Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) Page 15

by Unknown

  “Oh, this is nice” she said, tasting the sweet cold drink sliding down her throat.

  In the taxi the nerves started to kick in once more as Charlotte felt the drink starting to take effect. Zach looked across at her when they slowed to turn into the driveway. Expensive cars lined the drive as Zach asked the driver to let them out. He took Charlotte's hand for the walk up the path, it shook in his but was it nerves or controlled anger? Other elegantly attired couples in costumes and masks followed them in. Felicity was resplendent in a black PVC jumpsuit, towering heels and a cat mask. Daniel stood next to her in a vibrant purple suit and top hat. They had to be Cat woman and the Joker.

  Daniel recognised Zach and swaggered over to them as Felicity greeted other guests.

  “Zach, glad you came and who's your gorgeous moll?”

  Charlotte tried to control the shake of her hand as Daniel held it to his lips.

  “My doll is Casey, pretty fantastic wouldn't you agree” he squeezed a hand to her waist and she wrapped hers around his.

  “Beautiful” he said, appraising her from top to toe “Are you staying all night”

  “Don't think so but who knows”

  Charlotte noticed a strange look and nod pass between them but before she could say anything Daniel had moved on to the next guests.

  Reaching for two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter they walked further into the house.

  “So when do we sneak off” Charlie whispered.

  “Patience, we need to blend in for a while”

  He found them a comfy sofa and they sat down.

  “So how long have you known Daniel?”

  “Since high school, I offered him the chance to be a partner in the clubs but he had already met Felicity by then”

  “Poor thing, how on earth could you fancy that load of old age plastic” Charlie scoffed.

  “Just keep your voice down if you're going to say stuff like that, she has a way of hearing things”

  With that sentence still hanging they heard Felicity approach and Charlie felt the nerves returning. Zach saw her tense and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

  “Zach it’s so lovely that you came. And who is this beauty?”

  Charlotte watched her perch on the edge of the sofa closest to Zach.

  “This is Casey, Casey this is our host Felicity” Zach extended the introductions as Felicity held out her hand. Trying to stem her nerves Charlotte took the offered hand for a small shake.

  “I hope you're staying to the end of the party as I'd love to get to know your new girl a little better or is her bent the same as yours”

  Charlie sat in confusion, what was Felicity on about? Zach laughed and motioned to Felicity to move in closer so he could whisper in her ear. This prompted a light girl like laugh to escape her lips as her eyes fixed on Charlotte.

  “You dark horse Zachary, this party is shaping up to be the best ever” she murmured. Then standing once more she left them alone.

  “What was that all about? What happens at the end of this party? Zach tell me”

  Zach leant in so no one else would hear.

  “Felicity's chosen guests get the chance to stay on for some more adult entertainment”


  “Exactly, but I don't intend for us to be here”

  Zach saw the shock widen Charlie's eyes as she started to scan the room, take in all the beautiful, wealthy strangers. She had heard about this sort of party but what the fuck was she doing at this one with Zach. How did he know all this? Had he been to one before? His arm around her shoulders moved so that he could pick her trembling hand from her lap and hold it in his.

  “Sorry, I should have told you”

  “Hell yes, but then you kind of had me over a barrel”

  He grinned at her turn of phrase and imagined pushing her over said barrel!

  With empty glasses and the house brimming with elegant party goers they stood up and wandered into the main body of the house. Armed with another two full glasses they edged slowly through and then down a corridor.

  “I guess we need to find a room that might pass as an office or study” Zach said, scanning around before opening the first door. It led into the kitchen so he closed it and moved on. The next was a lounge before they found one which looked like a small library. Ducking inside they paused and Charlotte tried to control her increasing heartbeat.

  “Stay by the door and listen for footsteps” he said. She nodded and watched him head to the desk.

  Zach tried the drawers but found nothing unusual. Was it too risky to try and log onto the computer?

  “Charlie come over here and sit on the desk”


  “I'm going to try and log into the computer so if anyone opens the door we need to distract them so I can shut things down”

  Charlie guessed what he meant, as she sat next to the screen whilst Zach started it up. Surprisingly it was not password protected so he soon found the emails. They heard voices outside and froze, but they passed by and faded.

  “Look at this” he said, as Charlie moved to see the screen.

  She saw the booking confirmation and it was for three seats not two.

  Clicking it open they read the email and noticed the names on the tickets, one for Felicity, one for Daniel and one for someone called Matthew Carmichael-Astaire.

  “Do you know who he is?” Zach asked.

  “No idea”

  Just then they heard the slow turn of the door handle, as Zach pressed the various keys to close the emails and the computer before he pulled Charlie onto his lap. She quickly moved her lips onto his as his hand crept up her thigh and beneath the fringe.

  “Oh Zach, it’s you” Daniel's voice filled the air as he stepped in and Zach looked up, surprise on his face.

  “Don't you knock”

  “Not in my home, I can see why you're in here” he said, closing the gap between them.

  Charlie glanced at the screen but it faded to black as Daniel walked behind the desk.

  “Any chance of a share” Daniel's eyes roamed down to see his friends hand beneath the hem. Without a word he let his fingers trail up Charlie's other leg. She bit her lip, repulsed at his touch and tried to control her instinct to push him away.

  “Come now Daniel, you know the rules” Zach chided, moving his hand to brush Daniel's away.

  “I was just warming Casey up for later”

  “I'd love to help, so young and fresh. Felicity does not need to know” Daniel pleaded, his hand returning to Charlie's thigh once more.

  “We could just take it in turns over the desk. I hope she's a good fuck, everyone else here I've seen or done before” Daniel said, his hand pushing higher, almost touching the lace of her panties.

  “What's all this” Felicity's unmistakable voice filled the room and Daniel freed his hand. Charlie was shaking with fear now, the taste of it sour in her mouth. Clamping her hand across her lips she stumbled off Zach's lap and mumbled

  “I think I'm going to throw up”

  She pushed past Felicity who stood in the doorway and raced down the corridor to where she had seen the signs for the rest rooms. Zach felt relief flood through him, what a girl, what an escape.

  “She was feeling a little faint earlier so we slipped in here for a breather from the crowds. I'd better go and check she's ok” Zach declared, standing up and nodding at Daniel and Felicity. Casually he wandered out of the room and in the direction that Charlotte had fled.

  “Such a beauty, I do hope she's feeling better for later” Daniel said, taking Felicity's arm in his.

  “Yes, I can't wait to unmask her after midnight, although I do hope she's not a virgin....they do tend to scream a little too much for my liking”

  They re-joined the party guests and mingled as Zach waited outside the bathroom door. After a few minutes he tapped the door then tried the handle, it opened and the room was empty. He turned to the nearest guests.

me, have you seen a flapper girl pass you?”

  “Oh yes, she wanted some air so I think she went through the kitchen and back door” the gentleman commented.


  Outside in the cold Charlotte looked at the various outbuildings that surrounded the courtyard. She though she heard music and wandered closer to the large barn doors of the nearest building. A small chink of light was visible as she walked closer. She was angry that Zach had not told her about the type of party it was but would it have made any difference? She had to come but they had discovered nothing, just a name on a plane ticket, and she had endured the feel of Daniel's hand on her skin. She shivered partly from the feel if it and from the cold night air.

  Closing her eyes she leant against the wood and tried to discern the music. It sounding like it was coming from the barn but perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her. Following it round she saw the summer house where she had fled from the last party she had attended. Humming the melody to 'She's like the Wind' she removed her heels and gasped at the cold dew on the grass. She moved gracefully across the lawn, the movement of her body soothing away all the fear.

  Mitchell knew there was a party on in the main house, he had heard all the cars arriving and taxi's leaving up and down the gravel driveway. In just over a week he would be boarding a plane for the United States. He would be asilent prisoner with a new name and identity. He had tried to forget Charlotte but it was no good, her shadow lingered in his every dream. Her scent seemed to evade his nostrils and when he listened or danced to their favourite songs it was almost like he could feel her pressed against him. He was upstairs in the barn, looking out onto the moonlit garden from one of the few windows left for him.

  He saw the summer house just on the edge of the shadows cast by the trees and shrubs beyond. He closed his eyes and recalled his brother's eventful Engagement party. As the haunting melody of She's like the Wind woke his heart up once more he gazed back out onto the garden. There before him danced a girl, the fringe of her dress rising and falling almost in time to the music he was hearing. He looked harder and rubbed his eyes, this stranger looked like Charlotte, danced like she did but he knew she was just a figment of his longing.

  A sharp shard of moonlight seemed to spotlight her as she danced towards the gazebo. Then he saw a young man in a suit following her from a distance, seemingly transfixed by the silent spell she was casting. When she was almost at the summer house he hurried forward and caught her into his embrace. Mitchell turned away as pain wrenched his heart so hard he needed the comfort of his bed. There in the darkness he looked up at the stars scattered in his roof window. Cold tears of ice burned their path down his cheeks as he wished for death as a release from this hell he was trapped inside.

  Chapter 23

  Zach found Charlotte's shoes at the side of the grass and then she was ahead of him. She danced to a silent tune across the lawn and Zach followed. When she slowed he rushed to capture her in his arms and picking her up carried her inside the summer house. There was no need for words between them as he felt her heart hammering for release against his own. They had been lucky to escape Daniel and then Felicity and the adrenaline from that only heightened their senses.

  With care he captured her lips as he held the weight of her on his lap. She responded with passion and ran her hands through his hair, tugging it gently to keep his lips from straying. When they broke for breath Charlotte looked into his eyes, still framed by the mask.

  “So what now”

  “I guess we should at least return to the party, but I'll phone for the taxi to pick us up in an hour. We need to leave before midnight”

  Charlotte giggled.

  “Why do you turn into a pumpkin?”

  “No, but the evil queen might restrain us if we don't” Zach replied, enjoying the play on fairy tales.

  Picking her up he carried her back to the courtyard and her shoes. For a brief second he pinned her back against the solid wooden doors of the barn, his body pressed against her as his lips marked their claim.

  “You'll have to duck back in the bathroom and tidy up” he said, releasing her “Then we'll do a final mingle before the taxi arrives”

  Charlotte nodded as they felt the heat of the house caress their cold skin. Zach wandered off in search of the bar area whilst Charlie fixed her hair and make-up. She was about to exit when she heard Felicity's distinctive voice outside.

  Pressing her ear to the door she listened in, waiting for confirmation that she had moved away and it was safe to exit.

  “So are you excited about the new start in New York”

  “Oh, yes I can’t wait to get there and get into their social scene” Felicity replied “Here, let me show you”

  Charlie guessed a photograph or something was being produced by Felicity.

  “He's so handsome, he will break hearts over there with his English accent”

  “He will, in all the right circles” Felicity declared proudly “but let’s keep this between us” she let her voice drop dramatically. Giggles from her companion before the sound of their heels heralded their departure.

  Was Felicity planning to ditch Daniel over there? Who was Matthew Carmichael-Astaire? Charlotte knew that despite the fact it might get her into trouble she needed to talk to James who would surely know if Felicity's dead husband had a brother or even a son? Stepping out into the corridor she scanned the crowd and located Zach lounging at the temporary bar in the next room. Slipping through the people she reached her hand around his waist.

  “You still look pale” he said, passing her the drink. He noticed the slight shake to her hand.

  “What's up” he asked.

  “I'll tell you when we're far away from here” she whispered.

  They strolled into another large reception room to find a quartet playing classical music.

  “Can we dance, it will calm my nerves” she asked.

  Zach finished his glass of JD and led her to the floor.

  “Hope you're not expecting a waltz”

  “Hold me as you are and then try and follow my lead”

  After the first song Zach picked up the steps and Charlie relinquished her leading role and let Zach do it. She was surprised how comfortable she felt in his arms. When the tempo slowed he moved away from the structured hold as they swayed together. Charlie rested her cheek against his and closed her eyes.

  A buzz from the phone in his pocket startled both of them.

  “Our taxi is here, I suggest we just slip out”

  They almost made it but Daniel was talking to a couple of women near to the door and couldn't help but notice them.

  “Leaving so soon”

  “Yes, Casey here is still not feeling well so we're going to head home” Zach said.

  “Have to say I'm disappointed” Daniel edged closer to Charlotte and placing his hand on her back. Pulling her in for a goodbye kiss his hand wandered to her ass and gave it a rough squeeze.

  “Are you sure I can't make you feel better, honey” he whispered in her ear. Charlotte couldn't speak so she just shook her head and willed Zach to step in.

  “There will be other times” Zach said, slapping his friend on the back. Daniel straightened up and shook the offered hand.

  “Maybe you'll have to come over and visit us in the States, both of you”

  “Maybe” Zach agreed.

  “I'll tell Felicity, unless you're planning to return once you've dropped your date off?”

  “Please and I don't think so. It’s been a long week and I have my next burlesque night to organise. Why don't you come along for a final drink?”

  “Can't promise but if there's naked girls involved then count me in”

  In the backseat of the taxi Charlie let out her breath, hardly aware she had been holding it in for the whole of the Daniel encounter.

  “He's such a creep, he kissed me at Darren's engagement party and I slapped him”

  “I bet that went down well”

  “Yeah, Felicity slapped me in return. But she'll regret it one day when I have the last laugh”

  “But surely your Mum has done that with her wedding to James”

  “I guess, but she deserves to suffer for all the years my Mum spent alone and heartbroken”

  Zach chuckled and pulled her close into his side.

  “You are such a hot tempered, ambitious young girl”

  “Yeah and you love it” Charlotte laughed but Zach went quiet.

  The rest of the journey to Zach's flat passed without a word. Charlie realised she had touched a nerve with her comment. Standing awkwardly in the driveway Charlotte spoke.

  “I can always walk home”

  “Won't that ruin your alibi”

  “Yes, but after what I overheard at the party I think I might need to speak to James anyway”

  “Come in for a drink before you decide if you're staying or leaving?”

  Zach opened the door and ushered Charlotte inside. This was much more a reflection of his personality than the London pad. It was modern and sparsely decorated but everything looked expensive. A large comfy sofa took up the length of one wall in the large open plan kitchen and living room. She kicked off her shoes and stretched out on the cushions, suddenly tired by all the questions in her mind.

  “What would you like to drink?” Zach asked.

  “Don't suppose you can do me a cup of tea”

  He switched the kettle and paused, he wanted a JD but perhaps a cuppa would clear his head.

  Placing the steaming cups on the coffee table he sat down on the other end of the sofa. He smiled and plucked a small blade of grass from between her toes. Charlotte giggled and tried to pull her feet back but Zach was too quick and ran a finger up her instep. She shivered at his touch and tried to pull away but he held her ankle firm. Zach watched her squirm as he did it again and then released the one foot to capture the other.


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