Cum For Bigfoot 12

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by Virginia Wade

  Cum For Bigfoot 12

  By Virginia Wade

  Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Smashwords Edition

  Virginia Wade


  [email protected]

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  While the Bigfoots fought the unknown attackers that had invaded our camp, Leslie and Zelda and I ran back to the cave. I trembled with the horror of what I had just witnessed, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Who the fuck were they?” asked Leslie. “What did they want?”

  “They didn’t look military to me,” said Zelda. “Probably Bigfoot hunting crazies. I don’t think we got anything to worry about now.”

  “I’m checking on Wolfie. Omigod, did you see Lendal? Porsche would be so proud.” Leslie headed out of the room, while I pulled on a pair of socks.

  “You sure you’re all right, Lena?” Zelda looked concerned. “I’ve seen skirmishes before, but you probably haven’t, have you?”

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  “Try to set it aside, if you can.”

  “I-I will. What will they do with those men?”

  “Bury them. They hide the eviden—”

  “Wolfie’s gone!” Leslie ran into the room. All color had drained from her face. “They fucking took my baby! Those scum sucking bastards!” Tears fell down her cheeks. “I can’t believe they took Wolfie!”

  “Are you sure?” Zelda had her hands on her hips.

  “I put him down in the portable cot. He was asleep.” She doubled over. “Oh my God. They took my baby!”

  “Oh, man. Bubba’s gonna spit fire when he finds out.” Zelda whistled through her teeth. “This ain’t gonna be pretty.”

  I pulled up a pair of pants. “I’m sure he’s here, Leslie.”

  “No, he’s fucking not!” She paced back and forth. “I’m checking the front of the cave.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Zelda glanced at me. “You stay put. We don’t know how many of them are out there.”

  I tossed a sweater over my head. “Okay.” They ran from the cavern, leaving me in a dimly lit space. A lantern stood on a crude wooden table. I sat in a rickety chair and stared at the gray stone wall, my mind reeling with horror-filled images. I had been in a hot spring with Pooky and Leonard, getting to know the apes intimately, when we had been attacked on the path back to the cave. The fierceness of the Sasquatches and their extraordinary strength was something I had never seen before. I had been kidnapped by Pooky; taken from my sister’s house, and now I found myself in the middle of some kind of jungle war game. Who were these people? What did Operation GrabBear mean?

  Lenal bounded into the room. His face was smeared with blood, and his brown eyes flashed with excitement. “Me killed bad men!” he shouted.

  My heart sank. Porsche would not be thrilled that her son had committed murder, but the Sasquatches had been provoked and attacked, forcing them to defend themselves. Pooky had been shot with an arrow. This was self-defense, wasn’t it? “Are you all right?”

  “I wait here for my daddy.” He dunked a ladle into a bucket of water and had a long drink. “I’m thirsty.” His shoulders were smattered with snow, which was beginning to melt.

  Leslie and Zelda were in the tunnel. I could hear them talking. “They’ve gone. Wolfie’s gone,” said Leslie. Tears were in her eyes. “He’ll be hungry soon.” The pretty brunette gazed at the floor unseeing. “I can’t believe this.”

  Zelda put her arm around her shoulder. “It’ll be all right, honey. As soon as the boys get back, they’ll go after the fuckers who did this. They won’t get far. There’s a blizzard coming. The wind’s already picking up.”

  “That’s what this was about. They were at the back of the mountain to create a distraction, so they could come in the front and steal my baby.”

  “I heard someone say something about Operation GrabBear,” I said. “They were here for a reason.” The doorway filled with a Sasquatch; it was Pooky, and he stumbled into the room. “Omigod!” There was blood in his fur around the chest area, and another arrow protruded from his back.

  “Jesus Christ!” exclaimed Zelda. “You look like a pin cushion, boy.”


  “I gotta get the First-Aid stuff. These apes are gonna need fixin’.”

  I eyed the Sasquatch who had kidnapped me, feeling concern for him. He swayed on his feet, his black eyes glinting with pain. “Oh, poor Pooky,” I said. “You look awful.” I reached out to touch him, and he trembled under my fingers.

  “Let’s get you in the other room,” said Zelda. “Someone needs to add wood to the fire.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Leslie raked fingers through her hair. “Fuck this! I’m so pissed! Where’s Bubba?”

  “They’re taking care of the men,” said Zelda.

  “I’ll help you guys. I gotta do something or I’m gonna burst with anger.”

  After Pooky was situated and Zelda had pulled the arrow out, he collapsed, losing consciousness. He lay on a pelt by the fire with his mouth hanging open. Zelda poured antiseptic over his wounds and sewed him up, but a worried furrow lined her forehead. The blazing fire pit lit the cavern, casting shadows against the walls. Lendal was sprawled out on his back, the little ape enjoying the heat.

  “I’m going out,” said Leslie. “Those fuckers who attacked us might have a satellite phone or something. They have to have some kind of identification on them. I gotta know who they are before the apes bury them.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  She nodded. “Let’s go.”

  We bundled up in jackets, hats, and mittens, leaving the cave by the back entrance. The path was quickly becoming snow-packed, the wind howling through the pines. There was movement up ahead; the image of a Sasquatch was in our line of sight. My sister, Porsche, had been living with the creatures for years, and she had a child with them, who was surprisingly adorable. I’d known about the apes for a long time, but, up until two days ago, I hadn’t seen them in the flesh. My sister was with her new husband, Mike, and their baby, Daisy, at their house in Rhododendron. We had just celebrated Christmas before I had been kidnapped, and now I was trapped in the mountains with a blizzard on the way.

  “It was like they didn’t care about us,” I said.

  “What?” Leslie was several feet ahead of me.

  “They were shooting, and they didn’t care what they hit. They could’ve killed me or you or Zelda.”

  “Yeah, I know, the fuckers. They got everything they deserved.”

  Leonard appeared with Archie and Kat. They had all been wounded, because there wa
s blood caked to their fur. “Go to the cave,” growled Leonard. Troubled eyes fell on me. “You go to safety.”

  “Where’s Bubba?” asked Leslie. “They took Wolfie! They stole my baby!” Reacting to the news, the apes began to growl, the sound deep and ferocious. Only the howl of the wind was louder. “Where are the men? Are there any alive still? I need to know who they are. You guys haven’t buried them all, have you?”

  Kat’s son, Archie waved at us. “I show you,” he rasped. “Come with me.”

  Leonard didn’t seem pleased that I would be going with them. He grabbed my arm. “You stay.”

  The possessive nature of the request had me shivering with a multitude of confusing feelings. I had only just begun to get to know him, but being Pooky’s hostage, I hadn’t had the freedom to explore it further. There was something forbiddingly intriguing about this ape. “I’m going with her.” I tugged on my arm, but he held me firm.

  “I’ll take you then.”

  “Are you okay? You’re bleeding.”

  “I be fine,” he muttered through a wheezy rasp.

  Kat returned to the cave, while we trudged into the forest, leaving the path. There were grunts up ahead, and, as we drew nearer, Tate and Bubba were in the middle of the gruesome task of burying the bodies of our attackers. They had dug out a substantial hole, which was an extraordinary feat, considering how frozen the ground was. Both apes were covered in dirt and bleeding in various places. Bubba tossed a darkly garbed man into a deep pit, and, sensing us, he spun around growling. His teeth were bloodstained. I recoiled, stepping into Leonard. His arm went around me.

  “Whhooaarrrr…” the leader of the apes howled.

  “Bubba!” cried Leslie. “They took Wolfie! They took our baby!”

  As the shock of her statement dawned on his face, he began to shake with anger. His eyes bulged from his head, and his breath came out in puffs of steam. “Ggggrrroooaaarrrr…”

  Leonard spoke in a language I did not understand, with grunts and hand gestures. He was trying to calm him down. I glanced into the pit, seeing six or more men, dressed in black pants, jackets, gloves, and masks. The body of another had yet to be deposited. I bent to examine him, feeling in his pockets. I retrieved an item that looked slightly bigger than a cell phone.

  Leslie was by my side. “That’s a satellite phone. Oh, thank God. I hope the damn thing works. We gotta call Dr. Haynes and Mike. They need to know what happened.”

  “Who are they?” I continued to search the man, digging through every pocket I could find. I pulled his mask off, revealing a face covered in blood. His skull had been crushed. I recoiled, falling on my butt, trying to get away from the gruesome image.

  As the apes argued, Leslie withdrew a small white card from an inner pocket of his jacket. “Got something.” Being dark, it was difficult to read, so she shoved it in her pants. “I’m freezing. Let’s get back to the cave.”

  Bubba stomped angrily, flinging the body into the pit. “Last one,” he said gruffly. “We bury now.”

  Tate began to throw dirt; he stood with his feet apart, his hands like shovels, the earth flying between his knees. Bubba and Leonard joined him, and they made quick work, displacing a fair amount of ground to hide the evidence. The storm would cover the area in a thick blanket of snow, and, by spring, the ground would look as if it had never been disturbed.

  Leslie and I made our way through the forest, leaving them to their business, but the conditions were rapidly worsening. I could hardly see two feet before me; the snow was nearly blinding. We managed to find the path, but at least five inches of white powder had fallen already. Zelda was waiting for us when we returned.

  “I got tea on, guys. Help me make some food. The apes are starving.”

  I shivered, having been chilled all the way to the bone. “What can I do?”

  “Let’s heat up soup and make campfire biscuits.”

  Leslie withdrew the card she had hidden in her pocket. “Team Sésquac. Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Hunters. Oh, gimme a fucking break,” she muttered.

  I took the card from her. “Team Sésquac?”

  “It’s Native American for Sasquatch,” said Zelda.


  “This is such bad news.”

  I glanced at Leslie. “What do you think will happen?”

  “A lot of people died. They’re going to come out here to find them.”

  “That would be bad, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s bad.” She looked irritated. “Some of them got away. They have my baby. They have proof that Sasquatches exist. God only knows what they’re going to do to Wolfie.” Tears flooded her eyes. Leonard, Bubba, and Tate appeared, wet from the snow and filthy from flinging dirt. The smell of damp dog filled the cavern. It was nearly overpowering. “What about Wolfie?”

  “We look for him,” rasped Bubba. “We find him.”

  “You stay here.” Leonard pointed at me. “Stay warm.” The apes trudged down the tunnel to the bigger cavern. They would follow the scent from the front entrance, where the Bigfoot hunters had taken Wolfie.

  “Well, ladies,” said Zelda. “The night’s not gettin’ any younger. Let’s get cooking, and the boys will be back before you know it.” She patted Leslie on the shoulder. “They’re gonna find Wolfie, honey. Don’t you worry about it. They got a really keen sense of smell.”

  Leslie looked miserable. “I hope so.”

  Chapter Two

  After the apes ate and their wounds were cleaned, I encountered Leslie in the tunnel. We were on our way to the rear exit. “Are you trying the phone?” I asked.

  “Yeah. We need a clear view of the sky. It’s probably going to be impossible.” The furthest cavern was a multipurpose room, which was also the kitchen area. Wooden crates held various supplies along with boots and jackets. We bundled-up in goose down coats, hats, and gloves. Then we stepped out into a raging blizzard, the snow lashing our faces.

  “Shit!” she shouted. “This isn’t going to work.” We hadn’t gone far, when Leslie held the phone, dialing a number she knew by heart. “Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?”

  I could barely see her; the snow now reached the tops of my boots. “We might have to try tomorrow,” I shouted.

  “Hello? Dr. Haynes? Hello? Shit!” She grabbed my arm. “It’s not working. Go back!”

  For a moment, I experienced a flash of panic, not being able to see anything. Leslie managed to direct me towards the entrance, but if I had been out here on my own, I would have gotten lost. Inside the cavern, a lantern lit the space, albeit dimly.

  “We have to try tomorrow after the storm. I gotta get this call out.”

  I flung my hat into the crate. “How bad do you think the weather will be?”

  “I’ve seen worse, but not by much. There’s already a foot of snow out there.” She ran fingers through her tangled hair. “I can’t believe Wolfie’s gone. I can’t believe it. I’m so fucking tired.”

  “You should go to bed. It’s really late.” It was the middle of the night, and the tribe had been sleeping after an orgy. I had gone to the hot spring with Leonard, and Pooky had joined us. All hell had broken loose after that. “Get some rest. Bubba will find him, Leslie.”

  “This is such a disaster. If it gets out that Sasquatches are real, we’ll have the media on our ass and helicopters flying and God only knows what else. I have to get in contact with Dr. Haynes. He can put a stop to it.”

  I was less than hopeful. “I…I’m sure he will. It’s gonna be okay.”

  Most of the Sasquatches were asleep. Lendal and Bubba Jr. snuggled together on a pelt, while Dale and Kat snored on their backs, their stomachs rising and falling with their breathing. Archie lay near Pookie, who wheezed in his sleep. Zelda worried that his back injury might become infected. There weren’t enough antibiotics for a three hundred pound creature, and, with the storm, no one knew when we would be able to call out for help.

  I sat on a fur and stared at the fire, feeling suddenly alone. I
had been kidnapped in the blink of an eye and taken into the woods, where Pooky had seduced me in a cave. Part of me still struggled with the knowledge that I was basically a hostage. Now I was even more trapped because of the weather. If we could get a call out, someone would come and rescue me, right? I wouldn’t be stuck here all winter, would I? My sister was free, and she came and went as she pleased, which gave me hope.

  There was a commotion in the tunnel, and Leslie jumped to her feet as Leonard and Bubba appeared, wet and covered in snow. “Did you find him? Did you get Wolfie?”

  Bubba growled unhappily, the sound echoing in the cavernous space. “They took boats. Lost the scent in the water,” he said gruffly. The apes huddled for warmth with their shoulders hunched by the fire.

  “Oh, my God,” cried Leslie. “I can’t believe this. They had boats?”

  “Footprints by the water,” said Leonard. “Wolfie’s scent stopped there.”

  Leslie collapsed and began to cry. Zelda put her arm around her. “There, there now. We’re gonna call for help soon. You’re so tired, honey. It’ll all look better in the morning.”

  “They attacked from the back to distract us. Then they took Wolfie out the front,” said Leslie. “They so planned this. Then they had boats waiting. This sucks so bad.” She sniffed, wiping tears from her face. “He’s probably screaming for me right now.”

  Zelda glanced my way. “Why don’t you get the boys some hot soup and towels?”

  “Sure.” I ladled out broth mixed with vegetables and noodles, handing them to the apes. “Here.” Leonard grunted, taking the bowl. “It’s hot. Be careful.”

  His gleaming black eyes rested on me, and I shivered. It wasn’t from the cold, but from a peculiar vibe I picked up from him. His interest wasn’t platonic or paternal. He harbored other emotions, and I wasn’t unaffected, and that bothered me. After they ate, Bubba and Leonard left again to clean themselves in the hot spring. They returned coated in snow, which they shook off in a far corner.


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