Finding Megan (The Kiser Series Book 2)

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Finding Megan (The Kiser Series Book 2) Page 11

by Hannah Davenport

  “Matt! Where’s Megan?” Matt spit back at him, still raging mad. He knew Megan and Eric were friends, but he had hoped Eric was a gangly, nerdy-type fellow. Instead, he looked as though he worked out as much as Matt and he had matched him punch for punch. “I heard she lived with you and that you might be the father of her baby,” he sneered.

  Eric let Matt go. He scooted back until his back against the wall. Sitting on the floor touching his cheek, he said, “Megan and I are just friends.”

  “Whatever.” Matt rolled to a sitting position and then sat with his back against the other wall while using his sleeve to wipe the blood dripping from his nose.

  “Listen man, I’d never sleep with Megan. She’s not my type.” Matt’s eyes shot to Eric’s as he finished, “You are.”

  Why the hell didn’t anyone tell him that Eric was gay? Didn’t they know it would have saved him a lot of heartache? His thoughts must have shown on his face because Eric said, “She keeps my secret. We live in a small community and some of the people here can be unforgiving. So, if I don’t tell, then they don’t know. I’ve never told Carlana and I’m sure Megan hasn’t either.” Matt acknowledged him with a nod. “I forgot you were coming or I would have picked you up.”

  “Where’s Megan?” Matt asked as worry now consumed him. Now that he didn’t feel such anger, he looked at Eric and noticed the red baggy eyes and tired face.

  “I don’t know. She went to the grocery store last night and never came back.”

  “What do you mean ‘She never came back’?” Coldness seeped into his body.

  “I didn’t want her to go alone, but she said she needed space. I talked to her last night and she was already shopping. When it started getting late, I tried her cell but it went to voicemail. I drove to the store and found her car sitting in the parking lot and her cellphone broke on the ground. The car was unlocked and the groceries were in the back seat. I called the police and they took a report, but without any witnesses and no cameras in the area…”

  “So they’re not doing anything?” Matt asked in a deadly quiet voice. When he found out who took Megan, he’d kill him.

  “I don’t think so.” Eric said as the tiredness seeped into his voice. Matt realized he hadn’t slept, that’s why he looked haggard.

  “Okay.” Matt’s mind was racing, going through everything he needed to do to help find Megan. “Let me see her room and then I’ll drive out to her house and look around.”

  Eric never said anything, but Matt noticed the hesitation and doubt that crept into his mind. What was he hiding? Eric finally showed Matt to her bedroom. It didn’t take long for him to realize it was the only bedroom. Turning to Eric, he asked, “Since this is obviously your room, I’m guessing you sleep on the couch?” he quirked his eyebrow, knowing Eric better answer this question correct.

  Eric hesitated and Matt cursed, “What the fuck?! You’re sleeping with my girl?” He yelled.

  “Sorry, man. She thought I was too big to sleep on the couch and I wouldn’t let her sleep there in her condition. I can assure you, nothing happened.” Eric had is hands raised in surrender.

  Matt couldn’t help how jealous he felt, jealous of Eric’s relationship with Megan. He should have been the one lying in bed with her at night, the one keeping her safe. Something else came to mind and it made him furious. “You were with her when she found out about the baby,” he stated.

  “Yeah,” Eric answered.

  Matt took a couple of calming breaths before asking, “Was she happy about the baby?”

  “Yeah, she was. She’s always wanted kids.”

  Matt looked around the bedroom only to realize that most of the stuff belonged to Eric. After glancing at everything in the room, he turned and said, “I’m going to Megan’s house and have a look around.”

  “I’m going with you. This sitting around waiting is for the birds.”

  Matt nodded as both men left the apartment. As Eric started to climb into his truck, he looked at Matt and said, “You’re welcome to ride with me.”

  Matt didn’t know the area so riding with Eric would be good. He headed to the passenger side and climbed in. The men rode to Megan’s house in silence. When they pulled into the driveway, Matt easily spotted the yellow police tape around her porch. They both exited the truck and while Eric leaned against it, Matt slowly walked over to the porch as he tried to spot any type of clue as to who had tormented her.

  Matt spotted the door that had “You’re Mine” painted across it, and the dead flowers all over the porch. It looked as though someone got mad and just started throwing them everywhere. He turned to Eric and said, “You were with her when she came home to this?”


  “Was it just like this?”

  Eric walked over to stand next to Matt. Looking around he said, “It was just like this except there were worms all over the flowers.”

  Matt kept his cool on the outside, but he was steaming mad on the inside. He knew he needed to keep his head if he was going to find her. “Do you have a key to her house?”

  Eric thought for a moment, then replied, “No, but I have her keys. She left her purse in the car and her keys were lying in the front seat.” He stared at the house then finished, “When this happened, we went in to get some of her things and nothing had been touched inside.”

  Matt still wanted to go in. He planned to stay at her house while he searched for her. Rubbing his forehead, he fought the headache he felt coming on.

  “Let’s get something to eat and you can stay at my place tonight.” Eric offered, and when Matt quirked an eyebrow, Eric added, “On the couch. I don’t care if you are too big for it.”

  Chapter 12


  Megan lay bound to the bed all day without seeing anyone. She couldn’t help but wonder who took her, who striped her down, and why they left her alone. She laid there and cried for a while and then screamed until she became hoarse. Working her wrists, she tried to break free, but to no avail. She was hungry and she needed to pee.

  She wondered what time it was and what Matt would think when she didn’t show up at the airport. Would he try to find her or would he turn around and head back to New York? She thought about her mother and hoped her disappearance hadn’t caused another heart attack.

  As she laid there and thought about everything, trying to keep her mind off what was to come, she heard the distant sound of a car engine. Besides a few birds, that was the first sound she’d heard all day. She heard it draw closer and then shut off. She heard the faint sounds of a door closing and then another one opening. Oh God! He’s here! As panic set in, she could feel her heart pound in her ears as she trembled all over. She swallowed the bile that rose in her throat as she heard footsteps drawing near to her closed door. She heard the lock disengage and watched as the doorknob started to turn. As the door opened, a middle-aged man stepped in and Megan’s fear turned to confusion. “Sam?”

  “Hi, Megan. Did you rest well today?” He pulled the metal chair over to her bed.

  “Sam, what’s going on?” She watched as his demeanor changed from pleasant to furious.

  “What’s going on? You’re mine! You’ve been mine for a long time and then you let some man…some stranger fuck you! He’s not touching you again! I heard you say he was coming here and he’s not touching you anymore. Nobody will ever touch you but me!” He screamed.

  “Sam,” she said slowly, trying to calm him down, “I don’t understand.”

  He calmed a little before saying, “You’re the only one that talks to me. You smile and I know it’s just for me.” He reached over, traced her cheek with his finger, dragging it down her neck heading toward her breasts, while he leered at her body.

  She turned her head trying to get away from his touch and whispered, “Please, don’t.” He jerked his hand back as though she had slapped him as rage twisted his face. She knew she needed to tread lightly. Obviously, there was something mentally wrong with Sam. “I’m sorry
. I’m just starving and I have to use the bathroom.” She tried to smile a little, hoping to calm him down. She watched his face change and he smiled at her again.

  “I brought you something to eat.” He still looked at her body, but apparently he also wanted to care for her.

  “Can you untie my wrists so I can go to the bathroom?” He drew his eyes to hers, “I promise I won’t run away.”

  “Why would you run away?” he asked with sincerity. Megan knew then she really was in deep shit. Sam was delusional and he really believed they were together. He probably thought she had cheated on him. “It wouldn’t matter anyways, the house is locked up tight and we are miles away from any other houses,” he snickered.

  She decided to play along and hopefully prevent him from raping her. Maybe she could gain his trust and somehow get away. Gathering all of her courage, she smiled and said, “Please, I really need to go to the bathroom.” Sam stared at her for a moment before reaching for her wrist. She shivered, not liking the way he leaned across her body. He freed one hand and then the other from the rope that bound them. She rubbed her wrists and then sweetly asked, “Sam, can I have some clothes? I’m a little cold.”

  He leered at her breasts as she said, “Please, Sam.” He leered one last time before removing his own shirt and handing it to her. She wanted to throw up at the thought of wearing his shirt. Sam was a burly man with a ton of chest hair. She liked some chest hair on a man but he had so much hair, it often stuck out of his shirt. She had to decide between walking around in her lacy underclothes or wearing his shirt. Reluctantly, she put it on.

  He tenderly took her hand and gave her a bright smile. “I like you wearing my shirt. Come on, I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

  As he led her down the short hallway of the small wooden cabin, she noticed how it was completely empty. There was a couch and a table with two chairs and that was it. When he stopped in front of the bathroom, she noticed the door was missing. “Here you go,” he smiled warmly.

  “But,” she stammered, “There’s no door.”

  “Honey, we don’t need any doors between us.” He cupped her cheek. Fearful he would try to kiss her, she dashed inside.

  “Can I have a little privacy?” she asked, but he just grinned at her and stood in place without moving. She felt embarrassed as he watched her pee. She didn’t like pulling her panties down in front of him so she peed as quickly as possible and then washed her hands.

  He led her to the table and pulled the chair out so she could take a seat. “I brought us something to eat.” He grabbed the take-out bags from McDonald’s and sat one in front of her before taking a seat and emptying his own bag.

  “Thank you,” she barely whispered. She wanted to ask him so many questions but feared she would set his temper off again. Instead, she ate in silence as she looked at everything in her line of sight. The one thing she noticed was the absence of windows. Who builds a house with no windows? Glancing at Sam, she answered her own question. A crazy man, that’s who.

  “Sorry I had to leave you alone for so long, but I tried to get my work finished as fast as possible. Those kids are so messy and some of the teachers aren’t much better.” He rambled on, “I saw Eric today. He looked like he hadn’t slept any. Serves him right though, he spent so much time with you, and he should’ve known better. He knew you were taken. He saw the flowers I sent you.”

  Megan tried not to listen. It was the rants of a crazy man and nothing he said would make sense. She turned her mind to Matt and Eric to find some peace while sitting here with Sam. She didn’t know how she was ever going get out of here. She couldn’t take it anymore, so she gathered her courage once again and asked, “What are you plans for me?” She diverted her eyes to the floor.

  “Hmm,” Sam said. “I hadn’t planned on taking you so soon, but when you moved in with Eric, I knew I had to do something. I hadn’t finished moving my things here yet but I’ll start this weekend.” He took a deep breath and then continued, “We’re going to live here. I’ll take you often and we’ll have lots of babies. We’ll be happy Megan, you’ll see.” He smiled brightly as she trembled at the thought.

  After they finished eating, Sam busied himself with making sure the house was still locked up tight. When he finished, he turned to Megan, “I have to go back home and finish packing. I’ll be back tomorrow with most of my things and then we can start our life together.” His face transformed into something that scared her. “I’m going to have to tie you up until I get back,” he said hatefully. “You’ve already fucked one man when I left you alone and then moved in with another. You understand.”

  He grabbed her wrist and started dragging her to the bedroom. She screamed while trying to get back to the living room, but he was so strong, too strong, and she didn’t even slow him down. He threw her down on the bed and straddled her as he grabbed one wrist, then the other, and tied them up. She tried to buck him off but he just grinned as he looked at the shirt covering her breasts. He pushed it up and palmed her breasts as he rubbed his cock on her stomach. She could feel how hard he was through his pants. “Please, don’t,” she pleaded.

  His eyes left her breast and he stared at her mouth. Leaning over, he grabbed her head to keep her still as his mouth crashed down onto hers. She tried to keep her mouth closed, not wanting his tongue inside. His mouth left her lips and he kissed over to her ear where he whispered, “Until tomorrow and then I’ll make you mine.”

  She had her eyes squeezed tightly together when she felt his weight leave her. She heard the door close and eventually she heard the sound of his engine leaving. She sobbed into the silence that now filled the cabin.


  Matt and Eric sat at the local diner having dinner together. Matt’s mind was churning with questions. There had to be a way to find Megan. They finished eating and paid the bill when Matt turned to Eric, “I’m going to Megan’s tonight. There has to be something there to help me find her.”

  “I’m going with you. I spent all last night staring at the ceiling and worrying myself to death about her.” Matt nodded as they headed to Eric’s truck. They rode in silence to Eric’s where he retrieved Megan’s key and then went back to her place.

  Looking at the front door, Eric said, “I’ll get some paint tomorrow and get rid of this.” Matt just glanced at him.

  Walking in, Matt let his mind wonder back to the night he carried her in the house and down the hallway to the bedroom. That was one of the best nights of his life and he was planning of having many more of them.

  Matt started looking for clues, anything that could help him. This guy was an amateur and amateurs make a lot of mistakes. If I were stalking someone, what would I do? He asked himself. He sat down on the couch and scanned the living room. Think, dammit!

  “I don’t know how being here will help find her.” Eric said as he sat down on the other end of the couch.

  Not seeing anything there, he stood and walked to the kitchen. He scanned everything, hoping something would give him a clue. Eric joined him and Matt asked, “Tell me everything you know.”

  “I told you about talking to her while she shopped and then finding her car.”

  “No, no, no, tell me everything that happened before then.” Matt asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “He just sent flowers. Some were nice, some weren’t.”

  Flowers, he sent flowers, but how many? Matt started searching the cabinets, under the sink; anywhere she might store the vases. “What are you looking for?” Eric asked.

  “Where would she store the flower vases?” Matt asked as he kept searching.

  “In the basement.” Matt stared at Eric and then turned looking for a door. Eric went around him and down the hall. Following him downstairs, Eric turned the light on and Matt stared at the cleaned flower vases that sat against the wall. There had to be at least fifteen or twenty of them.

  She said she received flowers about once a week and there sat the proof. Matt walked over and
looked at the generic vases. “I don’t see how this will help,” Eric stated.

  Matt turned with a grin. “I know how to find her.”

  “How?” Eric sounded anxious now.

  “The flowers. This guy probably went to the same shop and bought flowers every week. This is a small town, how often would that happen?”

  “Not often at all.” Eric looked at his watch and noticed it was almost 9 pm, too late to call any shops tonight. “Dammit, they’ll all be closed now.”

  “Let’s go back to your place and we’ll make a list of all the flower shops in the area and then expand outward to the surrounding areas. We’ll get all of the names and phones numbers so we can start calling first thing in the morning.” Matt felt a little better. He now had a plan.

  After a restless night of sleep, Matt and Eric were both up early making calls. Matt felt a little discouraged when he came to the last number he had listed in a nearby town. Maybe this guy was smarter than he thought. Dialing the number, he waited until he heard a friendly voice answer, “Just Flowers, may I help you?”

  “Hi, my name is Matt and I hope you can. I’m looking for someone that may have bought flowers at your shop. He would have come in about once a week for the last four or five months.” Matt held his breath, praying this lady could help.

  “Oh, yes, I remember him. Sweet man. He bought his girlfriend flowers every week.” Matt thought his heart would explode with excitement.

  “Do you have his name?” He sat with a pen and paper handy.

  “I believe he told me his name was Samuel Thompson.”


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