In the Rough

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In the Rough Page 11

by Sara Brookes

  Enver sat on one corner of the cloth, leaning on his hip while he propped up one leg. “Just some stuff I threw together at the last minute.”

  Marcus burst out laughing at the elaborate arrangement of pumpernickel bread sandwiches. The containers of fruit, nuts, dip, cheese and crackers. The obviously homemade brownies, and a bottle of wine. “If this is last minute, hate to see when you actually put a plan into motion.” He accepted the sandwich Enver offered him, feeling his stomach rumble. “Forgot to eat lunch today.”

  “Drowning yourself in work again?”

  Marcus tried to ignore the tone of disappointment ringing through the question. “Grae stopped by earlier and we hammered out the issue I kept having with the pixel resolutions.”

  Enver handed him a can of soda. “Sounds like good progress.”

  “Have some tedious work ahead of me now, but I’m excited about it. One of my contacts is loaning me his laser scanning equipment. It’s going to greatly increase my pace.” He opened a nearby paper bag, pleased to find a handful of chocolate chip cookies. “No more taking measurements by hand.”

  Enver waved off his offer of one of the treats, using the backpack as a pillow as he lay down. “Glad to hear it.”

  Marcus fell silent again, much like he had during the tour. As he examined Enver’s face, he wondered if it was something he’d done or said, but playing over the night, he couldn’t think of anything. Maybe it was talk of his work. He had a tendency to be so consumed he forgot the rest of the world existed. Forgot there were people out in the world he cared about. He’d done a piss-poor job at expressing how much he cared for them in return.

  “Everything all right, Enver? You seem...pensive. Thought that was supposed to be my shtick.”

  Enver folded his arms back, propping up his head as he gazed up into the darkening sky. A cute smile turned up the edges of his lips. “Contemplating the number forty-two.”

  “‘The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,’” they said at the same time.

  It was insanely sexy to hear the phrase from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy tumble out of Enver’s mouth. Not something Marcus had expected, either. Giving in to the urge that had plagued him since the date had started, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against the rough stubble dotting Enver’s jaw, delighting in the tremble that trickled through Enver before he went completely still. A soft, almost surprised sound drifted in the sliver of air between them as he glided upward. Their faces were so close, it was as though they were sharing the same breath.

  He waited for Enver to tell him to stop, to back away and laugh off the advance so they could finish dinner and the tour like they were just two friends enjoying each other’s company. But he didn’t. A second later, he laid his lips against Enver’s, watching his pupils blow wide as their mouths met.

  Heat pulsed through his dick, screaming against the restriction of denim encasing him. Enver’s eyes fluttered closed as Marcus slanted his mouth and deepened the kiss. It was powerful and potent. Everything he could have ever hoped for. Every suppressed base desire clawed inside him to get free.

  Enver opened to him, cupping his hand around the back of Marcus’s head as their tongues tangled. He angled Marcus’s mouth, plundering deeper, drawing him closer. In the space of two heartbeats, he was laid out on top of Enver.

  At the new angle, every inch of Enver was pressed again him. The hard planes of his chest, abdomen, thigh. The unmistakable steel ridge of his cock making an impression against Marcus’s thigh. This wasn’t a computer simulation. This was a real, live—damn fine specimen—male body against his. He unconsciously moved his hips, earning a ragged groan from Enver that vibrated his lips.

  Pull away before you get any deeper, Holly.

  But he couldn’t.


  Soul-deep arousal slammed into him with hurricane force. Before long, they were moving as one, grinding together as the kiss grew brutal, Enver’s thick cock digging into Marcus’s abdomen. Control shifted as the kiss quickly turned voracious and made sparks dance behind Marcus’s eyes. He freely surrendered the power to the other man, allowing his aggression and force to dominate.

  The intensity of their connection shook Marcus to his core as he pulled away. Looking at Enver’s kiss-swollen lips, his bright eyes, the flush of excitement to his cheeks, it took Marcus a full minute to find his voice again to say, “We should get going if we want to catch the rest of the tour.”

  “If that’s really what you want to do right now.”

  The husky tone made Marcus’s blood race with heady speed through his veins, pulse in his brain like his head was going to explode. He burrowed against Enver, tucking his face against his neck.

  “No,” he whispered, sucking in a deep breath. “It’s not.”

  In truth, he wanted naked flesh, and stiff dicks in full contact. He wanted to be in Enver’s ropes for real, experience the high of subspace at the hands of a skilled Dom like the man beneath him. Most of all, he wanted to feel what he knew would be the glorious slide of Enver’s dick in his ass.

  Enver tilted Marcus’s face back and brushed their lips together with a soft caress. “Neither do I.” He studied his face, shaking his head as though dazed. “How are you so fucking sexy and sweet and...incredible all at the same time?”

  The response died when Marcus’s cell phone chimed loudly, signaling an incoming text message. His throat tightened as tentacles of fear constricted around his midsection, zapping his building arousal.

  The phone chimed again.

  Please don’t let it be him.

  A cold bead of sweat trickled down Marcus’s spine. Drawing back, he scooped up his phone and shoved it into his pocket without looking. The cheery electronic tone was enough to remind him he didn’t have the luxury of making out with the insanely sexy man looking up at him.

  Breathe. Just breathe.

  Another chime.


  Concern flashed in Enver’s eyes. “You need to get that?”

  Marcus shook his head as a band tightened around his chest. “I should get going.” The confusion mapping Enver’s face punched him in the chest. Christ, I can’t do this to him. The emotional blow, the reality that Marcus had fucked up, was too much. He had to get out of there.

  He turned away, unable to stand knowing he couldn’t lay the pieces of his past on Enver. Couldn’t force someone to deal with his baggage when he still managed to fail at rational decisions over it.

  Another chime broke through his thoughts.

  Maybe it was Zoie with news.

  No, she would have called him outright. Though she would be persistent, he’d told her he was going on a date with Enver. The zombie apocalypse would have to be in full swing for her to interrupt.

  Five chimes in quick succession made him shove his hand into his pocket. Bile churned in his gut as he powered down his phone without extracting it and silencing another notification from an incoming message. Whatever was going on, whoever was blowing up his phone, he would have to figure it out completely on his own.

  He grimaced as the denim pulled tight across his still semi-hard dick. Minutes ago, Enver had been touching him. Kissing him like he was branding him with a mark of ownership. Making him feel alive and excited about their future together. And then...

  His heart beat fast as he stared at the last traces of the amazing sunset that were fading, the blue-black sky filled with tiny pinpricks of light. The perfect night he was about to ruin with his next words.

  “The new scanning program is generating the medical examination room for scenes while I am gone. Figured it wouldn’t need me to stare at it while it churned.” He held up his phone, forcing a smile. “It’s letting me know there’s a problem.”

  Enver sat up, gathering the trash from their meal. “Well, let’s go then.�

  “No,” Marcus said automatically as Enver started to rise. “Stay. Enjoy the rest of the night. I’m really sorry about this.”

  “Go on and take care of what you need to, I’ll handle this.” Enver shook out the tablecloth, folding it neatly into a tight square. “I get it. Really. Past my bedtime anyway,” he said with a grin.

  Marcus gave a tight laugh, but he didn’t dare make eye contact with Enver again as he spun on his heel. He managed to throw a quick “Thanks.” and “Goodbye.” over his shoulder as he escaped down the path, heart racing so fast, he was certain it was going to explode.

  As he reached the parking area, he realized he’d bailed like a specter in the night, fleeing with such speed, he was convinced he’d screwed up a shot at building anything substantial with Enver. He didn’t want to think it was over, but how could he not after that kind of odd behavior?

  He studied the parked cars as he made his way through the lot, taking inventory to compare the notes in his head. A few were gone, but he recognized every vehicle. By the time he’d made it to his car, his arousal had been replaced with a vile hatred that left a bad taste in his mouth. Everything looked right, but something was out of place. Perhaps not physically, but the overwhelming sense of dread that had followed him since the text message four weeks ago sat like a lead weight in his chest.

  Inside his car, he gunned the engine and shot out of the space. He drove for several minutes before pulling into a gas station where he parked, but kept the motor running. Finally, he powered up his phone and watched a string of text messages and images appear on his screen.

  You should really think about dressing up for a date more. Even for just a stupid place like an observatory, Mr. Holly.

  An image followed, showing the instant when Marcus had squeezed Enver’s hand. They were both smiling, looking at one another as though they didn’t have a care in the world. Several more shots from the tour. He’d kept a critical eye on the crowd as they’d moved through the building, convinced he’d only recognized Enver. From the various angles, Davis had either hacked the other patrons’ phones and stolen the images or had used a lackey to capture the pictures for him.

  How dare you subject all those innocent people to your vile, disgusting depravity? And those innocent children. They didn’t ask to see that kind of filth. Have a little respect for those around you.

  A series of five pictures followed, these from outside the observatory. The elevated angle made Marcus think the snapshots had been taken from above. It would certainly explain why they hadn’t been aware they were being watched.

  His skin erupted in a cold sweat as he scrolled through the series of images. The first and second showed them departing the parking lot for the trail to the telescope. The third and fourth, as they’d broken off from the group to take the other trail. Finally, a shot of the kiss they’d shared high on the ridge, the sunset lighting the sky in flame. Under normal circumstances, Marcus would have admired the image of two men enjoying each other’s company in such an intimate way.

  God, could the two of you be any more pathetic? Two grown men fawning all over each other and can’t keep it in their pants.

  Another text arrived and he braced himself as he opened it. His heart froze as he stared at the image in disbelief. The black and white picture was different from the rest, with a grainy quality from a lower resolution camera. It was an overhead shot from the convention as he handed Enver one of his informational flyers, his phone number scrawled across the top in his messy handwriting.

  Marcus closed his eyes and swore. Son of a mother fuckin’ bitch.

  Chapter Thirteen

  For the first time since he’d invested his life savings in Noble House, Enver hadn’t just thrown on any pair of pants and shirt before heading to the club for the night. After all, he was never the focus of a session. His attention was always entirely on the submissive. They were always more concerned with what he could do to them instead of what he wore while doing it. Functional and comfortable had always been his goal. But tonight, he’d taken care in selecting the perfect outfit. Tight-fitting black jeans, deep green shirt and heavy-duty boots.

  Though his annoyance hadn’t faded completely in the three days since Marcus had bolted through the tree line at the observatory, he still felt the burn of it churning in his gut. He’d been busy filling customer orders, so he hadn’t taken the time to deal with the incident—or with Marcus. Of course, in that time, Marcus had done a hell of a job avoiding him. He understood crap came up that people sometimes didn’t have any control over, but he bet Marcus’s reasons had nothing to do with BLINC and everything to do with whatever he always kept looking over his shoulder for. For a good deal of that night, Marcus had been completely at ease. Then his cell phone had spooked him.

  Enver was anxious to get to the bottom of it, which was one of the reasons why he’d agreed to another virtual scene inside Marcus’s program when he’d received the text message inquiry. He was prepared to do whatever necessary because it was clear, in a short time, Marcus had made Enver do things he hadn’t taken the time for in years. The whole clothing deal fascinated him as much as it pissed him off. Enver wasn’t the type of Dom to get all googly eyed about a sub no matter what. He arrived, did his job to the best of his ability, gave them the scene of their life, and called it a day.

  With Marcus, he wanted more.

  Now if he would just stop running off whenever things got sideways.

  “Hey, stranger.”

  Enver blinked, startled by the familiar voice. His former submissive’s face came into focus as she approached, her long brown hair plaited into a fishtail braid that hung over one shoulder. As always, her beauty caught him off guard. Even as many times as they’d been together, he was still awed by the fact he’d gotten to know her so well. It pained him that things hadn’t worked out for them as Dom and sub. Not only was she exceptionally receptive, but her quick wit had always kept him on his toes.

  “Bracey.” He stepped closer, pulling her into a friendly hug. “So good to see you.” The familiarity of her lithe athletic form, the playfully fresh and feminine scent of her favorite perfume, brought back a flood of memories of their sessions. A tightness clenched around his heart as he remembered he’d been the one to end things.

  As she pulled away, she gave him a half smile and set her hands on his jaw. “You look tired, Hercules.”

  He chuckled at the nickname she’d given him after a particularly intense session. While he’d been cuddling her during her aftercare, she’d wanted to watch a movie. He’d simply hit play on this DVD player and discovered his niece and nephew had loaded up their favorite Disney movie the last time they’d been to his house.

  “Working too much, as always,” he said with a shrug.

  “You never work too much.” She tilted her head, examining him as she brushed her thumb against his stubble. “Or too hard. You’re efficient to a fault.”

  He grimaced at the reminder. “It’s a wonder I’m not a masochist.”

  She stayed quiet for a long moment before speaking. “In a way, you are. You may not enjoy torturing others, but you sure as hell enjoy doing it to yourself.”

  He studied her without seeing her. Pieces clicked into place. He thought about how he’d gone out to the car after the initial session with Marcus. Ultimately, he’d thought he’d been trying to burn away his frustrations with his hand, but pain hadn’t been one of those things he’d sought. In fact, he’d welcomed the burning, raw, intense ache that had blossomed. Used it to push himself further. He’d drained himself dry that night, and would have continued if he’d been physically capable.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t...” Fuck. “Couldn’t be what you needed, Bracey.” An ache sat as heavy as lead in his gut, weighing him with a pain he would never be able to express.

  “Look at me, Enver.” She paused, waiting out his silence. She cur
led her fingers against his jaw, forcing him to look directly at her. “You were there when I needed you to be, were patient and kind when I needed. Harsh when I needed that too. You taught me so much. I will always be eternally grateful to you for that.” She curled her hand around his forearm, her touch warming his skin. “Whatever it is that is hurting you right now? You need to deal with it.”

  “I don’t have anything to give him.” He hadn’t realized he’d spoken aloud until she dug her fingernails into his skin.

  “Give him you.” She pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Everything else is just noise.”

  He reined in a burst of panic at his confession, studying her. She had come a long way on her journey, blooming from a shy, inexperienced newbie into the expressive woman who stood in front of him. It had taken a while—months, in fact—but she’d learned how to ask for what she needed when he couldn’t recognize it. He’d seen the inevitable long before she’d come to him with her concerns. She was a strong-headed submissive who had outgrown her Dom. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, but it had been the first time he was remorseful about the fact he hadn’t been able to give her what she needed.

  Sure, he knew it was for the best to step to the side, but that didn’t make the sting any less painful. It had been the right decision for them both, if her outfit selection for the night was any indication. She was clearly on the prowl. A fluffy pink skirt barely covered her ass and the matching skintight top clearly displayed the silver barbells through her nipples.

  “Have a hot date?”

  Though she nodded, her mouth twisted. “Haven’t found anyone that shared the kind of connection we do. Did,” she corrected with a grimace. “Sorry.”

  “I wanted it to work out with us. Give you everything you needed.”

  “I know.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him against her.

  Bracey was easy to love. A good person, worthy of his trust and someone he should have envisioned a future with. But as much as he’d tried to think of having a normal life, she wasn’t the one he saw standing next to him through thick and thin. Someday, she was going to make a lucky person very happy.


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