The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3) Page 12

by Joanne Sexton

  The gallery opening was on Saturday and she didn’t want to spoil the excitement.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A Gallery Opening

  The rest of the week leading up to Mitch’s exhibit opening was busy for them both.

  Between modelling shoots, preparing the gallery and Mitch’s secret house buying, the week flew and before they knew it the morning of the opening arrived. Isabelle insisted that she and Jesse stay home the night before the exhibit so they would feel fresh. Mitch’s protests didn’t change her mind. She wanted him to have a good night’s rest and he agreed he wouldn’t get much of that if she were to stay.

  They rarely spent nights apart in the past weeks and both found they missed having someone to share a bed with, to wake up to.

  Jesse stayed home with Carol while Isabelle spent the day helping Mitch set up and attempted to calm his frayed nerves. He was anxious, as this was the first time he would be displaying his work and he hoped it wouldn’t fall short of public expectations. He said little over the course of the day and Isabelle thought he must be more worried than she anticipated.

  Her usual chatty Mitch hid behind a stoic mask and it reminded her of Jared. Deep down, they weren’t so different after all.

  Raw nerves greeted Mitch when he woke. Not only was he afraid of failure, but he was worried Isabelle would refuse his offer of moving into the house he’d successfully purchased. This scared him more than being unsuccessful.

  He didn’t want to scare her off by rushing things again, but he also didn’t want to wake up without her. Who would have thought being in love was so exhilarating. Now he was with Isabelle he couldn’t understand how his life before her had ever been fulfilling. Life before her was hollow and empty, with nameless faces and loneliness. He couldn’t believe it once appealed to him.

  During the course of the day, as he set up with Isabelle, he realized how introverted he was being, and Isabelle would put this down to nerves about the opening. Though part of it was, he spent much of the day going over in his mind what he was going to say to her that evening when the opening concluded.

  Several times over the day he laughed to himself at his silly schoolboy behavior. It seemed Isabelle brought out many things in him.

  Mitch fidgeted when opening time arrived. Isabelle stood by his side and held his hand and he appreciated her all over again. His family were in attendance to offer moral support, all glowing with pride.

  Charlotte and Jared had returned from their honeymoon earlier in the day and stood intimately together as they absorbed each one of his photos. He was grateful for them cutting short their trip to be there. When Chelsea and Lucas arrived, they came over.

  “Hey, Mitch,” Lucas said, extending his hand. “Your photos are great. Why so nervous?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yes,” they all chorused.

  “I can’t help it.” He offered a nervous smile. “Where’s Elle tonight?”

  “With my mom,” Chelsea replied with a grin. “I have a free evening, so I think champagne is in order.” She followed a waiter with a loaded tray, before locating her sister.

  “Good luck, Mitch,” Lucas said before proceeding to follow his wife.

  One by one people began to arrive and soon the gallery was full. With Isabelle in tow, he mingled with the guests and answered questions about his pieces.

  An hour into the event Valery gestured excitedly from across the room before hurrying over to them.

  “This is going even better than I knew it would,” she gushed. “I have sold two pieces already and quite a few have been consigned, including the one of Isabelle. I believe by the end of your two week exhibit we will sell them all.”

  Mitch stared for a moment, astounded. He never dreamed he would sell his work, or they would achieve the turnout they had. The whole night seemed surreal and this just topped it off. Now all he needed was for Isabelle to say yes.

  “That’s great!” Isabelle cried, throwing her arms around his neck. “I told you people would love them as much as I do.”

  “I’m in shock.”

  “I’m not,” said Valery, waving to someone across the room. “Must go, looks like we may have another sale. At this rate you’ll need to do some more pieces!”

  After the evening wound down and the last guest left, Mitch swept Isabelle off her feet and kissed her with joy.

  “I can’t believe how well tonight went. If this keeps up, I might be able to give up modelling shoots!”

  “You will, which is great, except you won’t be photographing me anymore,” she winked.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that,” he said, lowering her to the floor.

  Without saying anything further he turned to wave goodbye to Valery, who told him she would update him on his progress. He took Isabelle’s hand and ignored her curious glance as he led her to the small, quiet cafe across the street. Once they were seated and their coffee sat steaming in front of them, Isabelle began to worry. His expression gave little away. She wondered what was so important and what it had to do with modelling.

  “Why the worried look, babe? I hope what I’m about to say will make you happy.”

  “Well don’t keep me in suspense, out with it.”

  “I bought a house and I’m selling my apartment.”

  “Wow, that’s great news. What does it have to do with modelling?”

  “I’m getting to it. Please let me get it all out before you say anything, okay?”

  His brow creased above his nose, the way it did when he concentrated. Usually she adored this expression, but at the moment it concerned her. She had no idea why he looked so worried, this was good news.

  His eyes absorbed hers as she nodded, and he offered a small grin before he spoke.

  “I know I have asked you this before, but…” He paused and took a deep breath while Isabelle held hers, waiting. “I bought the house so that we could live together as a family. You, me, Jesse and your mom too, if that’s what you both want. I want to wake up to you every day and hold you every night. I understand your concerns about Jesse, but I’m doing this for his security too. Now that my dreams have been fulfilled, I want to do the same for you. I want you to go back and finish your degree. Without having to pay rent and with the money you have saved you’ll be able to do this. What do you think? Will you come and live with me?”

  Thoughts rushed through her mind as she absorbed his words. Jesse, the letters, the opportunity to be able to do what she loved and, most of all, how much she loved Mitch. His face screwed up and she knew he was worried she would say no again.

  “Oh, Mitchell,” she said as hot tears slid over her cheeks. She couldn’t remember ever being so happy and the decision was made for her. “You are the most generous, sweet man… yes, yes, yes!”

  With an excited squeal she jumped out of her seat, threw her arms around his neck and sought his lips. She didn’t care that the few patrons in the cafe watched as she sat in his lap and kissed him. She was totally and completely in love and she wanted the world to know.

  “I thought you were going to say no again,” he said against her lips.

  “I admit I wasn’t sure what to do at first, but how I feel about you won out. You don’t have to support us though. I can work and study.”

  “No,” he said as he ran his hand over her hair and down her face.


  “I don’t want you to have to model anymore. You have enough money saved to pay your share and without rent, it will go further. I’ll own the house because I owned the apartment. I’ll show it to you tomorrow. I don’t get the keys until Monday, but the agent has agreed to let me show you through.”

  “Thank you, Mitch. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, to us.”

  “You have changed my life, Izzy. Now I want to do the same for you.”

  Isabelle woke early the next morning and, with hesitancy, left Mitch in bed. She wanted to talk to Carol and Jesse first, befo
re Mitch took them to the house. Knowing she would wake up to him every morning made getting up a little easier.

  Her family were eating breakfast when she arrived, and Isabelle decided to launch straight into it. Mitch would probably turn up not far behind her, as he was as excited as she was, and she wanted to ensure her family were happy with it first.

  “I have something important to tell you both.”

  “Has something happened?” Carol asked with a concerned frown.

  “You could say that.” She grinned, and Jesse gazed at her with expectancy. “After the exhibition last night, which was a success, by the way, Mitch told me he sold his apartment and bought a new house. He has asked if we would be interested in living there with him so I could go back to my studies. I would like to, but if either of you don’t, then we won’t.”

  “Will I have my own room?” Jesse asked, his big blue eyes full of hope.


  “Then I want to. I like Mitch.”

  “Me too.” They exchanged a smile. “Mom?”

  “If you’re sure, then it sounds good to me. I’ve never seen you happier and it has given both of us the time and social life we needed. He’s a good man and I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  Isabelle could see the truth in her words, but knew something still troubled her, something she didn’t want to say in front of Jesse.

  “Mitch will be coming by shortly to show us the house.”

  “Yay!” cried Jesse.

  “Your clothes are on the bed, Jesse, why don’t you start getting ready? I’ll help you in a minute,” Carol said.

  Jesse leapt out of the chair and raced off to their room.

  “Does this mean you’ve told him about the letters?” Carol asked, her frown returning.

  “Not yet.”

  “You need to take this seriously, Isabelle.”

  “I know, Mom, and I’ll tell him soon, but now isn’t the time.”

  When Mitch knocked on the door an hour later, he was nervous. What if Jesse was reluctant to move? What if Carol had reservations? Simply because Isabelle had agreed didn’t set it in stone. He knew she could still be swayed if her family weren’t keen on the idea. The door was answered by a beaming and excited Jesse.

  “Can we see our new house now?”

  Jesse’s greeting alleviated his fears in an instant, and when he watched Isabelle and then Carol walk up behind Jesse with equally eager expressions, he knew they would be packing their bags.

  “Yeah, bud, we can,” Mitch said, crouching down to eye level.

  “Thanks, Mitch. You’re the best!”

  Little arms reached around his neck, reminding him of Isabelle, except Jesse’s exuberance almost knocked him from his feet. An excited grin filled his face and he couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy. Mitch stood, bringing Jesse with him, his heart melting for the little boy he was also enamored with. He glanced towards Isabelle and the tears in her eyes echoed his joy.

  After they had driven about half an hour, Isabelle started to grow impatient and was about to ask how much further, when they pulled up in front of a large cottage style house overlooking the ocean.

  “You can’t be serious,” she whispered as she climbed from the car.

  “Sometimes I can.” He grinned. “Your castle awaits, Milady.” A mock bow followed the grin.

  The picturesque house was surrounded by a tall decorative fence. A small front porch overlooking the front yard would be perfect for a garden swing and to watch children at play. They walked up the path through the simple, low maintenance garden towards the front door, where they found the agent waiting to let them in.

  Isabelle strolled into a generous entrance leading into a spacious formal sitting room to the right and what appeared to be the main bedroom to the left. She ventured right and followed the room through to the dining room and large modern kitchen, twice the size of the one in their apartment.

  The kitchen led into a family room and appeared to link to the hallway and what she assumed were the other three bedrooms. French doors ran along the rear of the house, each containing decorative stained glass windows which reflected a rainbow of light into the room. Isabelle held her breath as she opened the doors, where she discovered a long balcony stretching the length of the house. It had a paneled border and would be wide enough to house several pieces of outdoor furniture.

  When she looked out towards the ocean her breath caught again. She must be dreaming. The waves crashing against the rocky cliffs not only provided a stunning view, but a soothing sound, one Isabelle desired to enjoy. A little further down to the right, past the cliffs, was a sandy beach accessed from a path below the house.

  “This isn’t a funny joke, Mitchell,” she said, turning to him.

  “No joke, babe. It’s all ours.” She sent him a disbelieving look. “Now let’s get you home so you can start packing.”

  “Mitch… I… this…” She threw her arms around his neck and sought his lips. “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “You’re welcome.”

  They located Jesse in one of the bedrooms in the rear of the house, who declared this was his room. Although she was still in shock, her heart swelled for Jesse and for the most generous and wonderful man she’d ever met.

  Mitch pitched in with packing at Isabelle’s apartment for the rest of the day, before going home and starting on his own. Once Mitch collected the keys in the morning, he was going to deliver all of his boxes and belongings to the house and then would collect them and their possessions.

  His heart felt light and exhaustion eased him into a deep, restful sleep.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jesse hindered Isabelle's packing the following morning, and even though he tried to be helpful he wasn't succeeding.

  All of his toys and clothes along with his bed were packed, as were the kitchen items and any other remaining things they would be taking. Their old furniture would be donated to charity. Mitch had everything they needed and of a much better quality than theirs. Due to Jesse's failed attempted at help, Carol volunteered to take him out shopping for the morning to give Isabelle the space she needed to complete their packing.

  Half an hour had passed when she heard a knock at the door, and Isabelle wondered who it could be. Mitch couldn’t be finished unloading his boxes at the house already.

  She discovered a familiar looking letter on the doorstep. Looking left and right, she saw no-one around so she picked it up, but her reluctance to open it froze her to the spot. With a tentative sigh she opened the letter and gasped at its contents.


  I warned you and you didn't listen. I believed that we would be together, and you have ruined my plans so now I'm going to ruin yours. Jesse will be staying with me until you come to your senses and drop the photographer. I will contact you tomorrow to find out if you have done as I've asked. Maybe a day without your son will teach you a lesson. Do not contact the police or you will never see Jesse again. Know this, we will be together.

  Still loving you despite your ignorance.


  Isabelle dived for her mobile phone and dialed Carol’s number, to find it switched off. She cursed. How many times had she told her mother to turn her phone on? With frustration, she threw the letter to the floor. Where were they? What was she going to do now?

  Her first thought was Anthony and she began scrolling through her phone directory, ready to dial, but then thought better of it. Anthony wasn’t responsible for this. First of all, the letter talked about them being together- he was her brother, and that didn’t fit. Was he trying to throw her off the scent with the confessions of love or was it someone else altogether? For several moments she went back and forth before deciding the best way to find out was to ring Anthony. If he wasn’t responsible- if he would even to confess to such a thing- then he may be able to help.

  “Hey, sis,” he said after answering on the second ring. “I could get used to saying that.�
� He followed with a small laugh, and under normal circumstances Isabelle would join him.

  “Where’s Jesse?” The direct approach, she decided, was the best approach.

  “What do you mean? I haven't met him yet… why would I know?” The genuine confusion in his voice gave her both relief and further worry all at once.

  “I think someone has kidnapped him.”


  Isabelle sprinted through the story and he told her he would be right over. She paced out the minutes until Anthony’s arrival twenty minutes later. Seconds after he arrived, the phone rang, startling them both.


  “May I speak with Isabelle Winters, please?”


  “I’m calling from Metro Hospital. Your mother Carol has been brought in with a gunshot wound to the leg. She’s fine but will have to stay in for several days.”

  “What about my son Jesse?”

  “She was brought in alone, Ma’am.”

  “Oh, of course, she was dropping him off at a relative’s house.” She lied. “I’ll be there shortly.”

  “What now?” Anthony asked once she’d hung up.

  Her reply, a simple, distinct shake and shrug. Shock had her standing rigid to the spot, unable to move or think. What had just happened?

  The letter was right, this insane man had Jesse. The one thing she could do to have a fighting chance of getting her son back broke her heart. She would have to do as he asked and call it off with Mitch. Her devastation over Jesse’s abduction suddenly became compounded at the thought of facing it without Mitch. What else could she do?

  “I have to pack some things for my mom and go to the hospital,” she finally said, her heart and mind in turmoil.

  “Do you want me to stay here, just in case?”


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