  “I know, thank you.” Pastor Martin was a good man and she thought a lot of him. She stood and gave him a grateful hug even though she knew she wouldn’t be back for a while. She had too much to deal with without having to endure the snickering from some of the women.

  Later that day Megan ran down to the local grocery store. As she was looking at the fresh fruits, James stepped up next to her and grabbed her arm. “What do you think you’re doing?” he hissed.

  “Right now I’m shopping or trying to,” she shot back. “What do you want?”

  “Why did you tell Kim that you’re pregnant with my baby?” His face grew red with anger. “She broke off our engagement.”

  Megan felt a little bad for causing him so many problems, although she knew James had not been faithful to Kim. Not that she cared. She was just about to apologize when he spoke up. “Are you pregnant, Megan?” He took her silence as conformation as he continued, “Who have you been fucking? I swear, I’ll kill him. Who is it?” he demanded.

  “It’s none of your fucking business you two-timing asshole.” She jerked her arm from his grip and headed for the exit, leaving James and her grocery cart behind.

  That night she sat with Eric on the couch watching TV, just trying to put this whole day behind her. She dreaded tomorrow and having to face her co-workers. She felt even worse for Eric.

  Monday morning rolled around bright and early. She and Eric had breakfast, and then he drove them both to school. She only had morning sickness around lunchtime, but it seemed to be getting a little better. At least that was one positive thing.

  Walking inside the school, she and Eric parted ways, she headed to the classroom and he went to the gym. Just as she stepped into her room, she spotted Sam checking to make sure everything was in proper order, no lightbulbs blown or anything. Michelle followed her in, grabbing her arm saying, “Girl, are you pregnant?”

  “Yes, Michelle I’m going to have a baby.” She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.

  “And Eric is the Father?”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “Who then, James?”

  “Hell no! You know I’d never go near him with a ten foot pole!”

  “Then who? I haven’t seen you around with anyone,” she squinted her eyes with concentration, trying to remember if there was anyone else lately.

  “It’s nobody you know, but I’d still rather not tell right now.”

  Michelle’s face fell, knowing she wouldn’t get anything more from her. Then with a smile she said, “Okay, but are you sure it’s not Eric’s? That’s one smoking hot man, and I hear you’re living with him now.”

  Megan couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “No, I assure you that Eric and I are just friends.”

  “If you say so, but if I was living with him I think I’d take advantage of the situation if you know what I mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  “I don’t see him that way.”

  “If you say so…,” she sung as she left the room. Leave it to Michelle to point-blank ask and then leave you with a smile.

  Lunchtime came and she and Eric sat in their usual spots. It didn’t escape Megan’s attention that the other teachers watched their every move, hoping to prove they were more than friends. Well, they could watch all they wanted.

  “How’s it been for you today?” Megan asked as she took a bite of her turkey sandwich.

  “Okay. Everyone has been looking at me funny, but they haven’t asked me any questions. How about you?”

  “Just Michelle. She asked if I really was pregnant and if you were the father.” Eric almost spit out his Gatorade.

  “Still not used to being called Daddy I see. Don’t worry, I told Michelle that we were just friends and you were not the Father. I don’t know if she believed me because I wouldn’t tell her who was. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll survive,” he grinned. “Speaking of the father, have you talked to Matt?”

  Megan got quiet and then said, “No, I can’t find my cellphone. I must have left it in New York or lost it somewhere.”

  “You need to get another one. We’ll go after work today.”

  “Okay, thanks, Eric.”


  Matt paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Colin had left that morning, promising to come back tomorrow. His mom’s oxygen level was getting better but the doctor said she still needed to be in ICU for at least a couple more days. As he continued to pace, he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn’t do something. He just didn’t know what that something was. He needed to talk to Megan and he needed to stay with his mom. If he could just get Megan back to New York, then everything would be okay. But how did he get a hold of her? As he wore a path in the carpet, he stopped mid-stride and smacked his forehead. “I am so stupid,” he mumbled.

  He pulled out his cell and tapped Colin’s picture. As he anxiously waited for him to answer, he resumed pacing again. All the other visitors eyed him wearily. “Come on Colin, pick up.” When it went to voicemail, his heart dropped. Tapping his picture, he called again, and then again.

  “What the hell, Matt! Unless something has happened to Maggie, I’m going to kick your ass!”

  “Sorry Colin, but I need to talk to Ca
rlana.” He didn’t care what they were doing but now he had a pretty good idea.

  “Fine, hang on a minute.” Matt heard the sounds of rustling clothes before he heard Carlana’s voice.

  “Hello?” she asked, sounding winded.

  “Carlana, is there any way you can get a hold of someone about Megan? Maybe get a phone number so I can talk to her?” He waited patiently for her to say something.

  “How do you know that Megan lost her cellphone?” She said quietly but he could hear the seething anger that crept into her voice.

  Matt hesitated, and then replied, “Carlana, please don’t be mad at Colin. I kept trying to get a hold of her and it kept going to voicemail. I was worried, what should Colin have done, let me worry about her and my mother?”

  After a long pause, she said, “Fine.” He could tell she was still angry. “If you hurt her again, I’ll never forgive you.” He didn’t know if she meant it or not but right now he only felt relief. “I’ll make some calls and then call you back.” She hung up on him. Knowing Carlana, she was tearing into Colin right now for telling him about Megan.

  He waited as patiently as he could, but every minute felt like two, maybe more. He visited his mother, drank a cup of coffee and paced. An hour later, his phone finally rang. He grabbed it on the first ring. “Hello?”

  “Matt, it’s Carlana.”

  “What’d you find out?!” Matt’s heart raced as hope filled his body.

  “I called Megan’s mother, and she hadn’t been able to get ahold of her either. So I tried Eric, and she’s been staying with him.”

  “Who the fuck is Eric?” he shouted. That got the attention of everyone in the waiting room.

  Carlana took a deep breath before answering, “Eric is her best friend, besides me of course. He picked her up at the airport and took her home. When they arrived, someone had vandalized her house. They called the police, but she’s been staying with Eric. Whoever did it, spray painted, ‘you’re mine’ on the door.”

  Matt’s heart pounded and sweat beaded his forehead. His vision blurred slightly and he was about to hyperventilate when Carlana brought his vision back in focus. “She’s fine, Matt. I have Eric’s number if you’d like to call her.”

  “Yes, let me get a pen and some paper. Okay, give it to me.” He copied down the number and then mumbled, “Got it. Thanks Carlana.”

  Looking at his watch, he noticed the time and knew she should be home. Dialing the number that Carlana gave him, Matt waited, hoping someone would pick up. He almost gave up hope until he heard a deep male voice answer.


  “Is Megan there?”

  “Who’s calling?” Matt almost swore at the man who had such protectiveness in his voice. Who did he think he was!

  “This is Matt.”

  “Just a moment.” He heard the man call, “Megan, it’s for you.”

  He heard some moving around and some mumbled talking before he heard her sweet voice and relief flooded his body. “Hello.”

  “Megan, it’s Matt, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” His heart fell as he heard the distance in her voice. Lately, he felt like he was on an emotional roller-coaster.

  “Megan honey, you should have talked to me that morning you were here. I could have explained everything and this whole situation could have been avoided.”

  “Colin told you.” Her voice sounded cold now. Shit!

  “Just listen, okay. I had a girlfriend for two years, and then six months ago she left me and moved back home. I hadn’t heard from her since, not even a phone call. After I talked to you Thursday night, I headed home and found her sitting outside my door. I told her that I’ve moved on and met someone else. She cried when I asked her to leave. She convinced me to let her spend the night on the couch, telling me she didn’t have money for a hotel. I told her she had to leave the next morning.

  When I heard the door and then heard her talking to someone, I dressed quickly. You were already gone when I came out and she wouldn’t tell me who came by. I lost my temper and told her to get out. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Matt sat there, barely breathing, as he waited for her response. She had to understand, he didn’t know what he’d do if she didn’t.

  “It’s fine, Matt. It’s not like we promised anything to each other. You’re free to do whatever you want.” Megan said, in a still detached voice.

  “No, it’s not fine!” he huffed. “You’re all I ever think about Megan, and if my mom wasn’t in the hospital, I’d be there with you right now. As it is, I’ve been out of my mind with worry.”

  “You’re mom’s in the hospital?” she asked in a quiet voice. At least she didn’t sound as detached.

  “Yeah. I went to visit her after work Friday, and found her in bad shape. She’s been in ICU with double pneumonia.”

  “I’m sorry, Matt. Will she be okay?”

  “It was touch and go for a while but now she’s showing some improvement.”

  “That’s good, that’s really good.”

  “Please Megan. Please talk to me.” He almost begged, but right now he would do anything to get her back to the way things used to be between them.

  He heard some mumbling in the background and then a door closing. “What do you want me to say Matt? I should have known better than to pay you a surprise visit. Eric told me it was a terrible idea but I didn’t listen.” Now she sounded a little angry. He could work with anger.

  “It wasn’t a bad idea. I didn’t know Carly would show up out of the blue and if you had waited and talked to me, you would have known that I didn’t want Carly there.” He waited but she didn’t say anything. “Megan, please try and understand.”

  “So you want me to believe that you were with her for two years and after not seeing her for six months, you felt nothing for her.”

  “Oh, I felt something alright. I was mad as hell! I finally got some answers, even though I suspected most of it. She left me for another man. She met him when she visited her family. That’s why she moved back home. I guess Karma’s a bitch. The man was married and he liked the long distance relationship, easier to hide it from his wife. He ended the affair as soon as she moved back. I felt angry until I thought about you. I told her I’ve met someone and had moved on. Even if I hadn’t, I could never trust her again.”

  He heard her sigh, hopefully from relief. He waited for her to say something…anything. After a pregnant pause, she said, “How’s your mom?”

  He sighed in relief, “Does this mean you’re not mad at me?”

  “I don’t know, Matt. You know I have trust issues. I promised myself that I’d never put myself in that position again. I never once thought I’d find someone at your apartment and let’s face it, I’ve told you about my ex but you never said anything about a two-year girlfriend that recently ended. There’s a lot I don’t know about you.”

  Matt sighed as he realized it might be harder than he thought to gain her trust. “Okay how about this, we’ll take things slow and I’ll tell you everything you want to know. We’ll get to know each other. I promise you Megan, I haven’t dated anyone since I came to the wedding. Actually, you were the first person I’d been with since right after Carly left.”

  “What do you mean, ‘right after Carly left’?

  “I got drunk and had a one-night stand right afterwards. It was a huge mistake and I never had a repeat.”

  “Let me guess, six months ago Colin was with you,” she deadpanned.

  “He was.”

  She hesitated before saying, “Hmm, take it slow. I can do that.” As he heard her words, his world started to right itself again. “I guess Colin told you I was pregnant?”

  “He did. I know you didn’t want him too, but I’m glad he did. Is everything okay?” He’d been so worried about his mother and Megan; he hadn’t worried about the baby…his baby…until now.

  “Yeah, the doctor said everything was fine. She did say I had a high risk pregnancy though, because of my age.”
  “You’re not that old,” he chuckled and then heard her laugh.

  “Thanks.” He felt the tension between them leave. “I’ve just had some morning sickness but she says that’s normal.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay. Now tell me about your house, what happened?”

  As she told him about everything that had happened since the night they spent together, he felt fear seep inside his body. Matt was well aware of what could happen to her, all the dangers she faced. He was sure she hadn’t made the connection yet, but he had. Everything changed after he spent the night. Someone had witnessed them making out on the porch and then he carried her inside. It wasn’t a coincidence that the next bouquet of flowers was splattered with blood and he had no doubt that is was indeed blood. He felt his anger start to rise as she told him about Eric and that she was staying with him. He knew he should be grateful but it should be him taking care of her and protecting her.

  “Can you take off work? You can come to New York and stay with me until they catch this guy.”

  “No, I need to save my time off in case I get sick. Besides, who knows how long it will take to catch him. I’m fine here with Eric.” He felt tendrils of jealousy as he thought of her with him. “Matt, are you still there?”

  “I am. You’ve never mentioned anyone named Eric and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you’re living with him. I can almost imagine how you felt when you showed up and Carly answered.” He answered honestly, because right now he wanted to punch the guy.

  “It’s not like that, Matt. We’ve never dated…ever.” Matt took a deep breath deciding he needed to trust her. She wasn’t Carly.

  “I’m going to book a flight. You’re not going through this by yourself.”

  “No, you can’t!” His heart dropped with those words. “Matt, your mom’s in ICU. You can’t leave her. If something happens, you’ll never forgive yourself.” He paced the waiting room knowing she was right. But what if something happened to her? “Listen, I’ve been staying with Eric so I’ll be okay. Not many people would mess with him.” Matt clinched and unclenched his fist while he ground his teeth together. The last thing he wanted was to make her mad at him. He had just got back on her good side.


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