New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires)

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New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires) Page 5

by Jeannette Winters

  Leon felt anger building up inside him. He wanted to know if she’d been hurt, violated, or anything of the sort. If she had, he’d hunt down the bastards and—What’s wrong with me? I help and heal, not hurt people. Looking in her eyes, he had a light-bulb moment. One that scared the shit out of him. For her, he’d do anything. Even something against his moral fiber. Because overall, he wanted to protect her. Make her happy.

  He needed to know but didn’t want to trigger anything either. “I’ve heard of the place. It can be difficult for women there.”

  Although she looked away from him, he could read her emotional state pretty well. “Unfortunately, you’re correct. I am one of the lucky ones, thanks to Alex and Ziva.”

  His body relaxed once he knew she hadn’t been harmed. “Who are they?”

  “The friends I told you about. They are getting married on New Year’s Eve. It’s going to be at his brother’s home. They are keeping it small. Kind of private.”

  That word private usually meant they didn’t want strangers around. Even though he wanted to be with Myla, he didn’t want to be crashing someone’s wedding either. “And you don’t think they’ll mind if you bring me?”

  She shook her head. “If you’re worried about it, why don’t you come to breakfast with me on Sunday. They are going to be there.”

  Leon wished he’d told Dean Henderson no. It was too late. He was positive Dean had told his wife, who in turn had told his mother. Not showing up would start the nagging phone calls all over again. “I’m sorry, but I’m meeting an old friend on Sunday. How about during the week?”

  Myla chuckled. “I know you don’t want to think about exams, but they are happening next week whether you’re ready or not.”

  He had forgotten. His exam was scheduled on Wednesday, the last day before school break. From what she’d told him, she was booked for a few exams herself every day next week. “Well, it looks like I’ll meet them at the wedding, if that’s okay with you.”

  “I’ll make sure to get you the time and address.”

  “It’s a date.” He surprisingly didn’t want to go a week without seeing her. He was the one with a lot of time on his hands. She wasn’t. It would be selfish if he monopolized her time and her grades suffered. Since he found out where she was from, it made perfect sense why she was so driven. Education was something she could control. He would never take that away from her.

  They ate their pizza and shared a piece of baklava. He wasn’t one much for sweets, and sharing it with Myla was all the sweet he needed. As they chatted, he couldn’t believe some of the stories she told him. They weren’t anything specific, and he understood why, but she had to be the gentlest person he’d ever met. She had looks and intelligence, but her heart shined even brighter. He knew meeting her had changed his life. He wasn’t sure how yet.

  When they returned to her dorm, he walked her to her door. If her age difference wasn’t enough, knowing where she was born was. There was no way he was going to ask if he could come in. He wasn’t going to touch her in any way that wouldn’t be respectful. Myla was like the most fragile piece of china, and he was going to treat her so.

  “Thank you for dinner. It was really nice.”

  She was looking at him with her tempting blue eyes. She wanted him to kiss her. He was afraid if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop. “I’m glad you said yes.” I’m sure you’d say yes if I pursued something else too.

  Myla didn’t close the door. She just continued to look at him. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He needed to taste her lips. Bending, he put a hand on her hip and pulled her closer. When his lips touched hers, it was heaven. Hers trembled against his at first, then as though a spark ignited in her, she began to take, not just give.

  He traced her lips with his tongue and urged her to open up to him. Instantly she did. As their tongues danced, her moan filled his mouth. He was on fire, the need within him building faster than expected. His tight jeans were begging to be unzipped. Slow down. Stop it before you can’t.

  Although he wanted to taste every single inch of her, he couldn’t. Instead, he slowed his kiss till it came to a stop. Both of them were breathing heavy. If this is what a kiss is like, God help me if we made love. He needed to brush those thoughts from his mind. It couldn’t happen. He was leaving in a few weeks. It would be too easy to leave her crushed and heartbroken.

  Standing straight, he said, “Good night, Myla. Be sure to lock your door when I leave.”

  She smiled at him, stepped into her room, and closed the door. Once he heard the latch lock, he headed to his car. He was glad he wasn’t going to see her for a while. It was hard enough keeping his hands to himself. Maybe he’d gain some desperately needed self-control over time. Standing outside, the gust of cold air was refreshing. I could lay in that snow mound and melt it.

  Chapter Six

  Saturday had flown by because she spent most of it thinking about her date with Leon. If being with him wasn’t enough, she found a new channel to watch. The Hallmark Channel was filled with love stories. They were all couples who seemed impossible to come together, but in the end, they always did. She knew these were just movies. That’s not how it happened in real life. At least not for anyone she knew. Except for Ziva.

  She wasn’t one who sat and closed her eyes, thinking about romantic things, but since that kiss, she’d barely thought of anything else. He’d made her toes curl and her entire body warm. If he hadn’t been a gentleman and stopped, she wasn’t sure she would’ve.

  She had to admit she was glad he’d stopped. She wanted to get to know him better, and when she gave herself to someone, she wanted to know it wasn’t just a one-night stand. There needed to be more than sex involved for both parties.

  She felt a very strong attraction to him, and she knew by the hard bulge she’d felt pressed up against her it was mutual. She wanted, no needed, more. I have dreams. For the first time, she had dreams she truly felt were obtainable. If she and Leon became closer, maybe in the future she could bring herself to share them with him. So far, she’d kept everything tied up tight within herself. Not even Ziva knew. It was lonely holding it inside. What was her choice? Speak and risk being sent back to Tabiq? Nothing is worth that. Nothing at all.

  The limo driver pulled up in front of Brice and Lena’s home. She’d been there a few times before with Alex and Ziva. It was massive. She burst out laughing because all of Boston looked like it was under several feet of snow, and here it looked like only inches. She knew they had the same amount, but somehow it seemed to magically disappear. Is there anything the Hendersons can’t have done?

  Part of that still scared her. She couldn’t help but remember who their father was. The cruelest, sickest individual who ever walked the planet. She’d never seen any signs that his offspring were anything like him, but she still had her guard up. The only one she’d gotten to know was Alex. That’s why this Sunday brunch was going to be a good thing. She was forced to spend more time with them. If it didn’t work out today, she still had time to cancel her date with Leon for the wedding. No sense making him suffer through something I don’t want to be at either.

  She knew part of her was looking for an excuse to cancel. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to see him. In fact, she was worried because she desperately wanted to see him again. The last thing she wanted was the Hendersons to see a connection between them. If they didn’t like him, she feared what they would do. Leon was no match for them. They were a powerful family, and Leon was probably a poor college student like her.

  She’d made the mistake in the past of knocking on the door. They’d told her Sunday was like an open house, and she should just walk in. No matter what, she felt uncomfortable doing so, but she followed the instructions. Once she entered, Myla heard people chatting up a storm in the living room. There were sounds of children running around and laughter. It was the sweetest sound, making her think of home. Brice and Lena’s son, Nicholas, came rushing through the hall with a t
oy airplane in his hand. His little sister followed close behind with her hands up as though trying to catch it. A house full of children was what Alex and Ziva needed.

  “Hi, Myla. I see my children decided to greet you at the door,” Lena said as she scooped her daughter into her arms. “Somebody gave them chocolate milk, and now they’re all revved up on a sugar high. I’m not sure how I’m going to get them to sit through brunch.”

  Nicholas continued to run circles around Myla. She gave him a quick pat on the head. On his last turn, she snagged the plane out of his hand and said, “I think your plane is about to run out of gas. Maybe you should land it for a few minutes and let it fuel up, so it doesn’t crash.”

  She was worried he might be angry and throw a fit, but he didn’t. Instead he looked up at her and asked, “Can planes do that?”

  She nodded. “Yes, if you want your plane to be nice and shiny like it is now, you might want to go in the living room and lie down with it and let it rest and get more energy fuel.” Myla handed it back to him, and Nicholas smiled.

  “Mommy, can I go and lie down with my plane and rest?”

  Lena nodded. “Yes, but you must whisper and be quiet, or it won’t work right.” Nicholas headed to the living room, walking carefully and quietly and carrying it as though the plane was gliding. When he was out of sight, she turned back to Myla and said, “That was amazing. You’re a natural with children. Maybe someday you’ll have a few of your own.”

  She’d always known she’d be surrounded by children but expected that to be in a classroom teaching. Being married with children hadn’t seemed possible. But this past year a lot of things she deemed impossible had in fact happened. Was it wrong to want what everyone else had? A man to love, a family of my own?

  “I’m not sure about that, but I’d be happy to babysit for you and Brice if you ever need me.” She wasn’t sure where she’d find the time, but it was something she really wanted to do.

  Lena beamed with joy. “Oh, you have no idea how much we’d appreciate that. We want to do some Christmas shopping. I know most people shop online, but I always went on Christmas Eve and did my own. You wouldn’t happen to be free then, would you?”

  Since Leon had turned down spending Christmas with her, she certainly had no plans. Her exams would be over and sitting looking at the four walls or watching TV was a poor way to spend the day. “I’d love that. Thank you for asking me.”

  Lena laughed. “I can’t wait to tell Brice.”

  “Tell me what?” Brice asked as he joined his wife.

  “Myla is going to babysit for us so you can go shopping with me on Thursday.”

  Brice looked her over, and she braced herself for his reason why she wasn’t needed. He was the eldest in the family, and when they had met back in Tabiq, he didn’t come off as the friendliest. Odd, because Lena is just the sweetest person I know.

  “I’m not sure about this,” Brice said.

  “I understand. You don’t know me well enough,” Myla said softly, half heartbroken.

  Brice shook his head. “That’s not the issue at all. If you couldn’t be trusted, you wouldn’t be here at Alex and Ziva’s home.”

  “Then what’s the problem, Brice?” Lena asked in a tone implying she wasn’t happy that he changed the plan she made.

  “Zoey asked me if you and I could watch Pearl for a few hours that day. I guess she and Bennett had the same idea.”

  Myla had spent more time with Pearl than any of the others. If she’d known they were looking for a sitter, she’d have reached out long before now.

  Morgan and Shaun Henderson joined them all in the foyer. “Are we having a meeting out here?” Shaun asked.

  “No. We’re discussing Christmas shopping and babysitters. Seems a few of us have the same idea,” Lena stated.

  “What idea is that?” Morgan asked.

  “To shop on Christmas Eve,” Brice responded.

  “That’s a great idea. Why don’t we join you?” Shaun asked.

  Myla couldn’t help but chuckle. Instead of this situation getting smaller, the problem was growing. Brice has two. Shaun has two. Zoey, one. She was happy to babysit, but five seemed a bit more than she could handle alone. At least for the first time.

  “And who is going to watch all the children?” Brice asked.

  Ziva entered and chimed in. “I think I have the perfect answer. Alex and I aren’t doing anything that day, so why don’t they all come our house. Of course, that is if Myla is still willing to help?”

  Myla felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders. “I’d be more than happy to do that.”

  “Good, then it’s settled. Now, why don’t we all head to the dining room? Everything is all set up,” Lena said.

  “Dean and Tessa haven’t arrived yet,” Morgan informed them.

  “Tessa said they were on their way. They’re bringing one of Dean’s friends with them,” Brice replied.

  Logan, the second oldest, entered the room and in a dry tone asked, “Dean has friends? I thought he only thought of business.”

  Brice shook his head. “Be nice, Logan. The kids are around.”

  “And that’s exactly why I made that comment. Anyone he calls a friend should have a full background check done on them.”

  She tried reading Logan. He seemed to have a wall between him and the others. Myla wondered if it was something that was always there or new since she’d arrived in the US. He was never rude to her, but he kept his distance as well. She wasn’t going to let it bother her today. She was in a good mood and wanted to keep it that way.

  Trying to change the subject, she asked Lena, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  Lena smiled and said, “I’d love some help in the kitchen.” Lena turned to Logan and said, “Unless you’re planning on helping too, I suggest you and the others go have a seat.”

  Logan looked like he was going to say something then shook his head and headed to the dining room. Everyone followed, and Brice was last. Before he left, he bent and gave Lena a quick kiss. “I have no idea how you do it, but I’m glad you do.”

  Myla knew what he meant. Lena had a special gift for getting things done gently, without anyone realizing she was the motivator. It’s almost like she’s using her mother tactic on them, and it works. You go, Lena. Myla knew Lena needed that advantage, being married to the eldest.

  Once she and Lena were alone in the kitchen, she was in awe of the amount of food that was ready to be carried into the other room. Myla was shocked to see all the pots and pans piled up on the counters and by the stove. “Did you cook all this?”

  “I did.”

  “By yourself?” Myla heard the words, but it was hard to believe.

  Lena laughed. “I love to cook. It’s a trade-off; Brice watches the little ones while I prepare the meals. Trust me, this is my relaxation time.”

  “And the cleanup?”

  “That’s a different story. But all the girls get together after eating and bang out the dishes in a jiffy. It also gives the guys some time to talk.”

  Myla smiled. She regretted not accepting the offer to attend before now. All this time she felt as though she wouldn’t fit. That was far from the case. This wasn’t a high-class event where she’d feel out of place, outclassed. If anything this was a laid-back homey gathering. One I want to be part of.

  “Tell me where I can start.”

  Lena pointed to a counter and said, “It’s all going, so grab whatever you want, and I’ll be right behind you.”

  Myla made a few trips into the dining room along with Lena. The others were rustling up children or holding babies. There were four empty seats. Once all the food was at the table, she took the one with her back to the door. It provided the best view of the little ones, and she didn’t want to miss that.

  Everyone had started eating when she heard Dean’s voice. “Nothing like waiting for us to arrive.”

  “Nothing like being on time,” Shaun said sarcastically.

  “Don’t pay my brother-in-law any attention. Welcome to our home. I’m Lena, and this is my husband, Brice.”

  “This is Napoleon Oliveira, an old business acquaintance.”

  “My friends call me Leon.”

  Myla spun around at the sound of his voice. It couldn’t be. As she looked up from her seat and met his eyes, she could tell he was equally surprised to see here sitting there.

  “What are you doing here?” they asked in unison. “I thought—” Then they both burst out laughing.

  Ziva spoke up first. “Is there a joke you two would like to share?”

  Myla shook her head as Leon took the vacant seat beside her. She could feel all eyes on them. It made her uncomfortable, but Leon didn’t seem to give them any notice. In a low voice he said, “I didn’t know you were a Henderson.”

  Myla couldn’t believe he’d actually believe she was. She looked around the room, and since their mothers were from Tabiq, they did have some similar features. None of them looked any more like siblings than she did to them. “I’m not. They are friends, kind enough to have me over.”

  Alex must’ve been eavesdropping because he leaned in and said, “Not just a friend. You’re family by choice. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  Her eyes welled up as she looked around the room and felt the warmth and love from them all. “Thank you.”

  Alex leaned over and looked at Leon. “And how do you know Myla?”

  She answered, “This is my friend I told you about.” Myla felt funny saying the word date.

  Alex arched a brow and gave Leon a look-over. “I think I’d like you better if you weren’t in business with my brother.”

  Myla rolled her eyes and couldn’t believe Alex said that. “I don’t know what that means, but Leon is a really nice guy.”

  Alex kept his voice low, but she knew Leon could still hear. “Nice guys don’t do business with Dean. He’d eat them up and spit them out.”


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