Fallacy (Apprehensive Duet Book 1)

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Fallacy (Apprehensive Duet Book 1) Page 12

by Bracco, Kimberly

  “Open Quinn,” he commands. “Give me my sweet pussy,” he growls as his head dips down, and his tongue slides through my pussy lips. The contact sending me even higher. I run my hand through his hair and dig my nails into his scalp causing him to look up at me. The desire in his eyes sets me off instantly. I scream his name and the quickest, strongest orgasm of my life ravishes my body.

  I watch, unable to move, as he gathers the lube and plug and starts to spread the liquid on the metal. The muscles in my ass clench in anticipation. I’ve always wanted to be fucked in the ass, but never let anyone stick around long enough to build up the trust for it.

  Alex squeezes the bottle above my pussy, and the cool gel runs down my slit. Throwing the bottle down, Alex drags his lubed fingers up and down, spreading the lube out before he slips his finger into my tight bud.

  “Mmm…” I moan, relishing the slight but pleasant burn.

  “More?” he asks.


  He brings his thumb down and applies pressure to my clit as he pulls his finger from my ass replacing it with two. The burning is more intense but still pleasurable.

  “How’s that, angel?” Alex asks as he leans down and pulls a nipple into his mouth.

  I give my answer in the form of a whimper.

  Alex pulls his finger out again, but this time, I feel the coldness of the smooth metal. Alex begins to push it in slowly while adding more pressure to my clit. I feel a burst of sensation, and then I just feel full. Alex slides the whole large plug into my ass, and I love the way it feels.

  He looms back over me and leans down taking my lips. I raise my arms up and lace my fingers behind his neck. The thumb on my clit disappears but is replaced with the head of Alex’s magnificent cock at my entrance.

  He brings his hands up to my face and brushes his thumb along my bottom lip as he slowly pushes himself inside. I’m a ball of sensation. Extremely full and highly strung. My body feels as though it could implode at the slightest movement.

  Fully seated in me, Alex begins to rock his hips, grinding his pelvis into my clit. Add in the taste of myself on his thumb and it’s too much. There’s nothing I can do, nothing to stop the full speed ahead release coursing through my body.

  “Oh, fuck,” I shriek, my voice cracking.

  “Don’t fight it,” Alex whispers across my lips.

  Next thing I know, my body is finding its way back to the bed, completely flaccid. The orgasm had me blacking out.

  “Welcome back,” Alex smiles above me.

  Gasping for air, I shudder out, “F… fucking hell. Amazing”

  “We’re not done yet,” Alex reminds me, lowering his body down mine until his face is lined up with my pussy.

  He runs his tongue through my release and moans his approval. “Delicious,” he informs me, before returning his tongue to my clit, circling it slowly.

  His hand searches the bed for the bottle of lube and then I hear the click of its top. He lubes up his cock while creating a new wave of sensations inside me with his tongue. But all I can seem to think about is the way he’s about to take this to a new level.

  Sitting back on his haunches, he pulls me down to him and starts to massage my clit with his thumb again. He stares down at his cock while I stare at his face. I want to watch the way his face expresses his emotion as we do something together neither of us has done before.

  The plug slips out fairly easily then I feel the initial prod of his head as it seeks acceptance into my tight hole. I relax my muscles, and start feeling a deep burning, but it’s not enough to make me want to stop. Alex pulls back a bit before he pushes back in, but a little farther now and it feels like my ass is about to rip in half. But as quickly as the extreme pain came, it’s gone. It was over in an instant. Now I just feel delightfully full.

  The look on Alex’s face makes it seem like he’s in pain. His teeth are gritted, and his face is red. “You okay, angel? I need to move. I knew your ass would be tight, but I never thought it would be like this.”

  “I’m good,” I exhale, terrified and exhilarated by what’s to come because I know this is going to be one hell of a ride.

  I thought the first two orgasms he gave me already tonight were incredible, but they were nothing compared to what I’m feeling now. The excitement that comes from the forbidden aspect makes you feel wild and free. It makes your body feel open, and the pleasure you get from it is indescribable.

  “Holy shit, angel,” Alex grunts in ecstasy as he slowly thrusts inside of me. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

  I feel the tingling start building in my body again. Everything in the room fades–the sounds, the light all gone. All I can do is feel. Feel the release building up and up until my whole body is shaking and I’m screaming words that don’t make any sense.

  I hear Alex mutter a “fuck” before his body freezes above me as his cock pulses his release in my ass. Alex pulls out, lowers his body down on mine, and rolls us until I’m lying on top of him.

  “That was fucking incredible,” he sighs into my ear as he wraps his arms around me.

  “It was unbelievable,” I agree.

  Giving me a squeeze, he whispers, “Are you okay?”

  “Perfect,” I smile into his chest.

  I feel an extreme emotional connection to Alex at this moment. I’ve never felt so close to someone before. I’ve never been this intimate with anyone before. Well, maybe my high school boyfriend when he took my virginity. But it’s not the same. I find myself liking the way it feels as he crumbles through my walls.


  “MR. TAYLOR ASKED me to have you report to his office when you returned from lunch,” my father’s assistant tells me as I make my way to my desk. She’s sitting on the sofa in the corner of my office, papers scattered on the coffee table. I don’t even have to ask her if he made her sit in here until I returned. I already know he did.

  “Okay,” I nod at her. “I’ll head over in just a minute.”

  I feel sorry for the woman. I have no idea how she deals with him.

  Dropping my bag into the drawer of my desk, I head out toward the elevator.

  It’s a beautiful late spring day, and I just had an enjoyable lunch with Alex at the sushi place down the street from the office. Alex walked me back to the office, my hand in his. A smile on my face the entire time. Now my father is going to ruin it. I have no idea what he has up his ass now.

  As soon as I step off the elevator, Margo, his newest secretary, waves me in without a word. It’s as though she knows I’m walking into the lion’s den.

  “Did you have a good lunch?” my father asks before I’ve fully entered his office.

  “It was lunch,” I respond, thrown a little by his question. I know he doesn’t give a shit about my lunch, and the question was only the beginning of something larger.

  Looking up from his computer to me, a calculating look shines in his eyes. “You mean you didn’t just have lunch with your boyfriend and come back to the office smiling and holding hands?”

  “Why does it matter what I did for lunch?” I ask, collecting my thoughts. How the hell does he know what I did on my lunch hour? Did he post another one of his minions in the fucking lobby?

  “I called your desk, and there was no answer. I walked down, only you weren’t there,” he huffs. “I had a question regarding a file, and you weren’t there to answer.”

  He’s getting out of control now. “I’m entitled to eat a meal.”

  “You are,” he nods. “But you aren’t entitled to a VP spot. I’m rescinding my offer for the promotion. You clearly aren’t up to the task.”

  Un-fucking-believable. “I’m not up to the task because I ate fucking lunch? Are you kidding me? Do you even hear yourself?”

  “Your foul language further proves my point,” he prattles on. “You left for lunch. You’ve been leaving the office earlier and coming in later. And you clearly don’t have the proper decorum in the office to hold such a

  “Leaving the office early? Since when is seven o’clock early?” He’s reaching for anything he possibly can to take this away from me.

  “This job needs to be your number one priority. It used to be, but not anymore. I cannot give you a promotion of this magnitude when your priorities aren’t in order,” he says before returning to his computer dismissing me.

  I want to say more but Alex’s words ring in my ear. He’s waiting for me to do something stupid. He’s looking for a reason to punish me further. Well, I’m not going to give him one.

  I turn and leave his office without uttering another word.

  Even though I can’t believe he just did that, I’m more surprised in myself that I gave him the ammunition to do it. My career has always been the most important thing to me. I’ve worked years to get the respect I receive from everyone but my father. I’ve earned it.

  I haven’t been giving work all my focus. I let my personal life come before my job. It’s the one thing I always promised myself I’d never let happen. I need to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

  He’s not wrong about me leaving earlier than usual. I used to be the first one here and the last one to leave. I’ve let having Alex around more due to the offseason cloud my vision. I need to redirect myself.

  No more dinner dates. No more early morning fuck fests. No more lunches. I’ll be the first person here in the morning and the last person to leave. I can’t let my relationship compromise my career.

  I haven’t put up with all this shit for nothing. My father has made my life hell for the last thirteen years. I don’t put up with it for him; I do it for me. To prove to myself that I’m better than him. A better person. Better at this job. He taught me most of what he knows when it comes to this business. Most of it was through condescension and yelling. I’ve taken all the things he’s spewed at me and cultivated and developed them into my craft. The only thing he does better than me is keeping focus. Not anymore.


  TWO OF MY best friends are getting married tomorrow. It’s unbelievable. With everything they’ve been through over the last two years, I wasn’t so sure they’d ever make it. But I always had hope for them. They have a love most people will never experience. I’ve never seen two people struggle more and make it out on top.

  The rehearsal and dinner were both beautiful. Watching the wedding, even in mock form, was touching. Except the end. Walking back down the aisle with my arm linked through Alex’s was a little much for me. I felt like I was suffocating. I feel like everyone was staring at me and telling me with their eyes that I was next.

  I’m on the fence about happily-ever-after. I’m starting to think they may exist for certain people but it’s not a guarantee. More often than not, it isn’t. Ashley and Tanner’s love is rare. I’ve never seen two people more in love. But it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about the average relationship. Not everyone will get what my friends have, and I have no desire to take that chance.

  I feel like with all the wedding shit going on, everyone’s waiting for me to follow in their footsteps. Yes, Alex and I may be very close to the newlyweds, but our lives don’t revolve around each other. Just because they’re getting married doesn’t mean I have any intentions of jumping on the bandwagon.

  Everyone has left, leaving just Ashley, Tanner, Alex, and myself here at the restaurant. We decided to hang back and have a drink before we all went home to prepare for the big day tomorrow. Ashley, on Tanner’s insistence, hired the best wedding planner in the city, so she has to be the calmest bride ever the day before her marriage. No nerves. No last minute things that need fixing. She’s happy and content. The huge smile on her face as we sit and wait for the bill for the evening is proof all is right in her world.

  “Have you talked to Williams since everything blew up?” Tanner asks Alex while we wait and finish our drinks.

  “I feel so sorry for his wife. How’s she holding up?” Ashley asks, apparently knowing what they’re referring to. I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t know who Williams is or what blew up.

  Nodding his head, Alex says, “Me too, but no, I haven’t spoken to him since it all hit. It’s been a while since we spoke last and I don’t think now is the time to call and say, ‘Hey, how’s it going?’”

  “What are you guys talking about?” I ask, tired of feeling like an eavesdropper.

  “One of our former teammates got himself into a sticky situation over in San Diego. He was caught leaving a hotel room with a few girls and someone snapped pictures of it. The pictures didn’t exactly paint him in the best light,” Tanner explains, shaking his head in what seems like disgust.

  “There’s no way to paint that in a good light, Tanner,” Ashley snaps at him.

  “I wasn’t implying there was. But the photos show him with his hand up the one chick’s dress while kissing the other one. He totally got caught red-handed. He’s dumb for thinking people wouldn’t be hanging around the team’s hotel waiting to catch someone doing something,” he says as he pulls her into him and kisses the top of her head.

  “There’s never a reason to cheat,” Ashley says. She’s pretty naïve for a woman who has been cheated on. It’s probably one of the most common things in my world. I see guys from the office shuffling their little tramps in for some “lunch” all the time. I think I can count on one hand the amount of faithful people I know. Today infidelity is as popular as One Direction.

  “You see it happen all the time. Married players are going off on road trips thinking they’re smarter than the last guy who got caught. Thinking they’ll be the ones who finally pull it off and get away scot-free. It’s like it’s a game to them or something. You have some who don’t care about the repercussions and some who try to do the right thing. It’s a bunch of egos and easy pussy so I can see why they give in so easily. Half naked chicks throwing themselves at players. I’ve seen it happen countless times. Hell, I’ve even seen some of the most happily married guys, guys I never thought would be taken down by the sluts, fall under their spells after a few drinks,” Alex says as he sips the last of his drink.

  “I swear to God, Tanner, I’ll cut off your balls and put them on a shelf if you even think about it,” Ashley bellows at him.

  Laughing, Tanner shakes his head, “Baby, I didn’t even sleep with groupies when I was single, why on Earth would I think about it while married? And married to your hot ass? I don’t even hit the bars at the hotels. Never been my scene, ever. My balls can stay safely attached to my body.”

  She leans up and kisses him while wearing an enormous smile before she lays into Alex. “And they shouldn’t have had to try to do the right thing, Alex. If you’re in any committed relationship, you shouldn’t have to try and keep your dick in your pants. It should be a given.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Alex adds, “I think in today’s day and age, if you’re going to date someone famous, in any capacity—sports, actors, models—you need to prepare yourself for the likelihood they’re going to cheat. Our society hasn’t helped squash it. You see these people get caught cheating, and their wives and girlfriends stand by their man. Until someone at some point stands up for themselves, it’s going to keep happening.”

  Is he defending cheating? Is that what I’m hearing? As each word leaves his mouth, my stomach drops further. I can't believe Alex is condoning cheating because the wives and girlfriends stay. It doesn’t make it okay. It doesn’t make it right to completely humiliate someone when you eventually get caught. Everyone gets caught at some point by someone, and the cheated is always the one who looks bad.

  I never got the impression from Alex he was okay with infidelity. He has always seemed to be an honest, decent man. He got pissed at me for not wanting to tell Mitch’s wife.

  I’ve been able to spot the womanizers a mile away for years. Have I just let my guard down so far with him he was able to sneak by? Have I been so blinded by him for the past two years I’ve become my mother and just chose not to
notice the truth when it’s right in front of me? How could I have been so wrong? I’m so pissed at myself.

  I think about the looks I got earlier. People looking at me with soft eyes as Alex and I made our way down the aisle. My chest tightens. He’s everything I have avoided. A sly motherfucker who has everyone fooled into thinking he’s a good guy.

  I don’t add anything to their conversation as Tanner pays the bill. I can’t seem to wrap my head around what Alex just said.

  “You ready to go, angel?” Alex asks as he slings his arm around my waist as I stand from the table.

  “Yeah, but I think I’m just going to catch a cab back to mine tonight. We all have a big day tomorrow.” My mind is buzzing right now, and my anger toward Alex is rising. I need to be alone tonight. I need to get my shit together.

  Alex’s feelings on cheating are not sitting well with me.

  First I lost my promotion because I lost focus. Now I’ve lost the safety of my walls, I’ve let him in, but who is he? I don’t feel as though I know Alex at all. And who am I right now? I’m letting Alex change who I am. I’ve vowed to never let a man affect the real me. I can’t afford to have this floating around in my mind right now. My focus needs to be on work, not on worrying if Alex is out banging someone else every time he leaves the city.

  I can say I tried. I honestly can. I allowed myself to get close to someone. I allowed my walls to come down, and I’ve been disappointed again.

  I will not allow myself to feel any more heartache.


  NOTHING LIKE A wedding to bring out your sentimental side. I can’t say I didn’t feel the moisture in my eyes as I watched my best friend catch the first glimpse of his bride. The way his breath caught. How he didn’t take his eyes off of her as she walked down the aisle. The tears that rolled down his cheeks the closer she got to us, not caring who saw him crying. The love was powerful as they sealed their marriage vows with a kiss.


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